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6 slots open for free art requests

Orange Soba

Oh what the hell. I might as well make myself a queue since I've been PM'd by more than a few people. I'm already working on a few requests now, but I tend to work better when I have an organized queue to tend to. 

For those of you who don't know me, I'm rebuilding my portfolio after about 10+ years of my work was lost. I'm having to start over completely. I want to rebuild my portfolio, but I might as well have some fun while I'm at it, so I'm opening up an additional 6 slots for free art requests. 

If you want free art, just leave a post about the sort of thing you'd like, simple as that. I'm not gonna lie folks, I'll just pick out the requests that I think will make good pictures to work on and don't tie me down too much. Keeping your request vague and not making it TL;DR will allow me to make appropriate changes to your request concept to make it work better as a picture. If I like your request, you'll get a PM from me letting you know I've put it in my queue, but I will for SURE pick 6 requests (if I even get that many. I know I'm new here and very few people know I exist). 

If you don't know my work, I've done a few requests already here

@SomaFelquickie freebie web.jpgsomafreebie 2.jpg


jedi freebie.jpg

@Vagabond Spectre

robot girl.jpg

and some of my other work...


I'll choose a style that I feel is appropriate for a request, as I have 3 major styles I like to use: regular illustration, manga, and American comic book, and if you'd like to watch me work on your request, my picarto channel is https://picarto.tv/orangesoba . It's just where I stream work, I don't beg for money or ask for commissions. I'm just building portfolio work right now. Coming by is just to hang out with me as I do art stuff. 
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Ooh! I have a request. :)  

Cricket is a tall individual, though rather lanky and slim. He has a light tan from much time spent outside. He has brown eyes and shoulder length hair that is often seen tied back with a red bandana, but when loose, it is usually unkempt and a little wavy - his hair is a reddish brown color. His nose is rather pointy and his right ear is pierced at the top. He usually wears army-print cargo pants folded up to mid-calf with brown ankle boots and a white t-shirt. 

 And your art is simply amazing! I love the old lady and the tea picture. Good job!
God Damn your work 0-0.

Request below! Please note that is is medieval-fantasy-esc and that the pictures are just basic facial and accessory references! :D  

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 140 lbs
General Appearance:  Ekrah's build is what one would normally expect from a member of her school. Lean yet muscular with a bit of height. The woman's features are slightly angular due to her father's race but gaining an overall human appearance from her mother(meaning, ignore the ears in the picture.) That would include skin always holding a tanned hue, dark black hair, and brown eyes. She dresses in rather simple cloth and such clothing due to not making enough coin to afford a commissioned set of armor. Her swords are always see on her back in the traditional witcher style as well as a School of the Cat medallion around her neck.

image.pngView attachment 176097
Wow, this art is really good. I almost feel bad for giving you something to make.

Well, here's my request. Take time to review it and see if it's to your liking!

I'd like you to draw a character for an rp I'm joining about an academy for the supernatural. She's a work in progress, but I have a good idea of what she's like already.

Her name is Lily Blanchart, which I might change a little later. When it comes to vampire tropes, she fits the bill pretty well. She acts refined and classy and tends to wear frilly dresses and the like whenever possible. 

She looks around 15-16 years old, but she's somewhat short. She looks sweet, girlish, and classically feminine (she's a bit of a loli, but she still kind of looks like a girl in her mid-teens, despite her stature. Think Taiga from Toradora, if you know who she is).

She has semi-short black hair falling down to her shoulders and the cliche "red eyes of a vampire."

Like previously mentioned, she'd probably be drawn wearing a frilly gothic dress. Since some of her weaknesses differ from the usual vampire weaknesses (like certain holy objects), you could ironically include the shape of holy objects (like crosses) in the design of her clothing if you so wished.

As for what style to use, using a gothic, semi-realistic style or manga style would work well, in my opinion.

That about sums her up! 

She's inspired by a loli vampire named Remilia Scarlet, so here's some art of her if you need some reference or inspiration.

 Remilia Scarlet


Some moe (non-close-ups)




image.jpegNow, here's a close-up.







If you already took the time to read over this, then thanks! If you end up taking my request, then feel free to ask me questions. I tried to leave a lot of specific details out of it. Heck, you can change her hair if you think it might look better with a certain design. If you have any questions whatsoever (specifics or anything else), don't hesitate to PM and ask me! 
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Wow, I can't do that, but I wish I could. Maybe when I watch your feed I can pick something. 

So, I always like reference pictures for when I write books and all that jazz. So I have two characters, you can do both or one of them it's totally fine ^^ also I imagined them more anime/manga

One is a girl named Caramell. She has white hair, purple eyes and clothes are important since in the book the clothes present different sides. She has red clothes and red cape sort of like these, but you don't have to do something exactly like this: 


(I know it's purple, pretend it's red) 


The second is a guy named Blayd. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Also he's lean too. He has blue clothes and a sword (more or less like a laser sword). This is what I imagine it looking like: image.jpeg

(I mainly choose this one because of the bottom.) 


Thank you if you actually do my request ^^
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okokok i talked about this before but i love your art! im used to like cel-shadingish and seeing yours being all smooth and really nice is idk really pleasing to look at. im sorry none of your art survived the war, but it's some high quality stuff that i really aspire to hit one day!! I'm looking forward to more of your work in the future, since every piece you make seems to be getting better haha. Seeing you wander around the Creativity section fulfilling requests makes my day!


god i feel really bad like its gigantic but i cant adjust the sizse bcus formatting for me is quite hard rn BUT ITS FINE D.W D.W ITS FINE

Height: 5'7

Age: 17

Gender: Female (gender-biased job so they look fairly masculine)


They're a hitman (sure good at it too) and because of it, they're emotionally conditioned to not feel anything. So they're a pretty apathetic person and indifferent to all scenarios. Though because of their job, they're super overly perceptive, so they're quick to pull a gun on anything/anyone. They're the type of person to probably have a knife strapped onto their ankle and like multiple knives attatched to their sleeve and a gun hidden on their thigh they are ready to go 24/7 (cough tldr; they're always armed usually with a gun).

Since I drew the ref, it should be pretty much done! But regardless, their hair parts to the right (and sticks out a little awkwardly with the obvious part) and usually covers over their right eye, which is used in the manner that pirates were rumoured to wear eyepatches (to see better in the dark). They have a bandage that kinda changes place everytime so you can wing it or just not add it, but it's under their visible left eye to serve as eyeblack for the one eye that can see w/o actual eyeblack. They're naturally really flat-chested, though it was through years of binders in order to conceal their actual sex with the discomfort of being put through arranged marriages and disbelief they could achieve anything because they were female. It's not like they deny it though, so you know, anatomy purposes are different for both. While baggy clothes are their forte, they're pretty darn strong to have to be a hitman, you gotta have the dexterity for it!! But it looks to be more of lean.

and they were raised underground for like 16 years so they didnt really see the sun all that much. they r deathly pale please help.

Other References: http://imgur.com/a/88lWY

You can draw them however you really want to (and ofc make your adjustments how you please.) I have no specifics when it comes to clothes, so let your imagination run free with this!!
I can't really tell if you still have slots available, but if you do, someone drawing my character may help me come up with a name. Plus, art is cool, and I don't have skills yet ;-;


[Name??-shrug-] is tall and awkwardly lanky, half-elf with more rugged features. She has fair skin, eyes that appear black but light up a bit and turn a maroon-ish color during extreme emotion. Her hair is (mostly) straight and hangs down to her waist with random streaks of mint green in it. She has a slightly rounded face.

Some of [Name]'s features are a bit off from genetics being strange; as such, her right ear is slightly higher than her left, and her right shoulder is a bit lower. This is not usually noticeable unless you're really staring at her posture (like that District Contest choir director who took points off of my solos! GRR! Most of this is based on myself, by the way, the crookedness included.) Typical dress includes an unbuttoned overshirt, a T-shirt of some color underneath, jeans, and tennis shoes.

Personality-wise, [Name] is super excitable with dark humor and a crave for organization she usually doesn't have. She's almost like a puppy, especially when it comes to food (where she will literally beg for it). She has a self-conscious side, but people rarely see this, leading them to believe she takes everything in stride.

If you need more, lemme know :D

I've got something right here if you wanna do it! Basically what I had in mind is something like a medieval setting kinda dude.


That's mainly how he looks from the bust up. He's somewhat of a monster hunter, has 3 swords. 2 generic European looking ones on his right hip and one Dacian falx on his back.



He wears mostly lightweight leather armor kind of like this



or this



I don't want them to be EXACTLY like those, so you're free to add your own creative touch to it. Maybe darker leather, though.

As for hands. I want the bracers to be a little bulky so he could use them to block things like claws and teeth. I also think the pauldrons would look better if they were under the cloak.

Thank you in advance!
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Wanna see your take on this:


 Starting sketch from another artist.

The other specifics are as follows:


A dark, rust brown.


Light tan, mostly fair.


She stands at a little between 5’10” and 5’11”.


She weighs in at about 63 kg.


Dresses and clothes of common womenfolk flatter her physique. It is only when she bares more of her skin that the slender visage fades, revealing a lean and muscular build, forged with trials of the sword and shield.


A light pinkish red shade.




Munitions-grade half armour of the almain rivet kind. She adorns her right arm with a small buckler for defense, and greaves on her legs that fit snugly with her breeches. She fancies male's jerkins and doublets as well, and occasionally hides her face behind an armet. 


Flammenschwert: A flame-bladed Zweihander. Juliana uses it expressly for close quarters combat. She wields it with both hands, and each swing behind the sword is one with her utmost strength. She cherishes it unlike none other, for this is the sword of her father’s.

Katzbalger: A short sword, for use when the enemy at hand is far to close for her Zweihander to be of any good use. Built especially for cutting and slashing, it is never used for thrusts. Juliana puts it to very good use. Also a relic of her father's past with a certain band of mercenaries.

The idea is to convey a sort of naive princess and yet not so: bright-eyed, cheery, super energetic, and just wants to get her country back. Her 'fashion' takes after the colourful landsknechts of medieval times, from her flame bladed sword, to the lack of lower-body armour. 

I'm super hyped for seeing how you depict this lass. If ya can't, or yer full up, I don't mind.
Still slots available, I haven't made my final decision on the 6. I'm gonna get a couple finished that I agreed to do a bit ago first, THEN I'll make my choices. I think I've chosen like, 3 already. I'll letcha guys know.
Holy shit, you're a good artist.

I don't know if I'm gonna request anything...still kinda new to this site and want to get used to the etiquette first.

But your stuff is still really good.
Holy shit, you're a good artist.

I don't know if I'm gonna request anything...still kinda new to this site and want to get used to the etiquette first.

But your stuff is still really good.

Take your time, I've still got to finish this one picture first and then I'll make my final decision on the 6 I'm gonna do.

Oh wow! Your colouring and shading is superb! Your realism is really awe-inspiring and the details-- holy shots! 

Thankya, I might just be starting to get okay at this.
Hmmmm..... You probably won't decide on this, but.....

I would want a girl who is fairly tall (5'10"), is manga/anime, something that I could use for my character sheets for roleplays. I would want her to have long straight hair that goes all the way to the bottom of her back with a bow that is tied to her hair. I would want her in perhaps a school uniform. And......... have her in some sneakers with a grin on her face. Nothing too hard, compared to what you always do. -smiles-

Request in coming.

I would like to have my character cute ish looking. Standing about 5 feet tall, lavender like hair, and blue eyes. As far as wardrobes go i would like to have my character wear a white shirt, and a pink button shirt, with only one button that is attached which, would be the top part, with some pink shorts and black stockings. 

In a manga like theme.
Hi! I hope the slots are still open because your art is simply AMAZING! I have this character for an ongoing book I'm currently writing on wattpad, and I really hope you'd draw him up for me :) It would mean so much to me and I'll be sure to post your art there since they're so good >_< well, I hope you pick my request. On with it then!

Height: 5'9

Hair color: platinum blonde

Eye color: icey blue

Skin: pale

Figure: thin

He sort of had this impression of a snow prince-like appearance? This novel I'm writing is sci-fi though, it's just that he has traits that got him that way (long story xD )

Basically, if you'd like ideas for the gestures and background and all, I'll just give you a slight insight that the story is going to mess up with time, necromancy (not exactly the magic...somewhere along the line he had turned somehow "psychotic" and wanted to raise the dead. Lol it's complicated but there's the outline xD ), and in the end the world seemed to be...inverted? No, not inverted. It's just the balance between the time and space, being the forth dimension, is being bent here and there so it seemed like everything began to protest and instead of simply waking up the dead, the time had began to fast forward backwards and...lol, I don't think you should know that much, I bet it's confusing you xD  possibly something a bit "abstract" should do as the background. But then again, it's your choice :P

As for character model, this is the guy that I used...maybe he could come in handy to you too :)


Or something like this that gives out the more "psychotic" look can do too


Once more, I'm not forcing you though I'd really REALLY love it if you have accepted my humble request... QuQ It'd mean soooo much you don't even know haha! I don't know how I could ever repay you. If you need to contact me for questions and in case some parts aren't that cleared yet, PM me and I'll reply to you ASAP! :D  Thank you and have a great day!

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