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Fandom A certain scientific index; Academy City - Settings/Locations


Elder Member

Academy City; Locations Guide

A guide to the various locations around Academy City

  • School District 1 is a School District near the very center of Academy City.

    It is bordered by School District 16 to the northwest, School District 4 to the northeast, School District 5 to the southeast, School District 7 to the southwest, and School District 8 to the west.

    It is the district where most of the city's administration is located.


    As stated, the School District's focus was to accommodate the administration of Academy City. The district was lined with administrative and judicial facilities and it did not have the sense of livelihood that other, more normal districts had. It had almost no residences or restaurants. In exchange for gathering together all of the functions needed for smoothly operating such a large city, only the bare minimum of functionality for people to live there was prepared. The extremely mechanical cityscape helped reinforce that image of the district.

    The district is the base of the Academy City Board of Directors but not the Chairman, who resides in the Windowless Building in School District 7.

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