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1x1 rp W/ @JackSkellington


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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A One on One between me and @JackSkellington


Caroline was placed on the soft grass next to the lake, picking some wild flowers. She had a pile collected, and was planning something for them. Her legs were sprawled out in front of her, crossing over each other. The dress she had on was white and simple, bohemian style. A flower crown atop her head, complimenting her natural wavy hair. Soon she had enough flowers, and she took the stems off of each one.

Her tan skin glistened in the sun as she got up from her comfortable spot and moved a few feet closer to the water. Carefully, she placed the flowers onto the surface, watching them float away slowly. The water was calm today, no one seemed to be out. Yet the sun was shining, and she found it strange that her aunt and uncle weren't on their boat that they don't let her go on.

When she was done with putting the flowers on the water, her flower crown accidentally slipped off of her head and into the water. "No, aw." She said sadly. She would attempt to grab it, but the petals would be wet. She decided to just let it go as she watched it float with the rest of the others. The sand rubbed against her skin and stuck, brushing softly against her.​
Jacob brushed off his hands onto his dirty oily shirt of black dust. His dark hair folded over his eyes brushing it up against his eyelids. Letting out a sigh he dropped his wrench into the concrete ground below him hearing the screaming sound of his mother inside the house. His charcoal hues lifted from the ground as he stumbled inside the home seeing his mother throwing a flower vase at him hitting the wall next to him. "What is wrong, What are you doing in here?" He asked angrily walking over to his mother. "Really? You don't know what I'm talking about?" His mother yelled "What? I didn't want that job mom, it wasn't my thing. I'm not gonna work in no fucking company," He pointed out to the door. "Just go, I don't want your bullshit..." Jacob said dropping his hands on his sides. "You need money, Jacob! You need the money. That's all we need is money!" She yelled Into his face causing him to lean back a bit. "No, That's not what I want! I'm twenty years old. This is my life! And I'm not letting me you take over it," Jacob began to walk away until his Mother grabbed him by the arm tightly. Salt filled her insides as she dug her fingertips into his peachy skin. "You listen to me, Your my son, You're gonna do what I want, No what you want, Okay?" She said scratching along his skin until he snatched his arm back. "I'm gonna leave if you aren't," He said waking out the door leaving his mother stranded in the living room.

Caroline leaned back into the flowers around her, gazing up at the blue sky with few clouds to cover. Her hair scattered amongst the flowers and tangled with the stems. She laid there daydreaming, getting lost in her thoughts. Her head is always in the clouds, even more at night though. Night time is her favorite, especially when she gets to drive in the middle of nowhere with a starry sky above her. Without her relatives knowing, sometimes she sneaks out of the house and takes the keys to their car. Her eyes opened as she once again saw the sky, but this time the sun blinded her. She held up a hand, blocking the light from reaching her face.

Jacob dug through his dirty jeans scrambling to find his keys. His fingers stuck into one of the holes as he finally found the keys. Pulling them out a searched for his vehicle one then stuck it into the ignition then was on his way down the road in his slow crappy car. His eyes focused on the side of the road clutching onto the steering wheel hardly pulling into a cafe a couple miles away from his home. He stumbled out of the car shuffling into the building, He plopped down in a chair ordering a coffee staring out the window lazily burying his head in his hands.


The sun still stared down. A small breeze blew across and made her hair lightly flow as she sat up. Her shoes were laying next to her and she grabbed them. After slipping the white lace flats on she stood up. Her relatives house was near, only a couple yards away from where she was standing. Caroline proceeded to walk over there, as she passed the house she could hear them arguing inside. They always did this, it was becoming part of the weekly schedule. Quietly she snuck inside, tiptoeing to her room. Inside her room she grabbed a couple dollars and slipped it into a small pocket of her white bohemian dress.

On her way out of the room she grabbed one of her flower crowns since her other one fell into the lake. She placed it on top of her hair, her waves brushed against her shoulders. With that she was on her way out. She doesn't tell her aunt and uncle where she goes anymore. She doesn't have to, and either way they don't care. She is nineteen, in fact she should have her own place by now, but that's a different story...

After walking for about fifteen minutes, she finally arrived at her favorite little small town cafe. She stepped inside, walking up to the counter happily with her money in hand. A smile was placed amongst her rose lips. "Good morning miss Diana." Caroline greeted.

"Well, if it isn't Caroline! How has your morning been, hon?" The lady behind the counter asked. She was an older lady, with red painted nails and dark short hair.

"Lovely, I got to bask in the sun today." Caroline replied.

"Awe, sounds nice. You know Johnny was looking for you earlier. He just wanted to say hi." Miss Diana smiled. Johnny is a boy who has liked Caroline for a while. Since she arrived at the lake house. He's Diana's son. "Anyway, are we having the usual today?"

"Oh, I'll make sure to say good morning. And yes please." Caroline smiled. Honestly, she doesn't really like Johnny all too much. As a friend, but not any other way. They're the same age, but he doesn't see her view of things. As she waited for the coffee she looked around the shop. While she gazed around she noticed someone sitting down at a table by himself. He looked distraught, and she's never seen him around before for the two months that she's been there. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard the voice of Diana.

"All done, anything else?" Diana asked.

"Oh, no thank you. I better get back to the house, I'm planning on working on my painting some more today."

"Oh! I forgot about that, you still need to show me when you're done." Diana reminded.

"Of course I will, I'm almost done. Hopefully by today. Have a good day Diana."

"You too hon." Diana said warmly.

Before Caroline left the cafe she glanced over at the boy once more. She smiled at him then opened the doors to leave, walking back out into the warm rays of the sun. She began making her way down the road from where she came.


Jacob tapped the side of his coffee cup which was lukewarm to the touch and to the mouth. His eyes lifted to see a girl come in wearing a flower crown, She was beautiful of course. I'm her own way, She didn't look the same like the other girls who walk along these sidewalks and dirt roads. The lake was full of girls who are beautiful but yet she was so different. It intrigued Jacob a lot. His dark tuffs pressed against his forehead sticking out in every direction turning to look over at the waitress Diana. They were both chatting away, They must know each other in some way. Jacob turned to his hot coffee and its steam rose to the air caressingly.

The girl with the flower crown smiled at him before she was on her way out. A wonderful smile which caused him to smile down to his cup. It was a genuine smile. He stood up after a couple minutes finishing his coffee. Scrambling through his wallet he went to the front.

"How much?" He asked the waitress standing behind the counter pulling out the twenty.

"Money doesn't grow on trees around here, So hopefully not a lot for a damn cup of coffee," He joked stupidly, He wasn't the best at his words.

A slight smirky smile waved across his lips slamming a twenty on the counter. "Have a nice day," Jacob said stepping outside into the cold air brushing the hair out of his face.


Caroline continued down the road, taking a left and into a shortcut. This led her right back to where she was before. She took small sips of her coffee. For a couple minutes she sat down in the spot she was in before, finishing up what was left inside the Styrofoam cup. When she was done she went inside to grab her canvas stand and a stool. Her unfinished painting was left sitting on the stand, placed against it. She went back inside to grab her paintbrushes and paints, also her paint holder. When she collected everything she needed, she headed outside and got everything prepared.

She sat down in the stool, looking over the canvas. After a couple minutes her brush began stroking over it, creating a sunset behind the horizon line on the rippling water. It was a painting of the lake, something she had been working on for at least three weeks already.​

Jacob headed outside into the bright day with the blazing sun blooming overhead in its shiny glory. His eyes traveled down the gravel under his feet, His shoes crunched underneath him stumbling passed a small diner and bar of which people talked loudly. His muscular hands dropped to his sides following down at road hitting a neighborhood. His hands tucked into his dirty jeans.

Jacob found himself passing the same girl from the cafe. Small place, Besides its just a lake. His lips formed into a smile trying to hide the fact that he was looking at the beautiful girl in the crown taking a turn heading down a small strip of where small house cabins sat right by the beautiful lake.

Caroline could hear someone walking on the gravel road by her aunt and uncles house. After the last stroke of her brush to complete the picture, she turned her head to see. It was him. The boy from the coffee shop. She smiled and placed her paint brush down. She'd never seen him before, all the people here are usually staying for the whole summer and have been here since it started. She turned her body a little and waved. "Hello there." She greeted softly, still continuing to wave. He was about ten yards away from her.

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Jacob's rough hands dragged out from his pocket jeans twisting into his soft hair. He tilted his head to the side turning towards the voice that called out after him. "Yeah?," He asked furrowing his brows at the pretty girl stepping a couple steps forwards to get a better view of the girl. "You need something?" Jacob asked sternly, Not trying to sound rude it's just how he was. Tough, not mean. "Nice, Uh...art you have there" He scoffed pointing to her painting.

She tilted her head a bit. "No, I don't need anything. I was just wondering who you were, I've never seen you around here before." She said. "Oh, thanks.." She said a bit awkwardly, but usually she was confident. Not confident in the self absorbed kind of way, but she doesn't dislike herself. She looked up at him as she sat on her stool. There was a long pause of silence. "Oh, I'm Caroline." She smiled, holding out her hand. "And you are?"

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Jacob nodded along to his compliment giving a slight smile that lingered on his lips for a few moments before disappearing into his soft cheeks. "Yeah, It's really nice. I wouldn't say it if I didn't like it" He admitted letting out a huff. "Caroline? Carol? Which do you prefer?" He asked holding his hand out. "Jacob" He said ducking his head down a bit then leaned up again. Jacob didn't say much about his s personal life but only say the words "I wasn't born here" then that was that.

"Yeah thank you." She smiled down at the ground. "Either is fine, which ever you prefer." For a few moments she gazed around at the glistening lake. The shimmer of water dancing on the surface. The waves gracefully moving. "So, Jacob. Haven't seen you around before. How long have you been here?" She asked. Slowly she moved a piece of hair from her face, placing it with the rest of the strands.

Jacob shook his head "You sure?" He asked turning his eyes to see the glistening lake crippling beautifully in a group trembling to the other side. "Okay, Caroline... I've been only here for a few months actually I'm pretty new." He said smiling shifting his feet in his treated boots standing on the heals of his feet. "You? You seem to know a lot about this place, Caroline" Jacob chuckled softly, curious about this chick. She seemed pretty confident about her artwork.

She nodded and listened as he spoke. "Okay, I see. I've only been here for two months, but I try to get out of there," she pointed towards her relatives house, "as much as I can. So, I guess I've met quite a few people and have got to get a good look at the place." She smiled. "Anyway, how are you enjoying the place?" She asked standing up and brushing herself off. Some paint marks stood out on her white dress.

Jacob stared out at the water then switched his gaze at Caroling who was explaining how she likes to get out of the house and has only been here for two months. "Your first time?" He asked referring her coming here ever in her lifetime. "Oh, It's alright" He scoffed "I like the fact that I can be on my own, But my mom is always in my space... She lives with me. Not my exact cup of tea but it's alright" Jacob explained itching the back of his head.

Once again she nodded, looking up at him. He was taller than her by about six inches. "Yeah, I've never been to Arizona before until I had to come here so, it's pretty new. Well, the smaller towns of Arizona I mean." She turned to him and smiled after seeing the water splash onto the little rocks. "Oh, yeah moms...don't even get me started with those.." She chuckled a bit. "I'm glad you're enjoying it in the least. If you ever need to know anything around here or like a tour or something I can show you around. I picked up on this place pretty quick." She smiled, taking the little flower crown off of her head.

Jacob stared at the girl for a long moment, She was a little shorter then him. By a lot actually, Six inches? Yeah. His eyes stared down at her and a soft smile carressed his face grabbing the crown from her hands without asking. He was so intrigued that he had to touch and placed it on his head. "Sorry, I was so interested in this thing" He said chuckling a bit "But this belongs to you," He said giving it back to her by placing it back onto her head. "If you wanted too, Only if you want too. Not much trouble" Jacob said.

She made a soft giggle as he put the crown on top of his head. It was adorable. "It's okay. If you'd like, I have a couple more. You should keep this one." She smiled, taking it off of her head after he placed it back on. Caroline reached up and put it back on his head. She looked around again, there was a speedboat in the distance of the lake. "Wanna go now then?" She asked, looking up at him.

Jacob rolled his eyes as the girl placed the flower crown upon his head again once more. Seeing the smile on Caroline's face made him keep it on, It made her happy so he did. His eyes switched over towards the lake then down at her again nodding his head slowly "You know, It's okay. You don't have to show me around this place" He said with a slight smile beginning to step off a bit away from here.


She nodded. "Alright then." From the corner of her eye she could see someone walking over. Johnny.. She turned her head a bit towards him, smiling as he walked up. "Oh, uh. Jacob, this is Johnny." She attempted to introduce them to each other. Johnny stood beside her and waved.

"Nice to meet you." He said, slipping his hands into the pockets of his worn out jeans.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/cute-flawless-paramore-taylor-york-Favim.com-502363.jpg.e489ed97d82b51d42198851134aa15ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/cute-flawless-paramore-taylor-york-Favim.com-502363.jpg.e489ed97d82b51d42198851134aa15ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Jacob turned his head with Caroline as they began to walk towards the lake area. His dark eyes scanned over Johnny's reaching his hand out hesitantly to shake his. 'Was this her boyfriend?' He thought to himself before dropping his hands "Yeah" Jacob added to Johnny's sentence reaching his other hand to rub the back of his neck.

Johnny turned around and saw her painting. "You finally finished, it looks amazing." He smiled. "Thank you." Caroline chuckled. Johnny first introduced himself when she arrived, she was carrying her boxes into the house and Johnny offered to help. Ever since then he's had a pathetic little crush on her. Caroline, however, does not feel the same way. As a friend she likes him, but she'd never date him. Johnny looked over at Jacob. He tilted his head a bit when he noticed Caroline's flower crown. "Why is he wearing your flower crown?" He laughed kinda. Caroline smiled. "Oh, I gave it to him."

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Jacob stood there watching how they were interacting with one another. Funny. His eyes sheepishly blinked a few times before speaking up. "Pretty much... I told her to keep it though" He said to Johnny shifting his feet. "Anyways, You guys seem to be busy. You know? Nice to meet you Caroline!" He called out turning his back to them and walked down the road. He didn't want to have any confrontation with that kid.


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