1x1x1 or 1x1 I have a plot for each. (just need people)

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Okay, I have had these Ideas for awhile and I really want to do them. I just need some people to help me. The first on is the 1x1x1 I have tried to do once before and it died. I call it Witch hunt. The 1x1 is called Am I real? Both are really interesting I think anyway, so comment if you are interested in either.

Am I real?


This rp starts out with the normal FxM, but it can be MxM if you really want it to be. Anyway it starts out a boy has spent his whole life growing up with a boy/girl who has always seemed been around. When he moved he/she moved. When he was lonely she/he would appear, there were very few moments when this person wasn't around and in fact at one point this person was a living breathing person. But after a tragic accident when they were teenagers they died leaving the main character in denial. At first it was only in his dreams that he saw this person, but then as the days went on his attempts to keep her alive grew stronger until he started to believe she was still with the living. So, this rp will go through several stages. The boy growing insane, then starting to doubt himself that she/he is even really with him and possible moving on, or maybe he will never move on and stay in his fantasy land where she never died. It just depends on how this goes.

Witch Hunt.


Unlike what the name implies it has nothing to do with hunting witches, sorry. Th plot in this Rp is pretty much simple, have you ever heard of a love triangle. Well this is
basically what this is, but better, because is can have way more twist and turns. In this Rp there will me a prince, a witch, and a priestess (female priest). In the basic terms the prince is in love with the witch and the priestess gets jealous and tricks the prince into killing her but what fun is that. I have decided to switch it up a bit. The Witch is in love with the young prince of the land, and he with her. But the priestess is also in love with the witch and hates to see the sight of her with the prince, so she tricks the prince saying she is using magic to make him fall in love with her. The prince furious sentence the witch to burn at the stake.

anyway this just seemed interesting and I really want to do one, so comment if you are interesting or just think these are cool.

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