[A Galaxy of Darkness] Maxwell Vergillius Callahan

Doctor Calgori

Minister of Science, Shhh.....
WIP, as the BBcode hackery for lining up the dots takes forever and I need to save it

Name: Maxwell "Vergillius" Callahan

Auspice: Ithaeur

Tribe: Iron Masters

Lodge: Lodge of Scrolls

Position: Doctor

Virtue: Fortitude

Vice: Pride

Age: Old but not old

Appearance: Is this the doctor's office or a Viking warship?

  • Intelligence: .....●●●

    Wits: .........._._.●●●

    Resolve: .....__..●●

    Strength: ......_..●●

    Dexterity:......._ ●●●

    Stamina:........... ●●


    Manipulation: _●●●


    XP totals: (25 + 25 + 10) + (10 + 25 + 10) + (25 + 25 + 10) = 165


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