Other -------------------------------

Painting with acrylic on canvas is it for me. Aside from roleplay. I am actually sad when I finish a painting because now I can't work on it and have to figure out the next thing to paint. This one is for Hiei since I need to vent these feelings somehow. I feel like the paint can express a feeling better than words sometimes.
Seems to me that your cousin and brother don't realize you could be a drug addicts. What you're doing is art and some people don't understand that. Shame really.

As for me... my addiction and hobby is masks. I collect them and soon I'll be making my own to keep my brain occupied. This past month has been very difficult for me and the thing in my skull won't stop dwelling on the past and asking "what if". Need to keep it occupied. Masks have always fascinated me. They're usually more interesting than a face. A face you see all the time, you know what that is... but a mask asks questions.

Masks are real cool. I use to want to own a whole bunch but I was a broke student at the time and eventually never did get one. They're so wicked though some people have made some stunning stuff.

Do you have a preference of type of mask?

Oh they aren't cheap that's for sure so nobody can blame you for that.

A preference? absolutely. As my avatar suggests I'm a huge fan of gas masks. They're so menacing and provoke different emotions depending on the situation. I've had a design of my own that I'd love to get made one day either by me or I'll commission it. Post apocalypse themed and anything that you can say "that's really metal!" to. But I have a growing collection of odds and ends. Some gifts, some I've found in my travels. A few video game characters who are notorious for their mask(s). And not to mention the well known ones like Jason Vorhees, Ghostface, The Mask, to name a few.


As a sewer, I have a ton of fabric. Like, I've been sewing for years. Whenever I see a deal at the thrift store, I buy it, even if I don't know what I'm going to make. But I also don't organize it nicely, which is why it takes up so much space. I think if you use all your yarn, it doesn't matter that you have a lot. Go stand in the yarn isle for an hour-- that's one of my favorite parts. I'll go through the fabric section and touch every single one. I mean, you gotta test it before you buy it, right? I'd really like to learn how to crochet, but I have enough to do already. If you're having fun, that's all that matters.
i guess my “problem” would be crochet too, though i don’t have quite as much as you do, haha! however, i blew like $45 on a set of hooks (bunch of different sizes with color coded handles that were raised just a little bit to prevent the yarn from slipping down) & i was mocked endlessly for that purchase. they were just so nice, though!!

side note, i used that same exact shades of blue/white yarn that you have in the 3rd picture to make a baby blanket for my friend’s little boy & it looked so cute!

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