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Fantasy 40 Year War

The drone flew upwards, narrowly avoiding being destroyed by the boulder, though it's feet were torn off it's legs so it was now forced to stay in the air. It began firing at Claire with great accuracy, putting off Ran for after it dealt with this new threat.

Kuro heard gunfire and jumped down from the tree. "No problem, man, but I think there's a machine nearby. I'll go check it out." He said before running off into the direction of the gunfire, taking on the appearance of a large predator to keep most of the mutated creatures from attacking him. @the ordinary tune @Saurex
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Claire cursed and turned to run, but one shot hit her in the arm. She was able to duck behind a tree to avoid getting shot more.

She began to shoot pebbles and small rocks up at it, hoping to distract it so someone could finish it off.

"I was dumped in a river almost instantly when this place was made." Patal replied. "But how could you know. I believe they truly kept their word, for destroying all files of old deep-sea units." He thought out loud and realized, that this machine could be one of Valhallas most important ones. "You know Erebus?"

Looking out over the horizon with a bored expression, Yuma's thoughts about Ran diminished till no thoughts of him lingered in Yuma's mind. Letting out a long sigh Yuma dismounted the guard rail with a back flip. Yuma put his hands into pockets as he walked back into the halls of Valhalla. Walking past other machines made Yuma think about just how human he was compared to everyone else, when Yuma transferred he didn't become crazy smart like most do. Walking father and father down the halls, Yuma came across Oblitus and a machine he had never seen before (Patal). Walking past the giant robot he gave it a non hostile punch followed by a greeting. "Yo, iron lug." The greeting was then followed shortly after by a uncanny human laugh. The only way the giant machine could tell Yuma was a machine as well was form the metallic clank that came from Yuma's love punch. "And how is my favorite little Oblitus doing?" Yuma said as he gave her a tight hug. "And who is this you are talking to?"

@the ordinary tune

Oblitus nods. "I don't remember him from before I became a machine, but yes I do know him." She replies. "Do you know Erebus?" She asks, but as she waited for an answer she saw Yuma. "I do not know who this is." She answered, not hugging him back. "You're acting strange again." She says, not seeing the point in punching the old machine or hugging her.

Kuro arrived, no longer looking like a large and deadly predator and saw the flying drone as well as the two humans fighting them. He saw that Claire was bleeding while Ran seemed to be in the best condition of the two. "What happened here?" He asks Claire, making his bow take on the appearance of a bow while his quiver and arrows seem to have disappeared. He wanted to trick the machine into believing he actually had a gun, though in reality it was nothing more than a bow that would be useless against the machines. @the ordinary tune
"I'll try!" Claire turned to Kuro now. "I was hit, but only once. I'll live..as long as I'm not hit again." She used some of the destroyed boulder's smaller fragments, making them fly towards the drone. "Can't get me while I'm behind this tree!" She yelled in a sing-song tone.

@Verdas @Rantos
Kuro pointed his bow a the drone and it appeared as though real bullets were shooting at the drone, making the drone dodge the bullets and get away from Claire and get closer to the ground. The drone was hit by several of the stones and broken pieces of the boulder but only got a few scratches. It got hit by one of the bullets but it didn't do anything nor did it make any noise after it hit the drone, making it realise it was only an illusion. It did not notice Ran on top of a tree, and began shooting at Kuro. @the ordinary tune

As Ran climbed to a high enough branch he stationed himself, grabbing the sword with his bionic hand. He looked at the squirmish happening below him, he had to end this soon. Using his one bionic eye, Ran entered overdrive state. Ran jumped from the tree and started falling from above the droid, Ran's sword alined perfectly with the head of the droid, and if Ran missed he would have no hesitation in making a follow up attack, only his follow up attack would be aimed at the jet pack.

@the ordinary tune
The drone looked up to see Ran right above it, but by the time it notice him if was too late since Ran was too close for it to get out of the way without taking heavy damage which may possibly destroy it's batteries. It stopped fire at Kuro and tried to point the gun upwards to shoot Ran down before he cut through it with with his sword. @the ordinary tune
Patal heard a knock from his back and then other machine came into wiew hugging the female. He saw this one to be less human from appearance, but more human from inside than the female one. "Patal is my name" He replied coldly. "And I have a meeting to attend to." He turned his back to the two and continued his way to monitor room. 'Valhalla has gone to rats.' He though when walking.

A slight smile spread across Ran's mouth as the sword made contact with his adversary. They both fell to the ground, Ran using the droid to cousin his fall, seeing that the droid was made out of metal, it didn't help at all. As soon they both hit the ground Ran pulled his sword out from the robot and made two more slashes, one at the arm holding the gun, and the other at its jet pack. Shutting down his brain from overdrive state Ran ran (ha!) off the droid and over to Claire, checking her for any serious wounds. "Im sorry you felt like you had to fight in this battle. Are you ok? I know you got shot, can I carry you back to Animus?"

@the ordinary tune @Verdas
Oblitus stares at Patal as he walks away, then looks back at Yuma. "You seemed to have angered him even more in some way. Perhaps it is because you punched him." She said. "Erebus has been trying to find the humans. Shall we try to assist him? It is rather uninteresting to simply mope around here."

Hraesvelgr was close to the monitor room when he heard the clanking of heavy footsteps. His head rotated around to see what was making the large footsteps. It was a sentient machine he hadn't seen before. He had been expecting a mech-type to be making those footsteps and instead it was caused by something smaller than one, but possibly far heavier. His head rotated to see in front of him once more as he proceeded to walk to the monitor room whilst ignoring the heavy machine behind him. @the ordinary tune (@Rantos "Ran ran" lol. For that you get my...)

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Claire smiled, laughing the wound off. "I'm fine, it's not that bad. Sorry I wasn't more of a help though." She knew that it was her fault they had to fight in the air. She had knocked its feet off, meaning that a ground assault was impossible. Her right arm was bloody and hurt, but at least she didn't need it amputated. "I can walk though, thanks. It'll heal. Are you ok? I mean, the boulder you were hiding behind exploded after all."

@Rantos @Verdas

(legit just burst out laughing xD )

"Thank god. If you got too hurt I dont know what I would do with myself." Ran said in relief, happy that she was ok. Taking a better look at her, Ran blushed slightly. He never really payed much attention to people back in the Animus camp, but looking at this girl closely, well, it made Ran's heart skip a beat or two, then three, then four. If Ran looked at her any longer his heart was sure to stop working. "I-Im fine. Pshhh that bolder was n-nothing." Ran said in a failed attempt to sound tough, he stuttered and failed to make the sentence sound good. "Well we better get back to the camp then." Ran walked over to the boy struggling with the robot body and helped him by taking most of the body, Ran dragged it on the ground as he began to walk back to the came. "Thank you two for helping me, If I went in alone I might have had more then just a few scratches.


"Hey, common man I didn't mean to offend you!" Yuma yelled to Patal as he walked off. Yuma didn't even punch him that hard, maybe it was the fact that Yuma punched him in the first place. Upon hearing Oblitus acting strange comment Yuma gave her an offended look, Yuma was thankful that he could still make faces like that. "Strange you say? Common Oblitus, im acting just as I always do... just, I have a little on my mind. Is it really so strange to give the love of my life a hug once in a while?" Yuma asked as he hugged her tighter. Yuma let Oblitus go when she suggested that they help Erebus in his search. "Sure, lets go sweetie!" Yuma said as he grabbed Oblitus's hand and led her to the room.

@the ordinary tune
Claire smiled, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "Thank you..you too Kuro, thanks." She walked over and grabbed some metal scraps laying on the ground, wanting to help as well.

@Verdas @Rantos
Erebus waited patiently in the monitor room, totally silent and still, waiting for Hraesvelgr to come, though he wasn't really expecting any others. He heard footsteps nearing the room and judging by the sound it made, he believed it was Hraesvelgr, yet there was also another sound, heavier than Hraesvelgr's. @rugaru

Oblitus quietly followed Yuma as he lead her by the hand. She smiled, but thought it was simply something wrong with her false human skin. The monitor room wasn't far from where they were now so it would only take a few minutes to get there. @Rantos

Hraesvelgr entered the monitor room and sat on a chair that would normally be very uncomfortable for humans, made simply to recharge the batteries of most machines while they were on it through a certain plug, though Hraesvelgr did not bother using this. "You called me for something?" He asks Erebus, who nods.

"Since you have failed to find the human hide-out in the past few days, I believe it's time to send out a larger searching group to increase the chances of finding the humans." Erebus' voice was very calm sounding, which was noticeable even through the his robot-like voice. He stayed silent, thinking of the best non-sentient machines to send out, some disposable ones good for scouting while at the same time able to put up a good fight.
Sora, bored beyond belief, headed for the monitoring room. It was always entertaining for her to talk with Erebus. She didn't have any particular interest in what he had to say, but hey, what else was there to do?

Erebus finally broke the long silence and said "Hraesvelgr, you are to be with one of the groups of non-sentient machines we send out as air support. I will alert you again once I am done choosing which to send out." He becomes silent once more, waiting for the approaching footsteps of the other sentient machines to enter his room. @the ordinary tune

Hraesvelgr honestly believed he wasted his time there, even if it was very important, though he said nothing about it as he got up as stepped out, heading straight for the place he could refuel his jets at, wondering why he had to be used like an errand boy by Erebus, feeling fairly annoyed.
Sora passed by Hraesvelgr on her way to Erebus, noticing his irritated demeanor. 'Hm..wonder what Erebus did now.' She thought. She poked her head into the doorway. "Oh Erebus!" She smirked, strutting in.

Patal arrived into the monitor room, a while after a machine ahead of him. He saw 'finally pure machine' in front of... them. "Well... what a party we have here." He let out. With Erebus, there were also another aerodynamic machine and one copy of human again. "Sorry if I interrupted. Go on. I can wait."
Sora looked to the newcomer. "Go on, I was just here to annoy him anyway." She purred, smirking. She moved aside, leaning against the back wall.

Erebus turns his head to Patal. "Greetings, Patal Cenita. It appears as though you are here for something important, unlike Sora." He says, putting a barely noticeable amount of stress on the word "unlike" as he said it. "You're not interrupting anything so go ahead and say what you came here for." @the ordinary tune

Kuro looks at Claire with conern. "Are you sure you're fine? I don't think you should carry this stuff with us." He says, as he briefly inspects the drone's gun, considering using it for himself as an upgrade to his bow but decided that others in Animus might need it more. @Rantos
Sora faked sadness. "Oh Erebus, that pained me." She snorted slightly, becoming silent once more.

Claire flashed a smile. "I'm fine Kuro, I swear. Besides, I'm not carrying anything but a couple bits and pieces. I'm not strong like you and Ran." She giggled, kneeling beside him and looking the gun over. Her arm by now had finished bleeding, but there was still a dull, aching pain there.

Tanaka had came back up the grassland's slope and through the forest towards Animus after he had finished his walk, but while he was through the forest he heard a few disembodied voices and metal clanking against itself. One of the voices sounded very familiar, but he was a bit too creeped out and more mentally exhausted to make it out. He wiped his brow dry and continued back to the center of Animus.

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