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Realistic or Modern 「not with a whimper but with a bang ? cs


girl blue

life isn't beautiful and i'm not your cutie pie
Age (19-26):

Appearance (or write up a general description)
Hair color:
Eye color:
Distinguishing features:

Likes: (5+)
Dislikes: (5+)
Quirks: (2+)
Skill(s)/Talent(s): (in other words what makes them valuable during the heists?)
Personality or Vices/Virtues: (can be written in list format but please give an explanation along with them)

Criminal Record: (laws broken, crimes committed, etc. can be combined into background)
Background: (pls make sure to include at least a brief statement on how they were recruited into the crew)
Other: (clothing style? zodiac sign? hobbies and habits? music playlist? anything extra you'd like to add? feel free to make your character as unique as possible~)

a from me means your character has been accepted
cs deadline: 7/13
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[div class=Jaeho][div class=Intro]

Yoo Jaeho





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Height: 177cm (5’9)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Hair color: Currently a fading red, looking more like a pastel pink, but trust that it will be dyed something more vibrant soon. He’s thinking blue.
Eye color: Dark brown. Won't catch him wearing contacts even when going undercover. Touching his eyeballs creep him out.
Distinguishing features: Jaeho has a ton of tattoos. His left arm is covered with a full sleeve that travels up to the left side of his neck. On the other half of his body intricate designs can be found covering just the lower half of his arm. But wait there’s more! His first tattoo can be found in a little secretive cranny behind his left ear.
Likes: floral scents, melona, the golden hour, starry nights, gucci, his favorite black versace boots, black coffee, dark chocolate, learning foreign words, boxing, scamming assholes.
Dislikes: being disturbed while thinking, constant complainers, being kept waiting, cold weather, wasting his time.
Quirks: sends one worded text responses, nonchalant about his own wounds but will activate: mother hen mode if someone he cares about is hurt, likes bright hair colors.
Skill(s)/Talent(s): ‣ Has decent ability to shoot with accuracy while moving or aiming at moving targets, but his real strength lies within close range, stationary targets. So he'll be the one silently taking out unsuspecting targets if need be. He has Heejun to thank for his knowledge around the lethal weapon. The two of them used to head out to an underground shooting range in between jobs to broaden their defense skills. Jaeho's limited only to handguns though.
‣ Is great at boosting morale and remaining behind the scenes to make sure that everyone remains on task and is following the plan he's meticulously come up with.
‣Knows basic first aid in order to prevent as many hospital trips as possible to avoid questioning and involvement of the police.
‣ EASILY BORED — Jaeho has a low threshold for boredom. If too many days pass without him having experienced something stimulating to either his mind or body he’ll start to feel stir-crazy. So, if he’s not holed up in the corner somewhere planning the next heist, he’s at the gym boxing (he often likes to bring someone along to spar with), clubbing (often with the intention of bringing someone home with him), feeding the strays behind the shop (he has a thing for the helpless), or coming up with ways to revamp the LatteWorld drink menu (and having employees taste test his concoctions).

‣ BOLD — Jaeho is very forward. If he doesn’t like something he’s going to say it regardless if it could possibly come across as rude. He’s not going to soften his words if that means softening a necessary impact. If he wants something or someone he’s going to go after them. He doesn’t hesitate. Hesitation just means time wasted where action could have been taken.

‣ CUNNING — With dark eyes full of intensity you never really know what he’s thinking and he uses that to his advantage in certain situations. Observant, alert and attentive to details, in just moments he can figure out the best way to navigate a person or a situation.

‣ MATERIALISTIC — Versace. Gucci. An expensive watch collection. Commas in his bank account. Jaeho clearly places high value on the material things in life. Acquiring the finer things in life not only makes him feel good, but he looks good while doing it to.

‣ TOUGH — Jaeho claims that there’s something about street boxing that grows character. His childhood brawls in the street helped him become not only tough in body, but most importantly in mind. Through fighting he learned that when faced with what seems like an impossible task or opponent, it’s all in the mindset on whether or not you’ll succeed. So Jaeho applies that as one of his philosophies in life. He’s only human though and there are times when he needs to rely on others. He’s not opposed to showing vulnerability. If he trusts you enough, that is.

‣ COMPASSIONATE — He looks aloof, but that’s far from the truth. This only applies to those close to his heart, but he’ll always be there for anyone who needs him. Whether that be a sympathetic shoulder to lean on or a listening ear.
Criminal Record: Blackmail, petty theft, burglary, larceny, vandalism, joyriding.
As the son of young single mother it wasn’t expected for Jaeho to amount to much. The odds were stacked against him. His grandparents wanted nothing to do with either him or his mother. His father, that bastard, pretended Jaeho didn’t even exist. And so from the very beginning it was just Jaeho and his mother against the world. It was painful; the first 5 years of his life were spent in a shelter for single mothers until his mother managed to get a job that just barely covered the rent of a shitty apartment. At least they had their own place though. He vividly remembers mornings filled with him dreading having to go to school. His mother would have to physically drag him out of their shared bed by the feet and force him to get ready. He’d hide under the bed, pretend to be sick, or whatever it took to avoid seeing the kids who made fun of him for being the son of a disgraced mother. They’d call her names, shove him around, and made it their mission to make his life a miserable mess. It got to a point where he wondered if he should just run away from it all and never come back. At 9 years old with only 5 dollars in his pocket he did just that. Or at least tried to. It only lasted 28 hours before he returned himself home to his worried mother.

But within those 28 hours something happened to him that helped lead him to the man he is now. The night he'd ran away, he’d gone to the docks with the irrational intention of hijacking one of the boats and sailing to Japan but instead he stumbled upon a group of misfit kids street boxing. Their swift and powerful movements had Jaeho hypnotized and he began imagining himself throwing the same quick jabs and hooks. One of them took notice of him and waved him over, “Hey kid, you wanna join?” Without hesitation, Jaeho hopped in to his first street fight and of course got absolutely destroyed; the fight ending in seconds with him on his back, his nose knocked in, and blood running down in to his mouth. A hand entered his blurred vision and he took it, stood up and was greeted by the grinning face of the kid who knocked him down. “You need to turn from the hips more.” The kid, who eventually introduced himself as Heejun, instructed. He gave Jaeho a few pointers, teaching how to turn his fists in to lethal weapons. Jaeho would drop by whenever he could to practice, using what he learned on his bullies at school (and they never bothered him again after crying home to their mother's with bruises, but being too afraid to say who did it). And that’s how Jaeho learned how to fight hard and dirty, but most importantly efficiently. It was also how he found his second family. They weren’t the best influences, but they all could relate some way or another. They too were the product of failed relationships and troubled families. They knew the struggle of being an outcast and taught him how to commit petty crimes without getting caught as a big fuck you to a society who didn’t give a shit about them.

Jaeho’s mother was blissfully ignorant of her son’s rapid descent down the wrong path, that is, until he made the mistake of getting caught while he was in the process of vandalizing a statue. He suppose he was lucky he was escorted home instead of to a jail cell, but to this day he could still feel the sting in his cheek when his mother found out that he was turning into a no good delinquent. He’d never forget the disappointment in her face, the unspoken words of her not having suffered to give them a better life only for him to ruin it by becoming a criminal...but he couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to. He was tired of not having. He selfishly wanted the world and he knew no one was going to give it to him, so he’d forcefully take it if he had to.

A few days after his 14th birthday, he made plans with Heejun and some friends to break in to the access door of an abandoned building's rooftop where they planned to smoke, drink and chill. He was just about to leave and when he opened the door he was greeted by a well-dressed older woman who introduced herself as his grandmother. Why now after all these years? He wondered. He almost slammed the door in her face, but she was a stubborn woman, forcing herself inside. He didn’t know what the change of heart was for. From what he gathered from his mother both sides of his family wanted nothing to do with them. So he didn’t really speak to her, not caring about being polite, but still she stayed until his mother came home. The two women had a heart-to-heart and somehow it was decided that every weekend his grandmother would come pick him up for quality time. And also to keep him out of trouble.

Being kept out of trouble apparently meant filling in as a temporary worker at her friend’s bakery for the weekend. The man went by the name Uncle Woo and early mornings he’d have Jaeho help out in the kitchen, preparing a week’s worth of pastries. Then evenings he'd fill in as a barista which was how he discovered that he had a hidden talent for latte art. Sunday evenings, before taking him back home, his grandmother would preach to him. Often telling him that while he had no control over his circumstances, he did have a choice on how to respond. Of course he knew that, but he chose to do bad things anyways because it was fun. High risk meant a sweeter reward for him.

Time went on. He entered high school, naturally falling in with the wrong crowd. Jaeho never became the good kid his mother and grandmother expected; he just got smarter at hiding his delinquency. His grandfather still wanted nothing to do with him nor his father, he met them once and it had been incredibly awkward, but his relationship with his grandmother improved a lot. So it was devastating when she died unexpectedly from a respiratory illness. When the grief cleared, it served as a reminder to Jaeho that life isn’t certain, death is, and so that's the very reason why he’s all for living life to the fullest.

He barely graduated high school, finishing as one of the lowest in his class for lack of trying. Instead of going to college, much to his mother’s disappointment, he moved in with Heejun. Within a year of that his mother remarried and had a daughter. He tried to keep in contact at first, but it seemed she was too consumed with her new little family to focus on the shenanigans of her troublesome son. Jaeho figured it’d be best for him to slip out of the picture and after awhile his mother stopped bothering to call him. It hurt, but it was for the best he supposed. He was now free to do whatever without worrying his mother; ignorance is bliss after all. He began partnering with Heejun on heists the boy’s father, who was the leader of one of the local Busan gangs, offered them. With Jaeho’s knack for efficient planning and Heejun’s burglary skills, they’d steal valuable items from museum exhibits around South Korea to resell in the black market, getting a cut from whatever payment Heejun’s father got.

Jaeho and Heejun worked well together, but ultimately weren’t good for each other. Heejun eventually grew too greedy, too reckless, wanting to pull heists with too many objectives and little logic. Paranoia soon settled in, making him believe that Jaeho was working behind his back with his father to earn bigger cuts. Distrust wedged itself so far between them that one day, mid-heist, the two of them found themselves standing opposite to each other, holding a gun to the other's face as if they were enemies and no longer partners. Jaeho knew they had to go their separate ways after that, fearing that they'd either turned on one another or worse kill each other. He mourned the split of their friendship as if it were a death and in a way it kind of was.

It was a dark time for Jaeho, experiencing such a betrayal, but a new light came in the form of an old friend. This old friend (more like his partner in crime) complimented him in every way. It was like they were on the same wavelength, kind of like Bonnie and Clyde, Jaeho often likes to joke. He ceased business with Heejun's father and began working together with his partner in crime, a strong bond and trust naturally building between them. After a close run-in with the authorities because of a barely solid alibi, the idea of creating LatteWorld was brought up. Jaeho was hesitant, far from a legal business man, but it made sense to have a cover up for their illegal activities to avoid ending up in jail. So, with the leftover money from a casino heist they invested in opening a coffeehouse in Busan. At first they didn't intend for their employees to be in on their secret but after hiring Chorong, who turned out to be a valuable asset, Jaeho began recruiting others for the sole purpose of joining in on their heists. It didn't take long for him to find all of the missing pieces to the puzzle he had no idea he was building. Over the years they grew close; all 5 of them becoming family to him.

And the rest is history waiting to be written.
code by girl blue
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coded by allure
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name. ryu chorong
age. twenty-four (24)
gender. female
sexuality. bicurious
ethnicity. south korean

height. 5'7'' / 170cm
weight. 135 lbs. / 61 kg
hair color. bright red
eye color. dark brown
distinguishing features. small, cute face; usually wearing lipstick that matches her hair
style. in her everyday life, chorong has a very charming, feminine style. she always looks like she's ready for a wholesome date in the park. she dyes her hair a different unnatural color every year, but rather than making her look like some kind of rebel or nonconformist, the splash of brilliance gives her the same glamorous effect of a celebrity. but don't worry; she tucks that vibrant hair up and away under a wig cap, cropped black wig, and beanie just for good measure whenever it's go-time.
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likes. boba tea, cats, photography, trap music, shopping, excitement, kicking ass
dislikes. idiots, challenges, not getting enough sleep, being alone, party poopers

quirks. she uses different voices (ie. exaggerated cutesy, calm and eloquent, quiet and low, etc.) depending on who she's talking to or how she's feeling. if you know her well enough then this makes her pretty easy to read. it can be really cute when she wants to come across that way but also somewhat unnerving the way she switches at the drop of a hat. she breaks into english when she's feeling particularly strong about something - most of her cursing is in english. chorong likes to make video game-esque sound effects when she's training but is almost silent when she's fighting for real.

skills. chorong would be a well-rounded member of any heist team, and jaeho saw that in her. she was the third member of the crew to stick around, and she helped him and his partner on a monumental scale when it came to helping their cover-cafe gain popularity. customers began coming for the vivacious purple-haired cashier who always served your coffee with a smile as sweet as the pastries in the dessert case. her social skills are what set her apart from the rest of the crew - her ability to manipulate someone into trusting her in a matter of minutes is uncanny. it's automatic; she's always calculating and responding in whatever way she thinks would work in her favor. when it comes to combat, well, just give her a baseball bat and a target. having studied martial arts since she was young, she's an excellent fighter with her body alone, but chorong loves to have a weapon at her disposal as well. her reckless fighting style, which stems from an indifferent or perhaps even sadistic attitude towards her opponent's pain, and her brute strength make a violent combination. oh, and her homemade cookies? to die for.

personality. even the regulars at latteworld who bear witness to chorong's daily antics would never imagine her to take part in anything more illegal than jaywalking. she's bubbly, genuine, and lovable, and if she occasionally throws a rag at a coworker or puts that younger barista in a headlock to give him a noogie, then it's all in good fun. this is the persona chorong puts on when she's working: someone who's hardworking, friendly, and puttering around wiping down tables if she's not behind the register. of course, she adopts different characteristics as she goes about her day and interacts with different people. some like her coy, some like her a little mean, some like her smiling at full radiance at all times. this is a definite frustration for anyone in the crew who wants to get to know her; after all, she has no qualms using the same tactics on them. it's near-impossible to tell when she's unfiltered from when she's putting on a front for her own gain anyways, so mostly no one thinks to question her.

the real chorong, or at least the one who's usually there, is raucous and goodnatured. she’s constantly cracking jokes, and no one makes her laugh more than herself. she has a clear soft spot for the members of the crew, whom she treats as if they were her own siblings. however, she is hot-tempered and won't tolerate brazen disrespect. she hates feeling like she's lost control of any situation and will try to keep everyone around her in a shroud of predictability, whether that means making sure they hold her in high regard or hyper-analyzing their every move.

despite the caring, jovial, and often sarcastic side she presents to the people she's close to, chorong has many different facets that can be extremely unsettling when they rise to the surface. when the sparkle in her eyes turns into a burnt flash, well, that's when you should look out. it's like she turns into a different person during heists. with the adrenaline of what feels like invincibility coursing through her veins, she focuses only on her own goals and no longer sees anyone who stands in her way as human beings, just mindless opponents. what's perhaps a little disturbing is how she keeps her sense of humor even while breaking bones. anyone who's seen her in action would find it difficult to reconcile that cruel, compassionless woman with the affectionate person she is in everyday life.
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criminal record. aggravated assault and battery, drug trafficking, arson, criminal mischief, vandalism, extortion, shoplifting

background. the majority of chorong's childhood was spent in a mansion in the high class suburbs of seoul. her father, ceo and founder of dragon security, had built his private security company from the ground up by working with the bahn-guk business group, or bg business. on paper, bg business dealt with architecture and construction in the downtown cityscape. behind closed doors, bg business dipped their corporate fingers into illegal activities to rake in more profit. they sold prostitutes in the gambling halls they hosted under a false name; smuggled in drugs, guns, and porn from china and japan; and occasionally blackmailed the directors of other companies. suffice to say the heads of bg business, mr. bahn and mr. guk, were not the best buddies to have for a couple planning on starting a family. however, bg business had been responsible for almost all of ryu yeongho's wealth, and he trusted them.

ryu yeongho had four children with his wife, and chorong was the eldest. she was raised under the strict iron fist of her mother. her mother dealt physical discipline with a heavy hand and was suffocating in her desire to keep her daughters and son away from the corruption of their family's close friends. it didn't quite work.

chorong was pushed to take martial arts classes from a young age by her parents; her father said it was necessary for all of his children to know how to defend themselves and protect others if they were to call themselves ryus. she was a black belt by age twelve. although she was allowed to quit by then, she continued training, but not for the reasons her parents hoped. she had fallen in with the worst crowd at the private all-girls school she attended: the richest rich girls. although her parents gave her money for cram school, she preferred to skip studying in favor of blowing that money in shopping malls with her friends. she and her friends also ruled the school, and if anyone gave them trouble, chorong knew how to push them around and put them back under her foot where they belonged. the young teenage girl thought she had the world in the palm of her hand.

mr. bahn and mr. guk took notice of her around this time. they saw that beneath the spoiled, sheltered shell was a shrewd, charismatic girl. chorong wasn't sure what they wanted from her, but she knew that their interests were purely business-related - better than being preyed on by two older men, but not by much when she considered the kind of business she knew they oversaw on the downlow. still, they began taking her under their wing: showing her the ins and outs of running an enterprise like theirs, even giving her advice on how she could improve her father's security company.

the last straw for yong bora, chorong’s mother, was when chorong began calling her father’s friends “uncle bahn” and “uncle guk.” none of bora’s children were supposed to be exposed to the illicit bg business, never mind be comfortable enough with the directors of the company to drop formalities with them.

so when chorong had just turned 17, her parents sent her to live with her aunt and uncle in america under the pretense that her grades were too low and she needed to get her head back into her studies. chorong had never been outside of korea, and she had never met her aunt and uncle before. it became pretty clear from the get-go that her parents were paying her new caretakers (were these people even her real relatives?) handsomely to take care of her. they fed her, paid her school fees, gave her a weekly allowance, and not much else. besides, chorong thought that sending her stateside to make her focus more on her schoolwork was an inane decision considering how american culture didn’t value academics as much as south korea from her observations. she slipped back into her old habits, but the newfound freedom of not having her mother constantly breathing down her neck and instead having a couple who perceived her mainly as a source of income made her a lot more daring. she dabbled in party drugs, vandalised public property, and learned how to pickpocket and shoplift. her caretakers barely batted an eye when she’d stumble in at three in the morning. in fact, they didn’t talk to her much at all until one evening towards the end of her senior year, when she and a group of friends decided to get back at some bitch hannah who’d slept with chorong’s boyfriend and bragged about it at school. half-drunk with vengeance and a few shots of vodka, they broke the unfinished bottle against the brick wall at the back of hannah’s house and used the alcohol to light a fire, planning to just scare her. what they failed to consider in the darkness of night was the fact that her back porch was made of wood. once the flames started licking up the wooden stairs, chorong didn’t stick around. she bolted home, smelling of smoke tinged with smirnoff. when it got around the next morning that the smiths’ back porch had been half burned away by the time the fire station got there, chorong’s caretakers knew she must have been involved somehow. they covered for her when the police came around, saying that she had been asleep at home all night, but then called her parents and said that they wanted chorong out in the next six months or they would send her back to korea themselves.

chorong didn’t want to leave the states, and her parents were surprisingly on board with that. she applied to the local community college and got in, and that’s when the fun really began for her. maybe she attracted trouble or maybe she was attracted to trouble, but as always, she fell in with the wrong crowd. this group, however, did a lot more than neglect their studies and party too hard. by christmastime, she was a runner for the biggest drug dealer in seattle. she started her martial arts training again, which she put to good use whenever a buyer gave her trouble.

chorong scraped by, and graduated with a degree in business that she was fairly sure she wouldn't put to use for another decade. her student visa expired then. it was just as well, since she was pretty sure that being a runner for any longer would give the police the little extra evidence they needed to put her behind bars. she flew back to korea and was met with a lukewarm welcome from her family and a job offer from bg business almost immediately. chorong declined; although she had committed some crimes, the memories of the debased practices of that company were still too much for her. she got an apartment in busan with the money she had left.

the way she met yoo jaeho seemed mundane at first but got weirder the longer they spoke. she was there for a job interview, in a sparse room that he claimed would be turned into a beautiful cafe as soon as he got all the materials he needed. as if that wasn’t already shady, the interview questions were even more strange. after the customary where are you from do you have any experience questions, he pried deeper. had she ever been to jail? had she done anything illegal that wasn’t on her record? did she know how to shoot a gun? had she ever broken into a building? jaeho looked disappointed whenever she answered “no,” so she decided to try telling the truth. when he hired her a few days later, she thought maybe he appreciated honesty. chorong helped him and his partner set up the cafe (he wasn’t lying, latteworld did turn out pretty cute in a short amount of time), and she started manning the register everyday. after work, she would go to the gym and train. jaeho even came to work out with her once, raising an eyebrow when she followed up her 15-minute stretches with a flying roundhouse kick to the punching bag.

he sat her down a week later and explained the cafe’s true purpose. chorong was flabbergasted... and excited. even if the whole thing was a joke, how fun! she didn’t realize just how effective his plans would actually be.

theme. hey you got drugs? - tove lo
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"an angel with a black heart."
⠀♡coded by uxie♡
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birth name
zhang yunhui





xu minghao



eye colour
dark brown

hair colour

distinguishing feature
his pointy ears are something most people notice first. he has a small scar on his chi from an accident as a child.

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[div class=scroll]Yunhui is pretty innocent if you put him being a hoe, and a murderer, behind him. He enjoys small things and you can often find him laughing over childish things. He loves to play pranks on his friends and act cute for them (Jaeho and Chorong) mostly. He acts happy despite not being the happiest person. He puts on a facade of, "I'm fine" and doesn't let people past the facade, not wanting to burden them with his issues. He can be pretty cranky too, especially if you've caught him after a bad night of sleeping.

Yunhui is fiercely protective of his friends, not wanting to lose another like how he lost Ji. He's loyal, and would put himself in harms way for any of the group members (except the new guy). He doesn't tolerate bullshit and knows how to get the information he wants, whether using force or not. He can be pretty secretive, but all of the members of his team know about his past, excluding the new kid, because he felt like he needed to tell them the thing that haunts him to this day.

Yunhui is known to use his body to distract, even at the coffee shop when he's working. It's just natural for him now. Despite this, he has never dated before, and his first love died in his arms making him refuse to love again. He pushes his feelings off and never acts on them if he finds someone attractive, having a fear everyone he ever loves will die just like she did.

Since he barely interacted with people for two years and didn't school anymore, his Korean still lacks and he's often stressed because of it so he just stays quiet because he doesn't know how to fully express himself in words.

quirks ;
> taps his foot every time he hears music
> twirls his ring when he's nervous
> curses in Chinese

[div class=scroll]dancing
spicy foods

[div class=scroll]liars
showing his emotions
being made fun of for his accent
rude customers

[div class=scroll]Hui was a dancer for most of his life, making him flexible and agile which makes it easier for him to get in and out of places quicker.

He learned martial arts since he was five and quit during high school, but he still trains himself. He has a pair of nun chucks he's pretty skilled with but he only pulls them out if he needs too.

Being a distraction means he needs to make sure every eye is on him and not his team, and he sure knows how to get attention on him. Seduction is his best of the ways, but he always carries around little explosives because he loves to leave with a "bang".

Makes a mean Cappuccino.


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[div class=scroll]Born and raised in Anshan, Hui was always top of his class throughout middle school and his early high school years. He was a good dancer, good at martial arts, and popular, making everyone want to be his friend. At 16 his parents signed him up for a private school in Korea without his consent, and his best friend, Jieqiong was signed up after his parents influenced hers. When they got news that they were both accepted, the two best friends were angry. They didn't want to leave there lives in China but there parents left them no choice and they left for Korea. It was hard for the two, being forced into a country they didn't know the culture of language for.

Everything was fine for a bit, people left the two transfers alone for a weeks until a rumor started that the two were dating because of how they always stayed together and even had matching rings they had since they were young. The two weren't even fluent yet and didn't know about the rumor until another Chinese student had asked them. They quickly confirmed they weren't and that they were practically siblings and the rings were best friend rings but nobody seemed to believe them.

Jieqiong was beautiful, Hui knew that, but he was never attracted to her in that way. He had always been a huge flirt, and honestly, kind of a hoe, so he doubted she'd want him. He started to notice how she would tense after a group of boys would pass, and how she would show up to his dorm room at 3 in the morning sobbing with bruises lacing her skin. He would hold her until she fell asleep, and he'd stay up, ust watching her. He wanted to intervene as find out what had happened but she refused to tell him or let him get involved.

Hui started to fall for that kind smile. He never acted on his feeling although, because when thy turned 17 Ji found a boyfriend. He was a stereotypical asshole who hated Yunhui, always taking up her time and not letting her around him. Hui noticed the signs of abuse before she even told him. She would flinch of the boyfriend touched her, and he could see green and purple marks on her stomach when she raised her arms. When Hui confronted her, she denied everything saying she had fallen. Of course, he never believed her. At 18 everything had changed, she left the dorm never wearing there ring and grew more passive towards Hui.

He found her on the floor of her dorm one night, bloody and bruised and he just snapped. He walked straight to the boyfriends dorm and beat the shit out of him, leaving the boyfriend unconscious and the school terrified of Yunhui. He was suspended and sent to dorm arrest, not allowed to leave his dorm room for the next week. Ji ignored him after that, saying that was too much and he shouldn't have done that. Frustrated, Hui sneaked out one night and left for two straight days with just a few clothes and some money for food.

Hui came back two days later, and the first thing he did was sneak into Ji's dorm to talk too her. As he opened the door, he wasn't greeted with her usually peppy attitude or her angrily asking him where he's been, instead he was greeted with a vacant dorm. The bed sheets were ripped and a pool of blood was covering the sheets. Hui immediately called the police and school, but nobody had an idea. A search party was made, and Hui joined them ignoring the schools protest, telling him to come back. He ultimately dropped out, and he got an angry call from his parents. They said they understood he was upset, and that if he didn't go back to school in a month, they'd cut off all the money he was being sent. Hui just hung up, not caring.

A month turned into two, and Ji was nowhere to be found, neither was the boyfriend. Now homeless with no money, Hui walked the streets, searching for his friend day and night without rest. The police had given up, saying they had no leads and that she was probably just gone, but Hui refused to give up. He was going to kill that bastard. All he had left of her was the ring that he wore on his other hand.

Hui kept walking and walking, not stopping barely drinking or eating because he had no money. He passed out one night, too exhausted and dehydrated for his body to carry on. When he woke up, he was in a small bed in the back of a coffee shop with a young man standing over him. He later found out his name was yoo jaeho, and he was a criminal. The man fed him, gave him a place to stay for awhile and Hui was super grateful but he still needed to find Ji. He thanked the man and told him he'd come back and repay him when he found her. Jaeho sent him with a backpack full of water bottles and food, and Hui continued his journey.

He finally got a clue when he was 19. the police had found a trace of her in a warehouse in Daegu, but had no clue where she went. Hui convinced the police to take him to Daegu so he could see. When they got there, all that there was was a puddle of blood and a knife. A note was next to it with the words, 'You'll never find her Zhang Yunhui. Give up, I'll come for you soon.'

Hui shook with rage, and the police told him he needed to go into hiding or do something because this guy was obviously going to target him, but Hui didn't listen, and they went back to Seoul later that day. They put the case back down for awhile, and Hui was angry. They weren't doing shit to help him or find her again, and Hui turned his back on the police and asked Jaeho for help this time.

Jaeho did his best to help him, but they couldn't find a trace. "Just give up, kid. She's probably dead." Was something he heard a lot, and he refused to give up. He was too old to go back to high school, and he doubted he could even start a secure life now that he had no money or home so he dedicated himself to finding her, leaving Jaeho again to take off towards Busan.

That was the first crime he committed, stealing a motorcycle. He stole a motorcycle from some random man and headed to Busan. of course, he ran out of gas quickly and just left the bike at the side of the road and walked the rest of the way. That's when he found another trace. It was a necklace, laying on a fountain in the town square. It was a oval shape, with a picture of him and her family in it. He knew she had been there recently, since someone probably would've taken it by now and took off, looking for anymore traces of her. He found her. He saw her in the middle of a crowd, pale, her eyes dull and lifeless, but he blinked and she was gone, whisked away by the crowd. He pushed through the crowd, trying to find her but he couldn't.

"Yunhui!" He heard a scream, one that sounded just like her. He went towards the scream, heading into an alley. Yun should've known it was a set up. As soon as he entered the alley, he felt something cold press against his neck, and a hand gripped his throat, closing his airways. It was the boyfriend. Yun knew he was going to die, he could throw the guys hand off, but he also had a knife, and Yuns backpack was far away from him, he didn't have time to grab the nun chucks. In a last minute way to escape, he kicked him in the groin and the male groaned and Yun escaped, slamming him into the brick wall behind him. The knife swung at him, cutting him on the side of the neck. Pain shot through him, but he only saw red as he continued to attack the man. He took a few more cuts, but he ultimately won and that's when he committed the second crime in his life. He killed a man.

He didn't stay to see if the man was alive, he continued down the alley, another scream calling for him. He found her, hunched over, blood pooling from her stomach, her eyes losing life. He cried, he begged for her to stay with him. She just gave him a sad smile, her bloody hand coming up and shakily cupping his cheek, then the life left her eyes. He sat there with her body for hours, hugging her to his chest and sobbing loudly, begging for her to wake up and that he loved her. It took him a day for him to leave the body. He knew he had to leave before someone saw him and the bodies and assumed he killed them both.

He went back to Seoul a different man, soulless, no will to live and no family or friends to contact. He was peaceful knowing he knew what happened to her, but he was angry and depressed. that's when Jaeho found him a second time after a suicide attempt, a bottle of pills he had stolen lying next to him. He woke up again in that same bed, an angry Jaeho telling him off for trying to end his life. Hui recovered a few weeks later, but he still felt like a dead man walking. He couldn't sleep without seeing her staring up at him, blood pouring from her stomach. Hui told Jaeho everything after he woke up in a panic one night, and Jaeho didn't judge him. He instead comforted him and Hui was grateful. Weeks staying with him to recover turned into months, and then years. Hui started to look up to Jaeho, joining his team of misfits with his own specialty.

He didn't want to be in the big part of the heists, he told Jaeho this and they found something for him to do. Distraction. Hui had sex appeal, he was handsome, long legs and a nice body, using that to his advantage, seduction became his main thing. Then he was introduced to explosives and expulsion, and Hui had even more fun with his job. After seducing people, he'd place tiny explosives under chairs and tables when nobody looked, and when he said he was going to the bathroom, he pressed the button and they exploded. Of course, they never killed people since he didn't really want to kill anyone, but they most of the time leave people injured if they were close enough to catch the burst.
[div class=scroll]✧ high school dropout
✧ he looks up to jaeho like he's his own brother
✧ whoever eats pineapple on pizza is getting a boot to the face
✧ he loves motorcycles
✧ always wearing his silver rings he had with jieqiong
✧ skilled in martial arts and could probably kill you with his nunchucks but he's more into explosives

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu purus sed sapien dignissim vehicula. Integer et elit vitae sem porttitor viverra non a lectus. Nunc maximus leo eget arcu condimentum, sit amet porta nisi pulvinar. Vivamus nec tellus et mauris consequat imperdiet id non ante. Vestibulum nec odio eu sapien tristique luctus sed ac elit. Nunc rutrum velit sed vestibulum commodo. Pellentesque in finibus dolor. Cras eget nisi nibh. Vestibulum ullamcorper tempus gravida. Fusce varius quam vitae velit cursus ullamcorper. Praesent cursus dolor eleifend tortor aliquam egestas. Aliquam id ligula bibendum, tempus ex eget, rhoncus lacus. Phasellus vitae vestibulum libero. Proin lacinia egestas massa eu scelerisque.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu purus sed sapien dignissim vehicula. Integer et elit vitae sem porttitor viverra non a lectus. Nunc maximus leo eget arcu condimentum, sit amet porta nisi pulvinar. Vivamus nec tellus et mauris consequat imperdiet id non ante. Vestibulum nec odio eu sapien tristique luctus sed ac elit. Nunc rutrum velit sed vestibulum commodo. Pellentesque in finibus dolor. Cras eget nisi nibh. Vestibulum ullamcorper tempus gravida. Fusce varius quam vitae velit cursus ullamcorper. Praesent cursus dolor eleifend tortor aliquam egestas. Aliquam id ligula bibendum, tempus ex eget, rhoncus lacus. Phasellus vitae vestibulum libero. Proin lacinia egestas massa eu scelerisque.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu purus sed sapien dignissim vehicula. Integer et elit vitae sem porttitor viverra non a lectus. Nunc maximus leo eget arcu condimentum, sit amet porta nisi pulvinar. Vivamus nec tellus et mauris consequat imperdiet id non ante. Vestibulum nec odio eu sapien tristique luctus sed ac elit. Nunc rutrum velit sed vestibulum commodo. Pellentesque in finibus dolor. Cras eget nisi nibh. Vestibulum ullamcorper tempus gravida. Fusce varius quam vitae velit cursus ullamcorper. Praesent cursus dolor eleifend tortor aliquam egestas. Aliquam id ligula bibendum, tempus ex eget, rhoncus lacus. Phasellus vitae vestibulum libero. Proin lacinia egestas massa eu scelerisque.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu purus sed sapien dignissim vehicula. Integer et elit vitae sem porttitor viverra non a lectus. Nunc maximus leo eget arcu condimentum, sit amet porta nisi pulvinar. Vivamus nec tellus et mauris consequat imperdiet id non ante. Vestibulum nec odio eu sapien tristique luctus sed ac elit. Nunc rutrum velit sed vestibulum commodo. Pellentesque in finibus dolor. Cras eget nisi nibh. Vestibulum ullamcorper tempus gravida. Fusce varius quam vitae velit cursus ullamcorper. Praesent cursus dolor eleifend tortor aliquam egestas. Aliquam id ligula bibendum, tempus ex eget, rhoncus lacus. Phasellus vitae vestibulum libero. Proin lacinia egestas massa eu scelerisque.

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Name: Han Dae-Jung
Age: 23
Birthday: Nov 5th. (Scorpio)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 6'2
Weight: 170lb
Hair color: Umber
Eye color: Dark Brown
Distinguishing features: Dae-Jung has a large operational scar on his left arm from a childhood injury.

Criminal Record: Grand theft auto. Larceny. Forgery. Late library books. Vandalism. Burglary.
Background: Deep in the heart of Incheon, where the soft lights of the city rust under the sea air carried from its shores, Dae-Jung, the youngest of three sits alone. Holding his breath under the safety of his blanket fort, he pretends that the screaming below him are from a distant tv. Imagining his parents to be characters, they were the corrupt villains, fighting for power. Dae-Jung using their words to paint a world he yearned to live in.

It had always been this way for him and his brothers. And although they would suffer in silence, it was not always alone. His eldest step-brother, Man-Seok, would often take him on drives into the city. The two exploring museums and galleries. Man-Seok even buying him art supplies with what money he could spare, the two always ending their day with lunches at coffee shops and cheap restaurants. His brother always the one to fill the silences, as he talked of his work. Ensuring that Dae-Jung knew that bad actions doesn’t make bad people, not when they’re doing it for the right reasons.

On the eve of Dae-Jung’s ninth birthday, he is woken urgently by a beaten and bloodied Man-Seok. He doesn’t explain, he simply says that they have to go. Still wrapped in his blanket, he climbs into his brothers car. The journey lulling him to sleep as he watches the stars as they speed past the window like a snow flurry, his brothers singing floating softly aside it. When he opens his eyes again he is sure that he’s still dreaming. Weightless and floating softly among the clutter of his brothers car, the stars tumbling with him. His stomach churning as the car is veered from the road. The moment seeming to last for years until eventually, the car comes to a halt.

When he finally woke, sick covered his blanket and his arm ached and burned. The voice on the radio fractured with static. Dae-Jung crying as he reaches to his brother, but his arm still limp with the pain cannot reach.

For three hours he was stuck like that, unable to wake his brother as he struggles to even free himself. Eventually he is pulled from the wreckage, Dae-Jung only screaming out for his brother, his eyes fixed on the wreckage, his drawings kept by his brother now scattered among the twisted metal.

Returning home was never the same without his brother. The house now empty, the shouts, the blame, even the plates were all hurled without pity. The young boy spending more time in the streets and museums, sometimes even purposefully studying late at the library so he could sleep over his books.

But it didn’t take him long until his adolescent rage began taking him in his brothers steps. Dae-Jung stealing his fathers car and taking off into the night. Not that he got very far. With only 20 minutes of road behind him and not a days experience driving, Dae-Jung quickly skidded from the road and into a ditch. Memories of his younger self, sat beside a brother too kind for their family. Memories of his fathers sobbing, the blame in his eyes, all flooding to him at once. His stomach dropping as the car rolls to a stop. With his body aching, the taste of blood fresh in his mouth and tears stinging bitterly in his eyes, Dae-jung can only laugh. Pulling himself from the wreck and shaking. Laughing in fear? Or sadness? He didn’t know, But he suddenly didn’t care. Looking at the wreckage, his own blood left on the door, it made him feel more alive than he could ever recall. The adrenaline of surviving and walking away with nothing more than a concussion and a twice broken arm. Dae-Jung decided that he must have a knack for cars, or a twisted version of luck.

Yet he knew, no matter how excited he was he was still undeniably screwed. His father would kill him for what he’d done to his car, or even worse he’d cry to him. So he walked. Bleeding and aching, an exhaustion he could never describe creeping into his bones as he walked to the nearest bus stop, the deep regret of a sadness he couldn’t control in the knowledge that he would never return.

Of course for somebody barely even a teenager, this proved harder than he’d anticipated. For the first few months he lived between alleyways and abandoned buildings. Stealing innocently to get by. Often intending to return to the people with money or their belongings. Stealing cars simply to drive himself to his school, always returning the cars after the day and then walking himself to the library, where if he was lucky he could once again take refuge for the night.

But he was not stupid. In a few years he would have to consider secondary school. And for it, he was prepared to seek out the unthinkable. He sought out his brothers oldest friend; Siek-Jin. Man-Seok’s former boss.

Greeted in open arms, Siek-Jin offered him family and a paycheck to accompany. It was here that he was taught most of what he now knows. Even for simple thieves and debt collectors, they were resourceful and talented, and they knew talent without skill. They saw Dae-Jung with his quiet and observant nature, and they knew just what to do with it.

With his age came back his hedonistic desire to drive, As much as he loved the stakeout, the waiting, and the thrill of seeing his preparation in action. It did not even balance the scales for his love of driving. The thrill of knowing that the only thing keeping him alive in those moments are his own two hands and the steel beneath his feet. Now that he was almost old-enough to drive, and had enough practised skill from years of theft and heavy conscience. So he brought the idea to Siek-Jin, who trusted in his word enough that he quickly promoted him to their driver as the group began attempting much larger operations.Although never anything large enough to matter, they were still important enough to need a good exit. But in the constant rush of adrenaline matched with his desire for an education. Dae-Jung had found his passion in the illicit profession.

Having lived on nothing but charity or theft, Dae-Jung had saved every paycheck to ensure he could live in the future he dreamed for himself. Living in a consistent routine of work, steal, study, and repeat. Sleep mattered little when it costs so much. Nobody can say that he didn’t earn the scholarship he was gifted, the young man barely wasting a second as he left for a better life in Busan to study architecture. Easily leaving behind those he would still call family.

In Busan he began a record setting job in deliveries, Finding new hardship in living a life of honesty. He still lived up to his past records, although now he used it only out of pure necessity and more often than not he could now return the favours. Even putting money into the purse of a woman he stole from, clearing his conscience over his rent.

Having spent a year living half-honestly in his cramped and damp apartment, Dae-Jung finds an opportunity for adventure. A Cadillac Deville, restored in all her glory. The sun glaring in her red paint burns like the lust in his veins. Simply parked up outside a coffee shop, it seemed a calling from God. And he wastes no time in preparing himself this ‘last’ job.

Detailing every second of the night, he savours each second of his plan. He would steal the car, take her deep into the suburbs, find some paying race to enter her in and of course win. The money would cover his rent and the rest he could blow on restoring his own car. Nobody would know. It seemed perfect.

With a night to remember burned into the tires of the Deville and Dae-Jungs pockets now heavier with his winnings. Even he felt sad to return her, parking in his typical fashion a street across from where she was stolen, still leaving his calling card; a small doodle in a pink ink. Promising himself that he will never mention it again. Savouring the moment as he walked away.

It was this that got their attention. Approaching him in the dark outside his apartment. Offering him an opportunity, and a job working in a local coffee shop as a cashier. A simple smile on his lips at the thought of adventure and a steady income. He takes it with ease, glad to be back into a family.

Hobbies: artist, makes mixtapes that remind him of people but never shows them, plays basketball.

Likes: Cocktails. Libraries. The Beach. Tinted Chapsticks. Loud Music.
Dislikes: Reheated food. Ugly Cars. Unkempt Bookshelves. Chocolate. Birds.
Quirks: Never cooks, he lives entirely off of instant food or cheap restaurants. Will sing loudly and poorly if he can. In the cars he 'borrows' he will leave a small doodle somewhere on the car, most commonly the dashboard.
Skill(s)/Talent(s): With an extensive knowledge and experience with architecture, Dae-Jung is well suited for recon. Finding exploits and secure passages, and using his degrees resources to pull up blueprints without suspicion. He is also an incredibly experienced and talented driver. Having used and stolen many different types of cars, he can easily adapt and push to the very limits whatever car he is saddled with, he is also very familiar with the streets of Busan from working as a delivery driver.
Personality: Dae-Jung is a young man with old taste.He surrounds himself with the classics, whether that’s cassettes, classic cars, or even the oven in his apartment that hasn’t been changed for half a century. He likes to hold a certain aesthetic, Often even dressing like he stepped from the beach on a cold day.

He also has a twisted perception of life. He knows it is to be loved and enjoyed, believing that if death is easy to come by then he has no reason to fear it if he is making the most of every second. Whilst this makes him an adrenaline junky, somebody who rarely says no to anything, he is still fearful and cautious (to a degree) with his work. Only ever fully trusting in his own abilities to drive.

Despite being a confident person, he is also extremely socially awkward. Never having had a true relationship or friendship that wasn’t his brothers or acquaintances, he can seem strange, and awkwardly loud. But it all stems from his desire to have relationships with people, not actually knowing how to best express this. The move to Busan being particularly hard as it made him realise how he has know idea how to actually reach out to people.

But if somebody takes the time to work past his socially awkward barriers they will see that he is a kind and compassionate person, who would truly do anything for the people he cares about. Even if he’s unsure how to express that.

Other: This song reminds me of him;
/ he is also not a tactical fighter, like he just goes in all heavy fisted and without a plan. Just a punch till he's either won or on the ground kind of guy.
/He has held a gun once in his entire life, and he accidentally shot a window.
/Speaks french fluently.

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G I R L ! ? R U
명. 기. 언

Life is a game. Play It.

[div class=tabcontainer][div class=tab1][div class=tabtitlec1][div class=tabtitle1]PLAYIN
[/div][div class=tab2][div class=tabtitlec2][div class=tabtitle2]WITH[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab3][div class=tabtitlec3][div class=tabtitle3]ME?[/div][/div][/div]

[/div][div class=contentcontainer][div class=tabcontent1]name ; myung gi won
age ; twenty-one
birthdate ; february 14th
zodiac ; ox/aquarius
gender ; female (trans)
sexuality ; bisexual
ethnicity ; korean
nationality ; south korean

skills ;
proficiency in tech - Despite Gi Won's irrational and irresponsible behavior, she is surprisingly dexterous in computing and STEM-related subjects. From things as simple as changing IP addresses and VPN servers to subjects as complex as sending threats and viruses to protected computers, she has always been knowledgeable about electronics, a trait that remained in Gi Won and was a trait in Ji Won. While computing seems like a needed skill in many heists and trips, Gi Won rarely uses her tech savviness(?) for missions and is mostly used for petty theft and general hacking.

sharpshooter - hidden weapons are one of gi won's specialties when it comes to arms. the girl's sly behavior comes into play whenever she uses these types of weapons. the cause of this tact is the result often gi won's former occupation as an errand girl. The job had incidents where gi won was assailed by rivals on many occasions, which prompted gi won's ingenuity and slyness to come into play whenever she had to exchange blows with others. now that she is part of a team, she rarely uses them but, she does keep her skill polished.

physical resilience/flexibility - One of the best recognizable skills Gi Won possesses is her physical resilience and flexibility, her main expertise in the group. As a former Muaythai student with experience is conditioning and vigorous hits, the girl is more than inept with physical endurance for activities which involve direct hits and the ability to recover efficiently in short periods of time. Her balance and flexibility is also the result of her martial arts training, which involve keeping your balance as you use your shins and feet to hit opponents.

likes ; thai food, dark lipsticks, high-intensity sports, graffiti, games,
nightlife, the color pink, paintball, sweet liquor, bodybuilders

dislikes ; sleeping, tennis, bland food, comment wars, being busy,
prejudiced people, saccharine people, boredom, the feeling of ennui,

quirks ; collects video games equipment and discs, cannot keep still, extremely superstitious, a former hacker, always has to be snacking/chewing when working on computers, has a large visible scar from her sideburn to the top of her forehead.

criminal record ; unauthorized access on protected computer, drug dealing/trafficking, battery/assault, conspiracy of heist

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height ; 5'7/172 cm
weight ; 127 lbs/58 kg
hair color ; chestnut brown
eye color ; russet brown
distinguishing features ; large wide-set doe eyes, scar on left side of her head, youthful face, often wearing wigs
style ; casual, whimsical, avant-garde

vices ;
audacious - gi won's risky behavior is something she has had even as a child. the girl puts little thought to things in of the future and often lives as if she only has one day left on this world, much to other's discontent. the girl is incredibly imprudent and doesn't ever think things through, affecting her and others.

aggressive - Like an actual daredevil, gi won is a very extreme person. when it comes to negative emotions, she acts the same way. Like a bull when seeing red, she acts on impulse in many situations where she sometimes shouldn't. emotions can get the best of her, especially when it comes to negative emotions. reactions like anger, sadness and jealousy can often get the best of her, which can ultimately hurt someone or can sabotage.

sly - despite her outspoken persona, gi won hides many things about herself, specifically matters of the past. she will hide facts and details about herself under guises of being unimportant or deflect off of the matter at hand. because of this, she's not the most trustworthy person and trusting her is often hard for her craftiness.

offensive - gi won is cursed with a bad sense of sarcasm. she can be a brute and pull others down with her, which is ironic for a girl as passionate as herself. much like her life motto, she only lives to play and plays to live.

virtues ;
unprejudiced - gi won can't afford to be prejudiced, especially against others different from her. being a victim of prejudice herself, she tries to be as understanding and unjudgemental as possible.

passionate - much like her negative emotions, gi won is very passionate about everything she does.

diligent - gi won's diligence is one unrivaled. she will work very hard for her needs and her wants, even if they only have little avail. her hardworking spirit will tackle any task given and doesn't stop until she completes it.

ingenious - gi won is a smart girl under her guise of ignorance. she is very strategic and inventive. while her common sense isn't so much of a virtue. her dexterity for thinking and improvising is quite optimal for a girl like herself.

[/div] [div class=tabcontent3 style=display:none]bio ;
Ere there was a girl known as Myung Gi Won, a baby boy born as Myung Ji Won to Ms. Yi Jooeun and Mr. Myung Woo Suk as their first child they had after they divorced from their previous spouses. The parents were well into the 40s when they had conceived Ji Won, despite the cautions from others not to have a child at their age. The couple had ignored the warnings of others, which in effect had resulted in the birth of Ji Won.
During the first few years of Ji Won's childhood, The child was a quiet and unassuming kid, unlike most children of that age. The toddler almost never whined and spent most time alone. To Ji Won's parents, "he" was the perfect child.
As Ji Won grew, he became a protege and idol to many of his classmates. The boy was at the top of his class, was a member of many athletic and academic clubs and went to only the top schools, thanks to his parents. Why he was practically a character off of a book! Despite all his praise and compliments during elementary school, Ji Won was always seemed off compared to other boys his age.
At first glance, the boy was often looked tired and weak. His circle of friends was girls who liked him for his sensitive nature and kids who idolized him for his model student status. His gymnastic team was almost all girls, except for the few boys that included Ji Won. However, his one redeeming quality is how capable he was in brains and brawn. The boy was smart, almost too smart for his years. He often used these smarts in his favorite pastime: video games.
As a child, games for Ji Won were like a simulation of what he wanted to do, even if the situations were way too science fiction for real life. He played them virtually every day to escape from the pressures of others to be like them and to live as someone else.
As he discovered the internet, Ji Won had developed an aptness for computers learned from his interest in video games. As an adolescent, he became immersed in computers and video games, an interest which earned him his first charge as a minor. The crime? He had accessed a school computer to wipe his record after he received a failing grade in a class. When Mr. Myung and Ms. Yi learned of Ji Won's act, they became livid and immediately restricted the boy of electronics. Like his parents, the court sentenced Ji Won to join an afterschool martial arts club to discipline the boy. In his last year of middle school, he started martial arts in hopes of regaining his identity. Ironically, The boy gained physical resilience but, lost Gi Won in the process, which had triggered dysphoria.
In his first year of high school, Ji Won's health depleted drastically. He lamented about vomiting and migraines when he walked around for too long, often to his instructor's dismay. When he slept, Ji Won suffered from seizures which resulted in hospital visits virtually every other day. Mr. Myung and Ms. Yi became perturbed with their son's condition, which in consequence led to an unsettling discovery: Ji Won had a malignant tumor in his frontal lobe.
His parents, who were office workers, had very little knowledge about how the growth could've affected Ji Won's personality. As a result, the couple abruptly signed a medical agreement to operate on the tumor. Immediately after the operation, he became a stranger to those who knew him. He was no longer Ji Won, but Gi Won.
When Gi Won introduced herself to Mr. Myung and Ms. Yi, it didn't go as expected. At first, The couple was confused at the sudden appearance of Gi Won, which soon turned into disappointment as they got understand the gravity of the situation. Along with their child's physical change, the girl's personality had changed drastically since the operation. The girl's demeanor became very aggressive and rebellious, which wasn't a good catalyst between Gi Won and her loved ones. Her parents promptly became mere acquaintances when she couldn't remember them. Just like nothing had happened, their former family had broken up.
Gi Won went to go live with one of older half-siblings after the divide she had with her mother and father. Her older brother, Ji Hyun, was also estranged from Mr. Myung and Ms. Yoon after they had divorced when he was a teenager. Ji Hyun had just gotten to know about Gi Won's "arrival" and how it affected her internally. Her struggle to gain feminity and her brain surgery pulled heartstrings in Ji Hyun, who sequentially had helped get her hormonal shots and to situate her in another high school. She continued as before she got brain surgery, returning to her Muaythai classes, back to her hacking, and to high school.
After high school, Ji Hyun coerced Gi Won to join his business, which Gi Won thought was merely a business- until she was appointed to hide narcotics in the largest cities in S. Korea. She became an errand girl for the syndicate, doing jobs such as transporting drugs, devising attacks and being the general faithful watchdog for the group. Despite the evident hazards of the organization, she felt accepted for who she was and who she wanted to be. Of course, she wasn't going to be at the order forever. Her boss had recommended her to a colleague of his, resulting in Gi Won being dismissed by her boss and being taken for an interview at a coffee shop. The interview was oddly short, almost like a trick. In that same day, she started working in that coffee shop and the rest became history.

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age_ 21
zodiac_ pisces
gender_ male
sexuality_ bisexual
ethnicity_ south korean
role_ rich kid

height_ 5'9
weight_ 131 lb.
hair color_ black
eye color_ black
distinguishing features_ pierced ears b/c thats edgy

likes_ brand names, the color black, the vanilla flavor, leather, wine, dogs, public events, glasses as a fashion statement, parties, candy

dislikes_ swimming pools, the poor part of cities, bright colors, birds, the heat, plaid, math, fighting, being alone, horror movies

quirks_ cant cook, cant clean, cant drive, almost failed his math classes in high school, doesn't work well in groups. he can whistle though.

coffee order_ iced vanilla latte with four extra pumps of vanilla

skills/talents_ youngha's array of skills are limited and not immediately evident. his low grades in school and general lack of common sense doesn't necessarily pinpoint him as a strategist, and the fact that he's never found himself in a fight or used a weapon in his life doesn't really pinpoint him as a fighter either. therefore, his position in the group has been relegated to a kind of 'socialite'. though they might dislike him, the wealth of opportunities and connections that they've opened up for themselves has catapulted them into being able to pull off bigger and bigger heists all because of the power he holds within upper-class society. he's their inside-man, and is usually the one who has to handle things when insurance agents come skulking around. who would dare sue the son of a wealthy businessman?
son youngha



[insecure and fickle] youngha has never really known a solid identity. for the large part of his life, he's just been the obedient rich kid, and recently, his persona has become a bit more turbulent. his low grades in school have earned him many scoldings from his parents and lowered his self-esteem, his inability to hold on to any real friends has battered his sense of self-worth, and he's not even assured in his college major, cinematography and film. he can't stand it when people don't like him so he effectively changes himself to fit their ideal type, knowing that what he offers as himself isn't enough. he looks to be told what to do instead of assuring himself or asking himself what he thinks he should do.

[submissive and cowardly] despite youngha's tendency to wear all black, leather jackets, and sunglasses, despite his apparent extensive knowledge on weapons, and despite the swiss army knife he claims to carry around and know how to use, youngha will absolutely flee upon first sight of someone else with an intention to fight him. his top priority is his own life, and even if he's trying to befriend everyone in the gang, he's nowhere near confident or strong enough to take someone else even if someone else is in trouble. he acts hard, but he'll threaten someone and if they pull a knife on him, offer them a back massage in the same breath. because of being told what to do his whole life, he largely obeys the commands of others, especially of those he respects or wants to become friends with. in the new environment of latteworld, he pretty much always looks like a lost puppy waiting for direction.


[charismatic and extroverted] youngha excels in social situations. he was raised to have manners, taught how to properly talk to others in a business-like manner, and was constantly brought to celebrations like marriages of family friends and the odd dance one in a while. he's learned how to pick up on social cues to adopt the best approach in persuading others or the best way to start a conversation because having conversations and building relationships was the only reason his parents strung him along to their events. the child of a company's ceo must know how to act in the public eye, and youngha knows the ropes and unspoken rules of speaking with high-class people.

[kind and good-natured] while a lot of the people he'd acquainted himself with are largely detached, old, and entirely focused on either their studies so that they can take over their company one day, or getting up to less-than-desirable activities as a coping mechanism for the large amount of stress they're under, youngha retains a strong sense of empathy. it was this same sense of empathy that allowed his contempt for the upper-class to grow and his genuine want for what he believes is morally good to fester.

other traits that im not extra enough to write a whole paragraph for_

[dense and airy] he didn't do so well in school, and things don't come that easily to youngha. plans are gonna have to be explained to him a few times for him to properly compute, and he has a knack for losing and misplacing things.

[areless and impulsive] youngha is an absolute Fool. often times he finds himself acting on impulse, such as when he promptly decided to join a criminal organization. he doesn't really think about the potential consequences, or the complexities behind some of his actions. he's not the best with last-minute or quick decisions.

[indulgent and boyish] youngha still has a certain youthfulness about him, with his affinity for candy and a coffee order that's a bit too heavy-handed on the sugar, along with an incessant need to impress and resorting to the only tactic he has to befriend people: buying them things. of course, he doesn't learn from mistakes that easily, allowing him to get taken advantage of over and over.

criminal record_ underage drinking

biography_ the sons were a prestigious family in busan, son byeonghun being the founder of the successful wine producing and importing company wine & sons. they allowed for several france-exclusive brands to be brought over to south korea at a lower price, and thus the market value made them more affordable, and business boomed. youngha was brought up in the middle of all this.

his parents cared for him, but as a result of byeonghun's almost overnight success, they'd been scrambling to keep up with business and build their enterprise from the ground up, leaving little time to properly raise their son. weeks would go by without seeing either of his parents' faces and, due to youngha's naivety, he never held it against them, and always wished to see his mother in the morning before he went to sleep at night, a wish often left unfulfilled.

it felt like his parents held all control and no ontrol on his life at the same time. they kept track of his grades, regulated what he'd be eating, and were notified every time he left the house for anything other than school. but they weren't really there, and so, youngha started to rebel whether he was conscious of it or not. he left the house after the maid thought he was asleep, attending house parties and dabbling in alcohol use. he even hanged his entire life to fit in with those who he believed to be his friends: a wardrobe filled with all black, pierced ears, vaping. he turned into someone he really wasn't.

it was only a few weeks after his twenty-first birthday, a day on which he drank wine in front of his parents and had to act like it was his first. his father was hosting an auction. not their first, but arguably their first significant one. the attendees were high-profile, including the famous ceos of the bg group. security was tight, and youngha could tell his father meant business about this auction; it was more or less an effort to endear himself even more to the people of the upper-class.

while everyone else was in the auction hall as it was about to begin, however, youngha managed to slip away onto the balcony at the back. he started to vape and observe the barren alleyway save for one suspiciously parked truck when he saw a girl full on deck one of the guards in the face as she exited with a rather large sack of items. scared but slightly intrigued, and in the middle of an existential crisis, he stopped her and asked what she was doing on a whim. unfortunately, it didn't go as well as planned, and he got knocked out. fortunately for him, he remembered the logo on the side of the truck. latteworld. to the dismay of the girl, he showed up the next day. instead of threatening to go to the police, to her surprise, he wanted to join their crew. and it was with great reluctance that the mastermind approved his application to latteworld, and he started working as a barista.

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  • [div class=overlaytext]Yoo Deok-hwa [/div]//////////[/div]
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Role- Rich Kid
FC- Joy (Red velvet)
> Hates being used
. socially awkward
> Knows her way around a gun
. actions make her seem cruel
> isn't very good at defending herself

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⠀♡coded by uxie♡

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blond hair
dark brown eyes
(often wears color contacts)

minyeongs cuteness makes him very prone to attention. he’s always wearing makeup and usually has lots of cute things on or stickers/sparkles on his face.

criminal record
vandalism|criminal mischief|theft

pickpocketing, lockpicking
imitating birdcalls
extremely flexible
splits, backbends, somersaults, front/backflips, cartwheels, handsprings

carries around one of these along with a lockpick set and diamond scope
very learned on gems and diamonds
afraid of guns
carries around his things in a cutesy backpack to make himself just look like a kid

[div class=img1][div class=img1text]you're a gem[/div][/div][/div] [div class=post2]

tall people, hide-and-seek, milk tea, oysters, freerunning, rich people, trains, rose quartz gems, pearls, gucci, pocky/pocky game, aegyo battles, idols, cute stickers/bandaids, makeup
short people, knockoffs, anything cheap/low quality, anything not aesthetically pleasing, homeless people, LITTER, unattractive people (“uglies” to him)

his favorite food is oyster because that's where pearls come from
if he sees something shiny he may lose his train of thought or stop paying attention to anything else around him
he has great style. since he’s so into designer clothing but also loves all things cute and girly, he puts a lot of thought into every outfit and look to bring the two things into one concept

this kid’s lovability is off the charts, ask anyone. his smile? contagious. his laugh? enough to leave the most bitter person feeling warm and fuzzy, no matter how much they'll refuse to admit it. just his presence brings a freshness in the air. being around minyeong feels like standing amidst a meadow as a comforting breeze flows by. the way he looks at the world with such wonder is apparent just in the way he speaks, in the way his eyes sparkle at anything beautiful. a lot of things that most people would call ordinary, minyeong finds extraordinary.

minyeong is so cute that some people can’t stand to be around him, they just want to squeeze him until he pops. the boy won't hesitate to complain about how cringey aegyo is, but that only makes him a blatant hypocrite as it tends to just leak out of him. only some of his aegyo is actually intentional, most of the time it comes out without him even trying, its almost as if aegyo is just a part of his subconscious. the boy's playfulness gives minyeong a childish charm. he's always ready to play something like rock paper scissors to pass the time, start a game of hide-and-seek, or just tease someone for a few giggles. he doesn’t need sugar to be hyper, so if he’s bored expect to be pestered.

skinship is second nature to him, it happens without him thinking. if he takes a liking to someone, he’s always quick to touch no matter if he’s known them for six minutes or six months. minyeong’s affection can easily escalate to clinginess if he’s encouraged enough. he doesn’t find a problem with annoying someone either. if minyeong has become attached, he'll pester anyone without regard of becoming bothersome.

this boy is definitely one to gush about anything and everything that brings him joy or some sensation of pleasure. when he speaks, going on and on about every little detail of what made an experience enjoyable or memorable, it can make one forget what a terrible place the world is for a short time. minyeong is never afraid to express himself, especially if it’s positive.
so when morale is low, minyeong is obviously the best person to have around. his happy go lucky manner is so overpowering it may become contagious. he’s quick to point out every possible outcome he can foresee and use that to encourage (and enable). he loves to encourage and compliment his friends. if you’re ever looking for validation minyeong is 100% the first person to go to.

though, his optimism can also be a cause for problem as he fails to notice what could go wrong. it can be hard to discern whether he's just too naive to be cautious of dangers or if he purposely disregards them. for minyeong, it's actually the latter, but most would assume otherwise due to his naive disposition. minyeong finds excitement out of jumping head first into peril without precaution. that's what makes things fun.

paying close attention to look past the pure brightness of his persona, one could notice how judgmental minyeong really is. his focus on appearance not only pertains to objects and clothing but people as well. the boy forms opinions on people awfully fast, especially since they tend to be very arbitrary; based solely on how people look and what they wear. it’s easy to gather that minyeong has quite a preference for those who wear expensive clothes, have an aristocratic look or presence, or are just attractive. he’s very shallow. minyeong will refuse to spend time with anyone who isn’t nice to look at.

that being said, the boy is extremely focused on appearances. how everything looks is the most important thing. it’s the first impression, the sense that you use the most, what you experience the most out of anything physical. he can’t bear to look anything less than perfect. he’s not much of a perfectionist, though. to minyeong, perfection is simply whatever highest level is attainable. he won’t step out of the house unless he looks his best.

although he has flaws of his own, he never hesitates to inwardly criticize the flaws of others when he witnesses them slipping out. you’d have to know minyeong well to be able to tell, but it will show when someone doesn’t meet minyeong’s standards. he resorts to pettiness that isn’t easy to pick up on quickly. things like insults disguised as compliments, acting dumb, pestering disguised as playfulness, and other petty actions will show how he truly feels about a person.

his level of confidence easily crosses the line over to arrogance. of course, minyeong is aware of what he's capable of, but he's also always confident that something challenging, even for him, could never be out of his range of skills.
this kid is extremely prideful. he holds quite a high opinion of himself, even thinking himself better than most other people. he has too much worth for anything that isn't name brand or authentic, and he's too good to be around people who don't feel the same, don’t look good, or don’t carry themselves well.

when challenged, minyeong will not hesitate to accept. for a boy who’s normal state is chasing after danger, it should go unsaid that he’s all in if it includes risking his health or an uncertainty of his success. he thrives off of the power rush in a very similar way to chasing a high. he loathes the feeling of powerlessness that he’s quite used to, so to compensate for that (and probably a few other things), he acts reckless and constantly puts himself in danger as a method of self-validation.

minyeong has become so used to chasing after risk and disregarding his own safety that it’s become imbedded into his everyday life. he’s grown clumbsy out of carelessness, for one. when he spots something that could be “fun” (which in his dictionary is actually what defines dangerous), he’ll lightheartedly try to make a game out of it.

[div class=img2][div class=img2text]the only thing[/div][/div][/div] [div class=post3]

the first thing little minyeong could ever remember loving was diamonds and jewels. his mother was obsessed with them, even to the point of naming her son "reflective gem." his mother had a sugar daddy that would pamper her with all of the jewels she ever wanted, but there was a problem. the man was toxic, manipulative and verbally abusive towards little minyeong's mother. she would put up with it only for the jewels and designer shoes. his mother made it seem like she didn't mind at all how the older man treated her. when looking from the outside, the three of them looked like a happy family.
obviously, the child hated this man, at a young age he began pickpocketing bags and jewelry and bringing them home to his mother so that she wouldn't need that nasty man any longer. he always told her “mommy, I can get you pretty things too!” but she would always chuckle and hug him. when he brought them home, he told her lies every time for how he got a hold of such expensive things. obviously she caught on that he wasn’t obtaining them an honest way, but as a woman who loved luxuries, she didn’t say anything other than “whatever you do, don’t get in trouble, minnie.”
eventually he would stop. he realized no matter how many things he gave to his mother, she would still want more from the man. little minyeong learned early on the importance of money.

in middle school, he got involved in the "bad crowd." they would go around doing things like shoplifting and tresspassing. he always had fun with his group of friends whenever they went out to "play." doing things that brought great risk always made him feel a sort of power high. at home, he was completely powerless to fix anything. he couldn’t make his mom stop seeing that man, or force him to go away. minyeong began falling in love with the thrill of risk and the rush of invulnerability he felt whenever he got away unscathed.

one night in eighth grade the boys got caught tresspassing onto private property. he got off with just a slap on the wrist from his mother, but she gave him the choice of one sport, class, or extracurricular to keep him busy from breaking the law. he chose gymnastics out of a desire to be more athletic, but there’s no one to say that he didn’t have deeper intentions behind his choice.

the more he matured, the harder the boy pursued after money. minyeong convinced his friends to run alongside with him in his chase. he grew more flexible and athletic from the gymnastics classes, with his newfound skill minyeong would influence change in his group of friends. what they did together would become of intermediate skill level instead of beginner. they weren’t just running around causing havoc anymore, now the group of kids had a focus.

the boy began to do research. everything he looked into was much less than acceptable, or legal. on his own, minyeong learned how to lockpick and studied on how to properly grade diamonds and gems. the group of close friends would go to different cities, stealing money and valuables from right under people’s noses. eventually they became a close-knit team, selling most of their obtained items to other people at a very discounted price. these teens were teaching themselves how to make profits however they could. they were in the world to survive.

when their high school careers came to an end, the group knew that they would all have to split up and go their own ways. accepting their fates, the group unanimously agreed that they should go out with a bang.

it happened during a graduation party, no doubt the biggest one of the year. it was hosted by one of the most popular students that attended their school. this kid’s family was very well off, so the house was quite big. after sneaking their way around the party, getting into locked rooms filled with hidden valuables and discreetly hauling some of them out, the friends each planted slow fuse firecrackers in different parts of the house, set them off, then went back to blend into the crowd of the party. they then fled with the crowd.
as they watched the house go up in flames, the bunch of teens shared heartfelt goodbyes. they promised one another that they would never forget their friendships or what they’ve taught each other. as the flames were drowned by fire hoses, the kids split paths, taking with them everything they promised to keep down whatever paths they chose to follow.

minyeong stuck to himself for a while, waiting for his mother’s withering boyfriend to keel over already. it was as if with each new wrinkle or liver spot he grew more bitter and cruel towards the mother. but she didn’t care, she had been putting up with the man for so long she too was just waiting for him to have a stroke or a heart attack, all the while still getting as many luxurious clothings and accessories as she desired. the way minyeong’s mother treated him began to change. she grew cold towards the boy, snapping at him for trivialities and talking to him as if he were worthless. minyeong knew it was the way that the man treated her that was taking a toll on her mental health, but he couldn’t help but resent the woman for treating her only son the way she did.

a lot of minyeong’s time was spent away from home. he would leave for days on end, either returning a few days later in the same clothes that he left in but dirtied, or in brand new clothes that he had never taken with him, the almost empty bag he always left in now weighted. during times like these, minyeong would travel to faraway places in search of rich and aristocratic towns. he would oftentimes get stranded or lost due to being so far out into the unknown all on his own. despite the amount of danger he faced, he would somehow always make it back home, maybe he had a few cuts and bruises, a small wound here or there, but he had always returned healthy and generally unharmed.

these adventures were minyeong’s method of coping. when it came to his mother, who he still loved dearly despite how she now treated him, he was completely powerless to change the situation for better in any way. she wouldn’t listen to him, and the man would never comply when told that he “shouldn’t be such a fucking dick.” when he made his way out of every perilous situation he found (but more like put) himself in, carrying a burden of valuables and jewels no less, minyeong felt almighty. it was a feeling he had been addicted to since he was young, that rush of power that he constantly chased after.

minyeong walked into latteworld one day out of curiosity. it was a new cafe in town which had been there for a few weeks before minyeong noticed it was there. upon stepping inside, he was convinced that he had met the love of his life. the man behind the register was tall, dark, and handsome. he looked different, which immediately caught the young man’s eye. he became a regular customer after that day, always at least stepping in if he were to ever pass by just to check if he was on shift. he held conversation with the worker named yunhui whenever they met, minyeong had full intent in learning everything he could about this man.

many of minyeong’s nights were spent pondering what he should gift yunhui in order to win his heart. of course, that was the only way he knew how, money and luxuries had always meant everything in his life. minyeong was sure that someone would only love him back if he expressed his love through diamonds and designers. a little over two weeks of being a regular at latteworld, minyeong brought into the cafe a gift box for yunhui. handing it to him, he told yunhui to “open it when no one is around, okay? it’s super special!” the gift turned out to be a pair of gucci sneakers, the soles embellished with crystals. later again that week, minyeong came back with another gift significantly smaller than the last. again he said to open it up in private for the same reasons of the gift being oh so special. this time the gift was a solid gold watch with a ring of diamonds lined around the dial. minyeong made sure he got the gifts from a large, faraway city so that it would be safe for yunhui to flaunt off his new items while at work or around town. when minyeong returned to latteworld a few days later to tell yunhui not to be shy about wearing his gifts around, he was offered a job at latteworld by the casheir himself. of course the boy was quick to leap on the offer before yunhui could even finish getting it out of his mouth.

the hiring process was quick and easy. alarmingly so, actually. minyeong found himself answering a lot of yunhui’s questions about his past and what he’s done. of course, it was no problem opening up to him, minyeong would share everything about himself if his love wanted to know. he soon found out from the manager that he was “qualified” for something. the reason behind latteworld, and the whole plan for it was explained to him. upon being asked if he was willing to hop on board, minyeong agreed with no hesitations. his life after graduation was uneventful and mundane, getting back into the thrill of the pursuit of money with a group of people, which included his true love no less, sounded like everything he was wishing for.

[div class=img3][div class=img3text]i wanna steal[/div][/div][/div]


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name | cho eunha.
age | twenty three.
gender | cis. female.
sexuality | bisexual.
ethnicity | south korean.

height | 162cm / 5'4.
weight | 120lbs / 54kg.
hair color | currently dark brown; previously was a light brown.
eye color | dark brown.
distinguishing features | besides her rather toothy smile, it's noted that eunha has a faint scars on various parts on her body from her childhood.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent02" style="display: none;"]
likes | scrapbooking, coffee, candid photos, simplicity, ladybugs.
dislikes | boats, fortune telling, fireworks, repeating herself, disturbances while asleep.

quirks | + a mass texter, she will send you things word for word & she w i l l blow up your phone.
+ voice raises in pitch when she gets excited.
+ has a notebook that she refuses to call a diary, where she writes her thoughts occasionally.
+ stares off into space for long periods of times when thinking.
+ starts randomly giggling and smiling when overcome with anxiety.

talents/skills | at one point in her life eunha's father taught her the basics to a gun, just because he felt it was necessary for her to know. at the time though, eunha didn't care much for the information, believing that she wouldn't touch a gun a day in her life. which is now false, as she's now used one as a way of intimidation and self-defense; over the years of using one she's built up her information on guns overall ( mostly handguns )and can easily utilize one in any situation. her personal strength is within long distance targets as she's more likely to be slower when up close with the target.

when she was younger, eunha was a rather clumsy child that injured herself constantly, leaving her mother with the job to patch her up. so it was often that eunha would observe her mother's actions from her glassy eyes that were filled with curiosity to see what exactly her mother was doing, and why did this certain liquid burn so much. as her curiosity grew and she asked more questions her mother began to randomly sprout out tiny facts that may have deemed useful in times she was left alone with her clueless father. though eunha isn't exactly perfect in patching others up, she does a good job using the information from her mother to aid in assisting injuries.

another useful skill of eunha is that she's rather fast, and does well in situations where stealth is more necessary than being all up in the target's face.

personality | when meeting eunha, many are quick to learn that she’s not too much of a dreamer. she spends most of her days doing than wishing, believing that when you waste your time wishing you get too caught up in the idea and never end up doing it. due to this, she’s not the overly ambitious type who’s always trying to make the impossible happen which helps when jaeho gets a little too over his head with plans. instead, she sets goals she believes she can do and almost as fast as she makes them, she’s doing them.

some may think that eunha’s realistic view of the world would cause her to be on the more pessimistic side, but she’s actually the opposite. in fact, she tries to be as fairly positive as she can without getting too unrealistic; deriving happiness from making others happy and getting them excited. compared to others she’s a fan of surprises ( in the right situations ) and tends to get excited pretty quickly. along with this eunha is quite friendly, and is no stranger to starting up a conversation with anybody. she constantly has a smile on her face and is adamant about keeping the others happy consistently. her level-headed mindset keeps her from expecting the impossible but never stops her from seeing positively.

surprisingly, eunha use to want to own her own cafe before she turned to a life of crime and thrill. she uses to always read on how to be assertive, as many of the articles mentioned to her that in order to earn respect and communicate your ideas effectively you’d have to be assertive as people wouldn’t want to buy from anyone who’s unsure of what they're selling. the constant drilling of that statement eventually wove itself into her personality and has caused her to become confident in herself, and be more willing to say the truth than twist the truth to appeal to others, along with being able to effectively make quick decisions. however, it’s shown to become a problem and at times can be a little annoying to deal with because it can make eunha a little stubborn, and unwilling to change her plans because she may believe her way may be the best way to deal with the situation.

lacking the natural charisma most workers possess, eunha instead has keen eyes for noticing the little things that some may overlook. noticing the way your lips may quiver when nervous, that you twirl your hair around your fingers when excited, or that vacant look in your eyes when you arrived at the cafe, the usual sparkle it held no longer there and all that was left are two eyes staring right through you. she’s one of the first to notice if something may be off, and probably the first to ask about your wellbeing. at times she can come off a bit intrusive, since she’s wondering what exactly may have caused this abrupt change, and to some, it comes off as her simply caring for them, while others may view it as annoying since she’s attempting to pry in their private affairs. truthfully though, eunha only worries for the others and her habit to be nosy only comes from her heart because she views the others as if they’re her biological family.

like many others, eunha lives her life best when she’s off doing something illegal. there’s just something about the act of doing what you shouldn’t, that ignites a fire inside of her. it’s even more exciting because, from the naked eye, no one would ever imagine eunha would enjoy doing something like this. she knows it’s wrong and knows what’s right from wrong, but maybe that’s why she enjoys it so much; because it’s wrong.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent03" style="display: none;"]
criminal record | vandalism, forgery, burglary, blackmail, possession of stolen goods, trespassing.

cho eunha was born in a family most viewed as perfect. they were what people hoped their life would turn out to be; marry your childhood best friend, move to the suburbs and start your family. but, those people didn’t know a thing. they only witnessed what the cho’s put on display as others viewed in awe from the sidelines, donning rose-tinted glasses.

the culprits for the show the cho’s put on are eunha’s parents. her father; cho jiwon was a police officer at the local police department, while her mother; yeon somin was a nurse. with both of their jobs being time-consuming, it often conflicted with their marriage and caused the once blazing fire to cease to an inevitable stop and all that was left was the smell of smoke and faded memories that promised forever.

with the spark that lit them to flames gone, eunha’s parents weren’t just ready to give up on their relationship, so they had eunha. hoping that an addition to the family would aid their relationship, and it did...temporarily.

growing up, eunha recalls many joyous filled memories with her parents where the world seemed to just revolve around her, and all that mattered was her. she remembers home being warm and cozy, a place where she felt comfortable, but that exists no longer.

home was no longer home. it was simply a place eunha lived. this place was hostile and bitter. the giggles erupting from a little girl that bounced off the walls were replaced with the sound of a tv playing in the background and that same little girl that rushed off the school bus, her lips etched into a toothy smile at the sight of her parents had turned into a little girl the age of twelve now, who somberly walked off the bus dragging her feet, wishing that maybe once she’d be greeted with the sight of her parents instead of a door, but that wish never became true.

that little girl is cho, eunha.

as she endured the years of a pre-teen, her parents grew busier and the only attention she received from them would be a wave or a simple smile. any conversation she tried to start would abruptly stop from them claiming they were too tired or that they’d been called into work, so she no longer bothered trying. with the lack of familial connection, she grew lonely, often being left alone or left with a babysitter who seemed to be far more interested in their phone.

though her home life was lacking, eunha attempted to make up for it by becoming a social butterfly at school, and creating all these friends in hopes they’d fill the void in her heart, but it did nothing except create a bigger void. she’d hear all the stories from her friends about their own parents and how much fun they had and all eunha could do was smile, and create her own fake stories where she spent time with her parents, because all she could do was dream and hope, that just maybe, her stories could come true. along with making friends, eunha always attempted to gain attention from her parents by being successful in school, and being on top of everything, yet when she showed them her achievements their reactions were nonchalant.

by the time she’s fifteen eunha no longer hopes or wishes for anything. she’s become a realist, and knows better than to expect anything from anyone because inevitably all they’ll do is disappoint you. regardless, eunha has kept a relatively positive and outgoing personality causing her to attract others as if she’s one flower in a field of bees. she makes friends fairly quickly and has quite a big circle of friends filled with meaningless relationships. almost all were superficial due to eunha being unable to connect with them. most weren’t interested in eunha, caring more for her popularity and how much they could mooch off of her or wanted to do nothing but talk about themselves. not like she necessarily minded, they were really just there so she could expand her circle, which she felt always needed to increase, similar to how collectors feel due to her parents lack of attention for her.

nearing the end of her school year, eunha’s parents had approached her with smiles painted upon their lips as their hands intertwined. skeptical and quite confused, as eunha hadn't seen her parents show any type of affection aside from when they were in public under the watchful eyes of their peers to try and keep up their happy family look. they told her that they had managed to work out their differences and were starting to fall back in love. eunha however was still in disbelief over this news and refused to believe it, until they added that they’d be having another child.

totally didn’t see that coming.

with a baby on the way, the cho household seemed to be booming with life and slowly eunha began to grow more and more familiar with seeing her parents genuinely happy. she was finally getting the story she’d always dream about all because of a baby.

maybe miracles really do happen..

soon the baby was born, and eunha was the older sister to her baby brother; cho, jumin. since the new addition to the family, the cho’s seemed to be genuinely acting like a family, similarly to when eunha was born. her parents no longer felt the need to put on an act for everyone, because they genuinely enjoyed each others company and were content...Temporarily at least.

eventually, eunha’s parents became a little too enamored with jumin, and once again eunha felt as if she was back at square one—being ignored. and for awhile she tried to pass it off as jealousy for her brother, or her imagining things because her parents wouldn’t ignore her purposely, right? in any family, the youngest gets the most amount of attention because they’re young and being coddled, or at least that’s what eunha attempted to believe. until the bickering started between her parents, and eunha was now sure this fairytale she crafted wasn’t exactly what it seemed.

it was silly for her parents to believe a baby could magically cure their marriage problems, that it’d erase all the pain and problems that were there before. but, they were so wrong, so wrong. as all it did was ruin their relationship further, and make their differences more equivalent and yet they tried to hold onto this last sliver of hope, of the name jumin, to make it all go away while ignoring the result of believing a baby solves your problems.

eunha’s seventeen when she starts stumbling down the road of trouble. similar to a volcano, her inner turmoil caused from her parents has finally erupted after boiling for years, and she’s showcasing that by rebelling. she’s done with being treated lesser than by her own parents, and tired of trying to repair something that was never her fault. truthfully, it’s what she gets for believing that her parents could treat her decently once more.

with her large social circle, it’s no surprise that eunha was quick to fall into the hands of a group who were just as damaged as she was. they acted out recklessly and got into trouble as a way to compensate with their problems every week. they were the only friends that eunha felt connected with, because they all had one thing that connected them together—pain. when eunha had confessed her own problems to them they were surprised that a family like hers had problems when it seemed like they were always doing just fine to which eunha had to roll her eyes at.

for the first few times eunha hung out with this particular group she’d watch from the sidelines as they committed deeds, eunha could never imagine doing. especially with her father being an officer so she was a bit more hesitant to partake in fear he’d catch her, yet the fear wasn’t that serious because it never stopped her from picking up the spray can and letting it all just go. after vandalizing someone’s property that night, eunha felt powerful, she was almost addicted to the feeling that overcame her and how freeing it felt, so she continued committing crimes almost in spite of her father, who’d catch her occasionally and give her slaps on the wrist practically. other times, she’d run into other cops who were all too happy to put her crimes on her record. as eunha grew older her crimes slowly got worse especially after moving away from her parents the moment she turned eighteen—it’s been 7 years since she saw them, and frankly she doesn’t regret her decision. not like she needs them anyway, as she has her own family who treats her better than her biological family ever did.

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Name: Yeun Taemin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Korean
Role: Daredevil


Yeun Taemin

Likes: Adrenaline, Bungee Jumping (Heli Bungee Jumping especially), Berries (Any type, but he has a particular affinity for blackberries), Skyscrapers, Construction Sites, Nighttime, Wind
Dislikes: Meetings, Security/Safety Waivers, Rivers, Boredom, Elevators & Escalators, American & Korean Ages

Quirks: Taemin will keep his hair however it was when he first woke up, only occasionally brushing through it, except for on heist days, where he styles it purely because he likes seeing how messy it will get by the end of the job.
He wears tennis shoes all the time so he’ll always be ready in case the chance for something exciting pops up.
Taemin doesn’t like the taste of most spicy foods but he likes the burn they provide so he eats them anyway.

Skills/Talents: No Limits: Taemin is willing to do anything so long as it provides him with an adrenaline high. In fact, the more dangerous the better.
Physicality: Taemin has incredibly high strength and endurance. This allows him to accomplish tasks most people couldn't, such as scaling walls without any gear, and he does so with startling accuracy.
Memory: He’s always been smart, and Taemin’s memory is one of the main reasons for that. He remembers the faces of almost everyone he meets, though names can be hit or miss, and is able to help with recon for the heists.

Personality: Taemin is extremely easygoing in everyday life, which contrasts greatly with the somewhat manic look that fills his eyes when he’s embracing risk. To him, most negative emotions are tiring and don’t really achieve anything, so he just doesn’t let himself experience them. His priorities are elsewhere, so a lot of the time he doesn’t care enough to be impassioned about something. He doesn’t take many people seriously, mainly because whatever they say won’t really have a lasting effect, though this doesn’t apply to members of the crew.

With customers Taemin serves with a small smile that he’ll broaden if they seem to want him to, but if they were expecting any sort of greeting if he ever saw them outside the shop they’d be disappointed. He rarely forgets a face, but to Taemin, speaking with someone just because you’ve done so before is foolish. Instead, he prefers to put that energy towards what captivates him, namely adrenaline, so if you can’t help him with that he doesn’t stick around to get to know you.

In Taemin’s conscious mind, his main care and priority is adrenaline and everything else comes in second. However, it’s not like he doesn’t or can’t care about people, his waking mind is simply preoccupied. He cares for almost everyone in the crew greatly, he just hasn’t realized it yet. The one person who Taemin is able to unabashedly show affection for is his mom, who he still calls on a somewhat regular basis. He’d call even more if he thought it’d make her happy, but he knows that it pains her to see him throwing himself into every hazardous situation he sees, so he keeps the calls irregular to stop reminding her of that fact.

Taemin is smart, though he doesn’t necessarily see himself that way. While he knows that others view him as intelligent, Taemin attributes any perceived brilliance to his memory. He doesn’t view himself as someone of high intellect, maybe because that was drilled into him for years during school or maybe because he rarely applies his intelligence, yet he’s constantly think through situations and determining how to reach the most favorable outcome. He’s calculating in a congenial way. He believes most people are valuable, just not necessarily to him, so he’ll act cordial to anyone who approaches him, but with only approach those who are beneficial to him and his purpose.

His biggest problem is when he’s obtaining his next high, or has gone too long without throwing himself into some sort of risk, he gets unpredictable. His usual nature of thinking things through goes out the window and there’s no stopping him. He’s very much addicted to adrenaline, and though he doesn’t have to be doing something dangerous or crazy 24/7, he’ll start getting twitchy after a few days and will eventually do something to create his own high, regardless of the consequences. He’s at least aware of this --having been called out by other members of the crew after a few close calls-- so he’ll often go and scale building when the nerves start to get worse and a day or two before every heist he goes out and does something really big, though usually legal(like bungee or BASE jumping), to make sure he can manage himself during the heists.

Criminal Record: Theft, Burglary, Trespassing, Assault, Breaking & Entering

Background: Yeun Taemin, though born in Korea, spent the majority of his childhood growing up in America. His father, Yeun Sunwoo, was the Vice President of Operations in well-known tech company Exabyte, and had moved their family to America to open a new branch in the states. The venture was a cautiously optimistic one that turned out to be the downfall of the entire company. Situation after situation appeared and slowly what had once been a company with international influence dwindled down into nothing, and the Yeun family was forced to watch it fall. What had once been a supposed two years of living in America turned into 10.

Growing up in America was certainly an experience. Taemin’s youngest years were full of joy and a lavish upbringing, but as Exabyte progressed further and further into the hole it had dug, his life lost the shine it had once had. His father, formerly a very happy man, if a workaholic, was slowly moving towards despair, and as he did so, he began to push people away. Office workers who would previously stop by the house were told to stop coming, the family’s maid was exchanged for a bi-weekly cleaning service, and their chef traded for takeout all while his father grew more and more distant. An only child, Taemin depended on his mother to keep him sane with his father’s firing of the in-house staff. Yeun Sunwoo’s walk towards depression became a sprint and their once lively house became silent. Their financial state never diminished, a few smart investments saw to that, but it didn’t matter much. Family trips were canceled and Taemin spent his days between school and his room, playing with his stuff alone.

During the first half of elementary school, his father’s slow downfall hadn’t meant much to Taemin. Sunwoo had simply stopped coming home, but Taemin hadn’t been mature enough to understand more than that. However, as he grew in age, he grew in understanding and Taemin started to see the cracks in his father’s indifferent facade. That motivated Taemin.

Having always been a good son, Taemin wanted to make his parents happy and he could clearly see his father wasn’t. Taemin asked his mother what he could do to make his dad happy, and she gave him the typical answers of “Do well in school,” “Make a lot of friends,” and “Just be happy yourself.” However, one day when his mother was worn down, a glass of wine in her hand and tears moving silently down her face, she told him what he could really do to make his father happy. She said “Become your father and accomplish everything he couldn’t. That’s the only way to make him happy.”

Taemin was 11 by this time, and for the next year, he spent his time becoming the perfect student, completing whatever extra work he could wring from his teacher, finding someone to tutor him in coding, whatever he could think of, and he made sure to excel at it. His father didn’t notice and his mother looked pained whenever she tried to tell him he could do something else if he wanted and he refused, but Taemin continued with his plan.

The next year, Taemin turned 12, his father’s company finally went under, and the family returned to Korea. They’d left America in early August, and three weeks later Taemin rejoined school at the start of the second semester in his first year of middle school. The awe that came with the title of ‘New Kid’ quickly wore off and Taemin was left alone, save for 4 children --one friend and three bullies.

Kyuchul, a loner in his own right, gravitated towards Taemin and the two grew close. Taemin had needed someone to latch on to after being thrust into a world completely foreign to him while Kyuchul had just wanted to not feel alone, and though their friendship didn’t start for the best of reasons, it developed quickly. However, the pair wasn’t left to their own devices.

The pair had three tormentors, who Taemin and Kyuchul called the “Nincompoops” --it was something Taemin had picked up in America, and though he didn’t really know what it meant, neither did they, which was the real point-- were persistent, and what began as light teasing evolved with its perpetrators. What started with Taemin and Kyuchul as the butt of jokes soon grew into the two sporting constant bruises via the NCPs, and they never fought back. Taemin was still determined to follow his father and he didn’t believe he could do that with a stain on his record or suspension from school, no matter how unlikely that was, and Kyuchul supported Taemin in whatever he chose. For years, Taemin and Kyuchul endured the attacks together, doing nothing except bandaging each other’s wounds afterwards.

At home, Taemin’s mother had certainly noticed the increase in injuries, but his father was still wallowing in his failure, refusing to work or leave the house, and his previous investments allowed him to do just that. Taemin continued to brush off his mother’s worry, devoting all his time to studying, still trying desperately to impress or invigorate his father. Though nothing worked, the failure didn’t matter to Taemin so long as the boy held out hope that it could.

However, that all changed when Kyuchul moved away. It was something unexpected and it tilted Taemin’s world completely off its axis. A surprise job offer had the family packing up and leaving, forcing Taemin to face school and his oppressors alone. Taemin lasted another few months of their constant harassment until one day he was finished with it and with everything else.

Taemin skipped school, something he hadn’t done since elementary school in America, and just walked. He didn’t go in any particular direction; Taemin was just desperate to find something that held meaning. Hours of circulating the nearby neighborhoods and trudging through fields led him to a bridge. The area was sparsely populated and soon Taemin was standing there, his arms resting on the stone barrier of the bridge as he looked out at the water below. He lost track of time, simply listening to the sounds surrounding him.

Eventually school got out and the occasional group of students passed him, but Taemin stayed where he was, so close to the edge yet not quite there.

The river below had absorbed him once again when the sound of three familiar voices startled him from his mind. Quickly approaching the bridge were the three people who made his life hell. Taemin panicked for a moment, pushing himself off the wall and turning from the three, attempting to walk away as discreetly as he could. In that minute, those three had brought him off the edge, both literally and figuratively, purely because he didn’t want to lose to idiots who would amount to nothing. His retreat wasn’t fast enough though, and one of the three called out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

Taemin slowly turned to face them and was silent as the three surrounded him. The provocation was quick to start and it wasn’t long before Taemin was being pushed around between them, words mocking him all the while, and for the first time, Taemin fought back. He swung and hit the ringleader square in the jaw. There was a beat of stunned silence, as if they all couldn’t believe what had just happened, and then chaos erupted. Taemin fought back and made a gallant effort to hurt them as much as he could, but three against one doesn’t translate to a fair fight and Taemin was getting hit a lot more than his fists were connecting. Then, the unthinkable happened.

The fight moved closer and closer to the edge of the bridge, and then Taemin was falling, the image of a boy with his arms still outstretched from the push he’d delivered and a look of shock on his face drawing Taemin’s eyes.

Taemin impacted and it felt, for a second, like he’d just slammed into concrete. Pain radiated through his body. Taemin could feel his chest as it imploded on itself, could feel his legs forced into an unnatural position, and could feel the bones in his shoulder as they cracked, but more than that, Taemin could feel life. It was as if every moment in his existence had condensed into this one second of impact, and Taemin relished in the feeling. He could feel each beat of his of his heart and his lungs as they expanded, trying desperately to sustain him. His nerves were on fire, and it was the single most incredible thing Taemin had experienced. And then… his world went black.

Taemin woke up two weeks later, his limbs in casts and suspended by polyester strands, a tube lodged in his throat, and an incessant beeping by his right ear. The pain of his body was a hazy presence, dulled by the narcotics being pumped into him. Taemin tried to move his arm to shut up whatever was making the sound, but it didn’t budge more than to cause it to swing in the sling supporting it. He heard a gasp from his right and he darted his eyes over, unable to move his neck. He saw his mom, hands clutching each other and eyes slowly filling with tears. His father wasn’t there.

Yeun Sunwoo showed up a few hours later, dressed impeccably, but his eyes still emotionless voids.

Taemin remained in the hospital for another five weeks, his mom visiting him every day with his father appearing only twice more. Those weeks were the most miserable of his life. Taemin’s mind kept flashing back to that moment right before he blacked out, to that feeling of being alive, on that precipe right between life and death, to that state of limbo that wasn’t anything like the waiting it was described as. He couldn’t forget it. It plagued him in his dreams and he’d wake up fighting against his immobility. He was still confined to a wheelchair when he was finally discharged, but that chair was infinitely better than the constriction of the bed.

He went outside as much as he could, moved as much as he could, lived as much as he could. His mother worried, told him to stay still, to not exert himself or he’d just get worse. Taemin listened a bit, refraining from anything crazy even as his body was urging him to. He couldn’t sit still. When he graduated to crutches, it was once again like his world had just expanded. His mother worried more, Taemin frowned at her, and she stopped chastising him after that.

When he was finally recovered, Taemin went for a walk that turned into a run that turned into him coughing harshly and his chest aching. It didn’t matter though, because finally he felt alive again.

Taemin went out every day, doing whatever he could, climbing walls, scaling trees, submersing himself in whatever activity he could find. One day, he happened upon a construction site, and it was like it called to him. He stared at it, imagining himself atop the tallest beam and gazing at the world below him. It wasn’t until one of the workers cleared his throat, the man staring questioningly at him, that Taemin turned to leave, though he wasn’t gone for long. He returned later that night and committed his first crime in order to enter the site. He walked to the belly of the building, pulled himself up onto the second floor, and lost himself in the climb. He only made if halfway up before his limbs were screaming at him to stop and unable to do anything else, he stopped. He turned to look out at the neighborhood around him and the city lights in the distance and, for the first time since the incident, his mind wasn’t screaming at him to do more. His body was aching and his blood was pounding, but his mind was peaceful. He’d grasped just a piece of that fateful moment again, and now that he knew it was possible, Taemin was determined to do it again and again.

After that, Taemin spent hours at the gym each day, pushing his body past what it should be able to do. He finished high school from home, his last gift to his parents, before he completely immersed himself in chasing that feeling. There were many times when he’d wake up in the mornings, his back sore from sleeping against the wood of a gym’s bench, and he constantly searched out any sort of structure he could climb and his body slowly got stronger while his targets got bigger.

His mother willingly, but reluctantly, financed Taemin and his exploits, helping him out when he got in trouble and giving him more legal ways to achieve his goals. Ever since that night when she’d let it slip that he could only make his father happy by becoming the man, she’d felt guilty, ashamed for having taken that choice away from him. Now that Taemin was doing something he wanted, she wasn’t going to deny him, even if everything in her body screamed that it would be the best thing to do.

Taemin eventually traveled to Seoul, his sights set at the top of Lotte World Tower, though the climb would be more about the adrenaline than the difficulty. He waited until nightfall, and with the tower still under construction, Taemin was able to easily slip inside and used the stairs for the majority of the tower. When he reached the top, he scaled the highest crane there, and then he stood there, on top of the world, where one misstep would undoubtedly lead to death, and he basked in it. Scaling the Tower is the closest Taemin has ever come to reliving that moment.

After the Tower, Taemin continued to frequent construction sites, and it was at one such site that he met Yoo Jaeho. He’d been getting ready to start his climb when the man had appeared behind him, alerting Taemin to his presence only when he spoke. The man didn’t introduce himself. Instead, he asked Taemin what he was doing. Taemin was immediately annoyed. This man was stopping him from the adrenaline that was so close, but he answered anyway. Then the man asked him why and Taemin told him it was because he needed to. The man asked him why that was and Taemin explained that there was no real living without adrenaline. The man nodded and then the two stood in silence. Though confused, Taemin didn’t stay for long, too excited for his climb to really care what this weird interaction was about, and he turned around and began to climb.

He’d forgotten about the man until he reached the top of the half built structure, gazing across the line of buildings, and saw a silhouette still standing on the ground, head leaned back and watching him. Taemin climbed down faster than he usually would, the man throwing him off, and when his feet touched the ground, the guy smiled at him. He asked Taemin if he’d like to do more than just climb without a purpose and said he could offer Taemin an experience better than he’d ever had. Taemin was skeptical and stated as much and the guy just laughed and pulled out a card. It was a business card, the words ‘Latte World’ on the front and an address in the corner. He told Taemin to come find him when he got curious.

It didn’t take long for Taemin to venture into the city to find the shop. When he walked in, the guy from before, now with an apron tied around his waist, introduced himself as Yoo Jaeho and offered him a job in both the shop and in his crew. Taemin wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of work, especially in something like a coffeehouse, but he accepted, curious about what would happen. Now, Taemin views accepting that offer as one of the best things he’s done. Working in the crew gives him easy access to a means to reach his high and he has people watching his back while he does.


Code by hoseok Daredevil​

Height: 5'10'' // 178 cm
Weight: 158 lbs // 72 kg
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Taemin has a number of scars from the incident. He has surgical scars on his chest, waist, and upper thighs, and smaller scars on his back, arms, and knees from where skin broke due to the impact.


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