4 Year RpNiversary!


Whiskered Writer
Technically, this is a day later than my 4 year anniversary, but I'm posting it anyhow because why the hell not. ;)


So, today marked my four year anniversary on the wondrous site called RpNation. I'd like to list and tag everyone that has made my time hear a good one, but honesty, my memory is too crap for it and I know for a fact I'd miss someone. Hah! So, instead, I'll just thank all of you and hope like hell you know who you are.

When I found this place, I had all but given up on finding decent roleplaying again, outside of tabletop games. Years had gone by and many roleplay forums had been joined and left due to site issues, poor management, dull setting (after a time) and just improper 'fit'.

I was on a hiatus that I worried was going to be a permanent one.

Randomly searching through Google one morning and looking for tabletop roleplay resources, I half-assedly searched something about roleplay and one of the sites to pop up was RpNation. Figuring I had some time to kill, I bopped on and lurked around for a bit and really enjoyed what I saw. (ESPECIALLY compared to some of the other forums I'd been a part of.)

I decided to make an account and dive right in, figuring "what's the worst that can happen?"

I'm damn glad I did.

What I found back then was an up-and-coming site that boasted some of the best folks I'd ever had the pleasure of meeting in the world of roleplay. Everyone was welcoming and I seemed to fit in like the site had been waiting for me all this time.

Over the years, the site has grown and changed. Friends have left, but other friends have joined.

I had the pleasure of working as both a staff member at one point, AND being part of The Fellowship with my shining
green name as their leader and then as a member.

I witnessed the departure of one great leader and the arrival of another.

And the roleplays... my god, the roleplays.

Countless settings, genres and characters and, no joke, some of the best people I'd have the pleasure of roleplaying with.

This is the first time I'd found a website that I could call a second home, with users that were not only friends but damn near family.

There have been some changes, a'course, but love them or hate them, I can't see myself leaving this place behind that's become such a huge part of my life.

So, in so many words, thanks RpN.

@GgAcE and thank you to @The Dark Wizard for giving the gift of roleplay back to someone that thought it was dead for good, and keeping it around for so long in one fantastic, ever-growing community of friends.

And a huge thanks to all the friends I've met around here in my short time around. Seriously love ALL you guys and gals. You're fucking groovy.

Here's to another 4 years and more!


Benjamin U. (aka Mr. Grin)


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