[2E] Coordinated Attacks


Black Sun in a White World
Now...I just read the section and I'm still kinda confused. Now let's say a group of four DBs are ganging up on a Solar. He rolls his War+Intelligence, at difficulty 2, I get that. Now, do they all go on his next tick? If so, when they attack, is the penalty (Let's say for arbitrary numbers he rolls a 4) for all attacks against him now a -4??

If that's the case, what does it do to the DV over all? I know it's supposed to whittle the poor bastard down, but I guess I can't grasp it for some reason, while I can grasp the rest of the combat system.

Can someone shoot up an example please? A concise one.
Ok, your average sworn brotherhood gangs up on joe solar. we got 5 immaculates lead by jack "I pwn j00" fire aspect who features war 4 and charisma 4.

everyone rolls join battle and the fight starts. jack's buddies start some basic attacks but the anathema defends them easily, so jack things it is time for some coordination. instead of attacking he decides to coordinate his mates. that is a speed 5 action (misc.). his difficulty is half the number of people in the group rounded down. so 2 in our case. if he just beats the difficulty of 2 the penalty for our solar would be -1, the maximum penalty would be -5 (the number of attackers) but jack would have to score 5 net successes for that.

easy so far. but joe solar's DV isn't lowered all the time, only at the tick in which jack acts. so assuming jack started at tick zero with coordination, so we have tick 5 now. he decides to attack with his jade reaver daiklaive (4 ticks)... so everyone else in his group gets the benefits of the coordinated attack in tick 9. they have to make sure all by themselves that they hit him at the right moment.
Basically, the others should either Guard, or better yet, Aim, and then abort to their attack on the appropriate tick.

And really, getting a bunch of guys to Aim for a few rounds, then letting loose all of them with a coordinated attack. Fuck, man.

Stillborn said:
And really, getting a bunch of guys to Aim for a few rounds, then letting loose all of them with a coordinated attack. Fuck, man.
Like I mentioned in the exalted midget poll... a group of elite soldiers can pretty much fuck with most starting level celestials now and even for quite some time if the celestial is not a solar.
Get five people to do it at once, and you get an additional -2 DV penalty. Have them flurry, and the onslaught penalty comes into play. It's potentially INSANE.

Funniest thing was us using lookshy superior forces (full compliment of health levels) in gunzosha armour commanded by a single terrestrial. well it took the full moon warlord from the storyteller companion to kill them :P

Either him or a solar with FBS and FLB. First I thought that they toned these charms down... but they are still bloody powerful.
Stillborn said:
Get five people to do it at once, and you get an additional -2 DV penalty. Have them flurry, and the onslaught penalty comes into play. It's potentially INSANE.
You are a cruel sadistic bastard.
Well done.
In short, cooridante is knows as, "Ass Kicking Lynch Mob Method."
Wow, this makes a Wyld Hunt party a whole lot more lethal.

They were already pretty good, but now, with these rules into effect...ouchies.  I can just imagine a team of 5-6 DBs just OWNING lone solars
There are Charms to mitigate these penalties, but if you don't have them, you're pretty much ganked.

Oh ofcourse.  But its good to know that there is another reason lone starting solars should fear the Wyld Hunt.
Excellent...and Still...wtf is that avatar?
One of the people at work used it in a martketing email. I thought it was just so fucking WEIRD, that I had to steal it.


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