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Colosseum 1on1 Test Fight (Illyasviel von Einzbern vs Ichigo_Kurosaki)

Gundam Watcher 27

A woman since 2024

Role: Master of Darkness
Name: Ryuga "Yamimakai"
Age: Appears 18, Actually 30
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Appearance: Short Black hair with spikes facing forward in a overlapping fashion, Horn like protrusions amongst his hairline , Slight pale skin, and red eyes similar to a reptile's. Clothing is a black jacket over a red shirt, Black Jeans, and Black boots. He also has fingerless gloves on his hands that each have a red jewel on the back of each one.

Personality: He is a lone wolf, tending to fight on his own with no help. He also has a tendency to scare people just by the way he looks. He however isn't someone who hates people. He is quite friendly when he plays games, but outside of that, he is mostly a Kudere, unless he is in combat.

When fighting, he tends to try and end them quickly just by fighting using the Lance he had built himself, and shows a savage Berserker side of himself doing so. He is quite passionate about blacksmithing, which is a hobby he had gotten into at the age of 16, his first work was the basis for his weapon. He has a tough time around girls when he meets one he likes, and will sometimes break from his Kudere attitude and act flirty, but be unsuccessful.

Likes: Blacksmithing, Playing Games, Attractive girls.
Dislikes: People that view him as a monster.
Wish for the Grail: For people to not hate others based on being different.
Background: Son of a secret fling between a woman from the Tohsaka family, and a male from the US who practices the art of Knighthood, his father is actually a far descendant of a legendary warrior known as Vortigern, who drank the blood of a dragon to fight King Arthur to liberate Britain from her/him.

His birth into the world was unusual, as he had two black, bony protrusions on his head, similar to a demon's, and unusual eyes. However, this was actually a result of the dragon blood in his father's lineage being reawakened by his mother's lineage of mages. His father however was scared of him, and left his mother because of this.

As he was growing up, he had a rough childhood, being teased about his extra body parts (the horns), his eyes, and being considered a monster by the other children. Due to his sad times, he would pour out his anger towards the people who hated him by taking up a hobby. He would learn about the Holy Grail War from his mother, and that if he was involved, to train until that day, which led him to taking up blacksmithing and weapon fighting. He would eventually find his ideal weapon to be a Lance, or Halberd since its a spear designed to both pierce and cut.

When training for combat, he practiced magecraft, specifically of the combat type. He had Magic circuits placed on his arms and legs to help increase his regular speed, and the gems on his gloves enable enhancing offense Magic by a slight increase to the norm. He however had recently had a recurring nightmare involving a black dragon, which he himself feels as if its a warning, or a image of his real form.

His wish is one he finds selfish, but he believes no one should feel lonely for being different, and the wish is to have everyone in the world not hate people for being different.

Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Fighting Style: He uses his lance in combat, keeping up with servants in the speed category quite easily, which makes some wonder if he is a servant summoned from the future, or actually a reincarnation of a past servant.
Strengths: Excellent Spearmanship, Rank D Magic Resistance (Dragon Blood), Rank C Speed, Rank C Endurance, Slight Precognition (Mystic Eyes)
Weaknesses: Due to his Dragon blood, an weapon or Noble Phantasm designed to kill dragons can kill him in a single hit.
Weapons (if any): A Black Lance Ryuga made himself.

- Ryuga's Mystic Eyes can in combat, read a single person's movement, before that person actually moved, a type of precognition. However, he can only read one person's movements, and only one person at a time. He can't change targets instantly either, because it takes time to focus, and if he is too busy fighting two people, he can't visually focus on both fighters movements, or else suffer from mental pain.

- Ryuga can use Battle Magic, but only the Mana shot types of Magic.
(For reference, Ichigo_Kurosaki Ichigo_Kurosaki )

Ryuga stood with his lance resting on his shoulders, holding on to the grip with one hand. He was facing an odd opponent who he assumed was a Servant fighting for the light team.
"So you don't wish to move out of my way. Perhaps I need to teach you a lesson!"

Ryuga moved the spear off his shoulders, before holding it will both hands now. He crouched slightly as he prepared for combat.
Appearance: A muscular six foot jappanese teen
Name: Ichigo Kurosaki
Universe From: mostly OC
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Bio: Ichigo Kurosaki is a human who wishes to be the strongest in the universe
Personality: arrogant and prideful
Skills: expert in all martial arts
Blut Vene
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Advanced Growth Rate
Keen Intellect
Immense Spiritual Power
Novice Reiatsu Control
Spiritual Awareness
Powers: control over fire
Shinigami Powers & Abilities
Master Swordsman
Shunpo Expert
Enhanced Strength
Immense Endurance
Enhanced Durability
Shikai: Zangetsu
Getsuga Tensho
Getsuga Jujisho
Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Getsuga Tensho
Hollow Powers & Abilities
Hollow Mask
Power Augmentation
Enhanced Spiritual Power
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Durability
Mask Regeneration
Increased Mask Duration
Mask Re-Summons
Augmented Getsuga Tensho
Merged Hollow Form
Power Augmentation
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Spiritual Power
Combined Gran Rey Cero-Getsuga Tensho
Dimension Control
Weaknesses: Can be overdramatic and arrogant

Ichigo grabs him by the shirt and yells in his face "what did you say me to punk, you trying to pick a fight?"
"*Ack* I said, I'm going to kick your ass!" Ryuga would push Ichigo back away from himself, before activating his mystic eye. 'Hm.... Speed rank B, Strength rank B, Nothing about having Dragon slaying weaponry.... But I'm getting the term Soul Reaper? What the heck is that?!' his thought was interrupted as the two began fighting CQC, Ryuga using his lance to block and parry.
Ryuga however brought a hand up to Ichigo's head before it connects, firing a ball of concentrated Mana at his opponent aiming to knock him out.
ichigo takes the blast point blank and emerges completly unharned. He grins and says "that attack was pathetic, I barely felt it"
"Bah! I should have guessed that was a alternative name for a Berserker!" Ryuga Quickly got down and behind Ichigo, before swinging his lance up, aiming to split him in half.
Ryuga's stance lessened, confused. He just sighed before understanding who this guy was. Just some wannabe hero who is just too strong even for him.
I'm looking ata the wiki and he is op as crap, he's a great fighter even when not in shinigami form, he's a master swordsman, can keep up with the fastest shinigami, is stupidly resilent...

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