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Fantasy 40 Year War

Claire bit the inside of her cheek subtly, holding in a hysterical laugh. "Yeah..why can't it just be hot like lava?" She mentally slapped herself. She almost burst out laughing at how awkward he was, when she was being only slightly less awkward herself. "So...do you really split boulders with your forehead?" She looked around at all the shards of rock.

(the entire awkwardness of the situation totally makes up for it xD )

Hraesvelgr could not do anything but observe the humans, though since he was a machine, he was able to lip-read somewhat, though from where he was it was hard to accurately do so. They obviously weren't talking about their hide-out. He tried to maintain his position under the clouds without moving, though this was difficult to do, especially since the cloud was also moving, meaning this was only a temporary camouflage before he had to move. The drones were now almost through and their heads popped out of the water, though they weren't noticeable yet except by those with really great hearing. @the ordinary tune)

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"Follow them. They won't think of being tracked." Patal send his message to Hraesvelgr. He took his change and fired one of his harpoons straight towards to the female, trying to pull her underwater.
"I was already planning on doing so. I doubt they'll just give up without a fight so be prepared." Hraesvelgr replies to the message he got from Patal. He watched intently as he saw a harpoon come out from the water and head towards one of the humans. He wanted to see their supernatural powers in action, even if he thought they could easily defeat the humans, just as a precaution. @rugaru
Claire was about to question what happened to the trees when she saw something fly at her. She jumped aside, but not soon enough to avoid having her thigh sliced open. A little closer and her leg would've been chopped off. She yelped, falling to the ground. "Ah.." She winced in pain, trying to see what had shot at her.

"What do you want me to do Hraesvelgr?" Sora sent to him. She wasn't sure if she should blow them to pieces or wait. Not wanting to anger Erebus, she waited.

@rugaru @Verdas @Rantos
Hraesvelgr stayed hidden under the clouds, still watching. "Be patient. We need them to be alive in order to lead them to their hide-out. Let's stay hidden and follow them when they run." He messaged Sora. It would be unwise to simply kill the humans like that, especially after they finally found them. @the ordinary tune
It seemed like he missed, so Patal winded the harpoon back. He broke up the surface and rose on the ground. He wanted ro see their powers, even though this was just a game for him. "DIE!!" He led out a roar similar to whales angry moan and shot all of his harpoons from both hands to humans.
Claire dove behind a good sized boulder, narrowly avoiding being run through by a harpoon. She concentrated her powers, lifting the boulder and sending it flying towards Patal. All she could do was hope that he was alone and defend herself. Maybe she could damage him enough to make him retreat.

@rugaru @Verdas
'It appears that that one can move objects without touching them, much like telekinesis.' Hraesvelgr thought as he saw the human girl lift the boulder and send it towards Patal without even lifting it herself. It seemed that they would fight back instead of running away.

Kuro heard a commotion coming from somewhere near Animus. They already found and fought a drone today so he wasn't just going to pass it off as just some mutate animal or Ran doing training. He ran to the direction of the noise, feeling déjà vu as he did so. @the ordinary tune @rugaru @Rantos
'So, woman can levitate.' Patal thought and rose hands to cover him. Circular saws began to work and they cut the boulder in two. He winded the harpoons back and started to approach her. Patal lowered one of his hooks down to his hand and then started to swing it over his head. Even though he would kill the woman, there would still be one left.
Claire dove aside, barely avoiding death. "Eat dirt you hideous thingy!" She scooped a handful of dirt up and tossed it in the air. More dirt rose from the ground and began swirling around Patal's head. She hoped to blind, or at least slow him down. She stumbled away from him, catching her breath for a moment before backing away further. "Anybody, help!" She knew she wouldn't be able to last against Patal much longer.

@Verdas @rugaru
Kuro took on the appearance of a large, predatory, mutated animal and tried to somewhat intimidate the sentient machine before he notched an arrow and fired it, though it simply broke and fell to the ground after making contact with Patal's tanks body. 'Did they find out about the drone already?' He thought, oblivious to the fact that the drone was not the reason why they were found. @the ordinary tune I'm just imagining Ran simply standing there and watching as Claire is being attacked.)

Claire looked at Kuro saying, "Be careful, it has harpoons." She levitated a medium sized chunk of stone, making it fly towards Patal's back. She help her leg with one hand, pressing on it to stop the bleeding.

Sora was jittery from her place in the bushes. "I can't sit here much longer. I've got to do something!" She used her com to send the message to Hraesvelgr, watching Patal get to have all the fun.

@Verdas @rugaru
Rock made a dent in Patals armor, givng a small headache to him. He also saw third person getting in to the fight. Maybe he would need some ground support... Patal made an angry moan again and released his second hook. He took some speed and sweot the environment with them, trying to hit these two fighters.
Hraesvelgr would've sighed if he could. "Try to control yourself if you can. If not, then don't blame me if Erebus or Patal gets angry at you later." He messaged Sora, wondering why she was so impatient right now. Once they found the human hide-out, there would be even more to fight, unless they simply surrendered and agreed to become machines. By now the drones had arrived, two of them quickly running towards Patal while the other two ran to Hraesvelgr's direction. 'Curses!' Hraesvelgr thought as they would give away his location. @the ordinary tune @rugaru @Rantos

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