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Realistic or Modern 1x1?


a VLD meme™
Character A just got into a terrible breakup with their boyfriend. They had never been dumped before. Instead of drowning themselves in their sorrows like they wanted to, they decided to go to the nearest bar. They were a lightweight, unbeknownst to them. They had never drank before. Character B happens to be there when he gets blackout drunk, and decides to help the poor guy home so they don’t break anything.

Character A was in the library, cramming for an upcoming test. Someone is sitting across from them, also studying. About an hour later, Character A looks up to see that said person’s head is on the textbook that they need.

Character A is a nice guy, he likes to think. So when he’s at a club and he spots a gorgeous person being flirted with when they’re clearly uncomfortable, he swoops in to stop the creepy guy flirting with them with the perfect excuse; he’s their big brother.

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