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Realistic or Modern 7 Hours


Very gay and really happy
High school has been treating you well in your little town of Hawkpoint, Montana. You've made friends and fought through the mostly rainy days. One of your friends, Leo, invited the rest of you up to her favorite star gazing point. The night is supposed to be phenomenal, and she said she has something planned for all of you. So you all carpool in Tara's mom van to the point, ready to start the night. But something doesn't seem right about Leo, and you have a bad feeling in your gut. Remember, when you're in the woods...

No one can hear you scream.


The basic plot line of this story is that this group of friends is at this looking point that their friend Leo invited them to. The night starts off alright, but starting around midnight, something goes wrong. The group gets trailed into the forest by a strange sound, and when they come back, the car is gone, and all that is left are the tire marks. They follow them to a fenced off area with a lonely house. With no reception and no other way of getting home, they decide to explore the mansion, looking for the lost car. 

Then they start getting killed, together or alone, and the remaining kids realize that it's not a night full of fun anymore. 

Its a night that they have to survive. Who is the killer? Who dies? Do they defeat the killer? 

Your questions will be answered in the RP ;)

This is only an interest and plotting thread, but please know that you will have to kill off at least one character, if it's your only one or one of two. I've been getting into the 'spooky mood' recently with Halloween coming up, so I wanted to make a horror RP. Let me know if you're interested!
I am making the character thread right now. When I make the official RP thread, the plot line will be cleaned up. This will serve as the OOC thread. Link to the character thread will be up shortly :)
I think I'll drop. I was super excited to do it, but I can't lead two characters and don't have time to do so. Sorry.

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