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Realistic or Modern ⇜ʀᴀᴘᴛᴜʀᴇ⇝

@Sugar Honey Iced Tea

The deadline is the 22nd. I will be accepting deadlines of 2 days, but if you need it you need to let me know!
Elephantom said:
Doh, completely forgot about this RP.
On a side note:


Wanna do another gloriously cool team-up?
Hey, I'd love to but I'm feeling like I might have over-committed to RPs at the moment, unfortunately x.x I'm going to leave this one for now, sorry @SpectroVector. If you stay open for a while I might jump in later, when I have a bit more time? This does look sick.
I actually have to follow Coward on this one, can't really create a good character in a single day or so. And my internet was down for a day, and destroyed all my character progress. Really saddening, eh? But, I'd rather not fragile this on longer. Congrats on the RP, it's a really shining one, but I'll have to take my leave.
[QUOTE="Vengeance Spirit]Internets been down for 4 days. Finally got it back up. Turns out a squirrel bit through some wires o,o.

Haha, that's crazy, do you need an extension?

Elephantom said:
I actually have to follow Coward on this one, can't really create a good character in a single day or so. And my internet was down for a day, and destroyed all my character progress. Really saddening, eh? But, I'd rather not fragile this on longer. Congrats on the RP, it's a really shining one, but I'll have to take my leave.
That's fine; if you ever want to join in the future; I'll let you know when we have re openings.
I'm not even sure if I'd be able to utilize the extension ;___;. Got other Rps as well. Just...If anyone drops in the future or you're looking for members hmu.
SpectroVector said:
The deadline is the 22nd. I will be accepting deadlines of 2 days, but if you need it you need to let me know!

Is it too late to request an extension? I'm looking at my character sheet now, and I'm not satisfied with her personality so far. I also just realized what time it is, and I need to be heading off for the night in about an hour to make sure I can get enough sleep to get up for my internship in the morning.

If the extension is granted, I can definitely finish her up tomorrow afternoon!
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I SWEAR I'M STILL WORKING ON MY CS!! I've been chugging along at a terrible pace, summer camp hit me like a truck. Me and Akeira have finally finalized the details of our twins so I'll get to work ASAP. I'd also like to request an extension of a couple days if it's not to late!
Akeira said:
Is it too late to request an extension? I'm looking at my character sheet now, and I'm not satisfied with her personality so far. I also just realized what time it is, and I need to be heading off for the night in about an hour to make sure I can get enough sleep to get up for my internship in the morning.

If the extension is granted, I can definitely finish her up tomorrow afternoon!
CloudyBlueDay said:
I SWEAR I'M STILL WORKING ON MY CS!! I've been chugging along at a terrible pace, summer camp hit me like a truck. Me and Akeira have finally finalized the details of our twins so I'll get to work ASAP. I'd also like to request an extension of a couple days if it's not to late!
[QUOTE="Vengeance Spirit]I'm not even sure if I'd be able to utilize the extension ;___;. Got other Rps as well. Just...If anyone drops in the future or you're looking for members hmu.

I'm going to give an extension of 3 days; probably more because i have 3 completed applications so far and one of them is mine. It's kind of disappointing, but not your fault. Life happens.

Anyways, if you have any friends who want to join, let them know!
just seeing this now, but if you need someone to fill a place, i could have a character completely done by tonight
@SpectroVector Would it be alright if instead of the five vices/virtues explained, I could do two to three paragraphs with the traits bolded? I just find the vices/virtues a little more constrictive/harder for me to do. >< If not, that's fine.
Mortem said:
just seeing this now, but if you need someone to fill a place, i could have a character completely done by tonight
Hell yeah you can join! I'll have my character up for your freak show rp tonight!

Zatanna said:
Yeah i'd still like to sign up too! @H A N A K O are you still signing up?
Cannot wait!

MikkiAli said:
Phew. Finished!

He's awesome!!!

H A N A K O]yep ! [/QUOTE] Cannot wait! [QUOTE=CloudyBlueDay] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7361-spectrovector/ said:
@SpectroVector[/URL] Would it be alright if instead of the five vices/virtues explained, I could do two to three paragraphs with the traits bolded? I just find the vices/virtues a little more constrictive/harder for me to do. >< If not, that's fine.
That's fine!
i've been summoned.

lowkey been creeping this thread for a week but i forget things. i'll try and have a cs up tonight.
alright, she's mostly done i love revamping characters it's so easy. i'll try and finish her tonight.

yaknow, if i don't die of a heat stroke
Eunoia said:
alright, she's mostly done i love revamping characters it's so easy. i'll try and finish her tonight.
yaknow, if i don't die of a heat stroke
woo, the coding is fab

and i know the feel its too hot here too

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