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Realistic or Modern +5 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹+ — r&&t

Saint & Snake Eyes
— 14k Triad
tired. | location; tattoo shop. | outfit; saint && snake eyes.

To put it plainly, the two weren't good people. While they were, at times, empathetic and caring of others, their acts had always seemed to undermine those qualities. Eat, sleep, survive, repeat; this was the only real stability they had. And the Triad wasn't forgiving. Through hardships, the two stuck together, and that was notable to the boss. It may have been why they've been stuck together with each and every operation given to them; their loyalty to each other was like no other, and they wouldn't have changed it for anything.

Their relationship was familiar: like a brother and sister, whose quarrels were easy to come by, but at the end of the day they were there for each other through thick and thin. It worked for the most part.

Of course, not every trial and tribulation was easy. They had their bumps in the road, but found themselves back to each other. Saint was usually tired of Snake's shenanigans, but wouldn't trade it for anything, even if it got on her nerves. And Snake did everything he could to push her buttons, finding every bit of joy out of it, despite the consequences; he was always the more sociable one of the pair; extroverted to an unbearable extent, which could be unsavory to outsiders. Wildly flirting with others, while Saint did what she could to keep him on track, no easy feat.

When the boss informed them of a new job, Saint was apprehensive about picking it up, but Snake was more than ready to. In fact, overjoyed by it. A new opportunity to grow, get himself higher up in the chain and to get on Saint's level of seniority — it was comical, how her position on the ladder was higher than his, and yet he took the task without a single thought, tugging her along with him. Granted, it was neat. A lowkey operation, far from the obvious daily dangers of dealings.

A tattoo shop. One nestled in San Francisco's bustling Chinatown, something not many would suspect.

The scene was vibrant, a perfect set up. With bodies coming in and out of it, no one would've suspected a scheme. Right? They shouldn't have been able to. Even if there were some shady looking people coming around, all anyone would think was that they'd stopped by after a serious tattoo craving.

"Ayo, Saint. The boxes, where should I put 'em?" Snake's deep voice wavered in the air, arms carrying a heavily stuffed box of supplies. Inside, its contents rattled with every step he took, with a few near-trips in every stride. He couldn't help but capture the attention of bystanders who, obviously, were looking respectfully; the man wasn't surprised by the attention, aware by how attractive he was — in fact, Snake was cocky about it, not ashamed by how he blatantly did things to get even more eyes on him. It made Saint cringe, but it was a natural thing for him, unfortunately.

With an arched brow, Saint watched him finally stumble into the tattoo shop after giving staring men and women a show. "Corner. Over there," the woman scoffed in annoyance, pointing at the clean wood counter, "you really gonna keep grabbing attention like that? Maybe tone it down a little, big guy." His confidence never ceased to amaze her, and she'd only hoped that someone would come along and humble him. He never took her attempts seriously, so somebody else had to.

"Not my fault they wanna stare," his response was expected, with a creeping cocky timbre. It was obvious he didn't care much, yearning for more attention with every waking moment. "Don't even trip, just lay back and I'll deal with the shits, alright?" Calloused fingers reached inside of the box, pulling out a few items to confirm the legitimacy of the business. Even if it wasn't as legit as it appeared to be.

Saint couldn't help but feel disappointed by his nonchalant nature, and yet, she expected it. Sure, he was willing to help set up, but couldn't he have been more discreet about his presence rather than flaunting it? He wasn't a quiet person, nor would he have a desire to be, but it wouldn't have hurt him to try.

The man wanted to use this opportunity to rank up, meet some ladies, make some cash, and eventually bounce before he got too comfortable. "Don't even trip..." Saint mocked him under her breath, organizing the magazine rack haphazardly, with little regards to organization. Her eyes met with Snake's, only for him to snatch the magazines from her hands. It was swift, but aggressive, and certainly was an indicator of his annoyance.

"Shit, if you're gonna organize it like that, then I'll fuckin' do it." The man's eyes looked like they were about to roll out of his head, but thankfully, they didn't. Unlike her, he stacked them neatly; leaving a few magazines on the coffee table, meticulously placing them in a way that they look like they've been touched, but not to the point of looking disheveled and messy. In fact, it looked like a catalogue shot for a home decor magazine. It was both impressive and questionable. He could feel her judgmental eyes on him, to which he promptly snapped by, "don't say a fuckin' word, I can already feel that smart ass remark."

Saint's lips pulled themselves inwards in order to try and stave off a laugh, but she couldn't help it. Him, of all people, paying that much detail to the decoration? She had to admit, she didn't expect it. "Alright, Joanna Gaines," she teased him, shoving herself off of the comfort of the new couch in the waiting area. "Not a peep from me," giving him a nudge, Saint finally took a step away, finding herself on the outside of the shop with a lit cigarette in her hand. Darkly painted eyes scanned the area, taking in most of the scenery. Mostly concrete jungle, streets lined with restaurants and small shops, but one stuck out in particular. A flower shop, teeming with customers, receiving more business than any flower shop she'd ever seen in her lifetime.

She took a draw from her cigarette, dark lipstick staining the outside of it, but it wasn't messy. It looked like it belonged there, which was alarming and an indicator of how much her habit took over. "Seriously? That's gotta be competition then, eh?" Not once did the woman imagine having to beat out a flower shop, but here she was. Was this what the boss told them about or was she overthinking?
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_T H E_ T S A I_ T W I N S_


For years it’d always been Mei & Jun and Jun & Mei. The girl was the level-headed and rational one while the boy, well he was the easy-going bachelor. The boy was the immature, reckless twin while the girl bore the weight of having to be the colder and more distant half. So unalike and yet, so alike, that neither of them could ever quite imagine a life apart... Even if that life wasn’t exactly ideal.
The flower shop. Cornily labeled The Flower Studio, Jun had been stationed in San Francisco by his beloved triad in efforts to spread their business and lay low all in one stroke. They’d always been curt like that. The shop itself hadn’t been his idea- in fact, he’d been violently opposed to it after enduring no end to his sister’s teasing remarks. She could be such a pain. But now, after having spent nearly two full years in the dainty little thing, he couldn’t seem to love it any more. Why, the man tended to the blossoming flowers with more care than he would himself and always seemed to present them with a smile on his face, happy to be of service to the many customers that strode in.

In fact, Mei had always been surprised by the number of people waltzing in and out of the quaint store. Why, rarely ever did she see the surface area completely empty. Although, with a mouth like Jun’s the agent wasn’t in the least bit surprised to find him conversing with someone or the other. Peering over the edge of her newspaper, feline eyes narrowed dangerously. They were supposed to have gone out for lunch ten minutes ago, and by the way her idiot brother kept on rambling... lunch at their favorite spot seemed miles away- and worst of all, she’d have to return to work with an empty stomach. She was going to kill him.

Of course Mei had always been aware of Jun’s uh, criminal background, but really, she’d never thought that it would go this far. The redhead observed as he rose his arms in a wildly cartoonish manner, shirt lifting ever so slightly in doing so. To ignorant onlookers, the tattoo chiseled onto his back were merely decorative, but to those close to him, it was seen as a binding- an eternal contract. The Sun Yee On would never let him go. And so, like any other good sister and dirty cop, Mei did her best to keep her brother safe. Safe from the authorities to outlying enemies, there was a reason why she was always working.

“-You ready?”

Abruptly yanked from her wanderous thoughts, the woman’s gaze snapped upward to meet the man’s. Her jaw clenched before she began lowly, “Jun it is 12:30. I have to be back at work by 1:00.. How the HELL am I going to go eat lunch now huh?”

The man shifted his weight from one leg to the other, brown eyes trained on the floor as he sheepishly scratched away at the back of his head. For his sister, despite being minutes younger and inches shorter, could be quite the ferocious young woman. He was surprised that she hadn’t devoured him whole right then and there, honestly.
“...I’m sorry.” He spoke softly, returning his sister’s sharp look with one of sincerity. “Look, I can drive you back and we can pick up something on the way okay? I could even stop at that deli you like or-“ The man paused mid-sentence, attention laying past the large shop windows as he zeroed in on a foreign car.

“Or? What are you looking at?” Mei questioned, jumping up from her seat in deep curiosity. Ah, the shop across the street. She’d heard of it‘s purchase a short while ago, though hadn’t paid it any mind. After all, more businesses only meant more competition. Jun on the other hand, had been ecstatic when he’d heard talk of new owners, eager to make more friends in his business-owning facade. “-Actually give me a minute, I want to see what this is all about.”

“Jun no! We both have wo-“
however, before Mei could even voice her protest to fruition, Jun had already ran past the chiming door, leaving her to follow within his childish steps. Jogging through the desolate road, Jun could faintly make out his sister’s voice from behind- along with some unsavoury words. She would have his head for this. He found himself slowing down with heavy feet, eyes focused on entering the shop until he’d spotted her. With a face made of porcelain, and hair as smooth as silk, the woman standing mindlessly outside of the parlour seemed like an angel in disguise. Her cigarette wafted in the air, but what struck him the most was her steely composition and of course, her several tattoos. Was she the owner? He could only hope so hard.

“Hi, I’m Jun” the man greeted without much thought. Not like approaching a complete stranger in the street is weird, no, not at all. “I own the flower studio just over there he turned to motion “...Are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before and oh! Do you own this shop?? It looks pretty sweet!” he began, words threatening to ramble.

Hell, had it not been for the rapid clicking of his sister’s heels, he very well would have. “Jun I’ll k- Oh, hi.” Mei addressed plainly, straightening her former composure as she stopped just behind her brother’s budding frame. “-And this is my sister Mei. Mei- random lady, random lady- Mei” Jun quipped, stepping aside as to allow a better view of his twin. To which Mei replied coolly: “It’s a pleasure.”

“ANyways as I was saying, I- we just wanted to introduce ourselves considering that we’ll be neighbours from now on. And as a good neighbor, we’re always here if you need any help. In fact, do you need any right now? It looks like you’re unpacking.”
Jun inquired, peering curiously through the screen.


Saint & Snake Eyes
— 14k Triad
tired. | location; tattoo shop. | outfit; saint && snake eyes.

Peace was all she asked for, even if her job didn't welcome it. To have a cigarette to herself, without the interruptions of others seemed like a luxury; the only real time she had to herself was interrupted by an overly eager, puppy eyed man from across the street. Why he'd taken the time to introduce himself was beyond her, acknowledging that her general look wasn't the most welcoming. Granted, her male counterpart wasn't necessarily bad looking, but his chipper attitude was off-putting and, unfortunately, made her grimace.

Before she could even say a word, he went right on: introducing himself, telling her what shop he owned. He didn't give her the room to breathe, and that was frustrating. His demeanor reminded her of a Golden Retriever puppy: social, far too outgoing for her taste, and vocal. The woman could only do so much as she stood there, listening to the man continuously prod and poke, introducing his sister in the process while naming Saint "Random Lady." Had he given her the chance to speak, she would've considered introducing herself, but figured she wouldn't have even gotten the chance to.

Mei. Jun. Noted.

In comparison to the brother, the other woman was a less welcoming presence, something Saint could get behind. She didn't seem the type to pry, nor did she seem the type to interrupt one's alone time. The two looked similar enough, siblings for sure, possibly twins; however, they both had respectively different presences. It eerily reminded her of her and Snake Eyes, which piqued her interest somewhat, but not enough for her to question as much as her counterpart.

Before she knew it, the man had begun speaking. Which, much to her dismay, Saint couldn't stop; she wasn't going to grab the guy and pull him away and she sure as hell wasn't going to chew him out, with bystanders out in the open. Instead, while he was invasive, Saint mustered up the friendliest expression she could muster, rejecting his offer. "We're okay. Thank you, though, neighbor," her voice was gravelly, but pleasantly so, as much as she wanted to outright scream. Unfortunately, Snake caught wind of the interaction - which may have been the product of his constant curiosity.

As if it couldn't have gotten worse and drawn out, the shop's door opened.

"Neighbor, huh? Hello," Snake's eyes disregarded the male figure, automatically targeting the attractive woman that stood before him. Fit, ginger, hot - just the type of woman he was attracted to, and her energy was a plus. He could feel it; she wasn't going to be an easy catch, but he'd also enjoy the challenge no matter how hard it would be. He couldn't help but ignore both Saint and the other stranger, leaning his body against the doorframe with a flirtatious look spread across his cheeks. When did this man ever stop? "Overheard your name was Mei, lil' lady," a rough hand ran through his hair, "name's Sammie. You can call her Zhang, sorry about the bitch face."

Bitch face? Saint couldn't help but laugh at the snide remark, giving the man a sharp elbow to the side. He let out a soft wince, but kept whatever composure he could so not to have the other woman catch it. "Ha..." a stifled laugh left his lips as he straightened himself back up, "right. Sorry about the not-bitch face."

The interaction was already agonizing even if it was short; provoking an overwhelming feeling of ever growing annoyance within Saint. The same couldn't have been said about Snake - in fact, the man was in his element, shamelessly making attempts to flirt with the attractive woman while simultaneously holding in the stinging pain that resided in his side. Shit. That hurt. Did she really have to go full force? He shook it off again before it could continue to creep up on him, and before he could carry on with any other stupid statements, Saint intervened. "Nice flower shop, but we've gotta go. See you 'round, you two —"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We should get acquainted with our neighbors, shouldn't we? I mean — they are here anyways," he wiggled his brows at Mei again, a sly smile turning the corners of his lips upwards. It was obvious, the man wasn't going to let Saint get in the way of his attempts to woo, not on his watch. "That is, if you guys aren't busy; we got some time to spare before opening up." He was relentless. Had it not been for the cover, Saint would've wholeheartedly shut down his offer, but she figured it would've worked. Being close to the neighbors solidified bonds, that in which could be useful for them. Nice one, Snake. As much as she hated to admit, she felt the man knew what he was doing aside from making suave moves.

And she was right. Although the man had every intention to flirt with the woman, he had also thought about the outcomes of this. Having a strong inter-personal relationship with their neighbors and colleagues was sure to benefit them in every which way, given that they never find out about their dirty little secret. It was a risk, but one he was willing to take, confident that it would work out in the end.
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Mei & Jun

mood : agitated/excited | location : Tattoo parlour | Outfits : Mei & Jun

If it weren’t for the fact that they were infront of literal strangers, Mei would’ve unleashed all four years of her self-defence classes unto her poor and unsuspecting brother. Why, always one to strike up a conversation with anyone- and she meant anyone, there had been many a time in which her dear Jun had held them both back with the nuisance that was his large mouth. This was one of those times. Hell, it didn’t help that the woman was of the attractive caliber- albeit a bit rigid and stony in composition (much like herself), but it was that same reserved nature that seemed to have intrigued the young man even more so. She side-eyed the one-sided conversation, internally cringing every time her brother escalated. How could he always be this excited?

Jun on the other hand, was practically having the time of his life. As if the only one in his element (which he essentially was), he nearly gushed to himself whenever the woman had made the slightest reaction. For to him, she was like a treasure waiting to be opened, a diamond in the rough if you will. Although perhaps he was being a bit too eager, but didn’t women like that sort of thing- to be upfront in a casual manner? Hell, he wasn’t drooling over her (though it sure did look like it to Mei) but rather, he was using his guise as a shop owner to the best of his advantage. Why? Well, let’s just say that having a substantial relationship while working in the Sun Yee On wasn’t exactly possible. There’s always a lingering fear which entails the rivalling triads and their will to use something so vulnerable as some sort of bait... Needless to say, Jun was trying his best to be careful, but his caution has lead him to the point of desperation.

However Mei, still being on the verge of a breakdown sighed internally as her watch struck 12:50. She would be late for work. Officially so. Apart of her had wanted to reach for her gun and just start shooting out of frustration, but the more rational side of her had decided against it. Even having gone as far as to persuade herself to believe that one tardy would not be the end of the world, that this impudent behaviour was perfectly reasonable yes yes. Mei shifted, jaw locked as she tried to comfort herself. She could take a break for one afternoon right? Right? Absolutely not. No, instead she would wait until the very last breath of this conversation and then make a run for it, probably work until the late night to make up for any missed work. Like she usually did on such rare occasions. She would not one obstacle hold her back, even if that obstacle was her idiot brother.

"We're okay. Thank you, though, neighbor,"

Unfortunately for Jun, those words would hopefully mean the polite conclusion to his little introduction. After all, he couldn’t force his company onto the poor woman, as much as he wished he could. And so, somewhat deflated, the man mentally prepared for a charming goodbye, only to have his thoughts cut off by a new presence- a man this time. He was tall, dark and tatted, just how one would expect an parlour owner to be. A wave of jealousy pinched at his mind as he began to compare himself to this man- Sammy. Why, he seemed to be close to his female counterpart, close enough to be in some sort of relationship even. He desired the attention that this Sammy received, since all he’d gotten thus far were polite but ingenuine smiles and remarks. However, his thoughts had nearly vanished as the man made pitches at his rigid sister. So, either he was that shameless, or the two were in some sort of open, non-monogamous ordeal. Regardless, it was off-putting to say the least, after all, this was his baby sister, he’d always feel protective over her, and this Sammy was no different. He’d keep an eye on him.

"Overheard your name was Mei, lil' lady,"

A drooping frown had shamelessly made it’s way onto her face as the man flirted, wasting her time even more. They’d been this close to completing this socialization. “Yes but you can call me Agent Tsai.” She reinstated blandly, having half a mind to flip her badge out like she would to all suspects and criminals. That’s not to say that the man was particularly hideous or suspicious, he was actually quite far from it. Tall, dark and oozing trouble, he would’ve made a teenage Mei swoon. But right now? After her last relationship? Absolutely not. She watched curiously as the two owners began to exhibit behaviour similar to the same sibling dynamic that came so naturally to both her and Jun. Only, this Zhang woman seemed to be quite a bit bolder in order to actually hit her counterpart in front of strangers, something Mei wished she could do if she wasn’t so conscious about.... everything. It damn near brought a smile to her face.

Jun laughed as the man exposed his co-owner, attitude lessening as he did so. Why, he often embarrassed Mei the same way so perhaps they weren’t that different after all. His amusement lasted for a few moments, up until Zhang nearly bid the two goodbye. His brimming smile seemed to shorten as the woman made efforts to escape- hell, he even saw Mei readying herself as well. Where was the hospitality in these women?! Thankfully, as if saved by the bell itself, Sammy had interrupted. His smile had returned with full force at the mention of getting acquainted with one another, an invitation he would gladly accept within the following seconds.

“Actually-“ Mei began in opposition, only to be cut off with the loud voice of her brother’s “-We’d love to! You can call in back at the office, can’t you? I mean it is a Friday.” ....Bastard. Murder was all that’d surrounded her mind in that moment, as she stared into that stupid face of his. Apart of her was baffled that’d he’d even suggest such a thing, considering her tight schedule and high will, while another was dimly the disappointed at the fact that he was doing this all for a girl. Revenge would be necessary. Composing herself, the woman smiled a tight smile. “Why yes, I suppose I could do that.” Only if it meant embarrassing the shit out of him. She had some fun stories up her sleeve, ones that she was more than willing to share. “You should probably go close up shop.” She advised, patting him rather harshly on the back.

But of course, Jun was absolutely oblivious to the plotting that was occurring in his sister. He took her fatal stares and uptight smiles to be the usual, and practically skipped off across the street to hurriedly lock up. After he was done, he rushed back like a puppy towards it’s owner- wide smile on his face and imaginary tail wagging neurotically. “After you,” he said, making sure to hold open the parlour doors for Zhang, a corny expression sprawled over his features. He was such a dork. Mei expressed her distaste through a grimace as she shoved passed the male, settling herself gracefully on one of the couches as she did so, one leg over the other. Her brother however, couldn’t be any more different. Plopping down in a chair next to her, he stared up at the two owners. Through a low whistle, he emoted his approval. “Nice place you’ve got here, real cozy.” He said, to which Mei simply nodded as she tapped away on her phone, curating an apologetic email toward her boss. “But I’m curious,” Jun continued “Why a tattoo parlour? I mean you both look great with them but what made you want to make it a business?”

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