A Forbidden Love. (Closed to Sansa Stark)(1x1)


Bust :(
Siren Trist was woken up by the sound of a loud crash, and she sat up in her bed as if she'd been attacked.

Her heart was racing as she looked around the room, half asleep and believing herself to have an intruder.

Once she'd woken up more, and had examined the room, she realized it was not an intruder, and she was quite fine.

However, there still remained the mystery of what the crash had been, exactly.

Sighing, she got out of her bed, pushing aside the purple velvet curtains that framed her bed.

She knew she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now, and her brother had to be up by now anyway.

Siren yawned and opened the doors to her balcony, squinting in the sunlight.

Everything was quiet now, so obviously no one had been hurt. The big sound must have been someone dropping something, probably in the kitchen, as usual.

Siren left her balcony doors open and walked to her bathing room to take her bath.

Maids brought hot water and filled the brass tub for her, then bathed her with soap, scented with rose oil.

They washed her hair and body, and then dried her off once she'd gotten out.

She sent them away after that so she could get dressed in peace. It was a lovely Summer day, and the sun was shining brightly, the sky was a vivid blue today, no clouds in sight.

Siren brushed her blonde hair and decided to leave it down for the day, and dressed in a sky blue dress with white lace on the bodice, paired with her silver necklace with one emerald in the middle- a gift from her brother, and a pair of blue slippers for walking around the palace.

Humming to herself quietly, Siren made her way through the halls and to the dining room, where she found her mother, eating breakfast alone.

"Good morning, mother!" She called, kissing each cheek softly.

"Do you know where Solar is?" She asked, stealing a grape from her mother's plate and popping it in her mouth with a smile.

Her mother thought for a moment, still chewing, and then swallowed and sighed.

"I believe he was in the Gardens, last I saw him." She replied, and then continued eating.

Siren nodded and left, heading straight for the Gardens.

The Gardens were huge, filled with many different flowers, all in bloom, and in many different colors.

Butterflies flew here and there, and the air was scented with so many different smells, it was hard to tell what flower you were smelling.

Siren and Solar had always loved the Gardens- there were so many hiding places, and they always managed to find somewhere new to explore.

Up ahead on the dirt path, Siren saw her brother's blonde hair.

"Solar!" She called, grinning.

Siren made her way to him, fast as she could go, without jogging.

"There you are." She said when she caught up to him, poking his side.

The gardens always offered him some form of solace, even in the darkest times. Thoughts raged war in his mind and he struggled to make sense of it all--he didn't want to meet his future wife, he didn't want to force her away. He hated doing that to people. All he wanted was Siren.

Hearing her voice, he smiled on cue and opened his arms to embrace her. "God, you look beautiful," he told her with a wide smile. He looked around the gardens to see if they were watched, but upon realizing they were alone he captured his little sister's face and kissed her deeply.

"Sleep well, I take it?"
Siren smiled, blushing.

"You're sweet." She replied, grinning.

Nodding, she signed.

"Yes, until a loud crash woke me." She still hasn't figured out what it was.
"A loud crash woke my sister?" he asked aloud. "Why, I'll hang the very man that so cruelly woke you from your beauty sleep." Clearly a tease, Solar chuckled and curled her hair behind her ears, feeling his desire for her increase yet again. "I love the way the sun plays on your hair, Siren. Beautiful. Have you eaten breakfast yet?"
Siren giggled, playfully swatting his arm.

"Oh please." She said, smiling.

"Yours looks just as good, Solar. And no, I haven't."

Siren barely ate lately, although she'd deny it if asked, she'd been trying to lose weight.
"Why not? You need to eat." Solar offered his arm to her and flashed a charming smile. "Come on, princess. I'm hungry and so are you." He pressed an irresistible kiss to her neck before he began to walk once more, guiding her along.
Siren looped her arm through Solar's, smiling.

"I'm not really that hungry." She said, shrugging.

Siren giggled at the kiss on her neck, and smiled up at him.

"I'll have some grapes, I suppose." She said, nodding.

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