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A Game of Thrones: The First Men [Closed]



Talia Bolton


Talia sat proudly atop her stead as she looked straight ahead. She could see the modest Castle Cerwyn in the distance and the entire Stark army that had assembled beneath it, a huge exspanse of men and cavalry. As she trotted along side her father and brothers she glanced behind her uncomfortably, looking at her own family's army that had assembled behind them. It was slightly smaller than the Stark army but still a formiddable force. Talia looked back at the distant party that approached them, she couldnt make out anyone in particular but knew it was atleast the Stark King and his sons, with atleast a dozen men at arms surrounding them, like her own family.

"We should just battle them right here on the spot" Talia heard her elder brother Royce speak. She glanced at her father's face which was as cold and stoney as ever. He then spoke with an equally cold voice back to his son "Dont be stupid!" He hissed "The Andal's are behind us and a Stark army in front" Her father took a long pause before speaking words she knew he didnt want to speak "We need them".


As the two opposing family parties moved within a few dozen feet of eachother Talia could make out the old Stark King atop his war stead. He was called 'The Hungry Wolf' due to the constant state of conquest that he was in. Under Theon's rule he had almost doubled the size of the Stark kingdom, most recently conquering the Marsh King. Talia's eyes then fell on her groom to be, Devron Stark, she knew very little about him only that he was said to be a great warrior like his father. She then glanced briefly at the King's second son, who she didnt even know the name of.


The two parties stopped a dozen feet away from eachother. The clatter of bronze could be heard as the parties horses came to a stop, everyone in both parties had a sword except for herself, as she was the only lady present and it would be improper for her to bare arms yet she still had her secret dagger concealed under her dress. Talia looked uneasily at her twelve guards, knowing that they would do their best to protect her family if the two parties came to bloodshed. She then glanced at her two brothers who looked frightened out of their minds at the agrred upon terms, the three of them would be staying at Winterfell for the duration of the war and in Talia's case, for the rest of her life after she married Prince Devron Stark.


Rogar Bolton did not speak as the party stopped but just stared coldly at the Stark King. Talia could see that her father's stare had made some of the Stark guards uneasy as they brushed their hands over their swords only to be mimicked by the Boton guards. Talia just looked straight ahead,

"Theon Stark" Rogar finally spoke coldly, not adressing him as a king.


Harrion Stark


"This is foolish, you would have me marry our enemy?! They are not to be trusted, we should paint the ground red with Bolton blood!" Devron's booming voice declared over the stampeding sound of galloping hooves. All his speech warranted however, was an icy cold stare from his father and Liege. "You are a fool, boy! I raised you better, a foreign army of Andals seek to conquer the North, heed my words: they will do just that if we expend our forces against the Boltons." If Devron's voice was booming before, it paled in comparison to the Wolf-like savagery his father oozed. Devron was little more than a cub, a thought that made Harrion smirk deviously. There was always some small joy found in his brother getting belittled. However Harrion's smug smile soon faded, the group neared ever-closer to the sight of parlay and from here the view of the Bolton force was far more daunting than before. Everyone present knew that Theon's army had the advantage, but there was no possibility of a clean conquest, not today. If the two armies met on the field of battle the entire North would bleed, they needed to work together - everything was at stake - luckily, Theon knew this.


The horses rode to a gentle pace, ahead lay the Bolton Party, surrounded by Men-at-Arms like a delicate mirage of Theon's own small force. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut through it with a sword, Harrion hoped it didn't come to that. With a keen eye he looked over Roger's party, already running simulation after simulation of what could go wrong and what he would do if it did, yet he was briefly distracted at the sight of Roger's little Princess, dearly beloved of the valiant Devron Stark. He pitied The Red Princess far more than he did himself; whilst he lived happily in some faraway castle as a Lord she'd be subject to the boisterous, drunken boasts of an ego-inflated man with less smarts than he thought.


Soon enough the air grew eerily silent, nobody dared mover an inch for fear of launching the recovering blood-feud into a violent frenzy, Harrion's eyes landed on Devron who looked hungry for war, his knucled whitened over how hard he gripped his sword. Under other circumstances, Harrion would have placed a jest, yet now, he dare not. The Huntsman's glare however, did little to ease the apprehension between the groups. Every man with a sword to bear nearly instantly took up basic positioning, ready to fight in a moments notice, their hands hovering threateningly over their blades.


King Theon Stark, was not so easily scared.  With a light tap he sent his horse forward several feet, his powerful eyes didn't even meet the Bolton King's icy gaze. Instead the Hungry Wolf stared right through him. "That would be King Theon Stark," The Monarch answered commandingly, "And you would be King Roger Bolton," He finished loudly, in both a display of power and diplomacy. Reinforcing his title with force, but recognizing the Bolton King's own crown. If they were too succeed against the Andals, trivialities such as titles didn't matter.


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Talia Bolton


Rogar earged his stead a few feet forward so the two kings were closer to each other. His cold glare did not change "Let us not waste time on fromalities and state the terms of our agreement" He started, his voice deep, hoarse and cold "I will place my sons, Dylon and Rickard into your care at Winterfell, along with my eldest daughter Talia" The Red King gestured towards Talia with his hand as he spoke "-To await her marriage to your heir Devron, meanwhile we will take our two armies south from here to vanquish the Andals, liberate Old Castle and return it to House Locke, once this is done we shall all return to Winterfell to join our houses" Rogar spoke with no emotion but just sheer coldness, afterall, their houses had been at war since the Age of Heroes, things were not going to become less hostile in one day.

"Do we have terms?" The Huntsman finished, swaying slightly on his horse.


Talia looked skeptically at the old Winter King, praying to the Old Gods that he would accept the terms. Their houses needed this or the Andals would surely wash over the North like they had the southern Kingdoms and none of them would survive, they could not fight a wara among themselves. Talia looked at her betrothed he had an arrogant air about him that immidaitley put her off, she hoped that he would go south with her father so she wouldnt hae to interact with him until their wedding day. Maybe she should just escape from Winterfell when she could? Ah... but that would surely break the agreement between their houses and possibly cause war, there was no way out for her, she was simply an item to be bought and sold.


Talia's eyes met with the second son of the King for a moment. She kept her face stern and proud as she looked into his eyes, showing no weakness before turning away again.


Harrion Stark


For all the Huntman's fear-inspiring bluntness, the Hungry Wolf's posture never faltered in the slightest. If anything, he continued to stare right through the rival King whilst looking utterly bored in doing so. He remained still as a frozen statue as Roger Bolton hashed out the specificities of their arrangement. The winds grew thick with anticipation, everyone present was seconds away from either their salvation or total destruction. Theon let the silence fester, a subtle testament to his superiority. Before he broke the ice with a loud grunt, "We have terms." The Hungry Wolf's voice was bleakly simple, as if he had done little more than accept salt at dinner. Without so much as another word, he turned his back on the Bolton King and trotted to his party once more. The tension in the air was still thick, but everyone present must have been overflowing with relief, they not only looked calmer, but the previously tensed, battle ready guards now sat relaxingly hunched on their mounts


Harrion was a little more obvious in his relief, he had no intention of hiding it; he eagerly let out a very deep breath, one that he'd held since they arrived here. Perhaps there was yet hope for the North, alone neither Roger nor his father could hope to defeat the massive Andal army that had laid waste to Old Castle but together? Well, it was a start. They had been bitter rivals for as long as anyone could remember, putting that feud behind them in favour of the greater good? It was an act of valiance on both King's part... Oddly enough, the sight of rivals of such magnanimous power coming together against a common cause, it filled Harrion with hope that the North would win this war. Harrion dared to glance at his brother only to find his face contorted with a look of blind disgust. Gods have mercy on the poor Andals who were on the other end of his sword...


Ah, his brother. It made him glance towards Devron's future wife, it was mere curiosity. But the second born was caught briefly off guard when he caught her staring directly at him, her eyes possessing a certain fire within them, she had spirit. Yet her maintaining the stare was nothing short of both invigorating and terrifying; even if Harrion gave nothing away, after all he returned her powerful gaze in kind. Pride and confidence were traits both clearly had, yet this seemed like a subtle challenge, he pursued her eyes with the zealotry of a warrior. The moment was over before it began, but he thought nothing more of it - it was just that, a moment.


Talia Bolton


The Huntsman nodded as Theon accepted the terms. He then turned his horse and trotted back to the head of the party before turning it back around to face the Starks. "Children" He said, glancing at them as he gestured for them to join the Stark Party. Talia took a deep breath, looking at her two younger brothers who were obviously filled with fear at the prospect of staying at Winterfell, they were young. She trotted her horse forward, followed by Dylon and Rickard. The few feet that she moved seemed to take a lifetime but soon she was in the middle of the Stark party. She glanced in the direction of the Dreadfort, chances were, she would never see her home again.


Within a few minutes the two kings and their heirs rejoined their armies and then subsequently combined them, before marching south. Talia and her siblings along with the younger Stark brother, Harrion were left alone with a dozen Stark escorts to ensure they all safely arrived back at Winterfell. Talia looked behind her as the party trotted away, watching the combined Northern army march south but soon they moved over a hill and out of side. She was unsure if she would ever see her Father and brother again, afterall they might be defeated by the Andals.


It only took half a day to ride from Castle Cerwyn to Winterfell. The party trotted over a hill and soon Talia spotted the huge towers of the capital of the Stark kingdom, Winterfell. She gazed out in front her, looking at the famed 'Wintertown' in front of her. Talia then glanced at Harrion, awaiting his action as he was now lord of Winterfell while his father was away. Like they said, there must always be a Stark in Winterfell.


Harrion Stark


Harrion let out a silent sigh as he receive no more than a nod from his departing father. It was more than his brother could muster, who merely offered snarky grin. Whilst a large part of Harrion wanted to fight alongside the other men, he also new his disclusion wasn't a slight - the opposite in-fact - should Theon and Devron fall in battle, the Kingship would fall to Harrion; a matter Theon had discussed with his second-son in detail shortly before this parlay took place. Despite that mild reassurance, his mind was plaqued with the thought of him being nothing more than a glorified baby-sitter. Every able-bodied man was off marching to death and glory in defence of their home; all-the-whilst Harrion was grouped with a woman and two young boys. The only people at Winterfell would be the incapable, elderly, woman and children... Well, the Household Guard, too. Which was filled with a few standard Stark Warriors and an abundancy of old grizzled veterans.


It still did little to ease his mind, that a Prince of Winterfell - well versed in warfare - would be prancing around behind tall walls when the Northern Vanguard was winning glory on the field of battle. As much as Harrion disliked Devron, hate wasn't the right word for it. Truthfully he wanted both to return with their lives, The Gods knew Devron was an arse, but he wasn't evil; death wasn't deserving of him. He supposed his situation was hopeless, there was nothing he could do to change the alignment of fate; so instead he simply accepted his role as Housekeeper.


Thoughts of battle, misery and missed-out-glory didn't last long. When the Kings of the North marched South, the small party of Royalty moved oppositely towards Harrion's home; Winterfell, half a day wasn't a long ride, usually. But it was oddly silent, silence that the brother of the loud Devron Stark was certainly not familiar with, it was almost unsettling. So it was no surprise that his mood perked up a bit at the arrival of the looming Castle, briefly Harrion looked to the guards and caught the eyes of everyone - more specifically Talia - on him. It was an awkwardly long moment before he realized they were waiting for his orders. He was always in the company of his brother, who was always the one barking orders... Harrion lacked the commanding finesse of his brother, let alone his all-powerful father.


"Right... We're here, Melwyn, Damian, when we enter Wintertown you two shall be in-charge of escorting the horses to the stables," He spoke with moderate command, his voice slightly uncertain before turning to the Lady Talia. "Celwas will be your personal Guard, he will ensure no-harm comes to you within Winterfells walls. Jory and Garret will do the same for your brothers..." Harrion paused for a moment, with a look of concern blanketing his face. "You understand the necessity, I hope? Our families have not been on... good terms in the past, the people here may not look kindly on you." Before he finished the sentence however, he thought some reassurance was in order. "Yet you have no reason to be concerned, the Household Guard will see to your safety, as will the professional skill of these men I have appointed to you. They are amongst the best in Winterfell."


The guards, who initially seemed disappointed to be assigned guard duty, soon perked up at the Prince's honest compliment. It was hardly a lie, the Household Guard were amongst the best. Their purpose was not war, but the protection of the Stark Family - even from their own people - since as of now, the Bolton Family and Stark Family were unofficially one.


Talia Bolton


Talia flashed Harrion a small and very brief smile as she turned away from him to look out at Wintertown. The twon was bustling with hundreds of people who no doubt hated her family. Many had lost brothers and fathers because of Rogar and his ancestors. She took a deep breath before the party once again lurched forward, moving down the hill and onto the flat plain that was laid out before Winterfell. All they had to do was get through Wintertown and into the safety of the Castle walls.


By this time the party was right in the middle of Wintertown, about halfway to the castle. Hundreds of peasants had started to form on each side of the party. Talia glanced at them proudly which only seemed to infuriate the forming 'mob' more. She noticed the look of utter hatred on their faces, they absolutely despised her and her brothers. "Bolton scum!" She heard what sounded like an elderly man yell. "Send them back to where they came from!" This time a woman yelled. Talia looked cautiously ahead as she sticked close to her personal guard, Celwas. But would her really give his life to protect a Bolton?


Suddenly something flew past Talia's head, inches from her face. She wasnt sure what it was but it had looked like a rock. Suddenly another one hit her horse. It was definately a rock. The mob started to raise their voices and soon they were screaming insults at her and her brothers and moving ever so closer to the party. Some were carrying sharpened sticks while others just had their bare hands. Talia shot her head towards Harrion, keeping her face void of any fear, she then turned to her brothers and noticed the look of sheer terror on their faces as they tried to keep their horses steady. She half hoped that the Stark guards would unsheath their swords as a warning to the mob, the Boltons even though they were hated, were of noble blood and much more important to the Starks than a few smallfolk.

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Harrion Stark


Harrion was grateful for even the briefest show of cooperation from Talia, it hadn't crossed his mind just how severe the backlash behind Winterfell's walls could be so severe. The group steadily continued on to the Stark Capital, where upon entering the looming gates a contingency of Winterfell's Guardsmen gathered around the group. It was a simple escort to the Keep, the residents of Winterfell wouldn't be so pleased to be harbouring Bolton Royalty.

"Good day Mi'Lords, Mi'Lady, we'll escort you to the Keep where you'll be safe." A man known to Harrion as Gilbert spoke, he was the Captain of the Guard at Winterfell. In charge of the internal safety of Wintertown; a grizzled veteran of many battles, scoring a missing eye and toothy smile.


Harrion merely nodded in response, at which point the City Guardsmen took a diamond-shaped formation around the group. The Household Guard remained at the sides of Talia and her brothers, to act as their personal shields should a mob break through the standard Guard. It soon became evident Harrion had vastly underestimated how much bitter hate Winterfell had for their new guests. It seemed surreal, that as of now a Bolton and Stark army marched together as allies against the invading Andals', whilst Harrion would be guarding the Huntsman's daughter from his own people. It made the second born realize just how lucky he and the Boltons were to have disciplined Guards to watch over them; the man didn't doubt for a second that these hate-filled people would gladly trample Harrion in a quest for vengeance, he was unknown even to his own.


Things soon begin to escalate terribly, shouts and jeers roared over the growing crowd. The Guardsmen were tense and vigilant, Gilbert himself looked absolutely resolute in his duty - a man who lost his eye to a the Boltons, and two sons - yet perhaps the most humble man in the entirety of Westeros, he had the foresight to understand what was at stake; and the sense to realize a Bolton Princess and her brothers had done him no harm.

"Bolton Scum!

"Send them back to where they came from!"


Harrion tensed up, he  dismounted his horse and readied himself for the worst. His hand wrapped instinctively around his sword - he edged Talia's brothers towards her on their horses - having the Household Guard and Harrion form their own circle around them. Unfortunately, things seemed to only get worse as security tightened. A large rock whizzed past Talia's head and it was at this point, years of training kicked into Harrion's subconscious mind. "Get them down! Leave the horses!" Harrion barked loudly, reaching up and practically grabbing Talia's arm in an attempt to help her rapidly dismount. Jory and Garrett, respectively both lifted Talia's brothers off their own mounts, the mob had only become more rageful. Sharpened weapons and rocks were now in abundance, Harrion looked to Gilbert pleadingly, who gave a solemn nod. With a draw of his sword, the entire formation readied for battle. "Get back!" The Captain growled at the mob, many guards looked fearful and uncertain. They were on the eve of spilling the blood of their friends, people they'd known for years.


Talia Bolton


Talia had just steadied her horse when she felt a hand grab her arm for a moment she jerked awkwardly wondering if the mob had broken through the circle of guards but then she looked at Harrion and once again their eyes met. Her ocean blue eyes lingered on his for a moment as time seemed to slow down. He had the fierce look of a determined warrior. Their eyes lingered for a few seconds before she broke her gaze away. This was the second time the two had; had a strange 'moment' that day. Talia quickly dismounted her horse and nearly clung to Harrion as he unsheathed his sword.. She looked to her brothers who had been pulled off their horses by Stark guards. Looking foward, she noticed more men at arms running out from the castle gates to protect their prince and guests. Soon there was close to fifty Stark guards, probably near the entire garrison of Winterfell, due to the war, protecting them.


Suddenly the anggry mob lurched forward, attacking the guardsmen. They had not listened to the captains warning to stay back. Swords clammered as the guardsmen parried at the oncoming mob and even some who fought back, slashing wildly at the mob. Suddenly Talia was ushered forward and the party started moving at a rapid pace towards Winterfell. Talia stayed under the shields of the guardsmen as the towers of the huge castle started to shadow them.


After what seemed like forever, the party rushed into Winterfell, followed by all the guardsmen. The mob seemed to give chase but came to a halt when the gates were quickly shut behind them. Talia could see some of the guardsmen had scratches on their faces, one even seemed to have blood on his sword. She hoped that no one was killed but that they had only wounded the mob. Talia looked around rapidly for her brothers. Soon spotting Dylon and Rickard, both held tightly by their personal guards. They were finally safe behind the castle walls. Talia took a deep breath before smirking to herself "Well, that was a warm welcome" She announced, turning to Harrion as she brushed her dress down.

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Harrion Stark


Despite the chaos in the imminent area, Harrion once more found himself locking eyes with Talia, time seemed slower, he felt something unique; but implacable. Even with a city of people dedicated to taking her life, she looked calm, brave, confident. It was admirable at the least, though when in a Life-or-Death situation moments such as this do happen - potentially frequently. However the world resumed to brutality once more, whatever had happened was now fleeting, Harrion wasn't the tallest or most intimidating man around, but he was damn well capable of getting them all through this alive. The sword in his hand was both light and heavy, Celwyn, Garrett and Jory guarded their charges from projectiles with their shields. Even if it left them open for injury, the deafening roars of desperation filled the air as the mob launched itself at the guards like a tidal wave of raw emotion. It was a last ditch effort to claim their petty vengeance, before the Keep Garrison flooded the scene.


Gilbert was a man of principle, he knew the lines of leniency and a strong-hand. His men were panicked, some parried weakly whilst others lashed out without form. This wasn't working. "Enclose the Prince," The Captain boomed as the unsteady guards came to their disciplined senses. Each man stepping back several feet forming a much tighter wall of warriors. "Shieldwall, out!" Once more the guardsmen obeyed, a large blanket of shields now intricately connected with each other like an oaken link. Almost instantly the men pushed their means of defence out in a vicious shield-bash, pushing many of the initial mob away and scaring a few off. Gilbert had not only perhaps saved the lives of everyone present, but he'd also held off the mob without a bloodbath.


Before the crowd could spring into action with a second-winded fury, the entirety of the Winterfell Garrison - no matter how small - arrived at the scene and formed themselves into additional walls of wood and leather. the mob, even against hopeless odds now the Garrison was here, still pursued violently - yet the guards merely retreated step by step until they lay behind the gates of Winterfell - no man dared follow into the fortress, their bloodlust ended in failure. Harrion, now feeling the adrenaline seep away, let out a deep sight at the events that just transpired. He made a note to give Gilbert a well deserved reward.


Harrion found himself forcing a smile, "Wasn't it just? I didn't think the people hated their Prince so much." He jested lightly, though there was no humour in his voice. It was all he could say, aside from 'everyone here hates you'. Which he certainly would not say. More than anything, he felt sorry for her two brothers. They were young and terrified, this most have been an awful experience. "Things will calm down, they'll accept your presence here... In-time, just... for now, it's best you stay within the Keep." Realizing that he was essentially putting them under house arrest, Harrion opted for some bland promises. He doubted they'd want to leave after that. "If you or your brothers absolutely must travel to Wintertown, I think a regiment of guards would be in-order..." Harrion, whilst stern, found himself speaking to Talia less as a Lord of Winterfell and more of an equal, he lacked the same commanding bravado of his brother and father before him.


In an attempt to put the riot behind them, Harrion stood up and enthusiastically clasped his hands together. "Ah, but I forgot. I'm sure you'll be wanting to see your rooms. They're some of the grandest that our home has to offer, you'll have your own appointed staff of course, and a tour of the grounds can be arranged too, if you so wish it."


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Talia Bolton


Talia nodded and smiled at Harrion's joke before straightening herself up and clasping her hands in front her. She then walked over to her brothers, Dylon who was only twelve years old and Rickard who was eight. They both still looked frightened from the riot and Talia could still hear the angry yells of the smallfolk from outside the wall. "Thank you, Lord Stark" She said gracefully to him, acknowleding his temporary title as lord of Winterfell. When he mentioned the rooms she turned to her brothers with a big smile, to hopefully calm them down and focus their mind on something else "How about we go see your rooms? Or perhaps we can tour the castle first?" She said enthusiastically to her brothers. The younger brother Rickard suddenly held his head up "I want to see the Godswood!" He said cheerfully. "I dont want to see stupid Stark tree's" Dylon, the other brother, chipped in, Dylon was nearly a mirror image of his elder brother Royce, in looks and in behaviour. "Dont be so rude Dylon" Talia hushed back to her younger brother, slapping him on the arm. Dylon opened his mouth to protest but Talia shot him a sharp look that instantly silenced him, she wasnt called the Red Princess for nothing.


Talia turned to face Harrion "May we see the Godswood first?" She said with grace and in a very lady like tone. Winterfell was truly unique that their was a forest inside the castle walls, Talia had even heard it had a weirwood tree in it, something that was becoming rarer these days, ever since the children of the Forest dissapeared. Talia was also interested in seeing the Crypt of Winterfell, where Brandon the Builder was buried, he had been the one who had built the great Wall where the Nights watch took guard.


Harrion Stark


Harrion's courteous smile grew honest and true at her addressal of him, something about her calmness soothed the area, it eased the tension. It was hard to believe the Lady before him was the daughter of the mighty Bolton Huntsman. The Stark had expected nothing but animosity between them, but her overwhelming attempts to be beyond civil were nothing short of exemplary. At the suggestion to visit the Godswood, Harrion afforded the three a warm nod, even if Dylon Bolton wasn't quite as civilized as his siblings. Not that the Stark paid it any mind however, he was only a child. "These aren't just Stark trees, lad. These are Northern trees, they are as much ours as they are yours," He educated matter-of-factly, wanting to earn the trust of the young Bolton.  With a subtle glance back to the gate, Harrion made note of the gathering Garrison. Gilbert was preparing to disperse the crowd of course, it would be better to get the guests' away from the horrors of the earlier encounter.


Mirroring Talia's stance, Harrion bowed his head formally, "Of course, the Godswood is quite a beautiful place." His reply was gentle, his tone more attuned for her brothers than the Red Princess herself. "I hope that one day, after all this. I might visit the Dreadfort, I hear it's - "as marvellous as you, My Lady. No, what was he thinking? Firstly it was a Fortress named the Dreadfort, there was nothing beautiful about it, secondly, flirting with the enemy who happened to be your brother's betrothed was a fine way to find one's head on a pike. - "A rather powerful Fortress, a great symbol of your family's influence." The small talk was enough to lead them to the opening of the Godswood, where a beautifully-engraved path lay to the Weirwood. "Right ahead is the Weirwood Tree, a place to pay homage to the Old Gods." Harrion spoke softly, almost as if afraid he would wake the Gods themselves should he speak to loudly.

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Talia Bolton


Talia nodded at the princes words and how he complemented the Dreadfort. The Dreadfort was not beautiful like Winterfell it was a dark and grim place but it commanded fear and power and was a formiddable fortress. "I-" Talia paused for a moment "-We would very much like that" She replied glancing at her brothers in response to Harrion's wish to visit the Dreadfort. She doubted that he actually wanted to but just assumed that he was being kind by acknowledging their home as a power fortress, which was true. Talia noticed the almost disgusted look on Dylon's face as a Stark referred to the trees being shared with the Bolton's but she chose to ignore it, hopefully Harrion would ignore it too.


Talia followed Harrion down the beautifully engraved path that lead straight to a weirwood tree. She held Rickard's hand as she walked, he almost clung to her as his older sibling. Ever since their mother Melissa Locke had died giving birth to Rickard, Talia had become a mother figure to her two younger siblings. Soon the four of them came to a small lake and above it sprawled a beautiful and very old Weirwood tree. stumps of other trees sat around the Weirwood, probably cut down so they would not infringe on the ancient tree. Talia walked over to one of the stumps and sat down, sharing it with Rickard as Dylon stood standing with his arms cross, trying his best not to show any form of weakness in front of the older Stark Prince. Every now and then a redish pink leaf would float down from the tree, landing neatly in the dark blue lake below. Talia closed her eyes for a few moments, praying to the Old Gods for protecting her family during the riot and granting her family so much power, afterall they did rule near half of the North. What was she doing? The gods didnt protect her but men did. This was no time to be thinking about religion. She opened her eyes once again and turned to Harrion.


"So, you want to visit the Dreadfort... arent you afraid of the stories my lord?" Talia grinned, referring to the stories that there was a secret room in the Dreadfort that contained the flayed skins of Starks. This wasnt true however, well Talia didnt think so as she had never found it but she gave no hint as to wether it was real or not when talking to Harrion.


Harrion Stark


Harrion paid no mind to the older Bolton brother, as far as he was concerned, he tried to be welcoming. Yet if Dylon chose to ignore such a welcoming, well that was his choice. Instead, the Stark shifted his focus solely on Talia and Rickard; he was a little envious of how close they were, Devron wasn't known for being overly affectionate - much like Theon - and Harrion, to some extent. When the Weirwood revealed itself in magnificent splendour, the Prince had an overwhelming urge to bow his head in the Ancient Tree's direction - not unlike a silent greeting to the Old Gods - one didn't need to pray to pay their respects. As Talia and Rickard decided to take a seat on an oak stump, Harrion followed suite for courtesy's sake; even though he often remained standing when in the presence of the Weirwood Tree.


Before he had an opportunity to give a short prayer to the Great Tree, Talia's voice perked up: leaving Harrion with nothing more than a confident smirk. "I didn't take you for the hunting type, My Lady," He replied with mock-surprise, leaning forward on the stump whilst doing so. "Direwolves are fierce, brave, and they have a very nasty bite." Harrion's tone suggested arrogance, but the truth was he simply didn't believe in the rumors... Though if they were true... Needless to say, it was a thought that made him a shade paler. Nightmares of waking up to Talia's face, only to be subsequently flayed alive were sure to be abound.




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Talia Bolton


"Im sure they do" Talia replied giving Harrion a flirty wink- wait, why was she being flirty with the brother of her betrothed? This was a pepostrous idea one that could land her in serious trouble but she couldnt help it in the moment, she was drawn to Harrion somehow, the moments they had; had earlier that day and now her flirty wink? She shook her head slightly trying to put the thought out of her mind. She was betrothed to the brash Devron not the uknown Harrion Stark. "I do a little hunting" She said smirking at the Prince as she bit her lip and twirled her finger around her hair and then without even noticing, she winked at him again, she only noticed her wink afterwards. Wow, she just couldnt help herself.. She straightened herself up and look away from Harrion, smiling at her brother Rickard, she hoped he hadnt noticed her flirty nature. She was not usually like this with other men but with Harrion it seemed to be different. He probably had noticed it as it was hard to miss but this wasnt the time nor place for a romance. Little did Talia know that the Gods had something different in store for her...


Harrion Stark


Harrion's eyes remained on Talia, his focus was perhaps a little too strong but for a moment - another moment - all he could do was stare at her, as she played coyly with his mind. He hadn't been a man of many romances, but this was different - far beyond the scope of arranged marriage plans - yet was it for better or worse? Any sort of attraction the duo may have had was not only impossible, but surely it coulsn't be real. They'd gone through much in a single day, this was just a way to relieve the stress. Right? Right...


Harrion, confident in his assessment of Talia, sat upright and smiled a little more, a simple friendly gesture -- nothing more -- nothing less; but then she spoke again, with another near-mesmerizing wink. Harrion's composure faltered slightly, and redness seemed to invade his face at the - accidental? - implication. The former spiritual atmosphere of the Weirwood had grown somewhat awkward and choked, a small part of the Prince had a deep desire to return her affection in kind but it wasn't possible, nor was it real. He needed to sleep it off, maybe visit the tavern for a drink. But at the same time it would be rude to leave so abruptly, a dismissal would help... "I hope you like the Godswood, I would linger for a while longer but I should check the situation.. at the gates." Harrion rose steadily and gave a formal bow in Talia's direction, "Gilbert may need assistance with the mob, it needs to be stamped out now. For all our safety." Though Harrion's words were a brief farewell, he remained stationary for an awfully presumptuous "moment." It was almost as if he was offering them - or rather Talia - a chance to follow. But why? He wanted to escape the group and the awkwardness that had transpired, what was he waiting for?


Talia Bolton


Talia noticed Harrion's cheeks grow red at her wink, had she overstepped her bounds? Or maybe he was just as inexperienced as her with romance, was this what it was? The beginnings of a forbidden romance. Talia played with her hair some more as she thought but quickly put it of her mind. Relief swept over her as Harrion stood up and said something about checking on the situation, maybe some distance is what she needed, surely her strange feelings would change after some sleep? Today had been a tough day and emotions were running high. Talia blushed slightly at his bow and then spoke "We shall stay here a little while longer if you dont mind, but we will join you for dinner though" Talia said to the Prince. She thought it best if they were apart. She had to do her duty to her family and focus on marrying Devron not Harrion. She could not let these feelings- which probably werent even real, get the better of her.


Talia and her brothers spent a long time in the Godswood and night had just started to fall when a servant found them, probably sent by Harrion and insisted on escorting them to their rooms. Once in her room, Talia noticed that the it was much nicer than her dreary room in the Dreadfort but was bright and filled with Stark insignia which unnerved her slightly. She spent the rest of the day reading alone in her room, mostly poems and stories of forbidden love which gave her a strange feeling, unlike any she had felt before. She occasionally checked on her brothers who were playing in Dylon's room, Talia had told Dylon off a few times for being rude to the Stark servants.


Talia simply awaited dinner as she knew it must be soon and the awkwardness that was sure to come with it, eating with Harrion after their chat in the forest and all the 'moments' they had; had that day.

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Harrion Stark


With a silent breath of relief, Harrion set off walking towards Winterfell's courtyard, having received permission to depart. Though that begged the question, why did he seek permission from a Bolton girl when he was the acting Lord of Winterfell? It was a brief show of weakness, he was the Lord now. It was time he acted as such. Approaching the gate, Harrion looked to one of the Guards, his face a stern mask.

"Any trouble from the locals?"

"None Mi'Lord, the Captain dispersed the rioters and tightened the Watch across Wintertown."

With a curt nod, the Prince made his way into the Keep. The architecture never failed to impress, the walls were majestic and grand; there was a certain magical-life about the place, by the likes of which the imposing Dreadfort couldn't hope to match. Yet for now, Harrion would try his hand at ruling. He needed to discuss matters in great detail with both the Steward and Guard Captain... Something that would take time, he trusted the Head-Cook to boil up something extravegant for dinner, they were unofficially obliged too with guests as prominent as the newly-allied Bolton family.


Hours later, Harrion appeared to possess the most basic understanding of Winterfell and the surrounding area in a logistical manner, Steward Glamry and Captain Gilbert had been most helpful - and patient - since their Prince was nothing short of bewildered; Devron was the one with all the management skill, he would make a far better ruler than Harrion that much was certain.


"Mi'Lord, dinner is served." A servant girl uttered with an informal courtesy, the Stark let out an exhasperated sigh and took to his feet in an almost elderly manner. "Captain, Steward, we shall continue this another time." Almost a little too eagerly, he marched towards the Dining Hall, he'd assumed that servants had been sent to the Bolton household, too. The Winterfell staff were relatively autonomous in their duties, they had to be with the absent of their Royalty so often. Soon enough, the daunting Dining Hall enveloped the Prince, it was far too big a room for four people but it was traditional to eat here, Theon had insisted. Luckily however, the servants had the foresight to brighten the room with cozy candles, and move the much larger tables aside. Harrion took his seat at the head of the table and waited the others, an assortment of food was blanketed along its wooden surface, a meal fit for a King. It was in essence, a miniature-Feast.
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Talia Bolton


Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Talia turned to face it. "Enter" She spoke. The door opened to reveal and elderly woman dressed in what was obviously servant clothing. "Pardon mi'Lady but dinner is ready in the Dining Hall" The woman spoke. "Thank you" Talia responded and soon the woman left the room. As soon as the door shut Talia instictively, nearly ran over to the mirror, fixing up her hair and straitening her dress. Why was she doing this? Was it to impress Harrion? What was she doing? These thoughts ran through her mind but none the less she continued to fix her hair, pulling it behind her ears to show the full beauty of her face.


Talia waited for her brothers who were in rooms across the hall from her own. Soon they joined her and ocne again she took Rickard's hand and escorted her brothers to the Dining Hall. Once they arrived in the large, well lit room Talia noticed that Harrion was already seated at the head of the table, he was afterall, the lord of Winterfell while his father was away. Talia courtseyed as she approached and sat down in the chair farthest from Harrion, it was quite obvious that she was doing her best to avoid him as she walked around the whole table to just to sit at the opposite end to him, but now every time she looked up she was facing him. Rickard and Dylon sat on either side of her. The trio waited for Harrion to make the first move.

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Harrion Stark


As the group entered the Dining Hall, Harrion modestly took to his feet and offered a polite bow in response to Talia's courtesy, truly he had no idea if that was proper etiquette or completely incorrect, was a Lord supposed to bow at dinner? If there was one thing he knew, it was that Theon's social grace lessons were low-priority and low-adequacy. Perhaps if his wife survived, his two sons would be more humble, and elegant in their mannerisms; instead they were glorified warriors. Harrion's mind was soon focused on Talia however, or more importantly, her brazen avoidance of him; she looked stunning, as if dressed for a ball. Although there must have been nearly 12 feet between them on the stretched feasting table, why bother dressing up for dinner? It led to an inner-conflict of how he should best approach this, or her. Was he to play the stern but welcoming Lord of Winterfell, simple and contrise in his actions; or did he continue to be nothing more than Prince Harrion Stark? Prince Harrion Stark wanted nothing more than to compliment her beauty, that was dangerous, and daft.


It would be a blatant lie to say he didn't feel some form of physical attraction towards the Bolton Princess, but in that same sense, who wouldn't? It was the possibility of an emotional connection that was frightening, he felt something of a fire between them, which is why he surmised it was time to stop digging a deeper hole. They'd known each other for little-less than a day, they weren't friends, they shouldn't try to be friends - she was to marry his brother - to unite the entirety of the North. His naive crush was fleeting and foolish, it needed to be buried. With a lack of enthusiasm, or former-charm, Harrion merely glanced at Talia and her brothers. Gesturing to the assortment of food before he spoke. "The cooks put extra-effort into the food you see here, I hope it is satisfactory?" Harrion inquired formerly, already beginning his meal by indulging in the large pork-chop that was just beckoning to be consumed; was he that hungry? Perhaps, or maybe he was comfort eating over the false-act of "Lord" he had assumed.

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Talia Bolton


Talia had worn a beautiful redish pink dress to dinner in honour of her houses colours. She was truly dressed to impress. Talia didnt know why she smirked to herself at the look on Harrion's face. She must of been at her peak in beauty. Why was she playing games with him? It didnt matter anyhow, it was far to late to change so she just had to get through this dinner. Talia was attracted to the younger Stark Prince but that didnt have much to do with how she felt, it was the numerous moments that they had been having, they were so intense and felt right along with their 'emotional connection' if they had one, it was still to early to tell for sure but it seemed like they did, There was 12 feet between the duo but every time  Talia wanted to look straight ahead she would catch the eye of Harrion, it must of been hard not to look at her, dressed how she was. She quite liked the attention actually and smirked to herself once again.


As Harrion spoke the three Bolton siblings started to pick out their food. Talia did her best to be graceful and lady like but her brothers dived right in to the food, they must of been hungry from the riot earlier that day. Dylon and Rickard's mouths were t full to speak but Talia decided to reply after only taking one bite of her sausage "The food is quite good" She said formally. Harrion and Talia werent in a relationship and they werent friends so Talia decided it would be best if she acted formally and with grace but in a professional matter, nothing less as the game they were playing was dangerous and could land them both several feet beneath the ground. Talia did her best not to look up at Harrion but stared down at her plate, so far so good.


Harrion Stark


Harrion shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his mind threatening to split at his internal-struggle to remain so robotic. It wasn't him, playing the stern Lord, that was Theon and Devron, Harrion was the unknown second-born. He was carefree, talktative, he enjoyed knowing people for who they are, rather than what lands they held. Yet the stakes were simply too high in this situation, Talia and Harrion were young, naive, foolish royal children who essentially had the run-of-the castle whilst the parents where away. The unrestraint was wonderful, but the possibilities were terrifying. Redness was already playing a Harrion's cheeks, she looked stunning; yet his overcommitment to avoid even a glance in her direction made it quite clear, he was trying too hard.


The Stark Prince was almost thankful for the ravenous appetite of the woman's brothers, as it offered some measure of distraction in the huge-but-empty hall. It was more ideal to listen to the loud eating than it was to listen to only the awkward silence. Harrion couldn't bring himself to speak, he couldn't even if he wanted - he needed to sever their connection - not strengthen it. He was the Acting Lord of Winterfell, he had a duty to his father, his people and to the North. All that wasn't worth betraying for the charms of a beautiful - but taken - woman. Harrion continued to eat in solemn silence, the time steadily seeping away until everyone present bore now an empty plate. The Stark wanted to sleep, a good nights sleep and a fresh new day would certainly help set his mind straight. "You have my thanks, for joining me for dinner." Harrion said with a Lordly smile, before the servants made their appearance in-order to clear the table. "It's been a long day, and it's getting late... We could all use some rest," Harrion paused briefly, as if weighing his next words, "the guards will see you back to your rooms." He informed bluntly, eyes averted to the floor as to not see Talia's reaction to her - and her brothers' - House Arrest. It was necessary, Harrion trusted her completely to return without an escort, but he needed her to think he didn't. He needed her to think he was just another Stark, another Lord of Winterfell.


One thing was certain, Harrion would not sleep easy tonight.

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Talia Bolton


Talia was glad that there was atleast some noise, the noise of her brother's loud eating, filling the room otherwise it would just be silent. It was very clear to Talia that Harrion had felt their 'connection' and 'moments' as he did his best to avoid eye contact with her. When she couldnt bear to look away anymore and finally looked at him he would quickly look away. Afterall, she was betrothed to his brother, Prince Devron the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Winter. What would her father say if he knew of these 'strange' events? He could do a number of things, break the alliance with the Starks and doom the North in his anger, lock her in the Dreadfort until her wedding day but he would never kill his own daugher, would he?


When everyone finished their dinner, finally Harrion spoke. Talia nodded at her plate as he spoke not daring to look up at him. It annyoed her slightly that their uncomfortable situation had caused him to bring guards to escort her back to her room. What was he playing at? They had arrived at the Dinner hall by themselves and now guards were escorting them back to their rooms? She guessed that Harrion was trying to act like she was the enemy which she guessed she was as the 'alliance' between their houses was a mere act of survival and did little to dull the hostility between the houses. Talia wondered how the two armies were doing down south, they wouldnt of arrived at Old castle yet but would still be marching, surely there would be hostility among the soldiers who had been fighting each other all their lives? Talia quickly put the thought to the back of her mind.


After leaving the Dinner Hall, Talia escorted her brothers back to their rooms while the trio themselves were escorted by guards. They watched her closely as if to make sure she entered and stayed in her room. Talia had a sneaking suspicion that Harrion had asked them to do so. Once in her room Talia stayed up for nearly an hour reading poems and stories of the Valyrian Freehold before drifting off to sleep with the book still in her hands.


(Talia's dream)


Talia awoke to the creeking of her door, she quickly sat up in her bed and looked through the darkness towards the entrance to her room, she could see a figure holding a candle, as he moved the candle across his face Talia saw that it was Harrion Stark, why was he in her room in the middle of the night? "Harrion?" She said softly, almost glad that he had decided to visit her in this forbidden hour. Harrion didnt speak but just walked over to her, bed sitting down on it. He looked into her eyes and she looked back at his, noticing his deep brown eyes illuminated by the candle light. He slowly moved his face towarsd hers, as if going in for a kiss. Talia instictively moved her lips towards his own, just before their lips touched the dream ended.


(Skip to morning)


Harrion Stark


Harrion groaned lazily as the glowing sun beamed through the window, the curtains protection menial at best. After a rigorous lifetime of instinctive mornings, Harrion for once felt absolutely unobligated to leave the embrace of sleep. It was around now, the Servants would barge in reminding Harrion that his father demands his presence. Yet usually sleeping wasn't a difficult thing to catch after the exhausting training his father and Liege pushed him through. Now it was different, no matter how intense the day before had been, Harrion did little more than carry all the fatigue to his bedchamber. He was still a boy in many respects, romance is something he had little-to-no experience with; his father's strict parenting saw to that. Now his father wasn't here, neither to wake him up or keep his desires in line. Perhaps a large part of the Prince's infatuation with Talia was just that, a manifestation of the first ever opportunity for romance he's had, not only was Theon absent but Harrion was Lord, he could do whatever he wanted - at least for now.


It was heavily true that Harrion's brief dreams were plaqued by forbidden thoughts, his sleepless night was due to the inability to push Talia from his mind no matter how hard he tried. It left his emotions in turmoil, but he had a Duty to Winterfell, to his father - the King - and the North. It was a prominent lesson, one must always choose Duty over Love - which this wasn't, it couldn't be. The tales of true love were nothing more than stories, people cannot fall in-love based on a few hours with each other.


Feeling some comfort at this line of thought, Harrion forced himself from the enchanting comfort of his bed; before he did the standard morning routine of "Princifying" himself; as he liked to call it, dress, shave, wash - with the help of servants when necessary. Harrion did rush through the process quickert than usual however, he felt an enormous need to vent. To vent any and all his emotions, what etter way to vent, than to spar? With a purpose, the Stark's feet hammered against the ground as he rushed for the courtyard; he was dressed in the Lordly attire Winterfell was so accustomed to, leather armour with a huge black cloak. It was a powerful sight, but more importantly it'd reduce injury in training.


"My Lord, if we ma - "

"Not now, Steward." Harrion cut off abruptly, having no interest in "management" or "economics".


The Steward, quite rightly, let out an exhasperated sigh. Not stopping the younger Lord as he marched from the hall. His duty as a Lord was coming second to his duty as a warrior, it would be proper to introduce and meet the Bolton guests for breakfast; but they would partake alone, the servants would see to that. Proximity to Talia was the last thing he needed. Harrion, now leaving his thoughts, had reached the training grounds. His hands whitened as they balled into fists, the Prince drew up a sword and marched eagerly towards the nearest dummy. Gilbert would come by the grounds with his men soon enough, then the two could spar; but for now, the dummy would work just as well.


Talia Bolton


Talia awoke suddenly, fully remembering her dream that she had just had. She couldnt escape Harrion, even in her dreams. It was a forbidden dream one which she could not tell anyone about. She sat up in her bed as the sun shone through her window, sprawling a beam of light across the room. Talia brushed her hands over her face before standing up and walking over to the pale of water on the table, washing her face with it. She quickly changed into a noble dress, something more modest this time around but which showed her beauty none the less. Like most of her dresses, it was the redish pink colour of house Bolton, this time with the flayed man insignia sowed into it. A grim reminder of the traditions of the Boltons.


Soon servants came into the room and made Talia look even more beautiful, applying numerous powders to her face.and brushed her hair. After half an hour of this Talia finally left her room and awaited her Brother's for breakfast. Reaching the hall Talia realized that Harrion was not awaiting them and that they would most likely be eating alone, this gave her some small relief but in the back of her mind she would of liked to see him. Talia sat inbetween her brothers and slowly picked at her food, her thoughts consumed with Harrion although she tried her best to push him out of her mind. "Whats wrong with you?" Dylon suddenly spoke in a rude tone "Hmm?" Talia replied, being jerked out of her daydream "Nothing, im just tired" She lied to her Brother.


After finishing breakfast the trio were free to roam the castle but were told not to wander outside of the walls due to the unrest in Wintertown due to their presence. Talia thought about going to back to her room but then decided to take a stroll throughout the courtyard while Dylon and Rickard ran off to play on the other side of the castle. She made her way out onto the battlements, the cold morning air bit at her soft skin. Then she spotted him, the person she least wanted to see, or pehaps the person she wanted to see the most, Harrion. He was bashing away fiercly at a training dummy across the courtyard. Talia leant against the railings, propping her hand up on her chin as she watched him fight the dummy, there was something mesmorizing about watching Harrion and Talia soon found herself back ina daydream.

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