A Fire Emblem Saga


Wishful bard
You are allowed to use two characters total. Pre Existing or/and Home made.

I wont be writing a list of character from the game, that will take up the entire thread. Instead, write down the ones you want to play and I will make a list of the one already chosen. I'd like to know just a few things about your pre-made choice.



Weapon Mastery


Characters already in use:

Lewyn played by @Apollogy8

Nephenee played by @Black Masquerade

Ranulf played by @Syrrus

Soren played by @Ninian

As for the character sheet, I am not much for wanting to know too much about characters until the roleplay start so if there is something missing that you like to add, be free to do so.

You may chose from the classes existing within the game, but remember to only pick one per character. And remember that each class got one weapon specialization and even though you can use all listen under your class you are only allowed to be a Master at one weapon skill and a novice in the others.

  • Lord
  • Sword

  • Great Lord

  • Sword

  • Lance

  • Hero

  • Sword

  • Axe

  • Tactician

  • Sword

  • Tome

  • Grandmaster

  • Sword

  • Tome

  • Cavalier

  • Sword

  • Lance

  • Paladin

  • Sword

  • Lance

  • Knight

  • Lance

  • General

  • Lance

  • Axe

  • Great Knight

  • Sword

  • Lance

  • Axe

  • Myrmidon

  • Sword

  • Swordmaster

  • Sword

  • Thief

  • Sword

  • Trickster

  • Sword

  • Staff

  • Assassin

  • Sword

  • Bow

  • Barbarian

  • Axe

  • Berserker

  • Axe

  • Fighter

  • Axe

  • Warrior

  • Axe

  • Bow

  • Mercenary

  • Sword

  • Archer

  • Bow

  • Sniper

  • Bow

  • Bow Knight

  • Bow

  • Sword

  • Dark Mage

  • Tome

  • Dark Tome

  • Sorcerer

  • Tome

  • Dark Tome

  • Mage

  • Tome

  • Sage

  • Tome

  • Staff

  • Dark Knight

  • Tome

  • Sword

  • Cleric/Priest

  • Staff

  • War Monk

  • Staff

  • Axe

  • Troubadour

  • Staff

  • Tome

  • Valkyrie

  • Staff

  • Tome

  • Pegasus Knight

  • Lance

  • Falcon Knight

  • Lance

  • Staff

  • Dark Flier

  • Lance

  • Tome

  • Wyvern Rider

  • Axe

  • Wyvern Lord

  • Axe

  • Lance

  • Griffon Rider

  • Axe

  • Villager

  • Lance

  • Dancer

  • Sword

  • Taguel/Laguz

  • Beaststone/Claws

  • Manakete

  • Dragonstone

(if you are into pictures, put one here.)


Home Land



Physical Description

Armor Description


Weapon mastery


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Katarina_FE13_DLC_Artwork.jpg.3aca76071319677684716fa0cff64f92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36712" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Katarina_FE13_DLC_Artwork.jpg.3aca76071319677684716fa0cff64f92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Please, call me Katarina."

Katarina "Eine" (pronounced Aine)

Home Land






Physical Description

Armor Description

(As seen above)


“You need a tactician?”


Weapon mastery

Sword (high novice, D) and Tomes (master, A)

Has her own tome name after her called Katarina's Bolt, shown in picture


Fire Emblem: New Mysteries Emblem~Heroes of Light and Shadow


Growing up in a orphanage Eine and her friends were raised in the middle of a terrible war. Many of her friends at the orphanage died from raids, famine and murder. Eine was raised by the orphanage caretaker to become a dangerous assassin. She has done a lot of damage and killed a lot of people. She infiltrated Marth's camp under the name Katarina, in order to assassinate him, however she was easily thwarted. To make amends she joined Marth and the camp again and has spent the rest of her life protecting Altea. She was once a great sage, but has now taken up the sword. She has trained long and hard as a tactician till she was finally promoted to Grandmaster.​



  • Katarina_FE13_DLC_Artwork.jpg
    680.3 KB · Views: 84
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Home Land

Viborosia Island







Physical Description

Tall and dark of skin, Verenbeva appears to be a normal adult male of 6 ft. Face to face one may notice his strange eyes. They have the thin pupils of a snake and tend to discomfort others; not as much as his literally forked tongue though. By then, Verenbeva’s tail has already slithered into view. What appear to be tattoos all over his body are skin colorations that translate into his snake form. His bright blonde hair matches his snake form’s large body. As a snake, he reaches a length of 14 ft.

Armor Description

Like most Taguel, Verenbeva wears light clothing that allows him to be quick on his feet. His attire consists of a loose shirt and pants made of a sturdy cloth. In his snake form, his scaly skin forms a thick protective layer that is capable of deflecting bladed weapons to an extent. A piercing or blunt weapon deals formidable damage, and of course, any beast killer weapons are a threat.


Snake Taguel

Weapon Mastery

Bare hands. And tail. Verenbeva wields no manmade weapons. He is at a disadvantage in his human form but his tail does allow for tricky maneuvers. His true strength lies in his snake form. Verenbeva possesses great raw strength as opposed to poison. His entire body becomes a bone crushing weapon and his teeth combined with his jaw strength allow for more combat options. With his heightened senses, Verenbeva can strike and dodge with literal inhuman speed. His large body does leave him vulnerable when confronted with multiple enemies.


South of Ylisse is a small island by the name of Viborosia. It is abundant with thick jungles and wildlife that’s tough as tough can be. This is due to the harsh conditions of this area of the ocean. Rain falls almost every day and heavy fogs discourage anyone from approaching the island. In the center of Viborosia are a species of Taguel that take the form of great boa constrictors. Verenbeva grew up in a peaceful environment, for the Taguel anyway. Daily life consisted of slithering across the jungle, up and down trees while catching unsuspecting prey. One night, strange things washed up on the shore. Pieces of scattered wood that appeared to be made for the purpose of traversing water. So they learned that other worlds existed across the ocean. Worlds with weak feeble looking beings. That was the Taguel ‘s impression of the humans that came with their wreckage. The humans taught the Taguel how to construct boats capable of sailing great distances. Verenbeva and another select few traveled back with the humans to Ylisse. When they arrived, an ambush awaited Verenbeva and his siblings. The humans planned to capture them all along. In a bloody battle, Verenbeva’s brothers and sisters died. He killed the remainder of his attackers and fled the harbor. Scared, angry, lost, Verenbeva slithered into the night feeling a touch of intrigue despite the attack. He decided to remain in this strange new land a while longer to learn, evolve, and maybe kill a few more of those treacherous humans.
Name: Kalue

Homeland: Ylisse (via nomadic warren)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Taguel

Physical Description: Before transformed, she is a tall, lean girl with red eyes and black hair. She has long rabbit like ears sprouting from her head. She also has a tail and patches of fur around her wrists and ankles.

When transformed she becomes a large black and silver rabbit like creature.

Armor description: Classic light armor that shifts when transformed. Her armor is black and streaked with red for intimidation.

Class: Taguel

Weapon Mastery: beaststone/beaststone+


She tends to have much more power in her hind legs and will use that to her advantage.


Kalue was born into a nomadic warren that did not suffer the same fate as Panne's. Eventually, during their travels through Ylisse, they heard what had happened to Panne's warren and decided to leave. Kalue however, chose to return when she had become 16 and wanted to join in Ylisse's fight against the risen and the hostile countries.

She spent a long time training and searching for people she could trust. Eventually she worked up the courage to enter Ylisstol and ask to join the army. Although she was denied her membership of the Shepherds, she was eventually accepted into a different group within the army.

Her goal is to find who has been going around murdering the taguel and kill them.
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Home Land






Physical Description


Hugo is a giant mountain of muscle, rock-hard abs, bulging biceps, all that stuff. His skin is deeply tanned from countless days of hard work under the sun, making a stark contrast with his pale blonde hair.

Armor Description

None. Hugo doesn't wear armor, nor much clothing either. Just a pair of worn, salt-encrusted work pants, a button-up shirt that never seems to stay closed, and a headband holding his unruly mane of hair barely restrained.



Weapon mastery

Axe A


Hugo is a sailor (he insists he's a sailor, never a pirate or worse yet, a barbarian), or rather, was. On her way to Ferox from Valm, Hugo's ship was sunk by a roaming Plegian warship. He and his captain Ramirez were the only ones to survive out of the whole crew, although the captain disappeared somewhere and Hugo has yet to find him. He was picked up by a band of Feroxi warriors under Khan Basilio after washing up ashore and rose up through their ranks because Hugo happened to be damn good with an axe despite his constant assertion that no, he is not a pirate.

Eventually, as Basilio's right hand man's left hand man, he was loaned to the Shepherds as a gesture of goodwill (and because Lon'qu was busy doing something else).
I will only tell you about my first character for now, as I am still not certain if both of my characters has to be from the actuall games.

For now I'll play as Ranulf.









Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn​
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(Or Guire if you prefer Japanese)




Iron Sword ( Sword - D )



Fire Emblem; Awakening


---working on the other one which I'll add to this one asap---​
Name: Soren

Class: Sage

Weapon Mastery:

Tomes (A)

Staves (D)

Game: PoR/Radiant Dawn

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(Lets go for an old character then :3)

Name: Lewyn


Class: Sage

Weapon Mastery:

Tome: S

Game: Genealogy of the holy war


Name: Nephenee (Left)


Class: Soldier

Weapon Mastery:

Lances: B

Game: Path of Radiance

(Someone's gotta play Heather or Calil now :3)

Also sorry for getting this up so late. Lots of stuff has been going on
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[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]who will love Soren now

I'm sure his biggest problem will be who he should love without Ike!
Syrrus said:
I'm sure his biggest problem will be who he should love without Ike!
But only Ike knows the true path into Soren's heart!

@Ninian its too bad I can't be Eliwood or else we could do the best pairing in FE.
xD Indeed! I was tempted to play Ninian, but then I thought of that. She would be even more broken without Eliwood than Soren would be without Ike. Soren is a prickly cactus he'll survive.
Ninian said:
xD Indeed! I was tempted to play Ninian, but then I thought of that. She would be even more broken without Eliwood than Soren would be without Ike. Soren is a prickly cactus he'll survive.
If you play Ninian, though, I'd play Nils

EDIT: ... Er, most likely. There are so many brilliant FE characters.
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I think I will go with Nils... This only presents a certain problem in that I have no idea what class to make him. Trickster?

I'm considering joining this. Having trouble deciding whether to use a already existent character or an OC. Hmmm.
Alright, with that I will finally start the roleplay. Everyone that hasn't picket a character yet, or still have one but not two is welcome to send in thier character sheets here, just wait for my "like" Before joining the roleplay with your newly added charcters, so we don't end up with a double or someone like Marth or Ike.

My second and last character will be one from Awakening, to tie the Beautiful red ribbon that is this mess of Worlds!







And with that, let it all begin!

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