1x1 Twilight RP


New Member
I play your crush, you play mine. First person to reply RPs with me









Name: Ashley Cullen

Age: eternally twelve

Looks: Brown hair, gold eyes. She looks 8 or 9. The Volturi knows she's 12 though so no immortal child threats or anything.

Personality: naive, young, hyper, innocent, childish, loud, sweet, a little spoiled, babied.

Family: Emmett (birth brother and adopted dad) Rosalie (adopted mom) rest of the Cullens (adopted family)

Crush: Seth

Extra: She is Emmett's little sister by birth. She was born three years after he "died." Their parents died in a freak accident a few weeks later. She is taken to the hospital to check on her and find someone to adopt her. Carlisle recognizes the last name and takes her to their house. Emmett and Rose adopt her and spoil her rotten except she's so sweet. She was raised the only human in a house full of vampires. Then when she was twelve she had cancer and was dying so Emmett changed her.
Name: Alexa Call

Age: 15

Looks:Brown hair, brow eye's. Just like Embry she is also a Werewolf.

Personality: Short temper but still kind, childish, easily confused, loud,

Family: Embry Call (her brother) and their mother (Father is unknown)

Crush: Jared

Extra:She is Embry Calls sister by adoption. Shortly after she was born her mother, who is unknown, leaves her laying on the Call's doorstep and disappears without a trace never to be seen. As far as she knows Embry is blood relative.

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