A group of people who might wanna start a regular chat group


Howling Wolf
Hi everyone,

I was thinking of maybe starting a chat round with 4-5 people of different nationalities, believes and genders. The idea would be to meet whenever and chat about life and whatever. I often get bored and would like to have some people to share daily nuisances and funny stories.
Well, this sound interesting, though i don't have many beliefs, i may be able to discuss opinions. I'm also from Denmark if you care about my nationality.
I would be interested. I'm new to this site and don't know much about it it'd be nice if you'd help me find my way around the site. (^.^)
I'm new to and don't know if I am the right person, but if you like to chat and argue over interesting subjects. You're welcome to join.
I am very not new, but this sounds like a pretty sweet idea. I ain't sure if there's 4-5 different genders though :P

Either way, if you decide to make a chat thing, go ahead and message me. I like hanging out.
Prizzy Kriyze] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10253-sora-san/ said:
@Sora San[/URL] Dude, just saw your face. You're adorable, holy shit. xD
xD thanks I guess
This sounds pretty good. I've never done anything like it before but it sounds interesting so if you do set up a group I would love to join :) I'm from the UK btw
Good, I'm very glad for all the people who are interested!

The question is now, what chat vessel are we gonna use?

Facebook messenger, Whatsapp(only two chat apps I own), or whatever chat you might recommend!
VoidManifesto said:
Good, I'm very glad for all the people who are interested!
The question is now, what chat vessel are we gonna use?

Facebook messenger, Whatsapp(only two chat apps I own), or whatever chat you might recommend!
im thinking skype, since its free and available for mobile devices.
Hi! I'm from down south in Texas, and openly gay, for that matter. I was wondering if there would be a spot open for me? :D
Gotta say, I love this group we're gathering. Alright, so to speed things up a lil', I'm just gonna do this: My skype name is "Prizzy Kriyze" or "White_Helix". Should you find other accounts, then the one with profile picture matching the one I have on RPN is the right one. If you add me and tell me your from this group, I'll start adding people to a conversation ^^
Ok, pm me your skype names and I'll begin inviting you to a chat group.

lgbt from texas? Man, I was born in latin America and I think that's brave.

Just so everyone knows, everyone who sends me a pm with their skype names are in. Don't really care much about numbers as long as we don't reach 10.

Lovely idea here, like, super awsm....

I might steal this idea for people who prefer to use TS3 to Skype. (<3.<3)(<3.<3)

I mean I don't wanna hijack your thread but if there are more people who would like to do this but over TS3 instead I'm totally game...(*U*)
I don't mind using ts3 at all, but the idea was to be able to chat with each other any time anywhere. So if you wanna join us in Skype and organize teamspeak when we feel like it, you're welcome to join. If you really can't imagine joining us for some Skype conversations, I won't tell you what to do but I'm afraid you won't fit so well with us.

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