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Realistic or Modern ❝ ᵏᵃˢᵖᵉʳ ᵇᵃʸ ❞





welcome to kasper bay, a small peninsula off of the side of some state in the US. kasper bay is a small town with very rich, secretive people. each and every family has it's secret here. some bigger than others. you are a teenager. either a female or a male, and you live in a fancy house and have so much money that you don't know what to do with it. when one teenager finds out what they think may uncover a huge secret of the town, he immediately reports it back to her nine friends. as a group, they decide to investigate this secret, and see where it leads. things take a turn for the worst when they end up discovering something much bigger than they expected, and each of their lives are at risk. you know what they say. curiosity killed the cat.

this roleplay will take place in kasper bay. when the roleplay starts, it will be the first month of school, and everyone will have some kind of relationship with one-another. not only will this roleplay focus on the drama of the quest they're going on and the big secret, but it will also have drama among the teens (dating, cheating, betrayal, etc.) there may possibly be death in this roleplay, but i know a lot of people don't want their characters dying, so i might just keep it to danger/near-death experience for those of you who don't want your character to die.



1. be realistic about this roleplay. i will not accept any basic, cookie-cutter characters. nobody has a specific list of traits, because

emotions change and people change.

2. no godmodding/mary sues. just- stop. if i see either of these, i will kick you from the roleplay without warning.

3. this is right between casual and detailed. i would prefer and kind of expect there to be at least 2 well-written paragraphs per post.

no one liners. be descriptive. a good roleplayer should be able to produce both quality and quantity.

4. i will be making sure that the gender ratio is even. there will be exactly 5 girls and 5 boys. no more, no less. if you see

that we currently have five girls and one boy, make a boy. don't ask about a girl slot.

5. reservations are cool, but that does not mean that they are set in stone. if you have a reserved character slot but a crappy, wimpy character sheet, i will

allow other people to try for your reserved slot.

6. i may not accept your character at first if your character has a very similar personality to someone else's character. i'm looking for diversity,

and i'm only choosing characters that i think would help make this roleplay interesting.

7. include your character's favorite color and least favorite color in the likes/dislikes area of the character sheet.

8. if you have a problem with another person in this roleplay, let me know! i don't want anyone to fight or drop out of this roleplay because of

a silly arguement. we can talk about it and resolve the problem.

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