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1x1 with Aspy Ink and TommyCat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Screenshot_2015-05-01-12-30-49.png.9f21d540477fc2438b06f80af886c894.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71117" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Screenshot_2015-05-01-12-30-49.png.9f21d540477fc2438b06f80af886c894.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: "Aleczander James Andrew" Alec, Zander or James(Hates the nickname James though)

Age: 19

Status: Servant

Hope this is okay



  • Screenshot_2015-05-01-12-30-49.png
    385.6 KB · Views: 10

Name: "Jasper Aaron Marcelius" Jass, Prince Marcelius (no one uses his nickname)

Age: 19

Status: Crown Prince of Arcadia

It's great, no worries. ^w^

"Princess Adelaide Emilia of Marvindale."

Staring at the painting of the young woman, Jasper allowed himself to let out a soft sigh. He wasn't sure why choosing a bride-to-be was so demanding. There were some beautiful women in nearby kingdoms, of good families, wealthy and beautiful, yet... Nothing seemed quite right to him. The young prince had been looking at paintings of women for years it had seemed, and yet, even in those he met, he had found limited interest. Tilting his head slightly, he was prepared to state his lack of interest when his father instead spoke up.

"Your marriage has already been arranged-- no argument, you have waited far too long. I am sending you along with some of the newer attendants to Marvindale in the morning. They will assist you in packing." The man's stern voice spoke decisively, shocking Jasper into silence.

Staring as a deer caught by a hunter, Jasper's mouth opened and then closed quietly.
"You expect me to marry a woman based off of one glance? You gave me your word you'd at least allow me to decide!" He challenged, peeved yet not the type to raise his voice at his father.

"I am sorry son, really. She will be a good match. Trust your old man, for the sake of our trade relations."

Sighing heavily, Jasper returned to staring at the painting.
"Albeit then. If you have already decided, it must be so." Quietly retreating to his room, he was readied to meet his new attendants.
Aleczander let out a quiet sigh as he flicked his blonde fringe from his eyes. He was to be leaving with the Prince Marcelius to Marvindale. It's not that bad.....I'll be wtih the Prince at least.....he thought to himself. As he stood, getting dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror, he was lucky to even be allowed to go with the Prince on this trip. He was very grateful though, as he did like tending to the Prince. He finished buttoning his shirt and flipped his collar down before grabbing a pair of pants and slipping them on. He was already a little late. With one more quick sigh, he walked out of the servan't quarters and rushed to the Prince's room.

He was going to help the Prince pack for the trip. He blushed lightly at the thought as he thought of helping the Prince pack, it seemed so intimate to him, but then, that could also just be because he had a secret crush on the Prince. As far Zander knew, nobody was aware of the fact he did not like girls and had more of a preference for guys. Wishing his blush away, he knocked on the door before speaking.
"Your Majesty, it's Aleczander, I am here to help you pack as well as I am going to be accompying you on your trip." He spoke softly, but loud enough to be heard as he shifted quietly on his feet.

((Hope this was okay, also, how do I make an album?))
Returning to his room briskly, Jasper was disheartened to look upon his belongings as he thought of leaving many behind. The trip may not be temporary; his father had only hinted at this, but the concept of switching over to married so rapidly still made his stomach turn. Sighing deeply as he stood quietly, looking over his various books, clothing, and variety of smaller things, he found himself taking on a bit of a frown. His shoulder slumped just a tad at the knock on the door. The familiar voice, however, piqued his interest. Aleczander was to be accompanying him?

Perhaps it was not all-new staff, after all. Jasper kept rather casual relations with many of those attending the castle, so knowing many by name was no surprise, nor was his tendency to make idle chit-chat with any working nearby. Through this, he put a face to the name instantly, and found his stomach settling just a bit. Aleczander was someone he was already somewhat familiar with-- not new to him, but new to attending to him as he would be. The idea of having a familiar face on the trip was reassuring in a way.

Drawing his shoulders squarely again and regaining his composure, Jasper moved to gently open to the door for the other man.
"Of course, I am glad to see a familiar face. Come on in." He spoke earnestly, looking over the boy standing there for a moment before again turning to look over his things with a sigh. "I suppose I cannot pack much..." He commented thoughtfully, looking to the trunk that had already been provided for him. Though, he was not the only one leaving. At the concept of his attendants needing to move with him, he thought to perhaps apologize. It was their duty, but Prince Jasper was not the kind to think only of himself. "I am sorry for the suddenness of our move." He suddenly stated a bit sadly, gentle eyes looking to Aleczander for a few moments.

(Oh! I think if you got to the media section of your profile you can upload pictures there.)
Aleczander walked quietly into the Prince's room as he looked at the chest that the Prince would be using."I suppose you should probably pack the stuff that you would like to bring with you. I would also suggest reading material for the trip there."He said softly as he looked at the Prince, feeling a slight warmth to his cheeks but he was not yet blushing. Once again the servant flicked his fringe from his eyes."It is alright Your Majesty. It is our job. You have no need to apologize for this."He said lightly as he looked over at him.

((Sorry if it's short, I can't really tell how long my post are on my phone))
Scratching his cheek thoughtfully, the prince let out a low sigh. "I do suppose so. Would you, please?" He gestured for Aleczander to sit on his bed beside the trunk so that Jasper may pass him what valuables to pack. It was not soon after that a few others joined them, streaming into the room as per the king's orders and beginning to pack other things after briefly introducing themselves. "I do like the suggestion of reading material..." He noted, grinning shortly at the other man before handing him a small stack of books to pack, a few from his bedside and the residing drawer there. Then moving to his wardrobe, he withdrew his riding boots and other such main necessities.

"Evening wear? Will I need that..?" He asked, to himself at first, before turning to Aleczander holding two high-quality outfits worn for decorum at larger events, such as balls. "Do you think I should bring one? I'm not actually sure what clothing to bring..." He admitted a tad shyly, chuckling a little, open to the other's suggestions. "What do you think?" He added a tad hesitantly, knowing it was perhaps a bit improper to ask for any more help than expected, but needing someone else's input. The others in the room had all busied themselves with other things, so aleczander was his obvious go-to. He was also one of very few of which he was actually familiar.

(No problem.)
Aleczander nodded softly."Of course Your Majesty."He said softly as he sat down, beginning to pack thr items. When the Prince asked what he did he shrugged softly."I'm not sure Your Majesty.......I would bring at least one outfit though....in case it's needed....."He said softly as he glanced at the other servants."Are you excited, Your Majesty? To meet the woman you will be marrying?"He asked a bit timidly, unsure if he was overstepping boundaries.
Nodding in agreement, Jasper sighed as he looked between the pairs of clothing he had drawn out of his closet. "I suppose, just in case. I'm actually quite unsure of what to expect once there..." He commented with a slight sigh, running a hand up through his hair troubledly. Handing one of the more regal evening suits to Aleczander, he moved on with other sorts of clothing slowly. As he heard the questions directed at him, however, he deflated just a bit more. He tried to keep from frowning as he turned to face the other man, not wishing to admit his unhappiness with the whole affair. Jasper had been trying to avoid an arranged marriage for quite some years now.

"I suppose I should be," he offered in hesitant response, then chuckling a little. He could be honest here, he knew that. It was just a matter of not wishing to complain. The young prince was never a fan of doing so, and he didn't wish to throw some sort of tantrum now. Nevertheless, he just couldn't manage coming across as chipper about it. "I don't mind a change in scenery, so it may be nice to explore a bit. Maybe go riding, and the like, though... Ah, I can't say I am too enthusiastic to meet the woman. I am sure she is wonderful, probably a well-learned beauty, but I did not wish for it to come to this." He explained, hoping not to come across as whiny. Jasper was unsure of why he felt the desire to be honest with Aleczander, but it just didn't feel as if the other would judge him harshly for it.

Sending a slightly-pained grin at Aleczander, he shrugged a little. The prince had wished to choose his own lover to wed, but without one, the choice had been made for him just so suddenly.
Aleczander looked up at him quietly as he took the suit, folding it neatly and then placing it in the chest."I'm sure your father chose a good woman for you, Your Majesty."He said softly he looked up at him."At least you will have people you know travelling with you."He said with a slight smile."But then, I wouldn't be too either. Not being able to choose my spouse."He said softly, careful of how he placed his words.
Hearing the bit of encouragement, Jasper perked up a little bit. Pausing in his clothing search to look back at Aleczander with a small smile, he felt a bit self-conscious suddenly. "I am sure he did." He spoke softly, feeling a bit more assurance, but also a bit childish. This was his duty- marry a woman, become a king, rule the nation- no mistakes or distractions, and no complaints. Yet, the other man seemed to agree with his sentiment. He wouldn't be happy in this situation either?

"That is true, at least you will be here. I appreciate that greatly." He spoke sincerely, taking great comfort in that idea. Familiar faces would calm him greatly, especially with his company being someone like Aleczander. Noting that the other man seemed to be speaking carefully, Jasper felt the need to help him relax. He didn't fancy himself to be a threatening figure, though he did see the sense in it. He was the crown prince. Any insults he felt on an attendant's behalf could be devastating for them. "Are you alright with leaving this place behind?" He questioned after a few moments, wishing to perhaps test the other's comfort.
Aleczander nodded quietly, rearranging stuff so everything would fit better."I'm glad I cab accompany you on something so important."He said softly. He looked up at the Prince at his neck question. He sat there for a bit, thinking over his response before speaking. "Well I've worked here for as long as I can remember but honestly, I'm not too bothered by leaving. I'll be with you....."He mumbled tge last part of that sentence, hoping the Prince wouldn't catch what he said and understood it. That could be potentially dangerous on her part.
Jasper arched a curious eyebrow in his attendant's direction as he answered. Was that truly what he thought, that this was important, so he was happy to go? It sounded to him as if the other boy was just giving him the answer Jasper may want to hear. Sighing softly and nearly deciding to forget about asking further, he then heard the next part of his answer. Turning to look at him curiously again now, Jasper could hardly catch the last of his words... He wished to be with him? The prince couldn't help but send him a kind smile. He was a bit touched to hear that, honestly. Jasper didn't take any romantic connotation in his words for a grain of salt, but he did take that as a compliment.

"Thank you, I'm glad you do not mind. I wouldn't wish for it to trouble you." He replied simply, continuing to pack along his side until the chest was about full. Then, sighing, he looked about the rest of his room. "I'll miss this place-- but it may be fun." He decided, grinning with a slight hint of sadness. "Shall we call it a day, then? I'll meet you tomorrow morning at the carriage then, I presume."

(Yes, your reply was just fine.)
Alec finished making everything nice and neat, and closed the chest quietly before letting out a quiet sigh. He was going to miss this castle as well. But, being with the Prince would make it so much better. If only he didn't have to keep his secret a secret."It wouldn't bother me, Your Majesty."He said before nodding softly."Alright, Your Majesty, I'll see you in the morning at the carriage."He said with a slight smile as he stood up.

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