• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom 49th Hunger Games

Allina Auburn

Waltzing Matilda of Music
  • The districts of panem are under the reign of the Capitol living in terror children are sacrificed in the hunger games every year. You have been chosen to participate and not by choice. Many are poor and have malnutrition you most likely have entere your name in the box

"And may the odds be ever in your favour,"


  • There is going to be fighting, obviously. This is The Hunger Games after all. However, don't bully people outside of the roleplay. If I hear of such things you will be kicked out of the roleplay immediately.

  • This isn't so much of a rule as it is a preference: Pictures for looks. It just helps me a lot when it comes to visualizing your character. This is, of course, not required. You can always do a description if you so wish. I just prefer pictures.

  • This is descriptive. Meaning, no script.

  • There can only be one winner. However, if you want to, after your character dies you can request to make a new character to occupy one of the free spots and continue to roleplay.

  • Please use my form. Seriously, it pisses me off when I provide the form and people don't use it. Ugh.

  • Be fair during fighting scenes. If you die, you die. Likewise, you have to give your opponent a chance to fight back. It's a good idea to plan ahead with each other for fighting scenes, in Private Messages or in an OOC thread I will create. Just remember: No one is invincible.

  • You may have up to four characters. BUT: They cannot be from the same district.

I think that's it... have fun!


There is a mentor, and two tributes for each District. The Tributes will obviously compete, while their mentors stay in the Capitol gathering money and deciding what resources to send to them, while also enjoying parties and life in the Capitol, of course.


Black=Normal District)

District 1: Luxury


Male Tribute: Dice (KAZUAKI)- 18

Female Tribute: Dorothy (Karuko_TheShifter)-16

District 2: Missionary

Mentor: Jenna (Me)-19

Male Tribute:

Female Tribute: Crystal/Morgan (Kythii)-18

District 3: Technology


Male Tribute: Reserved by D3M0NIX

Female Tribute: Alexandra (Oniaxis)-14

District 4: Fishing

Mentor: John (Oniaxis)

Male Tribute: Stelios (justic hunt)- 12

Female Tribute: Maia (Princess of the Teacup)-16

District 5: Power


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 6: Transportation


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 7: Lumber


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 8: Textiles


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 9: Grain


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 10: Livestock


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 11: Agriculture


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

District 12: Mining


Male Tribute:

Female Tribute:

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