3E 433 The Oblivion Crisis


Dragons Daemons and Witchbreeds Oh no!
Ok Here is the skeleton for character creation if anyone needs help with the details this is a very thorough way to do so, also feel free to use graphic examples, I am a fan of pictures and music so long as it fits, for example a nord with a tradional nordic musical theme. Always thought music can make a RP more epic.


• Disease: (vampirism, lycanthropy, general afflictions like ataxia, rattles, rockjoint etc.)



• Birthdate: (Oblivion's dates is 3E 433~, so you will want to remember this when picking age)

-Height: (inches or centimeters, preference is yours, but I would include both if you want to be thorough)

-Weight: xx Stones (xxx lb.) (I recommend stones as the weight measurement considering the lore, but you can just use pounds if it suits you better)

-Body Type: (for this, use a title build and expand in parenthesis with a short descriptive list)

-Complexion: (pale, tan, milky, warm, etc.)

-Hair: (length, color, texture, style)

-Warpaint: (pretty self explanatory, yeah?)

-Eyes: (color, shape, emotion, intensity)

-Scars/Tattoos: (skin maiming is the name of the game)

Spoken Languages: (English is Cyrodiilic, other races have other languages too)

Written Languages: (see above)

Motto: (this can be a creed they live by, or just something they like to think or say. it helps flesh out the mannerism / demeanor of your character)

Class: (Not necessary but their are a lot of options in the premade classes from Oblivion)

Birthsign: (see here)

Claimed Starsign:


Loyalties: (family, friends, Dark Brotherhood, Imperial Guards, Law, etc)

Personality: (use a lot of descriptive terms here in almost a list form. Short description, 3-7 sentences)

Alignment: (Dungeons and Dragons alignments are generally the best for this)

Occupation: (hunter, assassin, alchemist, blacksmith, silversmith, sellsword, spellsword, bard, cook, etc.)

First Weapon:

• Secondary:

First School of Magicka:

• Secondary:
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♛Quill Wolfé Kresnik♛

A blade is only as strong as the wielders heart.
Quill Wolfé Kresnik

-Race: Nord

• Disease: (vampirism, lycanthropy, general afflictions like ataxia, rattles, rockjoint etc.)

-Gender: Male

-Age: 21

• Birthdate: 3E 412

-Height: 5'11" - 180 cm

-Weight: 10.9286 stones (153 lb.)

- Body Type: Quill is slim enough to swiftly evade most attacks but also has muscle, allowing him to deal damage also.

-Complexion: Pale

-Hair: Semi-Long *uneven*, Grey-ish Blue, Soft, Start

-Warpaint: None

-Eyes: Grey, Wide *when not focused or in battle*, Carefree - Glare, 100%

-Scars/Tattoos: Wounds all over torso.

Spoken Languasges: Cyrodiilic

Written Languages: Cyrodiilic

Motto: "A blade is only as strong as the wielders heart."


Birthsign: The Lord

Claimed Starsign: (?)

Faction: (Unaware)

Loyalties: Family, Friends, Law


Quill is a direct and committed person, unflinchingly charging forward to achieve what he believes in. He is protective of his family and friends. Quill deeply cares for the people he is close to and would rather die himself then have them die. Quill follows the Path of Kings: a person who lives with and for the people, as Quill himself states that his strength comes from his comrades. Quill will help out anyone in need without a moment's hesitation. He trusts anyone after witnessing them in action.

Alignment: True Law

Occupation: Spell Sword, Sell Sword, Hunter, Chef

First Weapon: Falchion *One Handed Sword*

• Secondary: Elven Bow

First School of Magicka: Restoration

• Secondary: Illusion

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Akishame Canisareeth

(Cyrodiilic translation is roughly Runs-with-the-Wind)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/wcw.png.9195595c41fc197bf9659278e6b70735.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/wcw.png.9195595c41fc197bf9659278e6b70735.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/wcw2.png.28cbe8978548fdf3f75c5cc047661a04.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/wcw2.png.28cbe8978548fdf3f75c5cc047661a04.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



: Saxhleel (




: Naga


: Lycanthropy (

Blessing of Hircine




: Female



: 23


: Midyear 5th, 3E 410



: 6'9"



: 22 Stones (

308 lb.



Body Type

: Lithe (

compact muscles, thick scales, curvaceous form




: Mottled earth colors of varying shades



: Curved horns jutting from the crown of her skull, blue feathers circling her scalp and nape, a set of three spikes protruding from her brows, and short spikes along her cheekbones and jaw.



: When angered, scales over her face flare red and black.



: Gold with flecks of red.



: A scar of a Hist Tree sprawls the length of her back and spreads its roots over her hips and to the front of her body.

Spoken Languages: Jel, Cyrodiilic

Written Languages: Jel, Cyrodiilic

Motto: Every Devil once had Angel Wings.

Class: Nightblade (Daggers in the Dark)

Birthsign: The Shadow

Claimed Starsign: The Lord

Faction: Argonian Equalists

Loyalties: Draugen descendants, Dark Brotherhood, Fighter's Guild, A'tek, Sutara Amaruth, Met

Personality: Quiet, cunning, insistent, perceptive. Desires a companion, but is too focused on her past to let anyone in. Mistrusting, grudge-bearing, but a lover of all animals. Fiercely religious, yearns for more of her people around, and secretive in her private life. Due to an overexposure of Hist sap when she hatched, she sometimes cannot discern between her hallucinations and reality. This has made her more prone to fits of panic, especially in her carnal form.

Alignment: True Neutral

Occupation: Assassin, Huntswoman, herbalist, cook.

First Weapon

: Bow


: Dual Daggers

First School of Magicka

: Restoration


: Alteration



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-Race: A'tek

• Disease: Lycanthropy

-Gender: Male

-Age: 22

• Birthdate Sun's Dusk 4th, 3E 411

-Height: 5'9"

-Weight: 11 stones 150 lbs

-Body Type: Slender build of almost entirely muscles,

-Complexion: Pale

-Hair: Long hair that is tied back into a pony tail, dark redish brown in color with trinkets of past battles woven into it, Armor shards from fallen enemies and a bears claw.

-Warpaint: Wears the Kohl around both his eyes

-Eyes: Bright golden eyes that burn with a fierce intensity. Always feels like they are seeing something inside of what they are looking at.

-Scars/Tattoos: Bears the wolfs head scar on his forearm marking him as a blooded and trialed member of his Clan.

Spoken Languages: Cyrodiilic, A'tek

Written Languages: Cyrodiilic, A'tek

Motto: "The winds of time blow where they will, We are just leaves along for the journey."


Class: Scout

Birthsign: The Tower

Claimed Starsign: None

Faction: A'tek

Loyalties: Draugen descendants, A'tek, Met, Akishame

Personality: Generally reserved and mild mannered. Due to the isolation of the A'tek he is very unaccustomed to other races expressions and traditions. He has a habit of taking things literally when such things are said. Honor is everything to him and people who are viewed as dishonorable or general scum of society won't even be acknowledged.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Apparel: Most of what Sutara wears is common place among his people. layered cloth garments with a leather overcoat. He also wears a shoufa around his head to protect from the elements as well as a black veil that is only raised to cover his face during times of battle.

Occupation: Emissary to the Empire from the A'tek lands in High Rock

First Weapon: Short spears, they more resemble a short sword with a four foot hilt than a typical spear. Carries three of them for both close combat and throwing.

• Secondary: Bow

First School of Magicka: Restoration

• Secondary: Alteration
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Name: Anatherielle

-Race: Altmer

• Disease: None

-Gender: Female


• Birthdate: 14th of Frostfall, 3E 416

-Height: 175 Cm/5'9"

-Weight: 9 stones

-Body Type: Very thin - little muscle mass, but almost no fat. Looks almost starved.

-Complexion: Yellowish-Tannish

-Hair: Very long, all the way down to her knees, blond. Braided.

-Warpaint: None

-Eyes: Vividly amber. Very wide, youthful, but seeming slightly twisted and weary.

-Scars/Tattoos: Deep scar across her cheek.

Spoken Languages: Cyrodiilic

Written Languages: Cyrodiilic.

Motto: "Never put yourself in danger when other people can do it for you."

Class: Mage

Birthsign: The Apprentice

Claimed Starsign: None

Faction: None

Loyalties: None

Personality: Tends to manipulate others into helping her. Very reluctant to open up to people, generally preferring to be left alone. Years of being on the streets led to her viewing people as cruel to begin with, so she is unlikely to take a liking to anyone. However, if she does grow fond of you, she is extremely defensive of you.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Occupation: Homeless - uses her magical prowess to earn money doing whatever she can, or, more often, not doing it.

First Weapon: Her magick

• Secondary: short sword

First School of Magicka: Illusion

• Secondary: Conjuration

Gunnarr Grey-Mane

31 year old, Male, Nord

13th of Second Seed, 3E 402

Whiterun, Skyrim


RELIGION: Nordic Pantheon



BIRTHSIGN: The Serpent

OCCUPATION: Blacksmith

AFFILIATION(S): Fighter's Guild, Imperial Legion

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

PHYSICAL DETAILS: Well-built, muscular, and standing at 6'3", Gunnarr looks and carries himself every bit a classic Nord. A mane of long braided brown hair with a rugged close-cropped beard match his dark green eyes, the color of the woods of Falkreath. He is muscular and strong, and walks with cold methodical precision, each step measured and sure. He has many scars, none terribly disfiguring, but each an example of a commoner's life filled with labor and survival. Across his body are swirling patterns of runic tattoos, a mix of art, superstitious beliefs, religious devotion, and personal memory.




Preference for two-handed weapons, particularly great axes due to their power and utility as weapon and tool. For ranged combat Gunnarr defaults to a bow, deadly and effective.




A mix of furs, leathers, and linens. Most of what Gunnarr wears is functional and easily maintained. Such is the life of a craftsman. Additionally, most of his attire and equipment has been fashioned by Gunnarr's own hand.


Gunnarr carries a variety of pouches and ties around his belt and clothes holding a number of tools and supplies for smithing, leatherworking, and more. A smithing hammer, and a pair of axes, one long handled with a thick head, the other short and sleek for throwing, reside in leather loops at his waist.




The Nords of Skyrim are known across Tamriel as a superstitious people. The presence of evil omens and good signs bears great weight in their choices and behaviors from the common beggar to the noble jarl. The night of Gunnar's birth the moon shone red as blood as the image of the serpent hung above. Gunnarr was born weak and frail, and his mother, a strong and respected shield maiden, did not survive the ordeal. Gunnarr was immediately seen as tainted and was ostracized from his family and community. Only the care of his grandfather Tor, kept him from death. As the infant grew, his grandfather cared for him, but was largely shunned by the Grey-mane clan for his love of the boy. Tor could not be wholly forsaken like the cursed child though, as it had long been his duty to work the fires of the mythical Skyforge in Whiterun. There he taught young Gunnarr everything he knew. In time, the sick youth grew into a strong young man and a talented smith. In his sixteenth winter however, the aging Tor departed for the grand halls of Sovngarde, leaving Gunnarr alone and without family as Gunnarr's own estranged father took up stewardship of the Skyforge. With little but some coin and skill to his name Gunnarr left his home, taking up jobs with traveling caravans and warbands. Fixing, repairing, and crafting arms and armor kept him fed and warm as he meandered across much of Tamriel. Only after a decade or more of nomadic wandering did Gunnarr settle back down, choosing to open a shop in the quant Cryrodiilic city of Kvatch....


Noble and honorable, Gunnarr is kind and courteous, trustworthy and brave. He would easily go out if his way or even lay his life on the line for an innocent. His childhood makes him sympathetic to the plights of orphans and harsh against those who would mistreat them. His justice is swift and deadly for those who would seek to harm others, pillage the poor, and steal from those too weak to defend themselves. He would never steal from another, and freely gives of himself to those around him. He is mistrustful of those in power, as corruption and selfishness runs so deep in the hearts of man and mer. He never forgets a good deed done, and would honor a debt to his last breath.

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-Race: Breton

• Disease: Vampirism

-Gender: M

-Age: "Pfft. Lost track. Would you believe late 30's?"

• Birthdate: "Some time in Morning Star. Couldn't tell you exact date."

-Height: 6'3

-Weight: Approx 12 stones (170 lbs)

-Body Type: Well-Built (a wide, toned build)

-Complexion: Fair

-Hair: Long, brown, ponytail

-Warpaint: Two streaks of purple under the eyes, "To trick the Daedra."

-Eyes: "That some kind of joke? Red, plain as day. Used to be brown, I think." Just as his personality plays a great defense against any prodding, his eyes show nothing but good humor and genuine interest in the things that happen around him.

-Scars/Tattoos: "Loaded question, don't you think? Sure, I got a tattoo. Don't think it'd be decent of me to show a stranger." A small scar at the corner of his eye, more likely to be from an accident than a fight.

Spoken Languages: Cyrodiilic

Written Languages: Cyrodiilic, can recognize choice Daedric words/phrases

Motto: If you can't see their tail, they're just better at hiding it.

Class: Witch Hunter

Birthsign: The Ritual

Claimed Starsign: "Ain't much of a star gazer."

Faction: None

Loyalties: "Anyone who ain't a witch or a Daedra worshipper."

Personality: He'll entertain your conversation for as long as he feels like it, but is extremely skilled at evading questions. His personality is on the verge of manipulative, but you wouldn't expect this for his seemingly indifferent nature. You wouldn't expect him to have any goals, because his demeanor suggests his only purpose in life is to irritate those who would try to know him.

Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral


Occupation: Witch Hunter (Adventurer)

First Weapon: Bow

• Secondary: Magic

First School of Magicka: Destruction

• Secondary: Mysticism

Background: His life was insignificant before he joined an independent band of adventurers, whose purpose was to hunt witches and similarly evil magic users. They traveled in a single cart, going across Tamriel in search of people seeking aid. Outside of risking their lives to kill powerful mages, life was simple, easy, and pure. Then came the 3rd of Frostfall, when Oblivion itself seemed to fall as rain to his world. But it was not the Daedra who attacked his group, and it wasn't Oblivion which rained. It was only blood, wrought by the sickly hands of their vampiric attackers. There had been seven in his group. On that night he lay alone, sure of his own coming death. But it didn't come, and it hasn't come since. He lives on in regard to that night, as if his due death is always near.

Appearance Extras: He wears clothes almost akin to robes, but call them such and you'll earn a prompt smack to the head. They give him the look of a ranger, with light purple accents to keep you from taking him too seriously. But he believes the purple tricks Daedra, even if the color earns him some strange looks.. The rest of the clothes are a soft brown. He always appears to be in the lesser stages of vampirism, and it can be assumed he has ways of keeping the affliction in check.​

Harukeeus Xeirtus

(Translated to "Haunting Shadow")


: Saxhleel (Argonian)

Tribe: Sarpa

Disease: None

-Gender: Male

-Age: 24

Birthdate: Second Seed 10th, 3E 409

-Height: 7'4"

-Weight: 24 Stones (324 lb.)

-Body Type: Mesomorphic (compact muscles, thick scales, broad shoulders and large powerful wings from his lower back)

-Complexion: Shades of grays

-Hair/Crown: Two straight horns jetting out from the back of his head with two tattered silken ribbons tied around them, and an admirable amount of feathers in between them that were an illustrious gold. Three spikes on his jawline as well as three spikes underneath each eye.

-Warpaint: When he feels threatened his scales begin to turn black.

-Eyes: Sapphire with a ting of emerald ringing around the middle.

-Scars/Tattoos: A vertical scar in the center of his head.

Spoken Languages: Jel, Cyrodiilic

Written Languages: Jel, Cyrodiilic

Motto: "You can only truly trust yourself in a world of strangers."

Birthsign: The Shadow

Claimed Starsign: The Serpent

Faction: None

Loyalties: Arena, Dark Brotherhood, Fighter's Guild, Himself

Personality: Silent, Analytical, Distrusting, and Stubborn are all words that would openly describe this Sarpa. He has a deep passion for his fellow Argonians and if it wasn't for his violent nature he'd surely of found a mate by now. He is cruely violent to racists normally causing brawls or even further, however he makes sure to lure the victim out of the safeguards of city walls so not to risk to much. He is a Shadowscale and acts as one, he keeps his life private to all others finding when they prod about more personal things they're being rude. A strong follower of Sithis.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Occupation: Assassin, Sell-Sword, Interrogator, Hunter.

First Weapon: Shortsword-Longsword combination

Secondary: Bow

First School of Magicka: Conjuration

Secondary: Illusion

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