A Heart For A Kingdom

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Behold, Ember. A greatly powerful kingdom nestled in Medieval Spain.


It is notorious for being the home of four princesses, all currently grieving the loss of their parents who disappeared on a ship in a storm. Immediately after their tragic disappearance and assumed death, the king's advisor sent for wealthy suitors to stay at the kingdom from foreign lands, in hopes one of them would win the heart of a princess and ask her to marry him before the kingdom would go into poverty.

  1. I have selected 17+ for this particular roleplay because I believe it might become rather explicit and violent.
  2. Please try to write paragraphs. This is the most important rule of all. Three lines are the minimum, but usually I will want only 4+ lines.
  3. You absolutely must respect royalty unless you are either a fool or invading the castle or something like that.
  4. Characters must have some sort of flaw.
  5. This is very cheesy, but: have fun!
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That sounds lovely. 
Vikings sound epic. Not bad looking either. You know, blue eyes, blonde hair. Haha
SirDerpingtonIV said:
dakup, Legolas is an elf. xD

[QUOTE="Trickster Vixen]
I'm going to read all of the posts and catch up, expect my post soon-ish! :)

Okey doke!
[QUOTE="Trickster Vixen]
Maria hastened her pace as she navigated through the finely cut hedges and flowerbeds of the castle gardens. The air was positively blissful against her skin and she lowered her cowl to indulge herself further. She had considered forgoing the ball all together but knew that it isn't what her father would have wanted. There had been a certain trigger that Maira had begun using ever since the death of her parents; and that was to always approached undesirable tasks with the game face her father always portrayed. It allows Maria to believe that her father was still with her in some way. She hadn't told her sisters of this and she didn't know if she ever would, it was someone sacred to her.
Reaching a small hole on the south wall, Maria pulled her entire cloak off and dropped it onto the grass. It revealed a stunning gown that was tight fitting despite not having the support from a corset. Custom made by a peasant seamstress, Maria absolutely adored the new fashion; though it didn't go down well with her sisters. Maria was naturally thin yet had all of the other assets to fill out this type of cut well.

Maria looked down and was thankful that her short adventure in the woods had left no evidence on her gown. Despite not wanting to go, Maria knew that tonight she would have to find a suitor; even if that meant conversing with somebody she ultimately despised. All of this was for the kingdom and Maria knew that, and she had promised to try her absolute best; her sisters probably felt the same way, but Maria wholeheartedly believed she could govern the kingdom in a way that would honour their parents.

Hurrying through the secret tunnels beneath the castle, Maria eventually reached the opening that led to the corridor opposite the ballroom. She crept out behind a suit of armour and once she'd seen that she was alone, she cleared her throat. Running her slender palms down the front of her gown, Maria sighed and walked into the ballroom.

Are you telling me in her "adventure in the woods" she didn't notice the friggin whole big bunch of vikings ready to kill things? xD
I'll change it from south to North then.. Unless you're army has gotten from the shore (unseen) and surrounded the castle. (Also unseen) - are you just in the south?

And, are you planning on storming the castle anytime soon? The majority of the princess' sneak out, and Maria hasn't used her bow since her father died; so I was planning on getting to that at some point - which would obviously have to be done in the woods. So, let me know? If so, I'll want to change my character into a seasoned hunter; unless we're all relying on the suitors the save us.
Hey guys I hate saying this but I have to work at 7:30 and it's close to midnight. And with what I do, you want to have some energy. I will be on tomorrow Maybe early, maybe around 4:30 PM Est. Sorry, I really need some sleep. Tag me if it's improtant, and Sir dirp. I don't care, it was the first image that came to mind when I was writing that app. NOw good night sir,
Well, since Thronvir's homeland is to the north of Ember, he arrived on Ember's northern shores. His forces were unseen throughout the journey, and whoever saw them was killed, and hidden somewhere. The castle is't surrounded, as Thronvir's whole force is on one side. Thronvir is going to storm the castle right now xD You can do whatever you wish with your character, but since the extent of your sister's skills include taking walks and dancing, the suitors will probably be your only protection. 
And it is understandable dakup, we all have lives outside RPnation.
Oh whoops. Seems I'm a bit late, hehe... Sorry about that! D: Wait, did I post at a bad time? If anything doesn't make sense, lemme know!
Alright, well I edited my post so that it made a bit more sense in the context. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out, lol.
I'm sorry, but from noon today, to either monday or sunday night, I shall be gone, camping, with no interwebz. D: I apologize for my absence.

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