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A Certain Slant of Light


Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust
For the first time in 130 years Person A feels them for the first time, others like them. Ghosts, or spirits. All this time they had believed themselves alone since no human could actually see them. But then Person A feels them, a pair of human eyes that can actually see them. Terrified but intrigued, Person A follows Person B to a nearby park and discovers that not only can Person B see them - but they can talk to them as well.

The fact that Person B is a spirit in an empty body and Person A is not provides them with a challenge as an unlikely couple. Together they find another empty body for Person A and thus their love grows as they can finally be together physically. But the time comes where both Person A and Person B find it is the right time for them to move on and leave the bodies they have borrowed. Following each other into the light of the afterlife.

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