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Fandom A certain scientific index; Academy City - Rules


Elder Member


1. Don't be a dick. Pretty universal rule

2. General RPN rules

3. Canon powers are ok; canon characters do not exist (Touma's limit breaker is restricted)

4. Until further notice, a level restriction is imposed; no espers higher in level than 3

5. At least a paragraph or two per post. I dont want to see one liners EVER. And I'd prefer if you'd all post at least once every few days.

6. Characters will die. Dont think you are safe.

7. Be active in the OOC. It will help us get to know each other better and we can use it as a platform to discuss plot

8. Pm me any questions you may have. I'm happy to answer anything you want if I havent already.

9. Pay attention to all Narration Posts. They will hold vital information pertaining to the story.

10. I am GM, I will nto hesitate to kick you out if you break my rules.

11. I reserve the right to change/ add rules as I see fit.

12. Lastly, have fun everyone.
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