A Charmed Life *PRIVATE*

Name: Robin Whitman

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Brief Bio: Robin is the oldest of three sisters. For the most part she lived an ordinary life. When she was a young age both of their parents died in a car accident. The doctors say it was instant, but the bodies and car were too mangled to really know exactly when.

But the three had a life insurance plan, and a home in the city of Chicago that would take care of them. Their grandfather took care of them but Robin watched out for her sisters when she could.

Graduating school, she went to work as a Paralegal at Whedon and Burge.

Personality: Robin is a no nonsense kind of girl. She does her job and does it well. She writes lists for the tasks she needs to do and lists for those tasks. Everything she does in life is scheduled and there is no room for compromise. She hates surprises and can be generally thrown off by them. She comes off very responsible and can act more like a mother than what she's supposed to act like.

She is a very loving and caring person, but her humor can be dry as she is often straight to the point with unfiltered answers.

Name: Morgan Whitman

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Morgan was only an infant when her parents died, so she never knew them enough to know what life was like without them. With a grandpa too old to be useful, Morgan took most of her advice from her older sisters, particularly Robin. From the age of four to graduation, Morgan looked at Robin with nothing short of awe.

Morgan did fairly well in school, but she only really cared about it due to the relationships made during it. She made sure that everyone knew her. Whenever she needed help, if it was a flat tire, a ride to her part time job as a fast food employee, or just needed to understand how to do homework, there was always someone avaliable.

Of course, this wasn't out of the goodness of her heart. Morgan had been well known for her knowledge of virtually anything and anyone. Nobody had a secret Morgan didn't know, but everyone knew she could be trusted so long as money wasn't involved. Because of this, the entire school (her graduating class in particular) did everything they could to win her silence.

Morgan graduated and (Thanks to Robin saving enough money from life insurance for her) immediately went to college at Chicago State. Since she is only a freshman she has no major in mind, but for obvious reasons she is extremely interested in communications and media.

Personality: Morgan loves her sister, but she is far from the same as her. Where Robin is rigid and has difficulty adapting, Morgan is used to adaptation and thinking on the fly. The downside of this, of course, is that Morgan hardly plans anything, deciding to jump into any problem headfirst. The only exception being when information is involved. If someone is trying to learn something about someone else Morgan looks as far ahead as she can to see what the long term consequences will be.

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Name: Kate Whitman

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Bio: Kate is the middle sister. When their parents died and lived with the senile grandfather, she kind of started to do her own thing. Really she ended up being the rebel in the family. She was just old enough to remember her parents but didn't have as much as Robin did and she always envied that. That's one of the many reasons she rebelled. When Robin said go right she went left. If Robin said the sky was blue she said it was green. It wasn't that she didn't love Robin but she didn't want to listen either. It didn't help that Morgan, the youngest, stared at Robin as if she could do no wrong.

Where Robin and Morgan went through high school all nicely and then danced on over to college Kate barely graduated. She would skip school, smoke, have new boyfriends every other day and even got caught trying to steal a car. On a dare of course, not for real. So when she did graduate she refused to go to college. There was no way she could sit through more classes after she had just been freed from high school.

So she wandered and drifted a bit. Taking odd jobs. Living with a boyfriend of the moment then moving out when she was bored or he got mean. Then she finally found a good job, well two actually. She takes pictures for everything. Weddings, graduation, anniversaries ... etc. As long as they paid good money she was set. Then she also found she was really good as writing so when she wasn't out taking pictures she would write stories and get them published, that brought in some money as well. Not a lot either way but enough to get her her own little apartment [embarrassingly close to Robin] and keep her fed.

She was still, more or less, a wild child.


Kate is more restless than anything. She can't sit still for long, needs something to do. She loves her family though she tries to play if off like it was no big deal. She stays close to home just in case they ever need anything but figures they wont since they have each other and wont need her. Has calmed down since she was a teenager but she still likes to go out and party, has new boyfriends left and right, still smokes and drives too fast.


Name: Logan Ward

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Brief Bio: Logan grew up in Chicago his entire life. He was an only child with an alcoholic abusive father. You don't learn unless you get a good whacking given to you. He used to give a few too many whackings to mom. The police never stopped it and never intervened in protecting his mom. It was like they turned a blind eye to these things. Of course, fate decided to take care of him. Dear old Dad had a few too many, slipped and landed on his head. Brain hemorage and died.

Sure it was tough, living with a single mom but it was better. Logan grew up, focused on his education and decided he would protect the people like his mom. It landed him in law enforcement.

A beat cop, in the precinct of Chicago, Logan is currently trying to work his way to becoming detective of the force.

Personality: Logan is pretty smart and very clever. He tends to stick his nose into places they don't belong and that gets him into trouble, his natural curiosity and self fulfilling need of a hero complex is a dangerous combination and typically lands people with a very short lived life expentency.

Name: Crystal Luann Mitchell

Age: 25

Witch/Demon/Human/White Lighter: Witch/Whitelighter

If witch, what is your power??: Spell Casting, Potion Making, Scrying, Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Healing, Molecular Combustion, Molecular Immobilization, Orbing.

Siblings??: Henry Mitchell (Brother;Alive), Paige Matthews (Sister In Law;Alive), Tamora Mitchell (Niece;Alive), Kat Mitchell (Niece;Alive), Henry Mitchell Jr. (Nephew;Alive)

Any Familiars??: None

Crush: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27600000/8x22-Forever-Charmed-chris-and-wyatt-halliwell-27632363-1056-800.jpg (Wyatt Halliwell)

Looks: http://cdn.paper4pc.com/images/redhead-girl-wallpaper-4.jpg


- Lip Piercing

- Loves Magic

- Has a short temper

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