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Nation Building 𝟷𝟸:𝟶𝟷 - 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚜


The United States of America

Capital: Washington D.C.
Population: 231,636,065

Official Language(s): None
Currency: United States Dollar (USD)

Head of Government: Ronald Reagan
Ideology: Liberal Democracy

The United States of America in 1981 stands as the world's disputed economic, political, and military superpower. Now challenged only by the communist states of the east, American influence nevertheless seeps into every aspect of daily life in all corners of the globe, from Hollywood and Star Wars to Coca Cola and McDonald's. Under the helm of the newly inaugurated Reagan presidency, America has finally solidified its foothold in Asia, and secured its pacific allies, while reorienting US foreign policy to fit better in a world where the looming threat of the Greater German Reich has been extinguished.

Yet with America's success in the Far East, comes a new set of challenges. The emergence of new governments in Europe, and an increased Soviet interest in the continent poses a potential security risk to the Eastern Seaboard.

Still recovering from the political fallout of several prolonged military engagements in Asia, the oil crisis which has only recently been resolved, turmoil within the Republican party over issues of domestic policy, and Latin America, and the persistence of the Ban the Bomb movement. The President has regardless pushed forward with his agenda. Having promised in his most recent State of the Union address, that America will once again set its eyes on Europe. With the Reagan administration already drafting proposals on military, economic, and political plans of action, in the effort of both containing the spread of communism, and preventing a resurgence of fascism on the continent that the country had once failed to defend. But "Never again", Says President Reagan. Never again.

Pursuing a policy of isolationism at the start of the Second World War, the United States was only drawn into the conflict by the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan. Revving up its industrial might, the President's ability to assist in the European fight against fascism remained limited, due to continued strong opposition from Congress, who saw America's fight as being only with the Japanese. Fast forward to the end of the Pacific War, and Japan was defeated, occupied and in the beginning of its massive reconstruction, funded by the United States. Yet the European mainland by this point had been hidden away behind the Iron Curtain, and its peoples were seemingly doomed to a lifetime of servitude.

Entering a new era of prosperity following the War, and bolstered by its newfound trade with the booming economies of East Asia and Oceania, the American economy reached heights never before thought possible. Yet despite this new wealth and abundance, for much of the decades following the War, the country would be wracked with societal discontent, ranging from civil rights for all forms of minorities to increasing public disapproval of the American lack of action against the German Reich. Matters would only grow more tense as the Cold War begun, and the threat of nuclear Armageddon became a staple of daily American life. It was June 22nd, 1966 when the planet's worst fears came to pass, albeit not on a global scale. A diplomatic crisis over a skirmish between Royal Navy and Kriegsmarine vessels in the North Sea would be the spark that lit the flame that would burn Europe to the ground. Bombers, submarines and missiles departing from their airfields, bases and silos to wipe out their targets.

Within the span of a single hour, tens of millions were dead, over the course of the next few years, tens of millions more would die from mass causes that hadn't been so widespread on the continent since the medieval era. And during all of this, the United States stood idly by and watched on with horror. A paralysed administration too afraid of bringing the wrath of public opinion down on them by acting too hastily, or a diplomatic crisis of their own with the Soviets if American boots landed in Normandy. For almost an entire month following the exchange, the world stood on pins as it awaited a similar showdown between the US and USSR. A showdown which fortunately never came to be, as emergency talks were held for full days on end to discuss what to do. Their eventual solution? Do nothing. Accepting refugees was the only widely agreed upon function which both parties could abide by.

By the beginning of the 1980's, the U.S. military has seen small conflicts in half a dozen states across Western, Central and East Asia. Significant numbers of European diaspora reside along both coasts, President Reagan has taken a tough stance on "preventing the spread of evil".

The United States Armed Forces are arguably the most powerful in the world. With the world's largest air force being the U.S. Air Force, and its second largest being the U.S. Navy, the American doctrine of air supremacy is more than capable of being implemented. The country's Two Ocean Navy Act of the Second World War having been further strengthened due to the presence of rival superpowers on either coast, the United States Navy leaves all other opponents in its shadow in terms of total tonnage, number of vessels, personnel, aircraft and technology, while being more than able to taxi both the U.S. Marine Corps, and Army to their destinations, which it has had an abundance of experience in during the proxy wars of the 50s, 60s and 70s.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the American economy has been the bedrock of international trade, and a true force to be reckoned with. Fuelled by immense natural resources, and vast amounts of manpower, the economy of the United States has become incredibly developed in a very short amount of time. And has been at the spearhead of financing, and other specialized services and trades. Though hampered by the Great Depression in the 1920s and 30s, it saw a great revival during the war against Japan, and entered what many nostalgically call a golden age in the 1950s, as even with the loss of its European trade partners. It gained a new partners across the Asia-Pacific region, notably investing tens of billions of dollars into the reconstruction, and build up of Japan and Korea. Both of which are now two of the most valuable trading partners the US maintains, and economic powerhouses in their own regards. Yet perhaps the most recognizable aspect of the American economy is the omnipresent status of many of its corporations, and it is likely that wherever one goes in the world, American products will be on sale, American franchises will be opened, and American media and pop culture will be consumed.

The United States is at the forefront of technological innovation. With an abundance of experienced experts, and a highly educated workforce, technology of all kinds advances at a rapid pace here.

The United States has a very experienced, advanced and widespread industrial base. Although damaged in recent years due to increasing amounts of outsourcing to less developed nations, it is nevertheless a significant force.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed
Freedom of Religion: Allowed
Freedom of Press: Allowed

Right to Love: Partially Allowed
Right to Education: Universal
Right to Privacy: Mostly Respected
Right to Assemble: Allowed

State of Education: Universal
State of Healthcare: Universal-Private

Slavery: Outlawed
Labor: 8 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Outlawed

The House of Representatives:
Currently, the Republican Party has: 192 Seats
Currently, the Democratic Party has: 243 Seats

The United States Senate:
Currently, the Republican Party has: 53 Seats
Currently, the Democratic Party has: 47 Seats

The United States of America has: 26,008 Nuclear Warheads

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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Capital: Moscow
Population: 270,000,000

Official Language(s): Russian
Currency: Soviet Ruble

Head of Government: Leonid Brezhnev
Ideology: Marxist-Leninism

The USSR looms tall in the East, a grim giant looming above the ruined continent of Europe. With the collapse of the Reich and the British Empire, the USSR stands alone as the sole power capable of matching the US. Under Brezhnev the last 20 odd years have been marked by Political Stability and marked Foreign Policy success in Asia, with mainland China solidified as Communist powerhouse, and much of Central Asia either directly under Soviet control, or with Communist regimes put into place. Problems have begun to creep in however. Political corruption is threatening to spiral out of control, and as well as this the arms race that Brezhnev stimulated in order to try and counter American influence in Asia has resulted in the stagnation of the Soviet economy. Furthermore the ongoing Afghan conflict is rolling into its second year, whilst the Cities and urban areas remain under Soviet control, the Mujhadeen resistance rule the country side, with Afghan popular opinion rapidly swinging against the Afghan Communist government. More pressingly however, is the clear signs that Brezhnev’s long reign is coming to an end.

75 years old and in increasingly poor health, Brezhnev is no longer the iron willed leader he once was, and after 17 years of rule the vultures are now circling over the Kremlin. He had been a heavy smoker until the 1970s, had become addicted to sleeping pills and tranquilizers, and had begun drinking to excess. Whilst the cult of personality goes strong, to those within the circles of power they know that his time grows short, with most of the decisions being made by the Politburo Brain Trust of Yuri Andropov (Head of the KGB), Dmitry Ustinov (Defence Minister) and Andrei Gromyko (Foreign Minister). Whilst they have successfully worked together up until this point, the splits are emerging as the top position comes into play.

The Reformers:
Yuri Andropov is a surprising head for the reformers, with the KGB not exactly being a hotbed for such political thought. What Andropov has seen however is a whole tranch of problems that Brezhnev has simply ignored during his tenure, political ineptitude and cronyism on the rise, the economy going down the drain with it peaked in the early 70s, and then the question of Afghanistan. Andropov was one of the few voices of dissent in the Politburo at the time, and now he speaks out against it even more strongly, with the cost of blood and treasure increasing every day in a war that he believes the Afghan Government lost before Soviet soldiers even crossed the border to support them. Whilst he may be a reformer out of necessity, he is surrounded by a number of younger minds in the form of Nikolai Ryzhkov and Mikhail Gorbachev, the latter recently promoted to the position of Secretary of the Central Committee. Most importantly Andropov is seen as a gateway to perhaps some sort of defusing of tension with the US, with much more emphasis put on bettering foreign relations, an odd step for one who as the head of the KGB did nothing to roll back repression or reprisals. Whilst they may not enjoy the same support had by the Hardliners amongst the old guard, support is enjoyed from the regional Communist Parties and the Asian puppet states, all of which view the reforms as very much necessary.

The Hardliners:
Andrei Gromyko and Dmitry Ustinov stand as the pair that would keep the Brezhnev’s policies going past his death. As Foreign Minister and Defence Minister respectively it is essentially under them that ‘Brezhnev’s’ hardline policy. Afghanistan is viewed as integral, if it were to fall, then it could simply be the first in a line of dominos across Asia, this is not just a war against some tribal/religious elements, but one for the very soul of Communism. Gromyko also has his eyes drawn towards Europe, viewing the slowly rebuilding continent as ripe for Soviet intervention, the American’s were held back before by the USSR’s hardline stance, and they can be again. The Iron Curtain will be moved westwards and over Europe, the ongoing threats to the Soviet economy removed not by long drawn out reform but instead by welcoming others into the fold, a Red Europe and Asia, far capable of outstripping the USA. Currently support from the Old Guard of the Communist Party is enjoyed, and for the time being the military as well, but the ongoing situation in Afghanistan could cause this to change.



Soviet Army:
The Soviet Army is by far the largest, and was until relatively recently the most prestigious arm of the soviet armed forces, maintaining approximately 210 front line divisions, ¾ of which are motor rifle divisions, and the remaining ¼ made up of Armoured Divisions, with these numbers not including Artillery, Engineering and other support divisions. Whilst the Army has seen cut backs in favour of the Strategic Missile Forces, it is still a truly powerful force, yet one that is deployed along a vast front, tied up in Asia and most importantly in the ongoing Afghan Conflict, which with its high rate of attrition is a constant drain on resources.

Soviet Air Force:
With the imminent arrival of the MIG-29 and SU-27, the Soviet Airforce is prepared to enter a new era, and finally capable of catching up with US advances in airpower with the deployment of the F-16 and F-15. Perhaps one of the most frequent reminders of Soviet power is projected over Europe in the form of the Tupolev Tu-95 long range bomber. With a range of 15,000km it is a common speck above Europe, a constant reminder of the Soviet Bear that lies to the east, and very much looms above the ruined west.

Soviet Navy:
The Soviet Navy is very much a different beast from its US counterpart. Whilst the American focus on Carrier based warfare means that it has a reach far greater than the Soviet Navy which lacks the long range surface vessels that allow the US to dominate the Pacific and Atlantic. Instead Soviet Naval Doctrine is built around its extensive submarine and missile ship fleets. The Submarine is in fact considered the capital ships of the navy, able to slip through the Baltic largely undetected and in theory past any would be blockades with Soviet Submarines at least having been considered to outperform their western counterparts. However whilst the most advanced Soviet submarines are a slight cut above their American counterparts, the Soviet Admiralty’s position of “Quantity has its own form of quality” there is still a vast amount of 1940s and 50s era equipment circulating.

Strategic Missile Forces:
It was under Kruschev in the 50s that saw the SMF move to the prime position in the military order of precedence, moving the Soviet Army to second place, and placing an emphasis on weapons of mass destruction over more conventional means. This was not met without its critics however, and it saw the (forced) retirement of Marshal Zhukov. They operate all Soviet nuclear ground-based intercontinental, intermediate-range ballistic missile, and medium-range ballistic missile with ranges over 1,000 kilometers.

Like in all other ways the Soviet projection of its economy is as an unstoppable machine, matching the output of the US. It points to its military and nuclear capabilities, its support of its allies and communist movements around the world, none of which a lesser power would be able to do. Like in so many ways when it comes to the USSR, the truth and what is the perceived truth are two very different things. The Military, Nuclear Arsenal and support for regimes and groups aren't a celebration of a booming economy but rather a series of weights around a struggling one. Under Brezhnev there has been an era of stagnation. Whilst the Soviets enjoy the second greatest industrial capacity to only the US, a focus on military expenditure over consumer goods and other economic spheres just goes to further reduce the Soviet GDP. Growth has dropped year on year, and agricultural yields continue to decline under the continued regime of collectivisation. Whilst recent efforts have resulted in a slight uptick, fears are that this is simply momentary, and that the Soviets will slip once more.

Soviet technology has blossomed over the years. 10 months behind the Americans when it came to hydrogen weapons, and pipping them at the post in the Space Race. Soviet technological institutes across the country have been set up for all manners of research in nearly every field. However once again the spectre of the State looms heavy over the scientific establishment. Everything is watched, checked in triplicate and stamped twice before being allowed to precede, with scientists watched closely for dissent, or any activities that could potentially embarrass the USSR, the worst crime of all.

Soviet Industry still stands as a benchmarker across the globe. The base of the economy is still the vast natural resources that are available, the latest fuel crises for example have always been a welcome boom for the nation, with the rise of Oil Prices having a pronounced in GDP figures. Similarly they are now the largest single producer of coal, standing at 149 metric tons a year. Cement, pig iron, tractors, the Soviet Union leads in these and many more. However this industrial might comes at a cost. With the necessity for relatively unskilled and poorly paid labour, there is little in the way of an internal market, with most refined goods destined for export, as such the various puppets and Soviet backed states are vital for Soviet economic and industrial policy.

Freedom of Speech: Outlawed
Freedom of Religion: Restricted
Freedom of Press: Censored

Right to Love: Punishable
Right to Education: Universal
Right to Privacy: Rarely Respected
Right to Assemble: Not Allowed

State of Education: Universal
State of Healthcare: Universal-Free

Slavery: Outlawed
Labor: 8 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Outlawed
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Berlin Communes (Work in Progress)


Capital: New Berlin
Population: Estimated to be around 500,000, no official consensus.

Official Language(s): German
Currency: None. Barter and Trade Economy

Head of Government: Anton Lorenz
Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

The Berlin Communes is in shambles. Berlin was once the administrative and cultural center of Germany, now it is a ruin. The current "leadership" is Anton Lorenz. His militias have been fighting with the remnants of right-wing militants on the fringes of northern Germany. The commune is politically fragmented with multiple communes vying for what little power there is within New Berlin. Some critiques and opponents to Anton say that it was time for a new leader. A leader who can truly liberate the Germans. Anton Lorenz leads a dying and decaying commune. His grasp on New Berlin is loosening

After a series of skirmishes against the right-wing remnants of the Greater German Reich, a collection of anarchists and leftists formed into a some what organized army known as the Black Army. The Black Army had fought over the ruins of Berlin and the state of Brandenburg, creating the Berlin Communes after driving out the right-wing remnants. Under the loose command of the poorly experienced Markus Bothmer. Hermann Stauffer was the first leader of the Communes and was barely able to catch a victory from the nationalists. Support from the Black Army had helped him cement his control. Hermann set out a plan to prepare the Communes for the worse. He urged on public radios for the German people to join them in (what he called) New Berlin. His call for action had limited results.

When Hermann Stauffer stepped down, Anton Lorenz came into power under the promises of prosperity and rebuilding.

Military: Small militias organized by villages and districts. Loosely put together under the flag of the Black Army.

Economy: Trade / Command Economy

Technology: some Late 1950/60s German Technology, some early 1970s Technology

Industry: The industry of the Berlin Communes is heavily rural and unmechanized.

Freedom of Speech: Restricted
Freedom of Religion: Outlawed
Freedom of Press: Outlawed

Right to Love: Allowed
Right to Education: Universal
Right to Privacy: Mostly Respected
Right to Assemble: Not Allowed

Slavery: Outlawed
Labor: 12 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Outlawed

CIA/KGB Fact File:

KGB Report #6492
Esteemed Leader,

The Berlin Communes are constantly changing their supposed leadership between communes. Without formal leadership, this leaves them in a fragile and delicate position internally. The center stage of the Berlin drama is Anton Lorenz and his militia. Those closet to him are paranoid of others and of Anton Lorenz. Many Germans flock to their banners, escaping from the fringe territories of the former German Reich. Even though the Communes are quick to trust, they are as easily quick to turn on each other. Fear fills their lives.

There are two replacements for Lorenz's leadership. Many close to Lorenz see him as a weak leader. Rudolf Mahlau would be beneficial for leading a future satellite nation, as he shares our vision of the revolution. Anja Marks is a dangerous option, she leads a radical movement within the Commune that seeks more violent change. She is heavily opposed to our vision.

The drama unfolding in Berlin could sway our presence there.

CIA Report #2270
Mr. President,

The Berlin Communes have presented a strange opportunity for us. Within their society, there is an individual the Central Intelligence Agency has come to know as "Herr Nacht." Supposedly, he's a former milita-man from the Berlin Communes. The route he suggests is to take out Anton Lorenz. By cutting the head of the snake, he assures that the Berlin Communes will quickly deteriorate into a more vulnerable position. He promises that he can deliver a swift end to the Communes. But he only requires the equipment and manpower to do so. Intelligence suggests that he's been attempting to contact the neighboring German states. There are only a few leads on who Herr Nacht is, and what we do have on him is quite limited. Only vague and unclear descriptions.

We can put an end to the spreading Red threat in Central Europe if we move quickly.
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain, The Isle of Mann and its Protected States

(The UK or the United Kingdom are official shorthand while ‘British Empire’ and ‘Windsor State’ are sometimes used, often derogatorily)


Capital: York
Population: 11,896,282 (as of 1981 Census for English Counties and 1971 Census for Scottish Counties with industrial regions reduced by 50% to match expected losses from Nuclear detonation of an Urban area)

De-facto Territory: Yorkshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Cumbria, Durham, Tyne & Wear, Teeside, Northumbria, Berwickshire, Roxburghshire, Selkirkshire, Dumfriesshire, Kirkcudbrightshire, Wigtownshire, Isle of Mann.

Official Languages: English, Scots, Manx and BSL.
Currency: Pound Sterling

Head of Government: Prime Minister Thomas Frederick Peart
Leader of the Opposition: The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher
Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II
Ideology: Socialist Democracy under a Constitutional Monarchy

House of Commons:
Total Seats = 171 | Labour Seats = 91 | Conservative Seats = 68 | Lib-Dem Seats = 5 | Isolationist Party Seats = 2 | Manx Party Seats = 2 | Independants and smaller Parties = 3
House of Lords: Life Peers = 376 | Hereditary Peers = 683 | Spiritual Peers = 26
Life peers = 209 Labour | 63 Conservative | 4 Independant/Crossbench
Hereditary Peers = 471 Conservative | 197 Labour | 8 Lib-Dem | 4 Isolationist | 2 Independant | 1 Manx
In readiness for reclamation of Territory the two major parties each have a 'selection of reserve' normally number about 10 members so that as British territory is reclaimed new regions can be given representation from the two major parties until they are able to organise and hold elections.

The United Kingdom is slowly becoming regarded by most of its Separated Colonial Nations as the official continuation of the British Empire this has so far amounted to very little. Many in government hope to reestablish the old ties to reform the strength of the fallen Empire. The aim is to create a block with the power of the empire but out of sovereign states as a sort of decentralized extranational body.

While its strong and long-standing tradition of Democracy makes it a potential ally of the USA, its strong Trade Unions and tendency to follow socialist policy bring hope to the USSR. Internally its mostly stable, having strong support for the current Prime Minister and indifferent support for the current system of Monarchy, in large part due to the mostly continual high standard of living and low crime rate relative to other British Successor states. Externally its claims to the lands of the United Kingdom before the war has created tension with the other nations on the Island of Great Britain (Including some attempts to take land which the UK aggressively countered to keep hold of its current region), though it's renouncing of its claim to Northern Ireland have given good relations with those on that Island or Ireland.

When the missiles began Flying RAF Flyingdales immediately contacted the government to ensure the survival of key figures of the chain of commands and sat to orchestrate the missiles firing back. Thanks to this a great many of the key figures including much of the Royal Family and the cabinet as well as many other heads of office and department managed to survive in various bunkers that were built in preparation for a nuclear exchange. What nobody expected was for the disgraced ex-member of parliament, Sir Oswald Mosley to have a small army of his own loyal Blackshirts ready to take advantage of the situation. It seemed as though he actually knew some of the sites being bombed quickly took a couple of key military locations as well as somehow securing the capital. In the short term, many in the regions he occupied thought he was a German puppet and so thought that resistance was futile while the government moved to its northern location and began to draw in its resources ready to orchestrate the aftermath. As people began realising that Mosley was a lone actor it was already too late and his support and numbers had grown, especially among the hard right in the south. The Government began to send out the military all over to return law and order and while Mosley was focused on securing regions in the south it wasn't until 1968 that the two sides would begin open conflict battling over various regions all over the nation of England.

This focus on England for both sides allowed Left-Wing Scottish separatists to establish a foothold in the most populous regions of Scotland. This split the Governments attention just as it was beginning to get an upper hand in the fighting and the war began to stagnate. Both sides wanted an end to the fighting but neither side accepted the legitimacy of the other and had their own reasons for wanting a truce of some form and so in '72, after four long years of fighting the truce was agreed, a truce which has been revisited and altered on multiple occasions but looks to be breaking down as close calls on the border increase in frequency.

Thanks to the truce the government has been able to focus on rebuilding infrastructure and develop the nation back to a semblance of what it was before. Thanks to a lack of international trade and natural resources the effort has been slow and much work's still needed. The Government has managed to repair all the vital infrastructure such as power, water and gas, telephones and road networks but the rail network still has large areas that are not in service. The Commies to the north have managed to keep their territory by using knowledge of the region and regional public support for the time being to keep the UK from being able to retake the region, not to say attempts haven't been made but with Mosley always ready to test the UK's combat readiness, numbers and mustering speed on both air and land the government has not been able to commit enough soldiers north to bring the region back in line. With the repair of its long-range communications, the government has begun to contact its old friends and allies, both inside and outside its old empire.

Military: Since it managed to hold on to most of the Surviving British fleet and retains the second-largest military region on the island while also managing to recover much of the equipment from other regions during the nations collapse it holds a commanding position on the island. Due to external threats, however, not being insignificant it has had to ensure this with a three year National Service which takes about 40% of eligible males between 18-21. Its Airforce is slowly growing but much of it was lost as much of it was in the south, especially around London and Oxford resulting in it under constant threat of the air superiority of the south and a drive to install large AA installations in the Yorkshire and Lancashire countryside as well as in Hull, Leeds and Liverpool its southernmost cities. Its Navy is, however, likely to soon be eclipsed by the North due to their large shipyards in Glasgow. Its strength is its Army and its slight edge technologically over its neighbours.

Economy: A regulated market economy with large national services, like transport and health, being nationalised.

Technology: The UK has managed to stay only a little behind the US in technology due to its willingness to trade and its close ties to the commonwealth. It is at the cutting edge in military land equipment and small arms as well as having advanced RADAR technology. Its Naval and Air technology is still trying to recover. It has a strong personal technology sector, referring to its development of computers and communication infrastructure.

Industry: It has a strong industrial power, being as it comprises of many of the historically industrial regions of the UK as well as its large coal reserves, which it exports. Regionally it is a powerhouse of industry and is largely self-sufficient.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed
Freedom of Religion: Allowed
Freedom of Press: Allowed

Right to Love: Partially Allowed (Forbidden in Public but allowed in Private Residences)
Right to Education: Universal (Education is widespread and further education is mostly for middle-class families due to cost and is focused on the historic University of Durham which some smaller Universities dotted about)
Right to Privacy: Sometimes Respected
Right to Assemble: Allowed

Slavery: Outlawed
Labour: 12 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Persons of Mandatory School age (15 or younger) are forbidden from work, while persons age 16 to 18 are expected to take on a form of education or training (such as an apprenticeship) but are allowed to work, though are also subject to a slightly lower minimum wage.

CIA/KGB Fact File: Classified File 'Red Sash'
Current Intel pertaining to the internal stability of the REDACTED shows that despite its high stability relative for the region the influx of recent refugees have begun to split the nation into two trains of thought, those supporting the effort and those opposing the increased burden on the already struggling national infrastructure. This coupled with small but increasing support for the Isolationist and, while outlawed, fascist parties has caused the government of the REDACTED to move cautiously for fear of turning the opinion of the public against them and leading to potential dissent and a possible coup or even a pro-fascist separatist movement which it's predicted would lead to a swift REDACTED victory against the democratic government.


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The Kingdom of Galicia
(Also known informally as Galicia or in some cases Lusitania)

Capital: Santiago de Compostela
Population: 6,827,462 (1981 Census of Portugal then reduced by 50% to account for only half of portugal in the kingdom, add 1981 census of galicia/asturias, reduce by roughly a million to account for the events across Europe which while leaving Iberia more untouched didnt leave it entirely safe)

De-facto Territory: Galicia, Asturias, Entre Douro e Minho, Tras os Montes, Beira litterol, Beira interior

Official Languages: Galician, Portuguese, Spanish recognized Minority language
Currency: Galician Peseta, pegged to the Gold Standard at 1 Peseta at 113 grains (7.3 g) of gold.

Head of Government: Prime Minister Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, 1st Marquess of Ría de Ribadeo (Member of The Social Democrat Party)
Head of State: King Alfonso I (Alfonso of Anjou and Cádiz)

Ideology: Democratic Government under a Constitutional Monarchy

The Social Democrats - The Social Democrats support the continued Democratization of the Nation, have a generally Neutral Opinion on the Monarchy, and wish to see Galicia pull through as a modern State in the mess that Europe has become.
The Falangists - The Falangists do not care for the Monarchy, they see it as a threat to the old regime. They wish for a return to the Francoist ideals and say that we are nothing more than a step to uniting Spain once more.
The Royalists - The Royalists advocate for the country to transition to an Absolute Monarchy, and not only that but say that all of Iberia at minimum should be put under Monarchies friendly and linked to the Galician crown, with more radicals even saying the whole of Western Europe should be ruled by friendly Kings and Queens.
Iberian Unity - This party says that the old regimes of Portugal and Spain both failed, and that should Iberia remain separated it will fall once more, they advocate for the expansion of Galicia to cover all of Iberia and show the Peninsula the true glory of our nation.

The Kingdom of Galicia is viewed by most of Europe and its neighbours as one of many succession states to Spain and Portugal in Iberia, though more global views differ greatly. Though for a long time it was a part of Spain Galicia has always had its own identity and it has tried to distance itself from its Spanish past, promoting itself as a unique and independent nation with a culture separate to that of other Spanish states.

The Government is in a constant rate of change, transitioning from the autocratic and Falangist Francoist regimes of past to a modern European Democratic Monarchy and undoing decades of oppression of the Galician Peoples. The only thing that the Kingdom agrees on with most of the other Iberian states is the doctrine engrained in all of their heads by Franco, that being a hatred of the Communists and all they stand for. Of course swaths of the population do not trust the American Westerners too greatly either, leaving Galicia in a sort of Limbo with leanings away from both major factions. Relations in Iberia itself depend greatly, with cordial relations with the southern Portuguese successor states and more hostile regions with states along the north coast of Spain, due to border disputes around Asturias and Leon.

The regions that make up the Galician Kingdom have always had their own identity throughout History, though throughout most of more recent history they were a part of either Spain or Portugal. When Caudillo Franco's rule began the region had its autonomous status stripped away and the culture and language of the Galicians was repressed. These decades brewed a deep dislike of the Spanish, especially those from Madrid, although for a while they could do nothing about it.

Everything changed however when the Anglo-German Nuclear Crisis happened, within the blink of an eye the Falangist Government had been wiped out and Iberia as a whole plunged toward Anarchism. The regional governments across Galicia quickly banded together and formed a Junta to keep the order, which very soon included local governments from the State of Asturias. After a few weeks most of Northern Portugal had ended up in the Galician Junta as well, citing their cultural ties and the lack of a stable government elsewhere. The Junta bickered and argued for many long days on what their path would be, whether they were a stepping stone back to the reconstruction of the two previous Iberian Nations or whether they would go their own way. In the end the Nationalists won and it was decided that these Juntas who had come together would form a Government for an independent Nation, a rebirth of the old Galician Monarchy that had ruled centuries before the Spanish or Portuguese brought their rule northward. Alfonso of Anjou and Cadiz who had arrived before after he fled France during the Crisis was summoned by the Supreme Junta, and asked to take the throne, as he was established nobility and would be the most likely accepted Candidate.

He accepted and on February 9th, 1972 he was crowned in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral as By The Grace of God His Imperial Majesty Alfonso I, King of Galicia, of Asturias, of Beira, of The Canary Islands; Duke of Porto, of Braga; Count of Bourbon, of The Azores, of Madeira; Lord and Sovereign of Gijon, of A Coruña, of Coimbra; and Master of all The Galician Lands North.

As word spread of this government forming across the former Spain and Portugal refugees began to flow in due to the stable government, and Galicia acted as a nucleus of sort as governments popped up around its borders and the region would develop to what it is today. The large mix of industrial and agricultural lands ensured that the population was quite well off compared to the other emerging regions of Europe, although an issue that constantly persisted was smuggling raids and Falangist militias popping up, which led to the rapid military development of the nation to stomp out these threats. As time has gone on the people have seen themselves less and less as Spaniards or Portuguese, accepting themselves above all else as Galicians commonly, along with this Galician has seen a national resurgence and the language beginning to take its place as the universal tongue of the nation.

When Spain fell apart Galicia inherited a substantial part of the Spanish Navy, including all Naval Forces from the North Coast and a few ships that defected from Cadiz and Portugal, with overall just over half of the former Spanish Navy and elements of the Portuguese Navy being in Galician Hands. As for the rest of the military due to threats to its eastern borders and such a law of conscription has been adopted nationwide, putting all men above 18 who are not the sole providers for their families in service through the standing army, the 1st reserve, and the 2nd reserves over the course of years. For a payment of 3000 Pesetas one can be exempt from Service. The Galician Air Force is relatively small compared to the other 2 branches, due to most air bases being centered around Madrid and Southern Spain, with the same issue from Portugal. Due to this lack of aircraft the government focused on Anti Aircraft and Radar positions, similar to the Iron Dome of the Israelis but for aircraft instead of primarily missiles. The true strength of the Military lies within the Navy and Army, with the former having the largest shipyards of Spain at its disposal and terrain that will make it hard for any invading force to maneuver easily.

Economy: A transitioning economy, moving from state dominated to a more mixed economy, many sectors still nationalized.

Much of the Economy runs off of a mixture of Agriculture and Heavy Industry, with Steel being a very large export.

Galicia sits around the late 1960s and early 1970s with its technology, while it wasn't so effected by the nuclear disaster across Europe as other regions under Franco the province was somewhat ignored and has led to it lagging behind, although under the new monarchy the government has sought to close this gap and bring the nation back to the forefront of the technological world.

Galicia is very fortunate with its industrial abilities, being a powerhouse in Iberia. Asturias was the centre of the Spanish Steel Industry under Franco, attracting immigrants from all corners of the country, and Galicia is very well mixed between refining produced goods and agricultural products, the same with Northern Portugal. The area is largely self sufficient although imports coal and oil to help fuel the industry.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed
Freedom of Religion: Restricted
Freedom of Press: Censored, transitioning to Allowed

Right to Love: Not Allowed(though not actively hunted down)
Right to Education: Widely, more rural areas lack good education opportunities
Right to Privacy: Sometimes Respected
Right to Assemble: Restricted

Slavery: Illegal
Labour: 12 Hour Workday
Child Labor: People under 16 are generally not permitted to work, though exceptions are made in the event they must to help provide for their family. 16 to 18 are allowed and expected to begin working, first via internships or other such things as they transition into normal working lives.

CIA/KGB Fact File:
Overall not that much is known on Iberia or Galicia as a whole due to general lack of contact in the continent, however what is known is that the Nation is mostly stable and has a Democratic Government. Any reconnaissance able to get close enough will note a large naval presence, able to safely assume that this nation is the prime Maritime Power of the Iberian Peninsula and that they could control all sea and air trade between Gibraltar and the Bay of Biscay, making them an important link into any future excursions into the Continent. There seem to be other nations near the Galicians, though war does not seem to be apparent at the current time. Overall much more reconnaissance will need be conducted to produce a detailed report on this Nation.

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Großdeutsches Reich

Capital: Hannover
Population: 20,326,946

Official Language(s):
Currency: Reichsmark

Head of Government: Reichspräsident Henning von Tresckow
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

The German Reich, as politicians and military leaders in the nation proclaim themselves as, stands in a precarious position. The country claims itself as the official successor to the previous Reich. A Fourth Reich if you would. What that means, however, is entirely undecided. Many in high government office hold differing opinions on how to run the state or what it's aims and merits shall be. All that has been holding them together is the need for stability. These various Ministers and Generals hover around the aging Reichspräsident like hyenas. Knowing that when he falls, as he surely will, what comes next will be the culmination of each mans destiny.

The factions involved have each gathered around a Kingpin, a figure that can lead them when the old man passes. They are as follows:

The Hardliners: Followers of the past. Ultranationalists, Fascists and other such rabble. The talk of reform that has been passed around is naught but heresy to them. Germany must be united as it once was, and those in the way must fall like cracked dominoes. Their militia, the Stormfront, can often be an intimidating sight outside the Neu Reichstag. The leader of this faction is the renowned fighter ace Erich Hartmann. ♠

The Junta: A collection of officers in the military who see the previous regime as nothing more than a nuisance. An entity that got in the way of those more competent than its leaders and who directed military resources for fruitless affairs. Yet this does not paint them as staunchly democratic and liberal. On the contrary. This group sees democracy as something to be best avoided by an organized nation. If a nation must be governed, it should be by men who know how to lead. The leader of this faction the famous Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. The right hand of the President. ♣

The Moderates: The old ways are dead. They died in nuclear fire. That much is evident. Those that wish to emulate a failed state should not be considered sane. However, this is a delicate situation. Moderation is the key, and all men must realize that if the nation is to survive this tumultuous time it cannot bend to extremes. All must be involved in the process. There is still some merit in the old system that can simply be updated to suit a modern age. The leader of this faction is politician Ludwig Erhard.♦

The Liberals: The final faction, and the faction on the rise, is perhaps the block that proposes the biggest shakeup of all. The Liberals encompass a wide range of democratic advocates and beliefs. From Social Democrats to Market Liberals. This faction wants one thing for Germany. Democracy. The freedoms that come with a modern society. The new Reich cannot be a military with a state, but a peoples union. The leader of this faction is firebrand reformist Willy Brandt. ♥

In hindsight, the fire that rained down upon the Reich was inevitable. When such weapons exist, it is only a matter of time before they are finally used. Such is the curious nature of man to see what his projects can do. Many fought against it, of course, but as always the pacifist never wins a fight. Especially not in the Reich. Those men, however, knew to prepare. As diplomatic tensions reached new heights and war seemed inevitable, they prepared what they could for the aftermath. A successor state. To gain legitimacy they drafted ex-war heroes and figures. Old men long past their prime, but men and women who were happy to take a glimpse at a time when they were relevant and thus hope they could be in times to come.

Luckily, or unluckily for them, they were right.

Nuclear fire did indeed fall from the sky. And with it half of Germany lay dead in mere hours. The Reich that took decades to build was undone in the blink of an eye. A testament to mankind's destructive capability.

In the aftermath, various factions began vying for power. Those that made plans but into affect Operation Wiedergeburt. The figures that survived the death and destruction joined together in the city of Hannover to discuss the continuation of the Reich. A power that had all the diplomatic rights to parlay with the world, and which had the authority and legitimacy to govern the new post-war Germany. It was never that simple, of course. They weren't the only ones with plans and desires, and many in the old regime proclaimed them just as illegitimate as all the rest, even if all they led was a glorified war band.

The General Henning von Tresckow was appointed by the Junta that came to rule as the President of the Reich. To even out power he appointed the politician Ludwig Erhard as his Chancellor. The cabinet he created consisting of a range of ideologies from Ultranationalists to Social Democrats. All in an effort to keep the state alive and functioning. For a time it worked. Even amongst the most radical of men there was no desire for conflict so soon after their nation was consumed in a destructive inferno.

The General, however, grows old. Those around him who keep him up grow just as old. His health has taken a turn for the worst, the stress of leading having taken its toll. Without a unifying figure many wonder if the "Fifth Reich" will succumb just as the previous one had. That is a question for those that are ready to leap into action and fight over Germany's corpse.

Many of the surviving regiments and battalions of the Reich that did not break their oaths, as many did, proclaimed allegiance to the nation. A fraction of what once was, nothing as compared to the army that came before, these soldiers still represent a significant force in the region.

Germany's economy ended when nukes wiped it off the face of the map. The Reich, however, has tried to bring back a semblance of normality. It has reintroduced the Reichsmark, and now takes advantage of the natural resources that exist in the Rhine and its northern access to the sea to support the unstable country.

The Reich is 10 years behind the rest of the major powers of the world. A consequence of other priorities for the past decade. Germans are nothing if not skilled scientists and engineers, however, and President von Tresckow hopes that the technological capabilities of the Reich can soon be put back on a track in order to catch up.

The industrial base of Germany was one of the main things targeted by it's enemy. As such, not much remains but rubble of the old factories and mines. The Reich rebuilds where it can, making the most of its workforce by directing them where they are most needed and slowly expanding its industrial base.

Freedom of Speech: Restricted
Freedom of Religion: Allowed
Freedom of Press: Severely Restricted

Right to Love: Outlawed though Unenforced
Right to Education: Universal
Right to Privacy: Restricted
Right to Assemble: Restricted

Slavery: Forced Labor
Labor: Whatever the state tells you to work
Child Labor: If necessary

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The Kingdom of Midgard
Jean-Snorri Lecanuetson.gifThe Raven banner.gif

Capital: New Asgard - Formerly Rouen
Population: About 4,500,000 with their focus on sustaining and growing the population

Official Languages: French, German, Old Norse (being reintroduced - effectively based on Icelandic)
Currency: Primarily Bartering, with gold and silver being valued for their weight and rarity, the higher up the food chain one goes the more the system seems to resemble a more standard representative currency with coin, in gold and silver carrying a lot of value.

Head of Government: Jean-Snorri Lecanuetson, King of Midgard (Jean Lecanuet)
Ideology: Pseudo-Theocratic Elected Monarchy

Today: The Kingdom has stood as a wasteland for an age now, and much of what was beautiful countryside was bombed away with the fire. Time however, despite the craters and the dust, has seen green return to the hills and valleys. What remains has been divided up under chieftains who have sworn under Gungnir - the great spear of Odin - to follow the law of the King. The Kingdom of Midgard gains most of its resources through fishing, bartering and labour - with piracy - or raiding - taking place along its coastline. Raiding is seen as a great tradition, with many men aspiring to grow beyond the confines of productive life - having to work fields or produce - and go unto the seas where they can harvest from those who have plenty to spare. The eagerness with which these raids happen have come to draw ire often enough so that it needed reigning in, which has established some rudimentary law over when and how these events may take place. Men are generally valued above women for their potential for work, but women who prove themselves by work, children or care have in the past years risen high in reverence.

The Kingdom has expanded to the south and inland, overtaking a faction known as the Breton SS Armed Formation, who has taken over much of Brittany. Executing their leader and raiding the lands, the local peoples who have become tribal in their thinking. Taking to a strange Celtic tradition and practicing druidism, the people of Brittany were soon overwhelmed, their lands seized and their borders overrun. The lands were reallocated to the Chieftains of Midgard, who in turn enslaved many of the remaining Germans - many of whom still followed the strange mix of Nazi ideology and Pagan rituals. Over the years many of these have been converted to the teachings of New Asgard, and have sworn fealty to its kings. In doing this some have come to win their freedom, and become Loysing.

This brought about a great change within much of the then still young Midgard society, as the mixing of superstition, occult like thinking and the the ready worship of traditionally unorthodox deities through the performance of rite and tribute developed a social identity comfortable with embracing what many might consider outdated modes of thinking. Breaking into the growing sense of uncomfortableness that much of the European psyche had felt growing throughout the last two hundred years, the leadership offered the opportunity to - within the chaos of the word - embrace a more primal, rudimentary and some might even say - plain existence, willing to offer up some of the civility that had 'tamed' the 'west' in return for freedom from systems of superficial and meaningless governance.

As the majority of the population are happy enough to fall to the side, tending to the lands they have been given and drink and procreate, the leadership - has taken on them a role entirely different. With the need to distribute a 'higher' standard of living to most of the population, the knowledge base within New Asgard concentrated much of the resources modern life may consider valuable. While much of the thinking and livelihoods of the world fell at the wayside - regressing - or within the mode of the masses returning to its natural state - the 'gods' or 'kings' could begin to present evermore mundane feats as though it were wonder. Never stopping their development of arms and pushing much of their resources' into the revival of their Navy, they found 'Heroes' in the simple and the easily manipulated, willing to raid and fight and slaughter and commit to any atrocity seen befitting one who would worship a god of war.

This constant conflict, mixed with a near incessant focus on growing and challenging within the people of Midgard, led to many sudden and violent empty spaces within the upper echelons - the Chiefs and the Haulds below the king trapped within a cycle of constant renewal - with the promise that their sacrifices were always but the call of Odin to his halls, readying the people of Midgard for the final battle. This cruel promise, ever tended to with the reality that it will get worse before it will get better, allowed for the mythology to seem all the more truthful. The chiefs left for the gods, and the one at the top - the Prophet - seemed immortal all the more, for remaining alive in a world so enshrouded by death.

This reality has made a critical aspect of Midgard society a way of life. Rising from the ranks most low - slaves were allowed to rise slowly but surely, and dependent on loyalty and trust and honor and all manner of deeds and achievements one could come to sit in the halls of the Prophet himself. This potential end has sweetened the reality that for most this truth would never come to pass, as many accept both the socially mandated violence and absolute domination in equal measure. One of the greater means of further letting some of the inherent confusion and dissatisfaction free is the reality that all men in their place may be challenged - and that it is the duty of the wronged to speak their mind. This freedom to raise concerns and value truth masks the reality that when in these challenges of oaths and honor the lower almost always loses - it is most likely because they are less well trained, less nourished and have fewer allies.

The King - is elected as the strongest and most accomplished of the chiefs, with the position in the past changing often with infighting, ending in violence and disfavor often enough. Honor has become something of a currency, and those who swear publicly and maintain their vows often find their lives more accommodated than those who speak quickly and without thought. A king taking power through deception seldom remains king - or at least, that is how the story goes. They are also seen as the face of legitimate violence within the hierarchy as well as the voice of the gods - some even ascribing them the role of prophet.

The Chieftains - have the power to assert a Hauld, overseeing much of the land for the King. They are more often than not allies of the King, however, those who hold land by the oaths of former kings are often allowed to keep it, as land awarded or won is seen as divinely gifted. Chiefs will meet with the King often to speak on the matters of the Kingdom, exploring expansion and the needs of the people - but have authority to judge and affect punishment outside of the king’s knowledge. A person not of Norman descent may never become a Chief, and those who have attempted this have found themselves labeled unworthy - and rarely live long post these claims.

They are also the hands of the King, often residing in New Asgard with him, gaining access to learning, to power, to food, the knowledge and to the future - as the great war is planned from the halls of the Prophet. Many of the infrastructure plans come under their consideration along with the king, as well as the growing of the militaria might and the expansion of the realm towards more peoples - for the purposes of filling the constantly uplifted lower masses.

The Hauld - who oversees and owns farms and produces for the Chief in return for protection. in turn may have Leiding. While they may own farms or mines they rarely work them, and are more often than not away, leaving sons and trusted men behind to oversee their holds while they raid with the Chief and his men. Their lives are often in danger, but are richly rewarded when they show loyalty and honor. There is a near constant promise of chiefdom should their leader ever pass - the choice falling to the king in these matters - inspiring loyalty doubly to their allies and peers, so that they be popular when rising, while also being loyal to the King - for he must choose that development.

The Leiding - who work for them in the fields in return for food and shelter. They have very little power within society and as such they win their earnings through hard work. They are never paid for their labour in anything other than rations, making upward mobility nearly impossible outside of great feats of heroism and cunning - prompting many to become warriors - in the hopes of escaping their lot.

The Loysing - The loysing or the bondsman was a slave who had been freed by his/her owner. They came at the lowermost point in the political system of the Vikings and were still dependent on the owner in some ways. A loysing was allowed to win his/her freedom by displaying hard work.

The Loysing’s Son - The second lowest of the social order within the Kingdom, they have no rights and no hopes of being freed outside of their line. If they are born they carry the shame of their fathers, and can only ever hope to work for food and shelter.

The Slaves - Men and women who have come from conquered areas. They are often not mistreated, and often just continue to live as they have before, only now having to divert any spoils to their masters. Rarely will they be killed, as they are seen as a valuable resource.

History: With the bombs having gone off, much of France was left in chaos. Losing more than most European nations, many fled to the outskirts, hoping to find safe harbor near the coast. They found chaos, hunger, starvation, with men and women hiding for months and days. Many of the religious called it the end times, and many believed them - some citing the continued nothing that surrounds the everyday as proof of being in purgatory. It was not long before the breaking of minds set in, with men raiding whatever resources could be found, men fighting, killing, raping and disavowing any sense of civility. As the radiation sickness continued to kill hundreds of thousands, one man found that in his most desperate musings all this chaos seemed familiar.

It is not clear how or why, but men started to swarm to his calling - the cold, the fire, the danger, the violence - the War. He became a prophet. Not for any gods of peace and love. He became the prophet of a god of war. Citing the end times, stirring the fear and the excitement in equal measure - the prophet convinced the masses that this was not the worst that could happen to them - the worst was yet to come. But in the save voice, he gave them hope - that in the chaos and the death and the war that is on its way, there is an end. And end to all the suffering and death. Odin was reading his army. The Valkyrie were gathering the souls of the valiantly dead. And in a move as cunning as the god he worshipped, the man let his lessers fight for the crown he made, and when they all fell to their ambition, stood alone to pick it up.

Military: The Kingdom of Midgard has at least one nuclear device left, but it is hidden from all but the king. They have a rather vast navy compared to their numbers, and because of that many of their efforts are directed towards naval power. These ships are surprisingly updated, with many of their weapons and tools considered upper tier despite the fact that they are often controlled by persons who look upon them as if they are magic. They are trained well nonetheless, and within the Navy there is a level of discipline and skill matched only by the bloodthirsty desire to prove glory. Boys and girls from early on are trained religiously, as they are to be ready for the call of Odin - the call to war and to death. Even the meekest of them have seen blood, and rage and violence is not only valued but cultivated as sacred. More so than most, death is seen as inevitable and potentially glorifying - many of the lowest willing to do terrible things in the hopes of drawing the eyes of the gods, and so may be rewarded in death for valor as they were never awarded in life. There is a desperation about the people from The Kingdom of Midgard, as life is hard, dangerous and constantly challenging - making them uniquely dangerous. Much of the duty of the Militaria is the securing of Oil since Midgard is cut off from most of the critical resources it needs to function at peak performance.

Economy: With the King claiming gold to be valuable, many so too believe it to be. Gold and silver is hoarded when one can get it, but bartering around it is never standardized - so much so that a coin may be able to buy one a house when a person has a house to spare, yet in turn it may not be able to buy a chicken if the seller has nothing else to eat. As such, bartering is mostly done through food and resources, and is very rudimentary. The King does claim a fraction of all resources as a tax. He does not really use it however, hoarding most of it since he is given to all he could want without labour or favor. Curiously at the lower edges of society the economy matters litter, while in the higher ranks it means more - rising in value and desire as they use it to elevate themselves in the eyes of the king with gold, jewelry and weapons - often used to awe their lowers just as much. Then, beyond this rank, resources are mostly just allocated by the King for whatever purposes he sees fit - mostly going towards building ships, and developing the weapons of war.

Technology: Weapons are standard for the time, with extra focus being given to various melee tools. Higher technology is valued by the King who calls to him all with particular skill. These chemists, scientists, and engineers perform “magic” in his great halls - creating and refining weapons, radar, and other military technologies. Education in these matters is restricted and only the great are allowed to study. The lower peoples fall back to agricultural trades and pre-industrialized labour.

Industry: Industry is extremely limited, with most efforts going into maintaining existing technologies. The only main industry that remains is naval craft development which is skewed towards military craft. They also develop coastal defenses, with many of the R&D staff working religiously towards elevating weapons of war. There is a vested interest in developing the air-force, however the vast amount of resources needed to get it up and running has been too much for the Prophet to accept.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed
Freedom of Religion: Allowed
Freedom of Press: Censored - in part and only at the highest levels of the governance

Right to Love: Partially Allowed - Sleep with whoever, but you have a duty to reproduce
Right to Education: For the Elites
Right to Privacy: Mostly Respected
Right to Assemble: Allowed

Slavery: Allowed
Labor: 14 Hour Workday - slaves, 8 Hour Workday - most everyone else
Child Labor: Allowed - From the age of 10-12

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The Republic of Poland


Capital: Warsaw
Population: 6, 098,300 (rough estimate, although census taking in the more rural regions have been difficult, and also do not count for settlements outside official borders that are considered members of the polish state)

Currency: Polish złoty
Official Language: Polish

Head of Government: Leopold Okulicki
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

Today: The New Poland stands proud in Eastern Europe, its people glad to finally be free of the evil of the Reich, at least for now. Currently, Poland stands alone, wedged between its former oppressors to its west and a juggernaut to its east, unsure of its destiny. Its current concerns are with reuniting the rest of Poland, its south east plagued by bandits and petty warlords, and its southwest by the remains of the SS stuck in Poland. Its North, although officially independent, is much more friendly, often considered an autonomous zone or even a sister republic to the republic based in Warsaw, so as to ease the tension between the still Polish Majority in the Northern coast and the large German Minority. Currently, reunification is off the table, with the government in Warsaw focused more on the southern portion of Poland, and the people on the Northern Coast enjoying their autonomy. Although the Polish Republic can not count on the Autonomous North's support in any offensive war, an attack on one of the two would immediately mean an attack on the other, however, there are some that question whether the Northern Republic would aid their Southern Cousins against a resurgent Germany.

The Republic is currently only one in name, with its first election for Prime Minister scheduled late in 1982. As of 1981, it is ruled by the commanders of the Home Army, although elections on the local level is not uncommon for many communities. Even now, the three major factions within the government are vying for the support of the people, as this election will undeniably be the most important in the young republic's history and will set its course for the coming years. Although the Centrists enjoy a small lead, a lot can change in a year, especially as both the Republicans and Communists have been gaining more and more traction in recent months. Externally, the Republic has yet to pick a side in the cold war, with animosity towards the Soviets, who stole the East, making alliance with them difficult. Yet memories of the United Kingdom's and France's failed promises make the Polish people wary of trusting them or the distant Americans, even if they seem the more preferable choice.

History: The emergence of the Polish Republic is tied closely with the second world war, and the underground resistance of Poland. During the war, the Home Army proved to be a serious thorn in the side of the Reich, and even after the British and Germans signed an Armistice, Poland never ceased to be an unruly region of the Nazi's New Empire at best. Despite Berlin's best efforts, it never managed to silence the Resistance, and its heavy handed tactics may have even spurred on more support for the Home Army. In the early 60s, as the threat of nuclear war became a much more present reality, there existed a growing faction with the Polish Resistance that believed nuclear war inevitable with the Germans involved. This line of thinking eventually made its way all the way to the leadership of the Home Army, and in 1963, preparations for what was viewed as the inevitable begun, with stashes of stolen equipment set up throughout the countryside, extra supplies to ease the inevitable famine prepared, all current operations scaled back to conserve supplies and fighters, and operations to facilitate a speedy collapse of the German Occupation post Armageddon and a rapid seizure of any German Military bases in Poland, codenamed Operation Phoenix.

When the bombs fell, the Home Army was ready. In the chaotic months that followed the nuclear war, German resistance, scattered and cut off from Berlin, was crushed, with only the Northern Coast remaining a true hold out. With Central Poland reclaimed, the Home Army was then left with the daunting task of governing and rebuilding a collapsed nation. In the first years, famine and disease claimed many lives, and more than once it seemed as though perhaps the Home Army would give way and fold, unable to cope with a post-nuclear Poland. As the 70s began, the Republic began to enjoy reasonable prosperity for the situation, although expanding beyond its initial borders proved to be too daunting a task for the time being, especially with fear of the Wehrmacht remnants to their north. The situation in the north however, was shaken up considerably when the regional governance by the Wehrmacht gave way to a democratic government jointly led by Poles and Germans in 1976, in an effort to ease the ethnic tensions in the region. Although there were those within the Home Army that viewed this new neighbor as nothing as a pretender, the leadership of the Home Army understood plainly that not only would conquering the north be just as difficult as prospect as before, but even governing the territory would be a daunting task. Instead, the Home Army extended the olive branch, insisting that they had common cause, both being Republics (at least in name) and being alone in an increasingly dangerous Europe. In 1979, an agreement of mutual defense and friendship was signed between the two states, with the trade between the Northern Coast and Central Poland heavily encourage and the government in Warsaw allowed unfettered access to the coastal ports, granting it stable contact with the rest of the world, although unification is currently out of the question, and likely will remain so for a significant amount of time.

Currently, the Republic has set its sights on clearing the last of the Southern Warlords, including the former SS forces station in Poland, with offensive operations set to begin early in 1981. Despite expectations of quick success being high against the scattered Southerners, it will be several years before the South could truly be considered a part of the Republic, even if the warlords were to fall tomorrow, as law and order would need to be established throughout the countryside, free elections established across the scattered settlements of the South, and the South would need to be brought closer to the standards of Central and Northern Poland.

Military: Poland has learned the lesson of might makes right quite well from the Germans. Even as rule shifts to a civilian government, the Polish Army still maintains its position as a critical part of both the government and society in Poland. The Army is well motivated, trained and led, bolstered by stolen German equipment and Polish reproductions of said equipment, making it among one of the stronger militaries on the continent, shortly behind that of the United Kingdom and the German Reich. Its navy is non-existent, its northern neighbor holding most of what is left docked in Polish Ports when the bombs fell, and its Airforce is still rather small, although as more old German airbases are refurbished and old jets refitted, so to does the Polish Airforce grow.

Economy: Poland's economy is a mix of agrarian and industrial, with much of its population residing in the country side and trading excess crops at markets, but a not insignificant amount of former German industrial centers, primarily arms factories, that could feasibly be repaired and put back into use in forging both weapons and goods for a new Poland. Poland also has benefitted from German efforts to extract resources from the nation, leaving behind much of the infrastructure for the mining of valuable metal and materials, which are already in the process of being repaired. Although on paper, the Polish economy is a free market, in practice, the government has been very heavy handed in the affairs of the economy, with the intention of bringing up to par with other regions of the world quicker.

Technology: Poland, being a part of the Greater German Reich, primarily makes use of the same technology that existed in Germany up until the bombs fell, with only a few exceptions.

Industry: Although small compared to any of the powers that were not caught in the nuclear war of 1960s, the Polish Industry has seen a minor resurgence in the most recent years, as the country's industrial centers were spared the absolute worst of the bombardment, especially with its distance from Britain, and so for much of the country, it is a matter of simply repairing what is there rather than having to entirely rebuild. Experts within the country estimate that as the nation grows more stable and is able to produce more modern tools for its farms, hopefully with assistance of one of the other powers, its industrial sector will see a considerable expansion.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed
Freedom of Religion: Allowed
Freedom of Press: Censored

Right to Love: Partially Allowed (Allowed in Private, Shunned in Public)
Right to Education: Widely Available to an extent in more populated areas, entirely informal in rural areas.
Right to Privacy: Mostly Respected
Right to Assemble: Restricted

State of Education: Widely Available in Populated Regions, Informal in Rural
State of Healthcare: Widely Available in Populated Regions, Informal in Rural

Slavery: Outlawed
Labor: 12 hour workday
Child Labor: Restricted in industrial jobs until the age of 15, in rural regions, there are no restrictions.

CIA/KGB Fact File: WIP



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Cosa Nostra

Capital: Palermo, Sicily
Population: 5 million

Official Language(s): Italian (common across all groups) and English (among the elites)
Currency: Counterfeit US Dollar Bills (among the elites), Barter and Trade (common across all groups)

Head Of State: Don of Don’s, Principe di Villagrazia (Prince of Villagrazia), Stefano Bontade
Ideology: Feudal Oligarchy, mafia style hierarchy

Cosa Nostra, Our Thing, Our Home.

What was once a beautiful region held under the boot of the oppressors in the north is returning, stronger than ever. Seven Families oversee the seven states of what was once Southern Italy.

Greco Mafia Clan: Considered by most to be the visionaries that led to the formation of the Empire and the brains behind the saving of the region itself. Don Bontade and his forefathers were the first to suggest the clans moving to the US in order to survive the fascist purge of the 20’s, followed by the suggestion to move home to stabilize the region after the Nuclear Purge. As a result they took what they claimed to be their birthright, Sicily, crowning themselves the King of Kings in the process.

The respect earned serves them well in their own state, ensuring peace, stability and subordination. It’s in Sicily that by tradition all Don’s meet to discuss matters of politics, military and even official celebration. Though food and other goods are produced domestically, the clans main focus is the leading of raids across the Mediterranean as it is a matter too delicate for other clans who put action before thought.

Their precise touch sees them go after supplies and goods that can be traded within their region and even beyond it. The Clan know better than to try and pick military targets, successfully avoiding the full wrath of larger nations.

But the times are a changin and the focus of the superpowers now turns from Asia back to Europe and in that lies an opportunity only a visionary can see.

Corleonesi Mafia Clan: This family oversees the neighbouring state of Calabria. A close ally of the Greco Clan, the Corleonsi’s oversee a peaceful region and play a supporting role in the Mediterranean raids, trading in much the same fashion as the Greco’s.

Motisi Mafia Clan: This family overseers of the mountainous region of Apulia. Originally their appointment to this state was seen as a great disrespect, claiming that the war that forced them from the US was, of course, not their fault. Bad blood has existed between them and the Greco clan since, painting the former as abandoners rather than visionaries.

They have also made the most of their geographical position, squeezing the state of Molise and the Graviano Clan into submission, while also raiding what was left of the Greeks for slaves and other supplies. Slave trade is their weapon of choice when it comes to trade, they offer the manpower needed for economic success. They also have seen potential and prosperity return to the lands they raid towards the Aegean, an opportunity for them reclaim their past glory.

Graviano Mafia Clan: A once ferocious family that fought a bloody war with Motisi over in the states was given the smallest state of Molise as punishment. The region is mostly a highway connecting the eastern states to the western ones, funneling trade back and forth, taking a percentage for themselves to survive. Though disgraced, they still hold a position at the table when it comes to dealings between the seven families and are a close ally of the Motisi.

Rinzivillo Mafia Clan: This family sits at the Northernmost state of Aburzzo. Although they are at the butt of many jokes and stereotypes among bosses, this Clan enjoys owning the most fertile and beautiful region in all Cosa Nostra. Luckily the nuclear fallout of the north did nothing to permanently damage the production capabilities of this state.

The family itself prefers to steer clear from the politics and power games, finding peace in their position. Their main economic exports are food and textiles, often trading with the Motisi Clan for the manpower needed to fuel such industries.

Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia Clan: This family oversees the culturally rich region of Campania. Steeped in historic monuments, this region is another bread-basket, similar to the Rinzivillo, providing mainly food and textiles to its neighbours on the Western side of Cosa Nostra.

They say it must be something in the air when farming, as they too have a much more laid back attitude, with their focus gravitating towards the finer things in life. They are the cultural hub, protector of the old ways, lovers of history and admirers of the once great Empire of Rome. They don’t care much for the squabbles of the modern era.

Inzerillo Mafia Clan: Often seen as the youngest family, they oversee the state of Basilicata. An innovative bunch, this family's main means of production comes from the recycling and scavenging of the old world. Though they do produce domestic goods on a smaller scale, they have tried to move into re-establishing the metals industry, breaking down what is scavenged from the north, or trading the things they find intact (mostly military finds to the Greco’s).

Things were progressing well for the region until about a year ago, one of the minor families in the state began to gather strength, taking over other small families and threatening the stability of the region. Some claim these are proxy groups spurred on by the Motisi’s but nothing has been proven. Things have gotten so bad that war is on the horizon, prompting an immediate meeting of the families to resolve the situation.

The Italian unification that happened in the 1860’s was disastrous for the southern half of the country. All prosperity and wealth was hoarded in the North, creating a divide both culturally and economically for the newly unified country. Resentment grew, as did unemployment, starvation and crime. Eventually those in the South realised there was no solution that was going to be handed to them by anyone but themselves.

Crime turned into Organised Crime, somewhat stabilising the region and creating powerful territories and syndicates. But with the turn of the century came new political ideologies and in the aftermath of World War 1, Italy adopted Fascism as a way out of the depression that was consuming the world.

However while the North readily accepted their newfound ideology, the South continued to rely on their own ways, to the point where Mussolini felt that the families power was a threat to the country. During a visit to Sicily, Mussolini took offense from a gesture made by the Don of Don’s Francesco Cuccia, an implication that the mob of the South was more powerful than the man who ran the country.

And so in 1925 the fascists waged war on the Mafia, successfully cracking down on the families of organised crime and forcing out the heads from the region, ending in 1929. For those left in Southern Italy, the next 40 years would be a tortured existence of suppression, disparity and famine.

As for the Families, they escaped to the US, reforming their syndicates across the East Coast. They capitalised on the country's surge in wealth, gaining immense power and control of the ports and trade hubs in major cities. Though it wasn’t long before jealousy reared its ugly head and the lust for power caused certain Clans to lose sight of what their ultimate goal was.

Towards the 1960’s trouble brewed and a vicious and bloody war began over territory. Civilians became casualties and the ever powerful US Government took notice, cracking down on the syndicates and bringing in new laws to fight crime. Luckily, for the families at least, war broke out in Europe as the nuclear exchange leveled the playing field. Seeing opportunity and hoping to avoid the same crackdown seen in the 1920’s by the US, the Clans return home.

Using their connections stateside they washed over the Southern Side of Italy, bringing relief and hope to those remaining. They were seen as heroes, King’s of King’s and the ideologies of the old country were tossed aside. Northerners were executed in the streets and all means of production and military power were seized. The families broke up their new dominion and began to establish their new society under the laws of which they had always governed their own organisation. Crime turned law.

However things didn’t move smoothly for the new government. With the devastation of Europe, America turned towards Asia and it’s West Coast. Supply lines and connections from the States began to dry up, forcing a change for the families. Over the next 20 years their position became increasingly desperate, resulting in more barbaric tactics. They become modern day pirates and slavers, doing what they could to provide for their newly formed Empire, preying on the weak and focusing on surviving in the short term.


Army: Each family has small official armies (including a minor range of vehicles and equipment) and then several minor militias/smaller family armies.

Air Force: No air force but they do hold a few strategic defense and anti air missiles. They do have bits of RADAR technology but since the execution of the Northerners, they lack the training to properly utilise this equipment.

Navy: They have a small amount of naval warships (all that remains of the Italian Navy), combined with smaller attack style boats (non-militarized) designed to hit civilian and unprotected targets.

Each state uses a command economic system overseeing and having a hand in the means of production. Anything that’s not produced domestically is targeted in land and sea raids, from commodities to medical supplies. They do a small amount of trading with the remnants of nations in close proximity and there are other remnants who they accept ‘protection’ trade from.

All in all their economy has recently become stable enough for them to consider making diplomatic moves and reducing their barbaric mannerisms.

The bulk of their technology is from the 60’s, scavenged from the old government or surrounding area. They have a few newer pieces here and there but their main issue is lack of training on how to use and maintain said equipment.

They have the ability to produce crude infantry weapons and maintain things on a basic level but nothing overly complicated.

The former countries industrial hubs were located in the north and have since been decimated. They can produce basic goods and stick to raiding/trading for anything more complex.

Freedom of Speech: Restricted
Freedom of Religion: Outlawed, Hardcore Christians
Freedom of Press: Outlawed

Right to Love: Punishable as per the Bible
Right to Education: For the Elites, or as per their discretion
Right to Privacy: Not Respected
Right to Assemble: Not Allowed

State of Education: The Elites are the only ones who are educated and they are mostly men
State of Healthcare: For the Elites discretion

Slavery: Allowed
Labor: 12 Hour
Child Labor: With Permission

CIA/KGB Fact File

CIA Official Report

For the President's Eyes Only


“Cosa Nostra” as they call themselves is a nation made up of former Italian Family Crime Syndicates, the very same families who operated and controlled various trade hubs along our East Coast during the 40’s and 50’s. It seems they fled our shores in order to establish themselves as a legitimate government with Sicily as their capital.

Mr. President, this presents us with several options:

  • We can covertly reignite old ties with their connections on our Eastern seaboard and look to establish trade with them, while securing our own supply lines coming through the Suez.
  • It also presents us with an opportunity to harass any supplies coming through that same channel to the USSR, through either direct or indirect means.
  • The downside to this, sir, is any connection that is brought to light between this government and a former crime syndicate turned modern day pirate would become a PR nightmare.

We await your decision.

KGB Report #5486

Esteemed Leader,

We have investigated the annoying rats who have troubled our supply lines in the Mediterranean. It’s a new nation born from the ashes of old Italy. They rely on hit and run tactics with their focus being civilian and unprotected targets, rather than anything military. It’s clear that this is the only reason that they are still alive.

They seem to target any ship that comes through this region and therefore are without allies. This is either an opportunity for us bring them into the fold and secure the Mediterranean for ourselves, or to crush them like the insects they are. No doubt this is a weak point that could be exploited by the American dogs

The KGB await your command.
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SS Staat Ostmark (Unofficial)
Großdeutsches Reich (Official)


Capital: Linz
Population: 4.500.000

Official Language(s): Deutsche
Currency: (Ost)Reichsmark

Head of State: Reichsführer-SS Otto Skorzeny
Ideology: Ultranationalism

With the Security the Alpine Mountains provide… The Third Reich lives on.

Skorzeny’s Proteges’, Alois Mock the Head of Sicherheitsdienst, Wolfgang Schwanitz the head of Gestapo and Klaus Kinkel the head of ORPO vie for the Reichsführer’s Approval and influence in the Securocracy, trying to ensure their own eventual succession to the title of Reichsführer.



The (Austrian) Wehrmacht:

The Waffen-SS: Commanded by Generaloberst Albert Schnez and composed of those few who survived the Nuclear Strikes and didn’t abandon the ideals of the party and pledged their loyalty. The Waffen-SS has effectively replaced the Heer upon Reichsführer Skorzeny’s purge and re-organization of the Wehrmacht. While an effective tool of repression, their merit in the battlefield is untested.

The Luftwaffe: Commanded by General Feldmarschal Adolf Galland, the Luftwaffe lis no where near the glorious organization that was envisioned by Herman Göring, equiped with whatever the SS could salvage from the Army bases around Ostmark, ranging from Jets and Helicopters from the 50s and 60s to entirely obsolete equipment from the Reich’s early days. It occasionally undertakes Terror-Bombing campaigns against nearby slavic warlords and anti-SS German sunriver states whenever the Kommandostab can afford it

The Kriegsmarine: Commanded by Großadmiral Erich Topp, The once proud Kriegsmarine is just a speck of dust in Ostmark, composed of just a few river patrol boats, it only existed to appease and honour Admiral Dönitz, a dedicated member of the Party, until his recent demise.

Economy: The Austrian Economy remains heavily reliant on Slave labour from enslaved Checz,Slovenes, Italians and Hungarians

Technology: (Short summary on what kind of technology your faction has access to/can create on its own if it can)

Industry: The Modest Industrial might of Ostmark was all but wiped out in Nuclear fire, however under the guidance of Reichsführer and sacrifice of thousands of slaves. Some Industrial centres have been rebuilt

Freedom of Speech: OUTLAWED
Freedom of Religion: OUTLAWED
Freedom of Press: NON-EXISTENT

Right to Love: The Pink Triangle of Death
Right to Education: Men Only, heavily monitored by the State to ensure loyalty
Right to Privacy: NON-EXISTENT
Right to Assemble: OUTLAWED

State of Education: Widely available in Urban centres, varies on rural regions.
State of Healthcare: Widely Available for those of German Blood.

Slavery: ALLOWED
Labor: 16 Hour Work Day -Slaves- 12 Hour Workday -Citizens-
Child Labor: Allowed, any children above the age of 12 is eligeble to conscripted into Hitler Youth Labour Battalions.

CIA/KGB Fact File:
Write a very basic summary of what the US and USSR would know about your faction, if possible in that kind of report style)
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Kingdom of Denmark, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands
(Formally: Kingdom of Denmark)


Capital: Copenhagen
Population: 4 million

Official Language: Danish
Secondary Languages Recognized: English, Greenlandic (Kalaallisut, Inuktun, and Tunumiisut), and Faroese
Currency: Danish Krone

Head of Government: Poul Schlutter
Head of State: Queen Margerethe II
Ideology: Conservative Democracy

With the massive popularity of the monarch under divine right, much of the politics and ideology is heavily influenced by conserving and preserving the Danish culture and nation. However, due to the close relationship of so many Danish with the Americans, much of 1950s American culture has imprinted itself onto the Danish mindset. Indeed, the Danish are extremely grateful and proud to have been so welcomed by the Americans into their security umbrella given the history of Denmark. They of course remain hopeful of American leeway in getting back past territories.

After the return of the Danish goverment to the Danish peninsula in 1974, the Danish began a period of rapid rebuilding under a spend heavy center left government. After critical shortfalls in budget, the right leaning parties returned to prominence to cut spending and taxes where it remains today. They also began integrating the various German immigrants who had stayed in Denmark. Most of these people initially found a home in the far right Christian democrat party but due to the government crackdown on fascistic policies and years of seeing the growth of a liberalized society many moved to standard voting patterns within the Danish electorate. With a large growing middle class with the continued expansion of the energy sector, the population has generally shifted right though in many ways remains with the Venstre in terms of plurality. The Church also remains a strong force in social and political life with a large support base from all types of parties due to the growing number of churches, away from the traditional supermajority afforded to the Church of Denmark.

General Government Structure:
In accordance with a local government reform, following the footsteps of localization political movements in the US (though they floundered there). Much of the power of the government has devolved to the local level. The government is divided into three levels: Central government, regions, and municipalities. The Central Government is in charge of national defense, research, kingdom wide laws and regulations (very limited in scope), and taxes. The region is responsible for regulating health care, labor, economy, etc. The municipality is responsible for social services like local reserve training, charity, any local activities, and education.

The Judicial system is separate with a heavy emphasis on anti corruption efforts.The Parliament also is a unique creation in that they follow a system of negative parliament instead of positive parliament essentially meaning that instead of a leader seeking a majority to get power. As soon as a leader looses a majority, they must immediately leave. What this means is that parties can rapidly withdraw their support outside of election years and force new leadership. Separate from this body are the churches which provide social services, health services, education, and charity. These organizations are regulated and watched by the judicial system.

Also, the Danish Parliament is required to appoint an Ombudsman, a unique position in the Western World, normally a lawyer, in charge of investigating the entire government top to bottom and watching for corruption. He brings together a legal team who go over every part of the government to find corruption and brings those reports and investigations to the public. The government can then choose to act on them or ignore them and bear the consequences with voters.

Major Political Parties/Factions:
The largest political party, the center right conservative people's party has been a traditional party in Denmark since the beginning of the parliamentary system. The party heavily supports the monarch, traditionalism, and protectionism. This party is favored by the business community and the military hawks. It also has a substantial amount of middle class and upper class support.
anti-self rule for colonies
low taxes
low social welfare
large church welfare
strong military
hawkish foreign policy
reduce government education
low government works
gold-backed currency (40%)
Home to the forces of Pastor Johann Bauman, this party combines the conservative belief in low taxes, a strong military, and social conservatism, with the liberal ideas of free trade, ecological focus, and government supported works programs. Despite having less amount of seats, they are the dominant faction in terms of policy often working with both sides to get their positions across. With the son of Bauman leading it, the party is the direct manifestation of his writings and is extremely popular among the agrarians and the marine specialists. It also has the second largest middle class support and has large amounts of lower class support. It is also a minority view among the upper class. They are aligned with Social Liberal's goals to decrease corruption.
pro-limited self rule for colonies (integration on the central government level, regional and municipal autonomy)
low taxes
low social welfare
large church welfare
strong military
free trade (within limits)
moderate foreign policy
same education
heavy government works
pegged to dollar
Focusing on greatly expanding government involvement in all areas of life, the social democrats believe most strongly in greatly expanding the social safety net for citizens and greatly limiting the role of the church. It has the largest following of the highly educated and upper classes. It also has the largest following of the lower classes. It has very limited middle class support.
pro-complete self rule
large increase in taxes
large increase in government social welfare
small church welfare
reduce military
heavily regulated economy
isolationist foreign policy
large increase in state education
heavy government works
floating currency
Seen as a moderate party, this party has essentially been relegated to the sidelines with many of its ideas and can often be counted on to support both sides when ruling coalitions are needed. Their main claim to fame is moderating many of the policies either coalition enacts. Has a good mix of lower class, middle class, and upper class support though very limited on all fronts. Their main policy mission currently is increasing transparency, financial regulation, and judicial reform to decrease corruption across government and the economy (which they find Venstre very favorable to pushing forward).
moderately supportive of the monarch
open to a republic if everyone wants it
pro limited self rule
moderate increase in taxes
moderate increase in social welfare
large church welfare
keeping military the same
mixed economy
soft foreign policy
moderate increase in state education
heavy government works
pegged to dollar
Focusing on the issues of keeping the Church dominant in social life, banning abortion, banning prostitution, banning pornography, banning alcohol, banning drugs, and criminalizing homosexual, this party is seen to be very fringe and is mainly supported by hardline members of the church (though even that is very tiny). It had much greater popularity in the past when it first came to the Danish peninsula but crackdowns on its fascistic policies and the emergence of other parties which crippled its religious support, mostly swept away by the arrival of Johann Bauman, has led the party to be virtually meaningless with only a few radicals in its ranks. Nonetheless, they have had some policy successes in banning pornography and prostitution nationwide, though abortion up to 5 weeks is allowed (though only in research hospitals and secular clinics) and homosexuality, while not criminalized is heavily stigmatized but allowed. The legal age for alcohol is 18, and drugs are criminalized. Birth control is completely legal. So all in all, the party has a mixed bag of successes and failures.
Anti-all abortion
anti- all prostitution
anti- all pornography
anti- all alchohol
anti- all drugs
criminalize homosexuality
anti-all birth control
A fringe minority party, the red-green alliance combines love for the environment with the socialist policies of other Nordic countries (everyone knows they love communism). Sadly, these policies are heavily out of fashion and are seen as proto communist given their name. They are the most fringe of the left wing parties. They were originally created to soften communist policies enough to gain the ability to protest and assemble as a group without being arrested.
Massive government control
State run economy
pro-russia foreign policy
Due to the parliamentary system, many small parties are able to gain seats in parliament but are one issue or remain small. Combined these make up about 10% of seats.

After being invaded and defeated, by the Germans in WW2, the King at the time was heavily pro-jewish and hated german occupation as well as was a Danish nationalist. Heavily funding both the resistance and the deportation of Jews to a safer location in Sweden, he was viewed as a extremely popular wartime monarch. He was noted for riding through Copenhagen on a horse in full Danish uniform with no guards as a symbol of resistance to the Gemran government. However, as time went, on and persecution grew more and more fierce it grew increasingly clear that the Danes would be wiped out if left here. In response, in 1955, he ordered the evacuation of the ruling government, nobility, industry leaders, and research experts. This included the kings family and his son. The King elected to stay behind refusing to give up and leave Denmark. Instead, he stood there with a final battalion of resistance fighters who determined never to leave Denmark. Once it became clear to the Germans what happened they converged upon Copenhagen where they found the King and his guards all donning the armband of the yellow star of David proclaiming their support of the Jews. After an intense fight, the King and every last man was killed. This story managed to escape by a servant who had kept a small fishing boat in case the King changed his mind.

After bringing news of the sacrifice, the people of Denmark harkened to their fallen king and the Danish culture and nation to preserve them through this harsh time of final oppression as the resistance was finally crushed. Spending years in Iceland and Greenland, the ruling government slowly began rebuilding and growing from their weekend state of oppression under the Germans. During this time a new prophet rose to speak to the Danish people, named Johann Bauman. Promising a return to the Danish supremacy, he spoke fiery sermons of the importance of the Christian faith in rebuilding and retaking the Promised Land. Emphasizing the role of Divine Right, he contrasted the Holy appointment of leaders compared to the fascistic cult of secular government. He also emphasized other things. Specifically, he emphasized the Lords love of fisherman and his use and care for marine life. Creating a love for maritime life, the Danes had a new project with which to focus their energies on after the devastating loss of their homeland. To this end, they worked in marine research of all kinds becoming the predominant experts in the field. Soon, after years of waiting, Richard Nixon in 1974 gave the green light for the Danish government to return to their homeland.

Upon their return to Denmark, they found the land in ruins, with the nuclear fallout, 60% of land was unusable for farming, the only people still living there were the ancestors of German immigrants who had been moved into the land through German occupation which made up a good 10% of the population as well as the oppressed and saddened Danish people.. Still they persisted and have rebuilt their society from the ashes greatly relieved and in love with their monarch.

Now the goals of the government are as follows. With the swift defeat of the Danish military due to lack of natural boundaries, the Danes have embarked on a massive public works campaign to build the next Maginot line on the Southern border which they are building now. Second, they seek to have one of the largest navies in the world. Also, they seek to reclaim Norway, as it is believed that God ordained the King of Norway-Denmark under which leadership the kingdom prospered. Since that time, the kingdom has gone downhill. Now they seek to reclaim Norway and all its colonies. This is mainly done by demonstrating to the US that it is a world power and worthy of being given back these lands which fell under US control after the fall of Norway to Germany. Thirdly, they seek to gain power through oil. Since the North Sea discovery in 1966, Denmark has yearned to claim as much land and maritime rights as possible to exploit north sea and baltic sea oil. They also seek close relationships with the US and its trade network under the WTO. With 60% of the countries GDP being from oil, natural gas, and other exports, Denmark is searching for a large consumer base for its products. The US trade network is seen as the future. Lastly, the government is spending lots of money deradiating Danish land for future use.

Formal Structure of Danish Armed Forces

Entitled Danish Defense, the defense doctrine and foundation of the Danish military comes after its humiliating defeat to the Fourth Reich of Germany. The lessons learned were that the Denmark, having no natural barriers between it and Germany, with is boarder consisting of open plains which German tanks could sweep across, meant that Germany could rapidly overtake and conquer Denmark. The Danish Defense was organized to ensure that in the event of a war, all elements of society could be mobilized for a quick defensive posture, that all elements of society are organized to undertake defensive posture, and that should Denmark be rapidly overtaken, a prolonged resistance can be organized to ensure a long term conflict with the oppressor.

Due to this, every male aged 16 must complete 2 years of reserve training whereby he can be mobilized as a reserve unit if called upon. This training is a combination of a period of two months basic training, often taken during the summer after primary graduation, and residual training weekly, and can be deferred for health reasons. After these two years, each region is broken up into military districts which organize general military training for the next 5 years which males are obligated to participate in, once a month, until they are aged 23. This doctrine also give the defense ministry the ability to mobilize all males, the entire police force, and any discharged military member to defend the Kingdom. It should be noted that reserve training is much less rigorous than formal training to join the army proper. Each branch of the military has its own level of basic training that must be completed before joining.

Also, each reserve member is authorized to house and own his own firearm during his time as a reserve member with classes and permits ensuring that each reserve member is psychologically able to handle said responsibility (mentally unfit members are discharged from this service though rare). Also, each town above 2,000 is obligated to create one or multiple discrete bunker(s) (known only to town leaders) in which arms and produce is stored so that resistance efforts could be coordinated and supported.

Equiped with a combination of ww2, post ww2, and Cold War era equipment, the Danish Armed Forces were actually, despite the propaganda, relatively middle tier. An ally of the US, they received heavy support from them and bought US equipment heavily (especially those pieces upgraded from lessons learned in the variety of pacific wars the US was engaged in). While undermanned now, the military has developed a ten year plan to siginificantly upgrade and expand the armed forces in equipment to bolster the military to bring it up to modern standards.

Led by competent generals and leaders with experience learning from and working closely with (in some cases providing ancillary forces to US wars), the Danish leadership is well trained and governed by a top notch group of experts. This has also been helped that many Danish military experts have been schooled in American War colleges which teach top level war doctrine.

Oil and Natural Gas - 50%
Agriculture/Fishing/Husbandry -25%
Service Economy (hotels, restaurants, car dealers, maintenance stores, retail, real estate, financial services, banking) - 12%
Heavy Manufacturing (technology, naval, transportation, heavy equipment) -7%
Light Manufacturing (civilian goods, processed food, consumer electronics, software, construction)- 6%

Currency Policy:
Currently Pegged to US Dollar

Lagging behind the US technologically, the Danish economy has strived to integrate with the US in terms of technology though there is one area in which the Danes reign supreme. Maritme technology. With a large spiritual and fiscal reason for this, massive amounts of energy and capital is spent mastering deep sea oil drilling, fishing, marine biology, underwater resource extraction, ice ships, and naval technology. In these fields, Denmark is the king of producing and researching maritime technology.

Despite being heavily agriculture in terms of land use, industry is a large and growing part of the Danish economy though limited by the fact that Denmark has no natural resources so is reliant on foreign imports for iron, steel, etc.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed

Freedom of Religion: Restricted
In 1682, the state recognized in the constitution 3 religious groups: Roman Catholicism, the Reformed Church, and Judaism. Since that time, all religious groups must be recognized by royal decree. This has allowed almost all Protestant or Christian groups the ability to operate (outside of the Church of Latter Day Saints and some fringe groups). Also, to hold a state position above a certain point (all elected officials and any nobility but not bureaucracy) you must be a member of the state church, the Church of Denmark which is Lutheran. There is a stigma, however, to work in the government without being a member of the Church of Denmark as loyalty to the monarch is seen as being connected to being a member of the Church of Denmark. While this won't be restrictive or a problem initially, once you get higher in government, your application will be passed over for those who are church members. In terms of non-Judeo Christian religions, you are persona non grata for most high level jobs and are not recognized by the state outside of work that is temporary or connected to the outside world in nature (like research positions, ambassadors ships to foreign countries, etc.).

Freedom of the Press: Restricted
While you are allowed to publish, whatever, once you become a large news organization, you come under harsh libel laws that essentially mean that you must have a large amount of evidence to accuse someone of something formally. Opinion pieces are separate. Also, any pictures or images of the Royal Family are approved by the Monarchy and are generally restricted to allow for privacy of the royal family. The royal family is also allowed equal time to respond to any accusations made against them. Also, in war time when war powers are declared, press deemed treasonous is allowed to be censored but no jailing or fining is allowed. Treason is carefully worded to only be support for a power desiring the destruction or defeat of the Kingdom of Denmark in war, not the criticism of any danish policy with the purpose of improving it. It should be noted any political ideology, can be discussed or approved in print if labeled as opinion inside or outside of wartime.

Right to Love: Partially Allowed
While allowed behind closed doors, the rights become heavily restricted, again, when in government.
If you plan to work at a high enough level in government, or in a industry deemed essential to national security, you are required to turn in forms stating your faults. These are things that would or could be used to harm your reputation or work, or be used as blackmail by foreign governments, such as drug use, extramarital affairs, and homosexuality. Failure to disclose this information, is a punishable offense. Also, socially, homosexuality is seen as a sin on par with adultery so it is assumed that you would repent and attempt to correct this behavior. Long time homosexuals are seen as addicts like drug users or drunkards, and you are seen with pity if this behavior becomes public. This will also disqualify you for many high level jobs even in non-national security positions due to the social stigma.

Right to Privacy: Mostly Respected
If you are a citizen, the government is required to gain a warrant from a judge and jury to spy on you. If you are a member of the government or a industry essential to national security, the government has much more freedom to spy on you. However, this is declared in a variety of wavers all of these employees sign when accepting positions of this level. Also, the CIA can basically do whatever.

Right to Assemble: Restricted
In order to protest, you must get a government waver from the locality. These are often granted and are just a stopgap against protests deemed extreme (ethnic nationalism, fascism, communism, anarchism, etc.). These views are allowed in private but the view is that by giving these views space to organize, the state is promoting views that are destructive to the state. Otherwise, your protest is deemed illegal and the government reserves the right to arrest everyone deemed protesting without a license. For most people, just protesting policies, approved religions, or for any political faction (even the red-green party), your protest is allowed and ok even if in harsh criticism of the government.

State of Education: Universal-Private
All children must complete ten years of essential education (from age 5-6 to age 15-16). All education is private with the government establishing basic rules of what must be taught in terms of Danish History, Danish culture, the Danish language, physical education, and essential basic education in math, science, etc. Standard tests are given each year for students to determine how much they know each year with particularly poor students being investigated for abuse or issues. If a child is deemed to be abused or worked unfairly, the perpetrators are brought before court to rectify the situation depending on the severity. Also, if a child requires help due to mental issues, resources are provided from the government to help subsidize education for the mentally unwell.

A majority of educational institutes are religious from the various churches, the majority being Church of Denmark though a sizable percentage are homeschooled. The monarch grants large stipends to the Church of Denmark for this purpose. Also, the Defense ministry gives large grants to military colleges (army and naval), and many corporations or collectives subsidize agricultural schools, maritime schools, or technical schools with a promise to work at a company or collective for a set period of time (often 2 - 4 years). There also exist a fair amount of maritime secondary schools which teach students about the fishing industry and equipping students for the merchant fleet. Universities are private as well though they receive about 30% of their budgets from the government. Universities in Denmark are very mid level with most exceptional students going to Britain or America for higher level college.

In terms of general education aptitude, Denmark remains one of the top countries in the world for education. With literacy rates, secondary school rates, and university level education being very high. Education is regulated by the municipality with school boards making virtually all the decisions from curriculum to pay.

State of Healthcare: Universal-Private
All healthcare is private, though two things keep the healthcare industry accessible to the average worker. First, with the labor market being limited, Danish companies often provide extensive health benefits to workers in order to attract long term loyalty and in agreements with labor groups. Second, the monarch and nobility is expected to and does heavily subsidize the Church of Denmark which provides care for all members who cannot afford healthcare, due to the high degree of labor participation, this constitutes only about 1-5% of the population. Most regular and preventive care doctors are fairly cheap. Virtually all hospitals can be grouped as research hospitals (high end secular hospitals generally operating on extreme cases or developing medicines, heavily subsidised by medical companies and research universities) and religious hospitals (funded by churches).

The government also sponsors a required yearly checkup for every citizen to assess the state of the health of Denmark for defense and military purposes. Outside of this law, all regulation of healthcare is passed down to the region. Each region has its own health standards and regulations. They are obligated to provide for the mentally or physically disabled and to ensure the health of the populace in the event of a war.

Labor: 8 Hour Workday
Labor markets in Denmark are some of the freest in the Liberal World, with some of the least regulations by the State. Instead, labor groups and private companies are infamous for negotiating the basis of labor agreements with little input from the state. This means that there is large leeway given to corporations to have large benefits for overtime from the 8 hour day meaning many workers generally work 10-12 hours a day or longer though with overtime. Unions are nonexistent in this country with a large amount of the focus being on individual workers. All sectors of the economy hire and fire people regularly making the labor market very fluid.

Labor groups also should be understood as separate from normal unions in that they only have one job, negotiating employment contracts for members. They do not protect you from firing or give any long term bonuses or benefits for their services. They also don't require yearly membership fees or are long term groups of people. Often set up by legal firms, they only are services offered for a fee (generally for 0.5-5% of your first year earnings). Employees can and do switch labor groups to get better contracts. Any further regulations on labor are imposed by region.

Child Labor: With Permission
Child Labor is not regulated on an individual level instead generally allowing it if the child has their grades above a certain point and the health and well being of a child can be verified. Each year the government monitors children through the yearly checkup to ensure they are healthy and not abused. If they are not healthy or are seen to be abused, investigations are initiated to determine the cause whether through neglect or through improper labor. Harsh punishments through fines and jail time is imposed for improper use of child labor. It should be noted that harsh labor like oil drilling or hard levels of construction, heavy industry, and mining are seen to be detrimental to children's health. Also, citizens are expected to report improper child labor to authorities.

It should be noted that virtually all children who work are working in familial farms or fishing boats, with some being employed by their family's small business as workers (such as restaurants, hotels, or shops).

Slavery: Outlawed

CIA Fact File
(know everything)

KGB Fact File


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Spanish Republic

Capital: Barcelona
Population: 7,438,000

Official Language: Spanish.
Currency: Peseta

Head of Government: Prime Minister, Renate Serrano
Ideology: Military Governed 'Parliamentary Republic'

What remains of Spain is a war weary and still-shocked people. The Catalonian's who lived in the region have been elbowed aside to make room for Spanish refugees that now consider themselves deserving of equal standing. The issues of Francoism were tabled due to the sheer necessity of a military government which guided the territory throughout the worst years. Just as there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel that can allow for democratic ideals without another collapse, it seems the entrenched military government will not want to relinquish its power.

The younger generation who grew up during the worst years of the aftermath have displayed themselves to be cynical of human nature on either side of the English channel, fascist or parliamentarian. They have begun to support a Futurist-Green movement that commands the protection of the environment and unwavering dedication to the public good of man from the state as well as one another. These idealistic youths are eyed with ever-more suspicion by the rest of the country due to their dogmas similarity to communist theories, even though they swear off Stalinist influences. Expansionists have attempted to rally the people towards reclaiming Spanish territories while balancing an omnipotent public aversion to all things war-like. The parliament that was assembled has been largely a figurehead for the military administration, leading to many to refer to it as a 'parliament of paper'.

The Catalonia-Spaniards who existed in the region before the crisis have better established themselves among the new class of successful merchants and politicians. This has led to resentment among the new lower class which is made of refugees.

Freedoms of assembly, speech, and publication are still restricted with the justification that the country still needs tight control over the population to maintain stability. This has evolved into control over the schooling system and a state mandated education.

Catalan is a land that historically was home to a people that thought of themselves as Catalans firstly and Spaniards secondly. Catalonia as a Spanish territory was dissolved in 1936 following the defeat of the Republican faction in the Spanish Civil War, and the region then suffered political repressions handed down from the new Francoist Government in Madrid. Following the successes of the Axis powers in the second world war, Spain's close political ties to Germany allowed them to reap large economic benefits which in turn raised public opinion of Spain's Caudillo. This ensured that his rule was not as rocky as some political scientists projected earlier into his tenure as dictator.

During the Anglo-German conflict Spain fell into anarchy. Parts of the population died to to a breakdown in social order while others fled the country or perished from famine. The Republican government-in-exile was headquartered in France during the time of the nuclear war which resulted in their deaths. The precise cause is unknown. A number of politicians fled to the safety of the P-Line bunkers and defenses at the Pyrenees mountains. The Generalitat of Catalunya integrated with these remnants of the National Spanish government to form an emergency Spanish government. This let the administration state that they were the legitimate continuation of Spain's previous government. With the exiled Executive Council of Catalonia lost to anarchy in France, there were no contenders to legally object to their rule.

Ironically for the increasingly liberally-minded Catalans heavy-handed military enforcement of laws, rationing, and enforced civil obedience were unquestionably required due to the massive influx of refugees and the state of the nation. Many Francoists were simply accepted into the administration at all levels particularly military officers who brought with them the experience, command, and soldiers needed to operate the expanded military the Catalans needed to survive.

Assimilation of refugees from greater Spain has caused a blending of ideas in Catalonia. Few Catalans subscribe to the ideals of greater freedoms and self-determination because there is no longer a Greater Spain to secede from. Many citizens simply consider themselves Catalonia-Spaniards, or simply Spaniards.The large number of refugees put an enormous strain on the region and refugee camps had to be built. The loss of large scale mechanization was devastating, and so the refugees that came to the region were put to work as best as possible to supplant the agricultural needs of the city. At first the territory operated on a 'work-to-eat' system where refugee camps were simply pointed towards fields in need of work under threat of expulsion and then fed afterwards. Rumors abound of the abuses of refugee camp guards which the Barcelona courts have been unable to properly address.

Francoists - Francoist tendencies have been invigorated by the years of necessary military dictatorship.
Futurist-Green Coalition - Highly focused on rebuilding, agriculture, and isolationism. A minority party.
Continuity Front - Spain never died, for we still live on. Catalan will give Spain its rebirth!
Expansionists - Moderates split from the Continuity Front. Peaceful expansionism at all costs.

Military: Largely ground-based infantry and armored divisions. Their weaponry and tanks are based on 1960's designs from before the war, and most armor still in service is a decade old.

Economy: Mixed economy with very few public sectors. Railways, oil, and electricity are nationalized. Food distribution is based on rationing.

Technology: Hovering at 1960's levels.

Industry: Prior to the Ango-Germanic conflict Catalonia was a highly industrialized region of Spain. Automotive, Chemistry, and Textile industries were present. They have busily shunted their steel and oil into non-military applications such as agriculture, water treatment, and infrastructure for many years in efforts to stave off any further famine. Their industry has been accordingly reduced with the loss of the majority of Spain and tertiary supply lines from Europe. Currently they operate at a near autarky while trying to get as much trade as they can from Mediterranean neighbors. Barcelona was an industrial powerhouse and it has been rebuilding its supply lines and technical abilities in a bid to restart production.

Freedom of Speech: Restricted.
Freedom of Religion: Restricted.
Freedom of Press: Restricted.

Right to Love: Not Allowed.
Right to Education: Widely. Education opportunities are based on state standardized testing and bureaucratic selection process'.
Right to Privacy: Rarely Respected.
Right to Assemble: Not Allowed.

State of Education: Widely available across the state, depending on citizenry status.
State of Healthcare: Available, but not at the level of the previous Spain.

Slavery: "Outlawed." Unofficially, refugees still in camps are used as free labor.
Labor: 14 hour work day.
Child Labor: Allowed.

CIA/KGB Fact File:
The Spaniards have been courting Egypt in an attempt to import cotton and export back textiles. They likely seek enhanced relations to gain better access to the Suez canal.

The Spaniards now seem to be using labor drawn from refugee camps to perform mining in the Pyrenee mountains. It is unlikely that the people working have any choice to be doing so.

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Republic of Ireland

Capital: Dublin
Population: 4,976,000

Official Language(s): English, Irish Gaelic
Currency: Irish Pound (IEP)

Head of Government: Taoiseach Charles Haughey
Ideology: Parliamentary Representative Democratic Republic

The Republic of Ireland is a stable nation, holding the entirety of the island of Ireland. The nation has made great strides attempting to aid several of its neighbors on the larger island of Great Britain. With the United Kingdom's renouncing of their claim on Northern Ireland, the nation has been able to peacefully absorb the province of Ulster. This has also allowed Ireland to more closely aid its new ally of Scotland.

The Republic of Ireland gained its full independence from the United Kingdom on December 29, 1937. From then on, the nation of Ireland became neutral, staying out of all major conflicts. They have, however, helped on peacekeeping missions in the past. During this time, the nation was able to focus on internal affairs and built up its self as a democratic, capitalistic society. The nation was also able to focus on diplomatic missions to many European states, wishing there to never be another conflict that big. This period of neutrality worked in their favor, as when the nuclear war broke out, Ireland was able to stay out of it and keep themselves safe, unlike most other European nations. After the conflict, due to gaining their independence during a time of conflict, the aftermath was, while not easy, not as crippling as it was to other nations. Due to the destruction of the British Empire, they were able to work towards unification with Northern Ireland, allowing the province autonomy.

Military: The Irish military is a very small one, having only a few thousand men in a defense force. The military of Ireland can only be used to protect themselves in times of turmoil.

Economy: The economy of the Republic of Ireland is a highly developed knowledge economy, focused on services in high-tech, life sciences, financial services, and agriculture.

Technology: Having been able to stay somewhat safe from the nuclear war, Ireland has access to most Western technologies from the 1980s.

Industry: The Irish industry is based heavily on pharmaceuticals chemicals computer hardware software food products beverages and brewing medical devices. The workforce is very skilled, and these industries are the driving force of the economy now.

Freedom of Speech: Allowed
Freedom of Religion: Allowed
Freedom of Press: Allowed

Right to Love: Allowed
Right to Education: Universal
Right to Privacy: Respected
Right to Assemble: Allowed

State of Education: Universal
State of Healthcare: Universal-Free

Slavery: Outlawed
Labor: 8 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Outlawed

CIA Fact File: The CIA would know practically everything about Ireland, as the nation has been friendly with the US.
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Global Front for the Liberation and Independence of the Spirit of the Earth; shortened title: Kali Yuga Front

Capital: Independence Compound, Location Unknown
Population: 2,701,000

Official Language(s): Sanskrit, German (in the process of being suppressed)
Currency: Barter (No public currency, citizens are allowed what the government provides and may trade among themselves)

Head of Government: Savitri Devi; Designation कलियुग (Kali Yuga)
Ideology: Apocalyptic Eco-Anarcho-Fascism

The Kali Yuga Front is a hyper-industrial blight upon the Earth with a singular goal: use the tools of Industrial Society to bring about its own downfall. While cruel, repressive, and genocidal now, their ultimate goal is a free and independent world from which the blights of nationhood and industry have been scoured, leaving a few million at most chosen to live peaceful and fulfilling lives on rural farms and in isolated pockets.

The traditionalist, ruralist movement was stronger nowhere than Silesia. A settler region, where Poles had been slaughtered or enslaved in order to make way for rural German farmers and settlers, it was a model for the traditional German way of life, of farmers and traders living peacefully, free from the scheming and barbarity of the lesser races. This all ended when the bombs fell. Silesia was spared; very few major cities remained, leaving few targets. However, the settlers way of life was now threatened. As one of the largest remaining agricultural bastions of Europe, they were beset on all sides by invaders trying to take their food and land. They saw the industrialists as barbaric and having ruined their way of life through their industry and nuclear weapons. Their rage was soon channeled by one of the oddest survivors of the Reich. Originally Greek and then a fanatic devotee to Indian culture, her ideology was depraved and insane, but it won over the desperate and fearful Silesian Germans. Her plan was simple: industrial society had grown so powerful that only hyperindustrialization could tear it to the ground. The people must build factories, bombs, and weapons of war in order to tear the cities apart to the final brick. Only once the rest of the world is utterly annihilated could they tear down their own industry and live quiet, rural lives across a safe, healthy, and sparsely-populated Earth.

The Kali Yuga Front is dedicated solely to the production of soldiers and weaponry, and it shows. Every resource is put towards warfare and the ultimate destruction of industrial society. Anything taken from the enemy is repurposed, either sent to the front as is or disassembled and melted down for its parts. Every Silesian man over 14 is prepared for warfare, and those that cannot fight work in the factories. Women, children, the old and crippled, all must do anything they can, even if they must make steel in their own backyards. The Kali Yuga Front is still in the process of building and perfecting manufactories for planes and tanks, and so for now rely on what they can steal and salvage in that department.

The Kali Yuga Front employs complete and utter control over the economy. There is no currency, no shops, and no business; the Front provides the resources to survive, and anything else you must make or trade for yourself. Every natural resource is exploited to as much potential as possible, and put towards the ultimate destruction of the industries they feed.

The Front despises technology, and only uses it at all out of a need to eventually annihilate it. Overly industrial, more complex advances will only ever be stolen from those more interested in technological advance.

Every single facet of the Front's industry is dedicated to the destruction of industry. Bombs, guns, ammunition; even food and other basic goods are only to feed a force of able-bodied soldiers and workers.

Freedom of Speech: None
Freedom of Religion: Mandated Eco-Hinduism
Freedom of Press: None

Right to Love: Marriage unregulated; Homosexuality punishable by enslavement
Right to Education: None
Right to Privacy: Somewhat Respected
Right to Assemble: Suppressed

State of Education: Suppressed for all citizens
State of Healthcare: Reserved only to increase productivity of workers and/or save soldiers as assets

Slavery: Legal, widespread
Labor: No restrictions, hyperindustrial workday for all able citizens reaching up to 14 hours
Child Labor: Mandated

CIA Fact File:

Silesia is extremely enigmatic, and has thwarted our surveillance attempts through primitive modes of communication. Our current best understanding of the organization's leadership is below.


Triumvirate Member A
Identity Confirmed, Savitri Devi; Designation कलियुग (Kali Yuga)
Savitri Devi is the only member of the leading Triumvirate with a publicly known identity. Devi was reportedly responsible for redirecting the popular traditionalist movement among German settlers in Silesia towards the eco-apocalyptic movement it has become, and is credited for the concept of temporary hyperindustrialization in order to destroy industrial society in the long run. Current reports indicate that Devi is currently beset by blindness and on the brink of death.

Triumvirate Member B
Identity Unknown; Designation अश्मन् (Lightning)
Triumvirate Member B (Designation: Lightning) has only recently been identified at all by any known intelligence. Before this point, Triumvirate Member B was speculated to have been a number of former Reich officials, although recently intercepted communication has identified him as a former American national. Current primary suspect is former professor Garrett Hardin, presumed dead in 1971 but with no body ever found. This also roughly corresponds to the first appearance of Triumvirate Member B in late 1972.

Triumvirate Member C
Identity Unknown; Designation अंशुमान् (Sun)
Triumvirate Member C (Designation: Sun) is likely the least influential member of the Triumvirate. His role and identity are both unknown, with the only indication of his origin being three intercepted communications in Swedish speculated to have been sent by him. Current suspects can be found in section 3-E, though none are particularly important and are limited to a number of minor Swedish radical eco-anarchists and one missing Sámi independence activist.


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Romanian Socialist Republic
Republica Socialistă România
Viață-n libertate ori moarte!


Capital: Bucharest/București
Population: Roughly 10 million

Official Language(s): Romanian
Currency: Romanian Leu (ROL)

Head of Government: Ana Pauker, President of the Romanian Socialist Republic
Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu, General Secretary of the Romanian Socialist Unity Party
Ideology: Marxist-Leninism (de jure)
Ranging from Marxism-Leninism to Democratic Socialism (de facto)

The broken shackles were left behind, as the old order burned in nuclear fire. In Bucharest, the center of the old Romania, the Romanian Socialist Republic stands, reborn from the ashes of its oppressive past. Under the dual rule of Ana Pauker and Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu, the Romanian communist regime, in fact a union of various left-wing forces, from Marxist-Leninists, to Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats, Christian Socialists and even Agrarians. The Romanian Socialist Unity Party rules over a new society and a new nation, even if the new Socialist Romania is but a rump of what it once was. Economically, the country has managed to recover from the turmoil in which Europe was thrown, with the coal deposits of the Carpathians and the oil of Ploiesti fueling a developing industry, the fertile Wallachian Plains feeding the country, and the Danube marking it as a crossroads of trade. The achievements of the new regime, and the pragmatic rule of Pauker and Pătrășcanu, combining repression with liberal measures and working towards leftist unity have so far secured its position within its own territories, with the ever watchful Securitate taking a backseat.

But the future that lies ahead is uncertain. Ana Pauker is 88 years old, Pătrășcanu is 81 years old, and their moderate faction in the Romanian Socialist Unity Party lacks a clear successor, while members of all the other factions are already preparing their steps towards power, were one or both of the leaders to finally die. Despite the uncertain situation however, with the internal issues finally stabilized, the RSR is starting to look abroad, to the Soviet Union for support, and to the lands around it in order to attempt to recreate the old Romanian dream of unification, from the Dniestr to the Tisa, and from Bucovina to Cadrilater, only this time, under the sickle and the hammer..

The end of the First World War brought with it the achievement of the greatest dream of the Romanian people - Greater Romania, the nation where finally all Romanians would be unified. Despite social tensions and issues with some ethnic minorities, this victory in the Great War cemented the Romanian monarchy and its rule, and no communists ever rose up in rebellion in Romania, as the Bolsheviks were establishing their union to the east. But this was not to last. The Kingdom of Romania had placed its survival in the hands of a series of alliances that were all centered on France. Cracks started to appear in the Romanian Crown with the rule of Carol II. Ever vacillating, arrogant, and famous for his position as the "Playboy King", Carol led his nation towards collapse and an authoritarian regime. The old systems of alliances failed as the former Entente did nothing as the Nazis annexed Austria, and then the Sudetenland and Romania's ally in Czechoslovakia. Carol tried to befriend the Germans, but it was too little, too late. As Poland was attacked, the Romanian-Polish Alliance faded into obscurity, and the other allies of the country were either already authoritarian, pro-German, or weak. And as France fell, Romania remained alone.

Germany broke the country apart, with Hungary and Bulgaria receiving former Romanian territories, but afraid of what it perceived as a much larger Soviet threat, Romania became a German puppet. Carol II was exiled, and while in theory his son, Mihai I the followed, he was merely a puppet for the fascist dictator, the General and later Marshal Ion Antonescu. His military dictatorship strictly aligned the country with Germany, and Romania remained a German puppet until the end. Repressive and stagnant, Antonescu's dictatorship further broke the image of the monarchy in the eyes of the people, as the country was endlessly exploited by the German "allies". Antonescu also brought with him the end of Romania. As he died of heart issues in 1966, bombs were launched throughout the continent, and Romania wasn't spared, as the center of German oil production.

From the ashes rose anarchy. But with Mihai and much of the Romanian Royal Family missing, the successors of the old government were unable to do anything. Romania seemed to be destined to fall into chaos like the rest of Europe - but the Romanian resistance movement, that had been fighting in the Carpathians for decades, reemerged and attacked to the south. Republican and leftist, these rebel groups overwhelmed the remains of the Romanian Royal Army, with many of them defecting, sick of a failed monarchy and the corruption of the Antonescu regime. Mihai Antonescu, the successor of the hated Marshal, was executed, just as with Soviet help, a group of Romanians arrived in what remained of Bucharest. Politicians in exile, they had watched their country suffer for over three decades, and they waited for the right time to come back..

Under Ana Pauker, the various left-wing movements in Romania coalesced into the Romanian Socialist Unity Party, which managed to defeat its other rivals with the help of Soviet supplies. While unable to gain control over the entirety of what was once Romania, the new regime proclaimed the Romanian Socialist Republic in Bucharest, and managed to gain control over Wallachia, Oltenia, and all of Dobrogea, securing the vital Danube Delta. By 1970, a new, socialist regime started to rebuild the country.

At the beginning of the 1980's, the new regime has achieved a lot. The scars of the war have mostly healed, a small industry has developed, and the society has been modeled after the socialist example. Despite an uncertain future and some internal worries, the RSR is finally willing to look beyond its borders, and to finally establish itself as the rightful regime of the Romanian people.


Romanian National People's Army:
The RNPA is a relatively small force, with professionalism and loyalty to the regime being favored over numbers. It is mainly armed with Romanian produced licenses of Soviet equipment, like the Carpati pistol, the PM md. 63/65, and the PM md. 64. A system of mandatory conscription also exists, which presents itself through a mandatory year of military training for males, and as such, in times of war, the army can be supplemented with reservists from the Romanian National People's Patriotic Guards.

Romanian National People's Air Force:
The RNPAF is a very small force, and one that still mainly uses refurbished planes from the Second World War. Despite that, it has a very small core of MiG 21's purchased from the Soviets, and it has plans of expansion.

Romanian National People's Navy:
The RNPN is centered in the port of Constanta, and is mainly formed by Romanian vessels which were in missions in the Black Sea during the Nuclear War of 1966 and survived the initial conflict. It is supplemented by a fleet of river monitors which are meant to protect the trade on the Danube from raiders.

A Socialist State Economy, working in 5 Year Plans and under the command and control of the state. It has a mixed system of agriculture, with the state encouraging but not mandating agricultural cooperatives of production, which benefit from the fertile Wallachian plains. The country also greatly benefits from its position along the Danube and with a coast at the Black Sea, which allows it to take part in several important trade routes, and its position as the controller and maintainer of the Danube Delta also brings a lot of benefits. Further projects of industrial and agricultural expansion and the completion of the Danube-Black Sea Canal are planned as part of the 3rd Five Year Plan.

Moderate. Mostly 1960's - 1970's Romanian technology, which of course implies a lot of licensed and borrowed Soviet technology, but as far as licensing and producing foreign tech goes, the Romanians are quite good at it, including at adapting the technology.

Relatively well developed for a state of its side, due to the state command and control economy, and industrialization being a major objective of Marxism-Leninism from a Romanian perspective. Industrial areas exist in most cities, supported by the natural resources of the Carpathians. Restoring the oil production of the Ploiesti fields was a major objective of the new regime from the very beginning, and Romania has returned to a position where its oil fields can secure most of its needs.

Freedom of Speech: Outlawed
Freedom of Religion: Restricted
Freedom of Press: Censored

Right to Love: Respected
Right to Education: Universal
Right to Privacy: Rarely Respected
Right to Assemble: Not Allowed

State of Education: Universal
State of Healthcare: Universal-Free

Slavery: Outlawed
Labor: 8 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Outlawed
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The "Republic" of Turkey

Capital: Ankara
Population: approx. 45 million
Official Language: Turkish
Currency: Turkish Lira
Head of Government: Gen. Kenan Evren

Type of Government: Military Junta
Ideology: Authoritarian Nationalism

The overall state of the nation is worse for wear. The most recent development would obviously be the coup d'etat in the previous year. Turkey is currently subject to the rule of a military junta known as the “National Security Council,” headed by General Kenan Evren. Formerly Chief of General Staff, Evren is now the de facto President. With Turkey under new management, the Security Council took it upon themselves to rewrite the country’s constitution in light of liberties being “too luxurious” for Turkey. Many civil and human rights are now being suppressed, most prominently being political activism.

In the years leading up to the coup, the nation was plagued by political violence and an utter paralysis of the government itself. Violent conflicts between far-left and far-right activists caused the deaths of thousands. To make matters worse, government officials in Parliament were unable to elect a President due to the government’s system of proportional representation. Political parties struggled to gain a majority in Parliament, and the government was forced into a standstill. Thus the Armed Forces saw fit to straighten the country themselves.

Now, the people’s rights to assemble have been severely suppressed and affected several aspects in everyday life. Political groups and parties have all been extinguished and Parliament dissolved. The government enforces a crackdown on political associates, arresting and even executing those suspected of political activism. Many teachers and professors were expelled from their profession for political affiliation. Films and newsletters suffered the same fate. Even lawyers were dismissed due to their political views. Any and all forms of political affiliation would see judgement by the junta. All of this was in efforts to stem the political violence from prior years. However, it seems that Turkey may have traded one form of violence for another.

However, one could argue that the coup has resulted in considerable gains in the prospect of repairing Turkey’s shambling economy. The Security Council aims to transform the economy, opening the nation for a more global economy. Turkish companies are being encouraged to make foreign investments. Previous public works intended on expanding agriculture are being boosted to revitalize local economies. Joint-enterprises with foreign entities are promoted extensively in order to secure economic expansion. The question then becomes whether or not this hope for economic relief is worth the blood spilled in its wake.

After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire after the First World war, the Entente made plans to partition the remaining Ottoman Territory among themselves. However, a Turkish Nationalist movement led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, saw fit to oppose the Allied occupation. A four-year long conflict ensued. The Turkish War for Independence saw Turkish nationalists do battle with Allied forces on multiple fronts. In its conclusion, the Turks emerged victorious and the Republic of Turkey was born. This new Turkey would do away with the old ways of the Empire. The Sultanate was abolished, and a secular government was set in its place. Ataturk and his new government would raise Turkey into an era of industrial revitalization.

20 years later yet another World War would displace the nations of Europe. The Turkish government did its best to stay neutral in the conflict, feeling they’d lose all the progress made since their war for independence. Although courted by the Allies to join their struggle against the German Reich, it became increasingly apparent that the Allies were fighting a losing battle. Thus, Turkey sided with Germany, if only to prevent open conflict with the Reich. After Germany emerged victorious, those in Turkish Parliament believed they had played their cards just right. However, as tensions remained strenuous in the years following the war’s conclusion, the worst came to pass, and Europe suffered a nuclear exchange between Britain and The Reich in 1966. Although the heartlands of Turkey were initially unaffected, the economic backlash proved catastrophic.

In more recent years, Turkey has struggled to keep the fragile stability. For nearly a decade, the economy has been in decline, with Parliament seemingly unable to stem it’s bleeding. On top of that, Kurdish unrest in Turkey’s eastern territories became increasingly violent. The result being military operations running up to this day. More internal strife would soon plague the nation as the government’s ineffectiveness would prime a coup d’etat headed by a certain Kenan Evren.

With the military now firmly in control, the Security Council needs to preserve its military strength to enforce martial law as well as defend the nation from potential internal and external threats. Therefore, Turkey must maintain a fairly large military. It’s land and air forces being the larger focus, whereas the Navy can be considered somewhat neglected. Although dwarfed by the global superpowers America and Russia, Turkey is considered one of the more formidable nations in the region.

Currently, the Turkish economy is still struggling to recover from recent global developments. However, under the new junta, it seems the economy may have been saved from utter collapse, at least for now. Prior to the Security Council’s coup, the economy was more or less closed and limited in terms of foreign investments. Now, the nation is transitioning into a more global economy that many hope will create better opportunities and allow the country to pull itself out of it’s recession.

The technology utilized by the Turks is not remarkable in any discernible way. While they aren’t archaic, the nation's infrastructure and agriculture are not as industrialized as their western counterparts. In terms of its military, the army still uses equipment from lend-lease agreements from Germany and the USSR from the 1950s and 60s. However, with recent trade embargoes enacted by the United States, the Security Council saw fit to jump-start Turkey’s own weapon’s manufacturing to prevent a total reliance on foreign powers.

In short, Turkish industry is dwarfed by the global superpowers of the era. The previous years have hindered industrial expansion. The current level of industrial production would not be able to handle the volume required of a world war. However, with recent changes to the economic policy, the Turkish industrial sector may soon see a greater focus on expansion.

Freedom of Speech: Restricted
Freedom of Religion: Restricted
Freedom of Press: Censored

Right to Love: Partially Allowed
Right to Education: Widely
Right to Privacy: Rarely Respected
Right to Assemble: Not Allowed

State of Education: Universal
State of Healthcare: Universal Mixed
Slavery: Outlawed

Labor: 8 Hour Workday
Child Labor: Outlawed/Unenforced

KGB Report
An "imminent threat," is not an accurate description for Turkey in it's current state. The economy is on the brink of collapse, their political leaders have been subsequently purged, and the people are in constant state of unrest. This Evren and his "Security Council" are little more that vultures taking advantage of a wounded animal. Like many power hungry rulers before them, their so-called government will collapse under the weight of its own sins. It is only a matter of time. And even if they were to pose any sort of offensive posture, their military in its current state is laughable. When compared to our strength, the Turks don't even come close to an equal opponent. I assure you, Turkey should be the least of our concerns. In fact, it shouldn't be a concern at all.


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