usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer

Name: (first and last)

Age: (Since the Sins are ghosts essentially, put the age they died)

Gender: (This one's a no brainer)

Sin: (Another no-brainer)

Appearance: (They should be ANIME or somewhat cartoon-y)

Personality: (should go very well with the Sin they are)

Biography: (Before they died. Since I was vague about what the Realm of the Living is like, I'll allow you to make up stuff about the world.)



@Toaster Muffins

Sloth- @Off

Envy- @Agent Nine

Wrath- @VainRochester

Lust- @RaraHaruko

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This is currently a Work In Progress.

- o -


Katrina Pallioran










Usually seen as:

  • Apathetic
  • Demotivated
  • Dispassionate
  • Half-Hearted
  • Languid
  • Drowsy
  • Difficult to surprise/shock/excite
  • Sarcastic
  • Passive
  • Procrastinating

Seldom seen as:

  • Humorous
  • Attentive
  • Curious
  • Dependable


Work in progress.


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Name: Phobius Araphos

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sin: Envy

Appearance: Phobius has a slim, lithe figure, but isn’t quite as tall as some people would expect of his build; he stands at about 5’10”, and there’s only half an inch of a difference when he’s wearing shoes. He’s got pale, somewhat sickly-colored skin, a round face, and wide amber eyes. Phobius’ hair is of an unnatural crimson shade, and stops just above his shoulders, straight in the back while unkempt and matted in other places. It’s as if he always has a bedhead.

His clothes aren’t all that special. He likes wearing long, faded denim jeans and a plain white t-shirt. He’s also always seen with a red-and-white jacket that’s at least three sizes too large; the sleeves even hide his hands. But it doesn’t seem to bother him, and at times he’ll just let it droop from his shoulders to his stomach.

Around his neck is a thick, metal collar.

Personality: Despite his age, it should be noted that Phobius has the mindset of a six-year old child. Whether this stems from mental illness or some random bout of childhood trauma, it stunts his social growth. He needs extra time to understand things, and is prone to daydreaming. He also has a habit of wandering and getting lost; to avoid that, Phobius seems to like to cling to others for support and guidance. At the same time, he’s often found on his own. The young man is incredibly naïve, and can be led to do just about anything. Stemming from that is his uncanny impulse to trust nearly everyone and anything he comes across, an exception being his knack for telling a “good” person from a “bad” person, but even that sense can be bypassed with a little convincing.

Phobius has never had much. Be it family, friends, or plain old material possessions…he’s always been at a disadvantage in life, so it stands to reason that poisonous feelings would develop as a result. Not hate, never hate…the boy’s barely capable of that…but envy, pure and powerful. While it was more of a repressed feeling during his living days, the curse laid upon him makes it worse. Though he enjoys making friends, it’s hard not to find something that he lacks that others have. It makes him feel inferior to others and, sometimes, he’ll grow suspicious out of the fear of a person intentionally trying to belittle him. It wouldn't be farfetched to compare him to a puppy who's been kicked one too many times.

Biography: Phobius was a loner. His father and mother both sort of separated themselves from him when he was a child, and he’d developed the habit of saying that he’d “wandered” away from them if people asked. Life was simple and straightforward, and that was how he liked it, despite being alone and having no set home.

He died without anyone knowing.

Other: Leviathan

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