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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

Freyu Valentine

The One Who Wanders
The sheet for this RP is super simple my friends! All you need is:


Appearance (Picture Preferred and Anime Preferred but, will accept Descriptions and real pictures as well):



Sexuality(Just for those of us craving a dash of romance we'd like to know):


Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well):

That is it! You do not need a Bio in fact if you make a back ground I will deny you on those grounds. All characters have a mass amnesia case and do not fully remember who they are this is key for the plot so avoid it! Also for your ease here is information to assist you further! Oh and you can make it all pretty with coding if you want as well. ^-^

Weapon Choice

One will find that adventurers are always readily equipped before stepping into the great unknown. This includes even those who are freshly beginning their journey. Upon reaching the gates you find many storefronts and stands lining the roadways, eagerly waiting for adventurers both arriving and departing. For all new adventurers they allow a single pass, if you accept their job they will bestow you with free equipment for your journey. However, you will find that this free gift is nothing more than left-overs, scraps and pieces of wear. Nevertheless, choose wisely, as this pass will bring light upon your new future. Whether it be that of a gladiator, the shadows of a ninja, or perhaps even the arcane enlightenment which is Magic.

What this means.

You're options will be limitless, within reason of course. Be wary, for what you create may be turned against you one day. However, here is the standard breakdown of what you may be capable of.

Fist Weaponry

  • Content with your might, you choose to strike down enemies with your own martial prowess.

Blade Weaponry

  • You prefer the basics, taking a sword in hand, normally accompanied by a shield. The length of the blade offers quick movements.

Blunt Weaponry

  • An excellent one handed weapon, meant to club those gobs with the heavy blow.

Pole Weaponry

  • Wishing to gain more balance with your weaponry, you take up the short spear. It's reach is a lovely compliment to the shield.

Ranged Weaponry

  • Elegant, and with good sight you choose the bow. It's arced form shall serve you nicely for a ranged kill.

Defensive Armaments

  • It the standard defensive armament, you reach for it, knowing what you must protect.

Sorcerer Weaponry

  • A common tool used for wizardry, you are not limited to a single school. You feel oddly inclined to scream 'none shall pass'.

The Incantation System

One should know that the magics are a mysterious thing, one that should be impossible to manipulate and control. It's power is unpredictable in it's raw state, resulting in further steps being required before one may manifest this overpowering torrent of energy. Welcome, to the pride that allows even the impossible to be controlled, the Incantation System.


Incantation, as you know, is the use of words as a spell. Without them, your magic is shapeless and holds no will to act. However, if one comes to learn the incantations by heart they will find that their power is limitless. Do keep in mind though, the bigger the spell, the longer the incantation. This means, if you wish to bring a massive spell upon another's head, you need a fair amount of time. As well, though the incantation may be delayed with silence, if focus is broken the spell will shatter.

How it is perceived aka the Spell Aid system

(Based upon the magics seen within ALfheim)

When one wields an item imbued with the magics, for example a staff, all they must do is tilt the staff away from themselves (as if in attack position) to deploy the magic circle. At eye level of the caster a line of text will appear, each an individual word listing the available segment of an incantation. When one is spoken, the word will glow brightly, all others dimming before dissipating, only for a second line to appear in much the same fashion. Step by step they will build the incantation before releasing the spell in any fashion they so choose. Whether it be swinging the magic instrument, yelling 'release', or banging their staff on the ground whilst giving a nasty stare.

If one comes to chain too many spells, they will find that the incantation shall begin to wrap around the caster. When this occurs, some may find it difficult to make use of the Spell Aid system (The Glowing and Fading of words). However, with enough mental practice one may come to choose where the symbols of incantation remain, though it has no effect on the spell itself. If one finds themselves lacking in mental patience, the same can be done by using a free hand, forcibly sending the words off with swings.

Execution of Magic

As you now know, magic within this world is utilized by incantations. However, what are these incantations, and what exactly are they doing? You know that there are multiple fragments within an incantation that you must choose, but what is it that they produce? Understanding this is how one may commence in the execution of the art known as Magic.

The Weaving of your spell

To begin, one must first understand the order of incantation.

Magic Type -> Method of Casting --> Property ---> Effect

This is the order in which one will use to craft their spells, first selecting a magic type, then a method of casting following it's property, and then finally the effect it will have.

+Magic Types

The magic type is the very base of any incantation. This is the first line one must choose once beginning, which will practically define what the spell is. The known magic types within this world are as followed;


Fire, the first of the basic four Elements. Without instruction it is an element that will burn those effected. It is from this school that one will find explosions, meteors, walls of fire, and complete devastation. However, Fire can not be directly manipulated.


Air, the second of the basic four Elements. Without instruction there is little effect, so be certain your incantation of this element is complete. From this school one may find the world as if it's their playground. Their spells can be found quick, as well invisible when formed with the bare minimal amount of magic. However, Air can not be created.


Water, the third basic Element. Without instruction it will flood, regardless of the mana you put into it. Their spells can be found flowing (no pun intended), in the means that the magic can continuously will manipulated after creation without expanding the original mana cost. However, Water can not be directly cast through touch. The incantation of 'water' may be substituted for 'ice'


Earth, the fourth and final basic Element. Without instruction it will collapse or fall. It is within this school that one may reshape the land for as long as their mana holds firm. They may build walls, and bridges, however this element has the highest consumption rate of mana. Don't hold your spells for too long! When the spell is no longer channeled it will resort to it's basic instruction, collapse. However, Earth can not be projected.


Black Magic is the first of the two magics labeled as 'Arcane'. This is due to it's unpredictable nature, and it's plethora of outcomes when mixed with other magics, including itself. From the magic we come to find Necromancy, Shadow Manipulation, Curses, Life Leach, Corrosion, Manipulation, and many others. It seems to rely less on the incantation itself, and more on the user's perception on what each phrase means. It is also referred to as 'Death, Plague, Darkness, and Void.'


Aether Magic is the second 'Arcane' Magic, and equally unpredictable. It is also referred to as 'Life, Creation, Holy, Light, Spirit'. It is within this school that one will find healing, as well buffing magics. No one really understands whether or not this magic truly obeys the incantation alone, as some individuals are incapable of achieving the same results as other even with the same incantation. Perhaps it is affected by the soul of the caster itself?

+Method of Casting

The Method of Casting can also be seen as where the spells originates. Each consume mana in different quantities and ways to bring about your incantation.


Creation is the act of forming the element out of pure mana, anywhere you so choose. Within the sky, or below the ground, this is what you would choose if you desire an area to bestow your magics. Due to having to transfer your mana to a location before bestowing a form, this is perhaps the most initially consuming when it comes to mana.


Project is the act of casting away from the caster. Whether in a cone, or a nova around the individual. This is the more direct form of creation, though using mana within close proximity you find it less tolling.


Touch is the act of casting upon contact. Whether it be an enchanted blade striking, or your palm meeting the ground or individual. This is perhaps the cheapest Method when it comes to casting. However, it puts you in danger due to it's range.


Manipulation is the act of using an element that is already present within the proximity to do your will. It is the cheaper alternative to creation. However, know that so long as you manipulate an element, it will continuously drain your mana at a rate depending on the size.


The Property of a spell is the means of how your magic will be carried out. Without it your spell is given a starting point with no destination.


The property Bullet dictates that your magic will launch your concentration of magic in a certain direction. Empowering this Property makes whatever you are hurling fly faster initially. However, bullet can not be applied via touch directly. (If used with project and fire, you will create a fireball.)


The property Spread dictates that your magic will splay out in the general directions of your choosing. They do not hold the power nor distance of a bullet, however sheer coverage could make the difference. The more it is empowered, the wider the spread. (If used with project and fire, you will create Fire breath)


The property Remain dictates that your magic will hold firm, keeping the magic in an area of your choosing. Be wary, as this action carries like manipulation and will continuously consume mana until released. However, you do not need to maintain focus for it to continue. (If used with project and Fire, you will probably create orbs of fire that encircle the caster to ward off melee attackers. )


The property Erupt dictates your magic will immediately form within it's element, lasting only a short moment. However, manipulation magic can not come to erupt. As the element already exists and does not need to suddenly be birthed. (If used with project and Fire, you will create Fire Blast)


The effects is perhaps the last step taken within an incantation, as nothing can truly be done without causing an effect. As if you sling a fireball, upon collision you may find that your target only has a few burns.


Consume is the act of devouring individuals caught within the spell. It is this that brings curses to the playing field. (If cast with Fireball, you will find that your target is ignited upon impact.)


Pierce is the act of going through individuals caught within the spell, by force if it must. (If cast with Fireball, you will find that the form is now much like a spear. It's damage will be concentrated, however will not do much further damage without a chain. Try using it with Ice!)


Disperse is the act of dispersing your magic upon it's the spell's arrival. In short, this is an explosion of power. It can not be used with spread by standard means. (If cast with Fireball, you will find that it will explode on impact.)

Magic Type Fire Air Water | Ice Earth Black Aether
Method Create ------ Project ------ Touch ------ Manipulate ------
Property Bullet ---- Spread ---- Remain ---- Erupt ----
Effect Consume ---- Pierce ---- Disperse ----


So you went through your full incantation, however you find that the results were not quite how you hoped. And though there are a number of results, it still feels limiting. Have you tried using the incantation 'Chain' in place of one of your phrases?

'Chain' allows the caster to begin a new series of commandments upon their incantation to bring about a higher level of spells. You wish for a ring of fireballs to cast out on location that will explode in hellfire igniting the entire area? Make use of spell Chains!


You spent so much time building your spell, but upon release, it was nothing more than a small dart that made an awkward poof sound. Well, chances are you used the bare minimal mana throughout the entire thing, didn't you? Beginners mistake. Be sure to Empower your words with your mana pool. The more mana you use to empower a single segment, the stronger the result. If you use all of it on a 'bullet', you may very well fire a laser beam... Do be careful...

Now you are probably wondering, well, how do I empower a segment of the incantation? Unlike a chain, one does not add a phrase to the incantation, instead you merely have to be able to grasp your mana flow correctly. Make sure you take time to learn, seeing as you came fresh from the Rift, I doubt you have any idea on how mana handles

Information for you. Finally last note, this is supposed to be a fun and welcoming RP so be nice in the OOC parts once again :3
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Ashelynn Graves

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Demisexual

Personality: Studious, collected, inquisitive, and mysterious. All of these things can be defined as traits of the individual known as Ashelynn. Always found surveying and studying, it's as if all questions are meant to be answered by her alone. She seems to only be driven by the idea of collecting more knowledge, making it somewhat difficult to drag her into another's whim. As well, deceit seems to be nonexistent within her presence, as all is but an open book to her eyes. Soon she will be known as the 'Hive Mind', seeing as all information she earns is freely accessible by those who ask.

Good and Evil also proves nonexistent within Ashelynn's eyes, her mind always seeking truth above all else. Truly, the mind of a philosopher who seeks to gain all information no matter the sacrifice on her own part. Relationships, friendships, most would probably think these things as well mean nothing to the girl. However, she is one who knows kindness when another can be found friendly, and guidance to those who are lost.

Weapon of Choice: Ashelynn's weapon style of choice is that of the Changdao. One would probably not expect a cloth wearer to wield a weapon of brute strength, however Ash enjoys fighting with various strategems. This massive blade can normally be see at a towering seven foot in length, a majority of that dedicated to the grip rather than the blade itself. With no magic, or armor to her kit she fights purely with her knowledge and reflexes.

Additional Information

'The Librarium'


The Mount



Beast Type: Draiger

Classification: Feline

Gender: Male

Curious little one, aren't you? Secrets will not be revealed, not quite yet...

The Will of the Librarium


Shall be Hidden

Gender |_

Female _

Age ||___

18 ____

Sexuality |

Demi |__

The Past





Stat Focus

1: Defense

2: Riding|_

3: Strength









Loyal, Strong, Friendly, Thick Headed, Straightforward, Brave, Unreserved, Helpful. These are the key elements that make up Ryder's personality.

Weapon of Choice

The Two-Handed Spear

Ryder controls the gap between her and the enemy with sweeping attacks. Due to this, most would think of her as an evasive combatant. However, she is in fact built to endure the hits that do get through.

Additional Information

The Mount



Beast Type: Ta'ran

Classification: Stag

Gender: Male


Still a curious one are you?
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Mira Astengiel








Loves to fight new people and old friends, she's pretty stubborn and oftentimes gets into troubles. Her sense of direction is bad, she can't even find her way to a location even with a map. Although her appearance shows a rather weak person on the outside, she's truly a strong person to fight, she can act tactically against anyone by using her skills and the surroundings. Mira also shows determination and courage to finish everything, she never goes by her promise and will help anyone on her way to mastering magic. She shows no mercy in battle, misunderstanding or not. In the end, if you're able to befriend her, then she'll assist you in anyway possible even if it means having her own life endangered.

Weapon of Choice:

She normally uses a wand and a few charm to use magic, whilst also using an Arcane Gloves for fighting. Mira has also mastered the four basic elements, giving her a wide variety of magic combinations to use. Her main property that she uses is mostly bullet, she deducted it to be the most suitable property that she can use. Having all these elements gradually confuse her on what she wants to cast, henceforth, she may use the wrong element during random times, using Fire instead of Water. Today, she is currently learning how to use magic twice more faster than the usual way on doing it.​
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Name: Luna Shadownyx



(P.S, She has green eyes)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Luna will be honest even if its not for the best, if she wants too. She is the kind of girl to be a sharp-tongued smart-***. She may sometimes be called self-centered but thats just how she is. She can be persuasive as hell and can make almost anyone believe her. She has good humor and is very caring, if you get to her good side that is. But go to her temper, not only will you bleed your ears out, you will also get a risk of 50 50 in dying...

Weapon of Choice: She prefers two-handed blade handling. She can also use Dark Magic and Fire, she rarely uses it on her surroundings. though. It is a touch magic type. It allows her to enhance her blades and give her higher stats. But her blades are enhanced in a way hats dangerous. If her temper is out of control, she has a possibility that her mana reaches new heights and her magic starts to go berserk. She knows how to use empower as well as chain in a remarkable stage. Her fire magic is Create, Bullet, Pierce... Whilst her Dark magic is Touch, Spread and Consume. She uses a chain sickle just in case. For magic, she has arcane gloves and a powerful charm. It takes form of a flower earring that is placed on her right ear.
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Harutora Tsuchimikado











Harutora is kind to everyone and this quality lets people get close to him but he's also obstinate at times. The major prominent trait is his obvious in which he fails to perceive the feelings of girls have for him.

Weapon of Choice:

Elemental Sword

Aether and Dark Magic

(And sometimes he would use an Staff as an weapon)

Name: Orlando Demrox


Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality(Just for those of us craving a dash of romance we'd like to know): Straight

Personality: Orlando is calm and collected and focuses on the job at hand. However, that doesn't mean he is a stoic man as Orlando will chat and has quite a sense of humor when he applies himself. He is very confident in himself and his looks and usually not utilize them, but if the situation calls for it, he'll use his natural gifts; though he doesn't like to flaunt himself around.

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well): Katana and Daggers. He can utilize both at the same time, but if he can't, he will sheath his dagger and switch to the Katana with two hands. By doing so, his fighting ability increases dramatically. He can also use Earth magic to shape the battlefield to gain an advantage in fighting by using his Arcane Gloves.
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Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Valentine shares a very unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, he has very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea he believes in. He is decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – Valentine will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to Valentine, and he tends to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants. Expect the all that virtue and highly contagious morality, Valentine is a hard shell of privacy. Even with the shell, Valentine is sensitive to the world around him.

Weapon of Choice: Valentine uses a Khanjar and a Kukri blade as dual-dagger, or dual shortsword combo to deliver fast and efficient attacks. He does carry a charm which allows I'm to create and untilize earth magic.
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Name: Giulia "Jules" Vulchase


Age: 17

Gender: Female (according to the NPCs and what she claims, but dislikes being called that)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Jules is normally talkative, open to discussing plans or the current events, but when it comes to certain topics, she won't hesitate to lie about it, usually if it's about herself. She likes being witty and sarcastic, but if the situation is more serious, she'll be more honest. She prefers not to start fights, and keeps her distance when actual combat occurs.

Weapon of Choice: She sticks with ranged weapons. She prefers using an Elemental Bow, but a regular Bow will suffice. If the weapon she has isn't able to use magic, she will use Arcane Gloves for that. She uses Fire and Air magic types through Project casting.
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Name: Panoplia Ironheart

Appearance (Picture Preferred and Anime Preferred but, will accept Descriptions and real pictures as well):


(Kinda-Sorta took the picture from Hearthstone but I feel its the most accurate representation of Panoplia)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality(Just for those of us craving a dash of romance we'd like to know): Hetero-flexible

Personality: Very protective of her friends and strong willed. If she likes you your going to have to get used to her as she'll always be by your side. As a woman with good morals, she does not like to hold back or lie. She is very honest and loud. She feels if one does not project their self, they might as well not be them self. Despite being lanky she is very strong and she knows it. She always likes a good brawl and will not be afraid to get up in your face. Despite her rough demeanor she can be very sweet and her hearts in the right place....her head on the other hand, might not be.

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well): Great Shield and Hammer. Beware! Though the great shield is a defensive weapon it is still a weapon. She can swing the hammer with power but can also hurl and swing her shield too. Any impact she lands on you will definitely hurt if not guarded well. Despite holding power her drawback is recklessness. Her wide swings can often leave her off guard or open. She keeps a couple runes handy in case she feels she needs to cast a small spell. Her magic proficiency isn't the best. She knows a little Earth magic and is currently learning Aether magic. Nothing special but she knows minor healing and buffs.
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Name: Alexander Tyfield


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Alexander is calm and kind outside of fights. However, the moment he is in battle he becomes bloodthirsty and savage. When he is given a task or a goal, he is driven to complete it as fast and efficiently as possible.

Weapon of Choice: Alexander tends to usually fight with claws, though he does have a scythe as a backup weapon for the opponents where it is simply too dangerous to try to get within proximity to actually use the claws. He also wears Arcane Gloves for when he uses magic, having a preference to the use of Fire and Dark to bombard and weaken his enemies, but he doesn't limit himself to those two magics.


Gender: Male

Species: Shark

Name: Khloros
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@Miss Derp @Kimura959

@Clockwork Syringe

Okay this is all of you whom have completed sheets this far, most of you forgot that to use any sort of magic you need a magical based weapon. Which we did include in all weapon types to be used. The Arcane Gloves, Elemental Blade, and Elemental Bow are all magic using weapons besides the obvious Sorcerer Weaponry. Without one of these various magics you can't use magic. So please either edit in a elemental weapon or drop the magic otherwise we will probably have to force your magic to be like a useless puff of smoke.

Simplest solution give everyone arcane gloves but, don't consider them to ever be removed. Though your magic would be slightly weaker than most regular pure mages, it's the simplest option that is available to you all. I apologize for not being clearer on this.

Further I'm about to make my ugly duckling of a sheet so hopefully it might be good as an example. I am tossing it on the first post as an Edit as well so yeah. Just make sure to do that but, otherwise I can accept all of you for certain, (once you add a magical weapon of some type)
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Name: Roku Wolfhound

Appearance (Picture Preferred and Anime Preferred but, will accept Descriptions and real pictures as well): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fccb44d6376ca6a184052b51a24c407c30716750.jpg.a0fade9f1aa53dc5b4e5757b4d8ba13e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fccb44d6376ca6a184052b51a24c407c30716750.jpg.a0fade9f1aa53dc5b4e5757b4d8ba13e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/54ce1179733ba0bdf7ee1a7b0d6d4da5a28346eb.jpg.d69752e83c842eae88f64ab63570256a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/54ce1179733ba0bdf7ee1a7b0d6d4da5a28346eb.jpg.d69752e83c842eae88f64ab63570256a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/67f2c4a05663336a07f5a3da5ee877b0314d8f2a.png.f6ee88638cd84ab8fd01bf660c7368af.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/67f2c4a05663336a07f5a3da5ee877b0314d8f2a.png.f6ee88638cd84ab8fd01bf660c7368af.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hires_c9eb0286b4c79e4aef92e2740e4f002d553d9a90.jpg.ad061af1f7fb6db50326a642cfc9d460.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hires_c9eb0286b4c79e4aef92e2740e4f002d553d9a90.jpg.ad061af1f7fb6db50326a642cfc9d460.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/125b92c6d564e6d579e72fc12fc4a1a3d860f962.png.b772226ae65244dc0e6123754a76a966.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/125b92c6d564e6d579e72fc12fc4a1a3d860f962.png.b772226ae65244dc0e6123754a76a966.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: Appears to be 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality(Just for those of us craving a dash of romance we'd like to know): Pansexual, though she has a preference for humanoid female appearing people.

Personality: Roku is Loud, Fast Talking, Quick to act rather than think, she believes that to do any sort of good one must do a bunch of bad along the way.

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well): Roku uses two weapons though primarily focuses on her Staff which she uses to channel her magic. Her secondary weapon is the Elemental Bow, which she uses in fiercer battles where she has little time to wait to cast certain spells. Her hands are similarly adorned with Arcane gloves for those times where she has no other option. Her entire focus is upon using magic and knows a lot about it however, her personality and desire to act rather then think leads her to mess up the incantations a lot so she is still learning much about that as well.

Additional Information: While most people seemed confused by the sudden dropping into world, Roku wasn't as much. She felt like she was where she was supposed to be and was able to quickly adjust to being in the situation they were in. She has no idea why everyone else seemed far more distraught and why others were so concerned with mass amnesia situation between the other adventurers. (This is somewhat plot important later which is why it's being mentioned)

Mount Information and picture owo:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/kDzQiA1.jpg.dceb60de3a1784026490842655bf7879.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/kDzQiA1.jpg.dceb60de3a1784026490842655bf7879.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Armored Ice Wolf

Name: Icewind 'Icey' Wolfhound



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Name: Kendell


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7f58a9bb_Kendell.png.69e5909c98978fae4baf006b9606f913.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7f58a9bb_Kendell.png.69e5909c98978fae4baf006b9606f913.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: shy don't like bullies who make fun of her she don't back down from a fight she is very playful around her friends she do anything to protect her friends she may not be strong but she like to protect her friends even if it costs her life she is very hyperactive she is loud when she talks she is very talktive when she warms up to you she don't like talking unless she knows the person very well

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Ken.jpg.7f704869389be776f274d3dfb6245b98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Ken.jpg.7f704869389be776f274d3dfb6245b98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Lana Valentine srry if not good just got up



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Name: Lloyd Lamley



Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Lloyd has a multifaceted personality, he wears many masks depending on the situation, and although he might seem like a carefree and joyous person most of the time, inside he is prone to being pensive a melancholic. Still, he doesn't let the confusion his emotions and his memory loss might cast upon his mind cloud his will to live and keep moving on while improving. He's always looking for a good challenge, believing the situation he's in, specifically the game world, is somehow part of some kind of test.

Weapon(s)/Magic(s) of Choice: When Lloyd first learned of magics, he was immediately fascinated by aether, knowing full well it represented the untapped power of the soul, of the divine. Because of this he very proficiently wields an elemental blade usually charged with such element in one hand and an ornate scepter in the other. Which and wields which, you ask? He's Ambidextrous, so it is indifferent and changes all the time depending on his needs. Finally, for when he needs extra punch to add to his spells, he carries two silver charms in the forms of ram heads on his belt buckle.

@Lana Valentine
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Seems good, mild warning ahead of time. Your character shouldn't know the world they are in is any different from reality. Just that it seems they've all forgotten stuff. Your accepted in though so no worries ;3


Name: Connie Rosetta

Age: 16

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: Connie is a perfectionist and finds herself occasionally bragging to others, despite this though, she has low self-confidence and low self-esteem and does this to try get approval off others. She doesn't like taking a leader role and often feels lost if someone doesn't tell her what to do. She is very protective of her weapons and gets jealous pretty easily. Connie is more reserved but when she opens up to you she will talk about almost anything.

Weapon of choice: Connie usually uses a short spear that is around the same height as her (she isn't really tall, around 5'6") it can slice as well as jab due to it being made from a metal and the tip being slanted so it can cut, she also carries a scepter around with her which she usually uses water and ice magic with as she has mastered it. She usually freezes the water and uses pierce with her ice and also disperse as she can make it explode sending sharp shards everywhere.

Name: Marcus Black

Appearance (Picture Preferred and Anime Preferred but, will accept Descriptions and real pictures as well):


Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality(Just for those of us craving a dash of romance we'd like to know): Hetero

Personality: Marcus is a total adrenaline junkie. He's always up for a good time, but to him that's something more like cliff jumping than playing video games. He can be brash, or as some have said "goes to far", but he is also generally very nice and sometimes he act arrogantly on purpose just to piss certain types of people off. By extension, Marcus can be a bit oblivious at times when it comes to feeling besides "THE RUSH", most of the time needing people to spell it out for him. He never backs down from a challenge and always tries his hardest. Despite his dislike of so called 'normal" activities, Marcus has lately been finding himself getting bored.

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well):

  • Wire Gloves
  • Blade plates- Various pieces of armor that has curved blades coming off of them.
  • Only Magic spell he knows. Since Marcus has a very small mana pool. The spell runs off his will to live. "Iron Blood Transformation."
  • "I am Steel. Steel knows no fear, Steel knows no doubt. When faced with an enemy, I hesitate not. I am a weapon to destroy these. Iron Blood Transformation."
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~ Kala Guaze ~









Kala tends to look frightening and act cold an rough, but at heart she's truly a kind and caring person who's protective of the people she loves and cares about. Don't get me wrong though, she might be nice and crap..but get her mad and you've snipped the wrong wire on the bomb and you've got about 2.5 seconds to book it or lose it. She's hot headed and got a mean temper, but who doesn't? She fairly strong will and opinionated sometimes, though she'll never let you down when you need her. She's a listener not a speaker. Meaning? She's a quite girl but find a topic she likes and she'll talk to you till ya can't stand it anymore. Kala isn't easy to offend unless you start bulling or degrading someone. If they don't sand up for themselves she will for them, she hates bullies and rude people. Her likes? Well it's a short list.. she likes the night, when she can be concealed by an array of starts and darkness. Want her to fall in love with you? Well. That's kind of hard. There's no way I can describe how to do it other than... Good Luck.

Weapon of Choice:

Kala's weapon of choice is typically two handed and bigger than her. Most think that's funny until they see her use it. Kala could be classified as a Tank in nature as she likes to be on the front lines with her favorite weapon she calls Anguish. A vicious two handed blade that's taller than her and she refused to give it up. She saw it and instantly fell in love with the simplistic blade. All in all she doesn't want to trade it away at all, she'd much rather keep it no matter how weak it might get. Magic wise Kala has none though she'd love to learn how to use Runes as well as Black magic and Fire magic.She can't seem to grasp the concept though so she just stick with her trusty blade.



Mount Information



Wingless drake


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Name: Joshua Gladiolus

Appearance (Picture Preferred and Anime Preferred but, will accept Descriptions and real pictures as well):

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: I like swords!

Personality: Eccentric, energetic, foolhardy, bipolar, melancholic, philosophical, stubborn. This is a person who would run about bursting with energy and excitement, that will then be occasionally followed by an episode of depressive navel contemplation without warning. Decision will be made on whims and consequences be damned. But even as he is as unstable as a poor replica of the Leaning Tower built on a cliff side, one thing will always be firmly affixed on his mind, and that is to live life to it's fullest, regardless of the joys and sorrows it brings.

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well): Two-handed blades, NO REFUNDS! In this wrenched age of magic, Joshua is a firm believer of sword and steel (And not because he couldn't remember them long ass incantations!) and therefore picked up the biggest baddest sword that caught his eye upon first sight. Whether he'll regret it later or not is a mystery (but he most likely will), and as with many other things, something that only time will tell.

Weapon of Choice 2: Bow and dagger combination. After the battle with Rok, Joshua decided to switch to a supportive role in the rear and adopted bow and arrows to provide long range support fire for his allies. The dagger was adopted as well to add flexibility in case an enemy got close and take advantage of Joshua's acquired affinity with stealth if need be.

Mount Information:


Giant Albino Spider

Name: Sleipnir
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Name: Renee Matthews

Appearance (Picture Preferred and Anime Preferred but, will accept Descriptions and real pictures as well):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Anime-girl-with-long-brown-hair.jpg.412a75f926e286a001c09d0555896739.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Anime-girl-with-long-brown-hair.jpg.412a75f926e286a001c09d0555896739.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality(Just for those of us craving a dash of romance we'd like to know): Pansexual

Personality: Renee is far more eccentric then originally appears. She is not only very forgetful, but is also a bit of an airhead, even though Renee is tough. With her belief in friendship, she is willing to put all of her effort in protecting those she cares about. She also has a fondness for all things romantic.

Weapon of Choice(Magic goes here as well):

In major battles Renee takes to using a flail to fight her enemies with brutal force while in brawls Renee will switch to her her pair of brass knuckles to beat her opponent. As for magic, Renee bets on her use of charms especially for long distance ranged attacks.



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