290th X Hunter X Exam


Sophisticated Sea Dweller


The large domed facility contained sparce lighting, with the grey cement floor matching the slightly rusted metal roof. On the opposite side of the entrence, a series of small slots where built into the wall. The air being slightly cold and clammy. This was a suprise, as the hunter exam this year was taking place in the desert city of Bobai.

Around 100 of the applicants were already present, and almost all of them were glancing around suspiciously. The few that appeared to be friendly with eachother had clearly come here together, with the belief that there was strength in numbers. Only one of the applicants actually seemed to be open to a number of people; he was a fairly short and chubby man, with a strange, square shaped nose. He was offering some other applicants orange cans of juice from a cooler. While most took them gladly, a few refused. A even shorter man, with curious lime green skin, was passing around numbered badges to applicants in the order they arrived. He wrote down their names on a clipboard. 

Every once in awhile, a green light on top of the entrance door flashed, signaling its opening. This was followed by one to three new arrivals entering. The door would quickly close, and with an audible whiting noise, the elevator would return to the surface.

Players: @Red @JR260 @Quark @Roki R Kankai @Phineas Forge @AtlannianSpy @Kimona @Spanner @Sinister Clown @Finalshine23 @The One Llama to Rule All @Elision of Ecritures @Lamladaz

NPCs: Tonpa, Bean

(Sorry this came so late. Anyway, when you make a first post, be sure to include what number you get. Keep in mind what order you arrive in when deciding this number, and add a few points if you don't arrive with somebody else. The exam will officially begin early on Wednesday, and anyone who hasn't begun posting by then will not be able to join the rolplay until the next major arc begins. Feel free to make your own minor NPCs to interact with)
Loki remained quiet while she stood in the elevator with Eliot, the young man that she had met a while ago in another town. The low hum of the gears outside the elevator continued to move. She hadn't bothered to count how many seconds they were in the elevator, but she was beginning to wonder how deep the Hunter examination area was. Maybe they have it really deep in the centre of earth because it'll get really dangerous, she thought to herself, since Tear had said that it was really "insane". When hearing from her neighbour and friend Tear about the challenges, it certainly didn't seem easy. Of course the examiners seemed to be creative, and she'd heard from other candidates on the way that they changed every year. 

Finally there was a small lurch and the elevator stopped. There was a small sound, and the light illuminated on top of the doors of the elevators as the door opened. Loki stepped out, her eyes squinting a little to adjust to the different lighting in this area. The air seemed just as dry as the above, though it seemed slightly cooler. Currently wearing her hoodie, she lifted down the hood to reveal her white hair, while her blue eyes scanned around at the 100 or so people here. Some had weapons. Others had technology. Some didn't seem to be carrying anything. She lifted her eyes at Eliot beside her. "There's a lot of people...Oh, there's more coming... Do you have any idea what kind of challenges they might have here, Eliot?" she said, while looking up at the boy. From the few days they had traveled towards here, she learned that Eliot was somewhat also good at gathering information and making predictions. 


(unsure about numbers. But was thinking of Loki getting number 119 when they arrive, since there are already 100 or so people here). 
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Loki remained quiet while she stood in the elevator with Eliot, the young man that she had met a while ago in another town. The low hum of the gears outside the elevator continued to move. She hadn't bothered to count how many seconds they were in the elevator, but she was beginning to wonder how deep the Hunter examination area was. Maybe they have it really deep in the centre of earth because it'll get really dangerous, she thought to herself, since Tear had said that it was really "insane". When hearing from her neighbour and friend Tear about the challenges, it certainly didn't seem easy. Of course the examiners seemed to be creative, and she'd heard from other candidates on the way that they changed every year. 

Finally there was a small lurch and the elevator stopped. There was a small sound, and the light illuminated on top of the doors of the elevators as the door opened. Loki stepped out, her eyes squinting a little to adjust to the different lighting in this area. The air seemed just as dry as the above, though it seemed slightly cooler. Currently wearing her hoodie, she lifted down the hood to reveal her white hair, while her blue eyes scanned around at the 100 or so people here. Some had weapons. Others had technology. Some didn't seem to be carrying anything. She lifted her eyes at Eliot beside her. "There's a lot of people...Oh, there's more coming... Do you have any idea what kind of challenges they might have here, Eliot?" she said, while looking up at the boy. From the few days they had traveled towards here, she learned that Eliot was somewhat also good at gathering information and making predictions. 


Eliot didn't answer for a moment, she was busy flicking her eyes around the room taking in as much detail as possible.

"No." She answered bluntly after a while. "In the end I didn't have much luck gathering information on previous exams, it seems like they change things up too much between exams, we could draw some conclusions if we looked into say, the last fifty exams but we wouldn't have access to that kind of data easily unless we already had hunter licenses."

Shoving her hands into the pockets of her green coat Eliot strode towards the little green dude handing out badges and took one for herself, studying it quickly then hiding it in her pocket.

117 huh? That seems about right for this many people. she thought, retreating to the edges of the room to lean against a wall and watch the other occupants, gesturing for Loki to follow.

"Anyway," she said to Loki, continuing the thread of their conversation. "Just based on what we have I can give you three pieces of advice. One: It's unlikely that this is a standardised test meant to evaluate examinees on a scale. Scoring a 70 out 100 won't make you a twenty percent better hunter than somebody who scores 50. It's more likely to be a simple pass or fail system, but the exam is so hard that just passing is impossible for most people." Eliot smirked, a slight hint of cruel amusement colouring the expression. "Just barely passing this exam would make you exceptional, the vast majority of these people won't get very far."

Eliot's expression became more serious as her eyes locked onto the little green dude handing out badges. "The other conclusion I drew is that both the exam and the people who run it change from year to year, which probably means that they have a lot of of leeway in terms of how they run it, if we get a good sense of their personality we'll have an idea of what they're looking for." Eliot's eyes narrowed. "The problem is that all the examiners are hunters, none of them can be underestimated and I doubt any of them are really what they seem on the surface."

"The third bit of advice-" Eliot broke off mid conversation to glare at a short, chubby man approaching the pair with two cans of juice clutched in a sweaty hand, offering a friendly wave with his other hand. The wave subsided quickly under Eliot's rather vicious glare and he wisely turned around and searched out someone else to bother. "Is more general, don't trust anyone. Not other examinees, not the examiners, not anyone you meet. You're the only one whose goal is to see you pass this exam, everyone else has their own plans. 

"That goes for me as well by the way," Eliot added nonchalantly, flexing her shoulders. "I said I'd tag along until we got the Hunter's exam and here we are so as far as I'm concerned we're square. I won't rule out working together if it benefits both of us but if I have to go against you to pass then I won't hold back so you better not either."

That's right. Eliot thought, shifting her gaze away slightly. We're even for that mess in Deneca City so from now on it's business as usual, me against the world. "Good luck," she added offhandedly, before lapsing into silence. 
Dante soon arrived down the elevator, alone. He picked up his tag, 121, and headed off into the crowd, munching on his lollypop, standing out like a candy shop in the slums. Well he was wearing a rainbow outfit with pockets full of candy, to it was understandable. He also happened to be in a very good mood and was humming an upbeat tune, attempting to talk to everyone, almost getting punched a few times.He would laugh it off each time. When a chubby man offered him a soda, he accepted and popped it open before loading it with so much sugar that there was no 'poison' that could remain.

Soon enough he walked up to who was most likely the most dangerous guy in the group and tried to start up conversation. "Hey there!" he waved with a grin. "whats your name? who are you?" he immiately asked next, "You like candy?" after the guy told him to piss off, and a few other rude things, he tried to clobber Dante who slid out of the way, "Aww! that wasn't very nice he grinned. The guy continued trying to beat Dante up, but he kept dodging with an annoying grin on his face, and stupid comments. eventually the guy gave up, and Dante trotted of with a grin.

Then Dante spotted the 2 females and soon darted over to them. "Hey there!" he smiled with a wave, the lollypop still in his mouth.

@Quark @AtlannianSpy
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Raymond sat down on the floor quietly, while playing with the number card that was given earlier to him. Number 76 was printed on it. He just continued to fiddle around with it as he looked at the other contestants, trying to observe them. There was nothing better to do anyway. He didn't care for all that friendly get-together act either. He preferred working alone as it would reduce the likeliness of any screw ups from others.

Beside him was an orange can, handed by that strange stout fellow with the squared-shape nose. It remained untouched after he accepted it cause the man wouldn't shut up about it. He didn't bother to drink it, much less open it, cause he was naturally a cynical person. It wasn't a bright idea to accept random things from someone trying hard not to be shady at a time like this. Well, who was Raymond to talk? He's probably one of the shadiest and shiftiest looking person among this collection of talented people. Ruthless and cutthroat tricks aren't unnatural to occur in these kinds of situation. Only a few people are smart enough to realize that.

A ringing sound drew Raymond's attention as the elevator doors opened to welcome a new batch of people.

"That makes... 117?" he said to himself, counting the number of people who were present. Raymond didn't bother to look at them longer and continued minding his own business until the exam started.
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Ladon leaned against the wall in silent while lazily gazing at the other contestants. He was one of the first participants to arrive at the room, having the number 37 at his tag, so he had the opportunity of examinating most of the candidates groups that came up till now.

Oh, the new batch seems to be quite a plain one. He thought while lazily fixing the position of the saya that held his Katana, letting it hang near his waist in a losely attached position that suggested some carelessness. His gaze wandered by the new participants in a sloppy way, as if not considering any of them as his opponents. It was clear by the way that he looked at most of them that he didn't really thought that they could be a fitting match for him.

His gaze finally came to stop when he saw a white haired kid amongst the new batch of contestants. He couldn't clearly determine if it was a boy or a girl, and if forced to take a guess he would say the first, but the point was: The kid certainly had some kind of training. As someone who passed a fair share of his own life training he could clearly read the posture of others, and the kid certainly had the bearing of someone who practiced some kind of martial art, thing that naturally attracted his attention. The funnier was that he appeared to accompany a boy that had absolutely no training, arousing Ladon's curiosity even more. "Perhaps this is going to be funnier than I originally thought." The swordsmen muttered, a half-smile covering his lips. He suddenly couldn't wait for the start of the exam.
Dante soon arrived down the elevator, alone. He picked up his tag, 121, and headed off into the crowd, munching on his lollypop, standing out like a candy shop in the slums. Well he was wearing a rainbow outfit with pockets full of candy, to it was understandable. He also happened to be in a very good mood and was humming an upbeat tune, attempting to talk to everyone, almost getting punched a few times.He would laugh it off each time. When a chubby man offered him a soda, he accepted and popped it open before loading it with so much sugar that there was no 'poison' that could remain.

Soon enough he walked up to who was most likely the most dangerous guy in the group and tried to start up conversation. "Hey there!" he waved with a grin. "whats your name? who are you?" he immiately asked next, "You like candy?" after the guy told him to piss off, and a few other rude things, he tried to clobber Dante who slid out of the way, "Aww! that wasn't very nice he grinned. The guy continued trying to beat Dante up, but he kept dodging with an annoying grin on his face, and stupid comments. eventually the guy gave up, and Dante trotted of with a grin.

Then Dante spotted the 2 females and soon darted over to them. "Hey there!" he smiled with a wave, the lollypop still in his mouth.

@Quark @AtlannianSpy

Tchh, what a pain. Eliot thought, eyeing the approaching boy warily. He seemed like an idiot but he had avoided that other guy a little too easily. Whatever his exact deal was the guy was likely trouble.

"What?" Asked Eliot bluntly, sizing him up quickly then shifting her weight subtly to look around him. Someone else was watching them, Eliot had been on the run long enough to be able to tell when someone was watching her. Nobody was obviously checking them out, but she could still feel that presence and then she caught the brief flash of a lazy smile. 

The guy with the sword... Eliot narrowed her eyes and lifted her chin at him subtly, not exactly a threat just... an acknowledgement. In Eliot's experience anyone carrying a weapon as flashy as a katana was either a total poser or legitimately dangerous. As tempting as it would be to dismiss this guy as the former she had a nasty feeling he was the former. 

Deciding there wasn't much to be gained by tipping her hand any further Eliot turned her attention back to the guy who had approached her and Loki. Flashy was definitely the right word for him as well, just his outfit was giving Eliot a slight headache and he was nursing some kind of candy addiction by the looks of it.

Dude what are you like eleven? Eliot wondered silently, raising an eyebrow sceptically.
"You know it's kinda mean to ignore someone." Dante grinned ignoring the look she gave him. Soon enough he was right up next to them, he wasn't an especially tall person either, just average. "Want some candy?" He asked holding out a handful a random candies, he was tring to start up conversation and he wasn't taking no fur an answer.

Loki took her number plate, staring at it for a moment. I don't like this number... she thought to herself while following Eliot until they reached a wall. She stood in front while listening attentively to the young man talk. Her facial expression wasn't really changing, but Loki couldn't help but feel that it wasn't really advice.*  Maybe she feels better if she can speak it out that she can predict some things? Or...I'm just insolent. At the last thought, the white-haired tomboy decided to keep quiet. 

"Un," she nodded, not really bothered by the fact that Eliot warned that they may be against each other. It was as though she wasn't really scared of Eliot's cruel smile earlier either. "I remember. Thanks then, Eliot." She turned at that moment to see someone with colourful clothing and a cheerful voice calling to them as he walked over. She saw that his number was 121. She didn't wave but gave a polite nod to him. "I'm Loki." she said, then glancing up at Eliot, who didn't seem to really want to talk to him. Her eyes suddenly caught sight of his hand when he offered his hand. 

"Ah." she pointed at the few in his hand that were wrapped in white paper. "That's the white rabbit candy, isn't it?" She didn't have candy often, but she remembered it because of the name and the flavour. 



*Though Loki doesn't know, consider it like when teenagers are being kind of arrogant and don't agree with what their elders are telling them.
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"You know it's kinda mean to ignore someone." Dante grinned ignoring the look she gave him. Soon enough he was right up next to them, he wasn't an especially tall person either, just average. "Want some candy?" He asked holding out a handful a random candies, he was tring to start up conversation and he wasn't taking no fur an answer.


"No." Said Eliot with an air of finality, her brow furrowing slightly with irritation. She shifted to look around Dante again, this time focusing on the official handing out badges. When is this stupid exam gonna kick off already? She wondered, all this standing around getting stared at was making her antsy, it didn't help that his clown seemed determined to invade her personal space. Eliot was pretty confident she could take him if it came down to it, although she didn't know what the rules were regarding fighting between contestants and she didn't want to draw attention to herself unnecessarily. This guy didn't really seem like he had much of an attention span so ignoring him until he got bored and wandered off in search of more obliging prey was the best option.

Loki took her number plate, staring at it for a moment. I don't like this number... she thought to herself while following Eliot until they reached a wall. She stood in front while listening attentively to the young man talk. Her facial expression wasn't really changing, but Loki couldn't help but feel that it wasn't really advice.*  Maybe she feels better if she can speak it out that she can predict some things? Or...I'm just insolent. At the last thought, the white-haired tomboy decided to keep quiet. 

"Un," she nodded, not really bothered by the fact that Eliot warned that they may be against each other. It was as though she wasn't really scared of Eliot's cruel smile earlier either. "I remember. Thanks then, Eliot." She turned at that moment to see someone with colourful clothing and a cheerful voice calling to them as he walked over. She saw that his number was 121. She didn't wave but gave a polite nod to him. "I'm Loki." she said, then glancing up at Eliot, who didn't seem to really want to talk to him. Her eyes suddenly caught sight of his hand when he offered his hand. 

"Ah." she pointed at the few in his hand that were wrapped in white paper. "That's the white rabbit candy, isn't it?" She didn't have candy often, but she remembered it because of the name and the flavour. 



*Though Loki doesn't know, consider it like when teenagers are being kind of arrogant and don't agree with what their elders are telling them.

Unless the more obliging prey was standing right next to Eliot of of course.

"Please tell me you weren't thinking of taking any," Eliot butted in, rounding on Loki and withdrawing one hand from the pocket of her jacket to pinch the bridge of her nose. "I mean not taking candy from strangers  has to be the most basic level common sense."

She's not your problem anymore... A little voice in Eliot's head reminded her and with a tsking noise she lapsed into back into moody silence, angling her shoulders slightly away from the other two as she shoved her hand back into her pocket. Let's just get this over with already, anyone who hasn't made it here already should just give up. 
He nods with a smile, "Dante." He grins, "Ah! Yes it is." He smiled, they were one of his favorites. The fact that she knew them put him in a Bettr mood. He liked sweet and could name everyone. He dropped the white rabbits in her hand "you can have them." He smiled, he gad a million more in his bag.

he smiled still trying to start up conversation with the other one too.  "Oh Conroe, they're good." He smiled looking at Elliot.


@Quark (sry fur shortness.)
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As Sooth rode down the elevator, she reminisced mentally about her trips here. It had started with a train ride to Bobai. On the train, she'd asked a young man, Mason, to help her find the site of the exam. The conductor lost his marbles, kicking people off the moving train, until only a few people were left. With a smile on his face, he admitted that this was like a pre-screening for the real Exam and that they'd passed. The train got them to Bobai, but they still had a ways to go before they got to the elevator they now rode. While the story is longer; in the end, she'd made it to the elevator that led down to the beginning of the Hunter's Exam. She had no idea what type of people would be there once the doors opened, but she knew from here on out, they were all competitors.

Once the doors opened, Sooth, still wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and a red hoodie, looked around. She was amazed at how many people there were, wondering if they'd all gone through the same crazy screening process that she'd undergone. She made her way to the appropriate spot and was awarded with a badge that had a number on it. She looked down at the number, feeling the need to memorize it. "Number 197, 197, 197," she thought to herself before looking upward. She moved aside and put the badge in her hoodie's pocket. She had no idea what kind of crazy obstacles they were going to throw at her, but she figured being in something that she felt comfortable in was the best route to go. And while sweats were comfortable, Sooth had spent far more time in a different type of outfit and intended to take the exam in her traditional ballet leotard.

Sooth moved away from the crowd, as best she could. Her back was against the wall as she sat down, her bag right beside her. She rifled through it, pulling out a pair of her ballet shoes. She placed them on the ground, opposite the bag. In an attempt to draw as little attention to herself as possible, Sooth began working her hoodie over her head, revealing her pink leotard top. She placed the hoodie into the bag before turning her attention to the sneakers that she'd been wearing. Once they were off, she placed them in the bag as well. Now all she had left were her pants.
Loki's head shifted slightly towards the right to avoid Eliot's hand while looking up at her. She wasn't angry, but just gave an unconvinced look. "Really? I thought the most basic common sense was "dead people don't come back alive." ?" she said loud enough for the two to be heard in an indifferent manner. She didn't disagree about taking food from strangers, especially when she was in the middle of work, but now was not such a time. 

Before she knew here, there was a movement from Dante, and her hands moved to stop the white rabbit candy from dropping to the floor. "Oh... thanks, Mister Dante." she said, staring at it for a moment. She wasn't sure whether she had the appetite to eat it right now, and looked over towards Eliot who was turning away. Nope, he wasn't going to eat any, of course. 

"I suppose Eliot was thinking some of them might be tampered with." she said turning over some of the candies in her hand, then looking at the bunch that Dante was eating from. They all looked relatively identical by shape, colour and size. "Say, mister Dante," she began in a curious manner," hypothetically if you had added poison to some of them... Since you're eating from the same pile, what would be the probability of you being finding all of the non-poisoned and poisoned candy correctly?"

@AtlannianSpy @Kimona
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"well if i'd poisoned them i would be dead because they all get mixed together in my bag." He laughed, meaning that he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. "see i can under stand toing that sometimes, but with a stranger? it just makes no sense." he shrugged. "You sure you don't want any?" he asked looking at the male. soon enough he spotted the girl that seemed to be removing hr clothes for something she wore underneath, he grinned and chucked a handful of candy at her, waving when he go her attention with a grin.

@Quark @AtlannianSpy @Phineas Forge
Sooth was about to lift her rump off the ground so that she could remove her sweat pants when candy came flying at her. The candy didn't hurt as it pelted her but she followed their trajectory to see a young man with a grin and a wave. She had no idea what he wanted, but she ignored him and went back to sliding her pants over her butt and down her legs. She placed the pants in the bag and then put her ballet shoes on. She took great pride and time in lacing and tying the properly before digging her badge out of her bag and placing it on her leotard. She stood up and placed the bag over her shoulder. Sooth then surveyed the group, unsure of what to do until the exam started.
Mason came down the elevator tired he had just woke up about two hours ago and he was dosing off.While he was walking he thought about his journey with almost missing  the train then helping a girl  find her brother. He went down not knowing what to expect but he was to tired to think. hoping that the test wasn't as hard as the travel he exited the elevator and was stunned by the massive crowd that he saw there was a lot of different people there looking different some were very muscular while other were skinny, there were some interesting weapons that were intimidating.

He walked near the walls and was handed a badge of some sorts with the number "147" and he went to a corner and noticed the girl from the train but he didn't make any attempt to talk to her and he took a seat on the ground and tried to go to sleep but there were questionable people around so it kept him awake. He sat there waiting for a signal of some sorts to start.

Eliot Townsend


Loki's head shifted slightly towards the right to avoid Eliot's hand while looking up at her. She wasn't angry, but just gave an unconvinced look. "Really? I thought the most basic common sense was "dead people don't come back alive." ?" she said loud enough for the two to be heard in an indifferent manner. She didn't disagree about taking food from strangers, especially when she was in the middle of work, but now was not such a time. 

Before she knew here, there was a movement from Dante, and her hands moved to stop the white rabbit candy from dropping to the floor. "Oh... thanks, Mister Dante." she said, staring at it for a moment. She wasn't sure whether she had the appetite to eat it right now, and looked over towards Eliot who was turning away. Nope, he wasn't going to eat any, of course. 

"I suppose Eliot was thinking some of them might be tampered with." she said turning over some of the candies in her hand, then looking at the bunch that Dante was eating from. They all looked relatively identical by shape, colour and size. "Say, mister Dante," she began in a curious manner," hypothetically if you had added poison to some of them... Since you're eating from the same pile, what would be the probability of you being finding all of the non-poisoned and poisoned candy correctly?"

@AtlannianSpy @Kimona

"well if i'd poisoned them i would be dead because they all get mixed together in my bag." He laughed, meaning that he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. "see i can under stand toing that sometimes, but with a stranger? it just makes no sense." he shrugged. "You sure you don't want any?" he asked looking at the male. soon enough he spotted the girl that seemed to be removing hr clothes for something she wore underneath, he grinned and chucked a handful of candy at her, waving when he go her attention with a grin.

@Quark @AtlannianSpy @Phineas Forge

"Oh please," scoffed Eliot, without turning her shoulders back to the other two. "There are any number of ways to carry safe and poison food in the same bag so that you can eat the safe ones yourself and offer the poisoned ones. The most obvious is to make a subtle alteration to the safe food that you can detect by touch, something like a raised sticker a dot of paint or even a small puncture would do it. You only have to eat the safe items in such a way that no one else sees the alterations and the doctored ones would look normal." Eliot took out her hands and started counting down on her fingers. "Another easy way is to partition the bottom of the bag, have safe stuff in one side, doctored stuff in the other side and a layer of safe items over the top to disguise the partition. At the extreme end of the scale you could even use a slow acting poison on everything and willingly poison yourself while carrying an antidote that you'd use later befog the symptoms start to affect you. So the idea that the candy you're offering is safe because otherwise you might poison yourself is totally laughable."

Elliot shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't get me wrong I don't think it's likely that's what you're doing, if only because anyone you could take out of the running with such a half assed trick wouldn't be real competition anyway. Look." The teenager gestured with her chin to the other side of the room where a contestant suddenly dropped the can of orange juice he had been drinking and bolted in the direction of the bathrooms. 

"That idiot was never going to get far, why bother taking out someone who wont even be a threat when it'd just attract attention from more dangerous people? In case you aren't following where I'm going with this, no I don't want any of your freaking candy."

Eliot wasn't exactly sure why she was still having this conversation. She had already decided to ignore this guy and yet something about him, maybe it was that irritating grin, made her want to shut him down or at least expose the flaws in his logic. She was also a little bothered about how readily her instincts pegged him as a serious competitor and not, like the guy with the juice, strictly low tier. 

What is this dude's angle exactly? Eliot wondered, sneaking another glance at the gaudilly clad figure. If everyone I meet from now on is this annoying this exam is going to be hell
After another hour or so passed, as more and more participants slowly filling the room. After around 400 were present, the agonizingly long wait was finally broken by a small, mechanized balcony coming out from a set of doors. On it was large, extremely muscular man wearing combat boots, camo cargo shorts, and a black t-shirt. On top of his bald head, he had a dark green beret with a few golden pins in it. He shouted loudly, getting everyone's attention and quieting down the room.

"Alright maggots! My name is Jules, and I'm a proffesional war hunter! I'm not one for fancy challenges that test your intelligence or creativity or crap like that! So here's how this will go down! Everyone with an odd numbers badge, take someone's even numbered badge and put both in one of the slots in the wall! And, ya know, vice versa!" As he said this, a line of lights came on above the slots in the wall.  Half were blue, while the the other half were red. 

"If you have an even number, put them both in a red slot, if your odd, put them in the blue! Their are only 160 slots, and they can only be used once! Killing is prohibited!" The large man finished speaking, only to leave the room in utter silence. He seemed annoyed by the inactivity.

"Well? What are you waiting for! You little shits wanna be hunters, don't you?!"

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Red[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Quark[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Phineas Forge[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@AtlannianSpy[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Kimona[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Finalshine23 @Lamladaz
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"Huh. I never thought of that." He shrugged, "oh well." 

He looked at the guy who entered and lolisyened to what he said. As soon as he yelled at them to get going he darted off to go steal a tag from any one other than these two here.


He jumped on a weak guy from behind, 320, and hit him with a stick which he pulled from his bag. Now Dante had not physical strength but he could definitely you a weapon to cause damage. He knocked the guy out and grabbed the badge, darting off before a bigger guy could ambush him. He headed off for ta blue and dropped his tag in, 121, and the 320.
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Eliot Townsend


Eliot smirked, glad she'd taken the precaution of stashing her badge in her pocket after she'd taken it. She wasn't alone of course, plenty of people had taken the same precaution and now that they had realised what was going on almost everyone had followed suit. Which was a problem, Eliot needed to put her badge and and an even numbered badge in those slots as soon as possible. With only eighty spots for 400 people they were going to run out soon. 

Eliot glanced over at Loki. They had come in together and a lot of people would assume they had gotten their numbers together as well. Consequently staying anywhere near Loki made them both a target, anyone with half a brain would likely figure they had a matching pair between them so targeting both her and Loki would be a guaranteed way to get the number they needed. That wasn't the case but the urgency of the limited amount of space was obviously meant to encourage snap decision making not bargaining, nobody would be in the mood to listen and displaying their badges openly would just make them targets anyway. With a nod at the younger girl Eliot jogged away, trailing after the annoying candy dude with a rough plan forming in her mind.

"Huh. I never thought of that." He shrugged, "oh well." 

He looked at the guy who entered and lolisyened to what he said. As soon as he yelled at them to get going he darted off to go steal a tag from any one other than these two here.


He jumped on a weak guy from behind, 320, and hit him with a stick which he pulled from his bag. Now Dante had not physical strength but he could definitely you a weapon to cause damage. He knocked the guy out and grabbed the badge, darting off before a bigger guy could ambush him. He headed off for ta blue and dropped his tag in, 121, and the 320.

Eliot was relieved to see him score a badge for himself, at the least ti would make her less of a target to him. 

"Yo Candy man," she called, tapping him on the shoulder to announce her presence. "Got any gum? I changed my mind."
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Loki looked at both of them. "That's an.... exceedingly inefficient way, but it does sound possible" she couldn't help but comment. There were other more subtle ways of poisoning someone without them even knowing. "Though... But you didn't answer my question about the probability," she said, still fixated on the mathematics. "you know, chaos theory? How like with that bag of candy, you assort it into poison, and not-poisoned, hypothetically. If you keep tossing it, you might end up with a state where it is all arranged nicely. " It was merely a question of interest from ideal physics, but Loki probably wouldn't have gotten her answer before there was a loud sound from up and she turned to see a rather large man, starting the hunter exam. 

@AtlannianSpy @Kimona

There was a sudden uproar when the first test started. Loki was standing near the wall for the moment when she found Eliot glancing at her for a moment. The girl's eyes had sharpened significantly compared to earlier. Though Loki was naive, her guesses of potential enemies could be a hit or miss. "If we both didn't get odd numbers," she mused to herself when she hadn't gotten the number 118. The person handing out plate numbers hadn't seen her earlier, and had given it to a man next to her before she had called him. "I guess it would have been 'ruling out working together', huh." she used the same words that Eliot had told her earlier. Eliot could explain things rather easily, making it helpful for Loki to pick it up better. She doubted Eliot heard what she was saying though, since she was already trailing after Dante. 

I should get one soon. She told herself while putting up her hood. Crouching low on the ground, her eyes widened at the opening within the crowd when someone was on the verge of collapsing. Her feet rushed forward, and she jumped onto the shoulder of the man and jumped high in the air. Her eyes identified the people about 3 metres radius from her. There were two people who were engaged locking their weapons towards each other. One weapon was a pike, and the other was a sword. She's somewhat familiar with the sword but that seemed easier than the muscular men. A glint was in her eyes and she shifted her body in the aerial jump to dive diagonally to the right. In spinning half a revolution, both heels of her boots collided into the back of their heads. The one with the sword grunted and almost choked as he fell backwards. The other's movements faltered a little but quickly adjusted his hold on his pike. 

The one with the pike yelped a little in surprise how a kid with a hood had suddenly dropped from the sky. But the minute Loki's feet found the ground, she lunged forward and swung her left arm, which was clenching onto her pen. 
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Mason was startled as a group of men rushed at him for his tag immediately he dashed to the other side and started to run.He was tripping over himself a little before he realized they were no longer chasing him, utter chaos was around him he didn't know who's badge to take so he ran in to the crowd hoping that he could scavenge someones badge while the fighting was going on. He was crawling and felt a pull on his legs, he was being dragged out of the crowd, so in response he started to kick and then his leg were released and he scurried into the crowd. A badge fell right in front of him and a grin appeared on his face, he hesitated to pick it up and quickly took it."YES" he shot his head up and hit a guy in the balls."oh no" he started to run for his life scared out of his mind.
Ladon clearly didn't really cared a lot about collecting tags or anything like that, as he just shrugged at the announcement as if letting clear that he couldn't care enough about this test to move. His right hand moved to cover other of the constant yawns that came over his mouth right after that, giving a feeling of carelessness as he purposefully blocked his own field of view. Of course the act wouldn't pass unnoticed by the other contestants, and as quickly as he stopped to cover his yawn two of the nearby contestants, a skinhead male wielding a pole and a blonde guy that was covered by muscles that wielded a rough looking club, leaped against his position, clearly hoping to easily subdue him.

As expected, Ladon didn't really felt like being subdued, moving in the last moment to bypass both of the contestants by simply walking through the "way" opened between the bodies of the two "brutes" in a way that barely wasted any moving, stoping right after being out of the area affected by their attacks.  Ladon had snatched both the tags from the men's clothings during the meager amount of time that he took to pass by their sides, playing with the objects by rotating their surfaces using his fingers as a center. "134 and 346, hu? Lucky me, it seems that it's enough to proceed." The swordsman's youthful voice happily exclaimed in a loud tone while he started walking towards the wall in the same carefree walking as before. The two men behind him fell down to the ground right after his first step, as their body finally registered the damage against their napes. Surprisingly the swordsman didn't just snatch the tags, he actually used the small amount of time to incapacitate his opponents while avoiding their attacks.
As soon as the proctor finished giving his instructions, all hell broke loose. Raymond remained calm, however. Rather than go through all the trouble of searching for someone with an odd number, Raymond opted to have them come to him instead. Still playfully toying with his number 76 badge, it didn't take long until there was someone who wanted to try his luck.

Raymond picked up the orange can he had beside him before standing up and hiding his number card. A large, burly man who looked pretty much like a hooligan stood in front of Raymond.

"Hand over the number card, punk?" he growled at Raymond.

"Are you sure you even have the right number? I have an odd number with me." Raymond quipped playfully.

"Don't play me for a fool. You've been showing off that number 76 ever since you got here." he replied.

"Oho~" Raymond chimed. The smirk on his face grew wider. This man definitely has an odd number on him. "Then why don't you come and get it?" he taunted.

The man roared as his charged at Raymond, throwing punch after punch, but to no avail. Raymond was a nimble and agile fellow. He was always light on his feet. With each attempt the large man threw, Raymond would just sidestep him. This man had no chance of catching Raymond. It looked like Raymond had no intention of fighting this man and just wanted to wear him out.

The man started to pant, tired with this game of cat and mouse. Suddenly, Raymond just turned back and started walking away from him.

"Thanks for this." Raymond said as he flashed a number card with the number 53 printed on it.

"Wait-what?!" The large ruffian was surprised. He frantically searched his pockets to find his card missing. "Give that back!" he yelled as he charged at Raymond.

Raymond quickly parried the man's punch and at the same time, he pushed the orange can that he was holding on his other hand and shoved it into the man's mouth, quickly subduing him.

Once that that was all wrapped up, he quickly made his way to the slots on the walls. He nonchalantly inserted the two number cards as per instructions. I guess, that means he passes this phase. 
Sooth was already gazing at the people before the announcer made himself visible. She listened to his words, realizing that people were already looking around for easy targets. A group of 3 fit young men turned to the ballerina and began approaching her. Sooth was immediately scared, she'd never been in a physical confrontation and three guys about her age moving toward her made her knees weak. She started to scream, not because she wanted people to look at her, but because she was scared.

"We won't hurt you, just let me have your tag," the man in the middle said, his hand reaching towards Sooth's tag, but that wasn't what Sooth was worried about. His hand, in her mind, was reaching for her bosom which sat just below the numbered tag. On instinct, Sooth stepped back, but the man wasn't perturbed. He simply stepped forward, his friends keeping to the sides, blocking an escape route. Sooth's mind wasn't on escape though, she was too concerned about the ruffian in front of her trying to grab her bosom. Sooth's right hand acted of its own accord and slapped the man's hand.

"Watch your grubby mitts, pal," she scolded him, her mind finally overcoming the fear she'd initially felt. The man was quite fit, but he'd been surprised by how forceful the slap had been, practically turning him sideways.

"All at once," he said to his friends and all three began moving forward in unison. It wasn't the first time they'd worked together to ambush a single target. With six hands coming towards her, Sooth couldn't defend against all of them. Once again, her instincts took over. Her right foot pushed off the ground, her toes moving upward towards her left knee which remained extended. Her left foot pushed up, leaving Sooth's entire body in a spin balanced over the toes of her left foot. The incoming hands were knocked out of Sooth's way by her own spinning arms and her extended knee caught one of the men in the side of the leg, knocking him down. She came to a stop as the other two men backed up, helping the third back to his feet.

"What the hell is up with this chick? Is she toying with us?"

"I don't think so..." the leader responded, trailing off as he did so.

"Let's go again, more forceful this time. She can't take all three of us." The leader didn't seem too keen on attacking the ballerina once more, but the pride of him and his cohorts were wounded. They knew they were in trouble if they couldn't even get the tag from one girl. Sooth then realized that people all around them were already getting their taking the slots, but she had no idea how to subdue someone, let alone pick a badge from someone's pocket.


She was starting to worry that she was going to fail right here in the first stage, but that was when a large man with a sword came falling backwards knocking into one of Sooth's attackers. Not wasting the opportunity, Sooth rushed forward and her right foot once more leaving the ground but this time pointing directly at one of her attacker's chest. Her feet were pointed in opposite directions and Sooth just hoped that her kick would knock the man down. She was hoping the distraction was enough to allow her attack to succeed. In the confusion, she planned to get the sword wielder's badge or the man he'd knocked into. At least, she was hoping one of those would be even to go with her own 197.
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