19 Years Later (Harry Potter)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3083894a_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_423.jpg.2173521828b0623189e5ad4c02f700a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3083894a_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_423.jpg.2173521828b0623189e5ad4c02f700a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Aiden Riddle

Age: 16

Role: Student

Personality: He is quiet and reclusive most of the time. He will walk away if anyone talks of Voldemort and hates hearing about the war. He is charming and cunning enough to use it to get his way if he needs to. He is also very bookish and loves Charms and Potions.

Side: Neutral/Undecided

Wand: 11 inches, Sturdy, Alder with a dual core of Basilisk Skin and Unicorn Hair


Blood type: Half-blood

Other: He excels at the dark arts, buts that's a secret
I'm hoping he can be Voldemort's descendant, but if not I can make him a distant relative through the Riddle family



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Accepted and he can be Voldemort's decendant. Everyone should be posting their first Hogwarts Express post now so you can jump in.


Full Name: Erica McGonagall

Age: Sixteen

Role: Good

Personality: Erica is a quiet girl, and at times almost shy, but is a kind, caring individual. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, but sometimes it takes a lot of time for her to open up. She has a humorous sarcastic side that she only reveals around people that she's comfortable with, but is willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. Well, almost anyone.

Side: Good

Wand: Unicorn hair and apple wood, springy and 11 1/2 inches long

House: Hufflepuff

Blood type: Pure Blood

Other: Erica is a registered animagus that changes into an ermine (also called a stoat) in winter, her fur is white, while in the other seasons, it is brown.
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She changes her hair color almost every day with charms.

Full Name: Lorelei Nyx Alvery, can be call Lori, Lorel, or Nyx which she prefers

Age: 15

Role: Student/Deatheater

Personality: Lorelei is fiercely loyal and protective to those she considers worthy. She is a very sweet when out in public, but very quiet. She enjoys learning and being near people but doesn't normally talk to others. While not having a sadistic streak, normally, when she's angry she becomes very different.

Side: Deatheater, No Dark Mark

Wand: 12 1/2 Inches, Inflexible, Hemlock with a core of Unicorn Hair


Blood type: Pureblood

Other: She is good with Healing magic, Herbology, Potions and Ancient Runes, but sucks at Trasfigurations, Divination, and DADA.

She owns a half-kneazle cat that has a tortoise shell fur pattern in grey and black.
AlannaTrebond said:

Full Name: Erica McGonagall

Age: Sixteen

Role: Good

Personality: Erica is a quiet girl, and at times almost shy, but is a kind, caring individual. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, but sometimes it takes a lot of time for her to open up. She has a humorous sarcastic side that she only reveals around people that she's comfortable with, but is willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. Well, almost anyone.

Side: Good

Wand: Unicorn hair and apple wood, springy and 11 1/2 inches long

House: (Do not write anything here, I'll sort you into a house myself to prevent people from only choosing Gryffindor and Slytherin, yes, it has happened before)

Blood type: Pure Blood

Other: Erica is a registered animagus that changes into an ermine (also called a stoat) in winter, her fur is white, while in the other seasons, it is brown.
Accepted, I don't know if I should place you in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff so you can choose


[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo]

She changes her hair color almost every day with charms.

Full Name: Lorelei Nyx Alvery, can be call Lori, Lorel, or Nyx which she prefers

Age: 15

Role: Student/Deatheater

Personality: Lorelei is fiercely loyal and protective to those she considers worthy. She is a very sweet when out in public, but very quiet. She enjoys learning and being near people but doesn't normally talk to others. While not having a sadistic streak, normally, when she's angry she becomes very different.

Side: Deatheater, No Dark Mark

Wand: 12 1/2 Inches, Inflexible, Hemlock with a core of Unicorn Hair


Blood type: Pureblood

Other: She is good with Healing magic, Herbology, Potions and Ancient Runes, but sucks at Trasfigurations, Divination, and DADA.

She owns a half-kneazle cat that has a tortoise shell fur pattern in grey and black.

Accepted, Slytherin


Full Name: Athena Elizabeth Nott

Age: 13

Role: Normal Student/Death Eater

Personality: Athena is intelligent, studious, clever and manipulative. She is analytical and refuses to have anything to do with Potter/Weasley children, Mudbloods and Squibs. She likes being outside but is terrified of heights and failed in her Flying class in her first year. Doesn't like Quidditch as she finds it stupid. Like her father, she is quiet and doesn't feel the need to join gangs, preferring to learn all she can about magic. Athena believes highly in Voldemort's ideals and thinks that Mudbloods who don't conform to the culture, customs and holidays of the wizarding world should have their magic bound and memories wiped before being thrown into the Muggle world. The fact that she may end up facing her friends in battle and having to kill them doesn't bother her. She is striving to find a way to become immortal without being turned into a vampire or creating a horcrux. She is loyal to her friends but does not tolerate betrayal of any kind. Athena tricks people into believing she is 'average' by purposely getting only A's and EE's because it will throw people off to her true power and they'll tend to underestimate her in a fight so she does her homework twice (one correct and the other incorrect).

Side: (good, bad or neutral) Bad

Wand: Yew, Dragon Heartstring and Thestral Hair, 12 1/4 inches, Pliable

House: Slytherin

Blood type: Pureblood

Other: She is an unregistered animagus with two forms (raven and a lioness), and is talented in Potions which she gets from her father. Hates Muggles/Mudbloods and Squibs. She excels in Potions, Ancient Runes, and the Dark Arts which she practices in secret. Finds History of Magic boring. Has a Bengal Tiger familiar named Nitro and a Eurasian eagle owl named Zeus.

Nitro (her Bengal Tiger familiar):


Her Eurasian eagle owl Zeus

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She can't be a necromancer and she can try to find a way to become inmortal but she can't succed. Change the necromancer part and she's accepted. You can start posting once you change.


And she can't excel in every single class, I think she's too over powered

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/71817_griffin.jpg.7159eef1a8c7b55e774ce842fae465d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/71817_griffin.jpg.7159eef1a8c7b55e774ce842fae465d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Sierra Nicole Hilt

Age: 16

Role: Normal Student

Personality: Sierra is a funny and caring girl. She always loves to make people laugh and enjoys a prank or two. She does have a temper though. If you mess with her friends or family, be prepared. Even though she is new to the school, she shows promising talent. She isn't the best when it comes to school work. She says she is stroking against school work, but she really is just too lazy.

Side: Good

Wand: Red Oak Wood With A Red Maple Leaf On The End


Blood Type: O


(I will be making a teacher later)



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[QUOTE="Andrea Logan]Appearance:
View attachment 135378

Full Name: Sierra Nicole Hilt

Age: 16

Role: Normal Student

Personality: Sierra is a funny and caring girl. She always loves to make people laugh and enjoys a prank or two. She does have a temper though. If you mess with her friends or family, be prepared. Even though she is new to the school, she shows promising talent. She isn't the best when it comes to school work. She says she is stroking against school work, but she really is just too lazy.

Side: Good

Wand: Red Oak Wood With A Red Maple Leaf On The End


Blood Type: O


(I will be making a teacher later)

Accepted, Gryffindor


Full Name: Isabella "Izzy" Weasely

Age: Fifteen

Role: Student

Personality: Like her twin, Isabella is a somewhat quirky, fun loving girl. She enjoys pranking others, although she makes sure that her pranks are harmless. No one has ever gotten hurt by her pranks, unless they are overly sensitive. She is a chatty, outgoing girl, but she has a fierce temper when provoked. She is loyal to her friends and family, so it can be said that if someone messes with her or her friends, they should expect swift retribution.

Side: Good

Wand: Hemlock and dragon heartstring, sturdy, 12 1/2 inches

House: (Do not write anything here, I'll sort you into a house myself to prevent people from only choosing Gryffindor and Slytherin, yes, it has happened before)

Blood type: Pureblood

Other: She, along with Olivia, is a daughter of George Weasely. Isabella has brought along a barn owl named Artemis. She is skilled at potions and herbology, but is a skilled flyer as well.


Full Name: Olivia "Liv" Weasley

Age: 15

Role: Student

Personality: Quirky and fun loving, she's a clone of her father during his school years. She loves to experiment and try new things. Jokes are almost second nature to her and if you see her infamous smirk, you might wanna check yourself for tampering. She does take her studies seriously and tends to get ahead in most subjects even if she isn't good in them, like potions for instance where she can tell you the entirety of a potion but can't brew it to save her life. She likes the library because she can "Learn new and interesting things in there, maybe even a trick or two."

Side: Good

Wand: 12 3/4 Inches, Sturdy, Rowan with a dual core of Demiguise and Unicorn hair

House: (Do not write anything here, I'll sort you into a house myself to prevent people from only choosing Gryffindor and Slytherin, yes, it has happened before)

Blood type: Pure Blood

Other: She and her twin are George Weasley's daughters and help him with his shop over the summers. She is particularly good at Flying, Charms and Transfiguration. She is average at DADA, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. She sucks at Potions, and Herbology and hates History of Magic.


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