• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ᵃ ᶜ ᵒ ᶫ ʸ ᵗ ᵉ ˢ - ᵉ ˣ ᵗ ʳ ᵃ

l y s s a

love bites
- dont be a dick and u wont get hit

- please trigger warn your posts. self explanatory

- if somehow romance happens in the midst of all the sleuthing and investigating and mUrder, please fade to black bc i really like not being banned from the only rp site im really comfortable on, ya dig?

-remember: this rp contains lots and lots of character death, including mc death, so it's possible that your character can die, if you're not comfortable with that then this may not be the rp for you

-this rp is not first come first serve, i will be accepting the character sheets I think best fit the story of this roleplay. If your character is not accepted please note that it has nothing to do with you nor do I have anything against you, but i felt that your character did not fit with the theme of the story.

that's about all, see yall soon
main - x
cs - x
ooc - x

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