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Fandom A certain scientific index; Academy City - Organizations


Elder Member



Judgement is a term used to refer to Academy City's student-based disciplinary committee.

They are composed of students of varying grade levels and power, and along with Anti-skill, they are tasked to maintain peace-and-order within the school system. Judgement members can be recognized by the armbands they wear over their right sleeves, which are green with white stripes and which have a shield symbol.



As most of the city population are students, it is the duty of Judgement to catch those delinquents misusing their powers along with other offenders and protect the students. They can arrest criminals, though only Anti-skill can formally take them into custody.

In the event of a situation that Judgement members cannot handle, their superiors and the city's security forces, the Anti-Skills will take over. Overall, the role of a Judgement officer is more like a part-time civilian patrol officer and are often used in community services, such as cleaning garbage from the streets (when cleaning bots are unavailable), helping locate lost objects, traffic duty, etc.

Their authority is normally limited to their school grounds and districts; a Judgment member of another branch can request the Judgement branch that has control of an area to temporarily extend their jurisdiction in that area; also, they can only use their authority outside when ordered to by their superiors or in cases of emergency.

Moreover, it is also their duty to keep watch of Anti-skill, and vice-versa. It is a check-and-balance system that should prevent internal corruption in the two organizations.


Joining Judgement's ranks requirement is only being an Academy City student, though it is unknown what the minimum age required is, as elementary students are allowed to join the ranks. Also, recruits need to pass 13 kinds of tryouts and training (which includes going to Judgement Training Center to train) lasting for 4 months, and sign 9 contracts, before formally becoming a member of Judgment.


Younger members of Judgement are partnered with older members to patrol the city, though when one reaches a certain age, a member is allowed to patrol alone or form partners with other members of the same branch. During large-scale operations, several members of Judgement of the same branch can form a group for patrols.

There are at least 177 currently known Judgement branches in Academy City, and each branch has its own captain;


Background information

Anti-Skill is the term used to refer to Academy City's police and security forces.

Unlike Judgment, members of Anti-Skill are ordinary adults who work in the city. One is essentially a volunteer when they join Anti-Skill, and as such is not paid to do Anti-Skill work; however, the city compensates for Anti-Skill members' help in the experiment by giving them various gifts and privileges.




It is often assigned to situations that members of Judgment are unable or not allowed to handle, such as engaging terrorists, handling hostage situations, or stabilizing dangerous areas.

Judgment is often assigned to assist Anti-Skill in these cases by evacuating civilians or handling crowd control as well as dealing with rogue espers who abuse their powers.

It is also shown to assist Judgment with meager work such as directing traffic, helping lost people, and enforcing curfew, and can also be hired for events.

Anti-Skill members are also tasked in training Judgment recruits.

Moreover, it is also their duty to keep watch of Judgment, and vice-versa. It is a checks and balances system that should prevent prevent internal corruption in the two organizations.

It and Academy City's disaster relief organization, Multi Active Rescue work together during large-scale incidents.


Members of Anti-Skill are capable of properly handling rifles. They are also trained in various tactics and strategies to handle different situations, such as hostage situations and dealing with terrorists.

They are also probably trained in the implementation of first-aid.


To join their professional ranks, one need only be a teacher and then one must sign nine contracts, pass thirteen different types of aptitude tests, and complete four months of training, similar to Judgment. Though it is currently unknown who leads Anti-Skill, during operations such as engaging terrorists, Anti-Skill members are formed into small groups and follow a single leader.

Sometimes, Anti-Skill members are put into relatively minor work (enforcing curfew, assisting lost people, etc.), and as such are partnered to scan particular areas.

Disciplinary Action

DA is a secret rogue organization within Anti-Skill. Originally, composed of people who received "disciplinary action" for going overboard with their duties to the point of brutality or abuse of power, the organization later become a powerful organization in itself within Anti-Skill after receiving funding and technology from sympathizers.



Most members of Anti-Skill are seen with special SWAT armor as well as riot shields. If available, security bots are also used for protection against enemy fire.


They are shown to use SIG SG 551 SWATswith Aimpoint CompM2s attached, as well as grenades and grenade launchers. However, in the manga adaptation, they use Heckler and Koch MP5 in place of SIG SG 551 SWATs as their primary weapon instead. When the situation calls for it, they can use experimental weapons against dangerous foes.


Anti-Skill primarily uses blue armored trucks to transport criminals as well as their own members. It is also shown to house communication apparatus.


Members of Anti-Skill also have P-Phones, an exclusive smartphone, with a SIM card different from any phone available to the general public.

One of their tools is the HsLH-02, a linear hammer used to destroy steel doors. At first glance, it looks like a bazooka, but inside there's a giant stake with a flat end. There is no need for a trigger, the hammer is used by swinging it like a pendulum and striking the target. The shock applied to the muzzle area strikes the target with the giant 20 kg stake at subsonic speed. It can be used repeatedly to bash the target.

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