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[div class="tab2"]a time to kill
private roleplay b/w vxnilla vxnilla & christy christy
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[div class=header1][div class=title1]
[div class=tag]full name[/div] bianca marie esposito.

[div class=tag]nickname[/div] her brother often refers to her as 'binky' since he couldn't pronounce her name when they were younger, but otherwise, she goes by just bianca, or maybe bee.

[div class=tag]age[/div] twenty-one.

[div class=tag]d.o.b[/div] september 17th.

[div class=tag]gender[/div] female.

[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] heterosexual.

[div class=tag]occupation[/div] she works as an assistant to her dad but what she really wants to do is focus on her art. [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"]
[div class=header2][div class=title2]
[/div] [div class=tag]appearance[/div] bianca has a very thin frame, and it's always been that way, since she was a child. this is partly due to inheriting the body structure of her father's side of the family, since her mother is a lot more shapely and model-like, but despite having little to no curves, bianca has never truly been bothered by it. what has bothered her over the years was her height, mainly because it became the subject of teasing very often, but she grew used to being just a little under five feet tall. she's found that being short has more pros than cons. or at least, she just prefers to look at the glass half full. bianca has lovely, thick, dark brown hair that is usually left open and cascades down her shoulder, but she has been known to tie it up into a bun when she's working or painting. bianca has slightly tanned skin, due to being out in the sun a lot, and it really brings out the colour of her eyes โ€” one brown and one green, which is how it's been since birth. typically, you'll find bianca dressing very casually, because she's not very big on fashion. most of the time, her clothes will sport old paint stains, which bring to light her involvement in the visual arts.

[div class=tag]dist. features[/div] info.
[ smile ] bianca has been told she has a very infectious smile. it's a very endearing feature, and easily a defining one because she's rarely seen without it.​
[ bright eyes ] bianca was born with heterochromia. one of her eyes is light green while the other is a light brown. in dim lighting, you can't notice it much, but in proper lighting, it's clear as day.​
[ charm bracelet ] bianca always has on a silver charm bracelet. it belonged to her mother, and when she got it โ€” at the age of thirteen โ€” it had only one charm on it, which was a heart. bianca has since been adding to it, to mark the various places she's been. right now, in addition to the heart she's got: an eiffel tower, a koala bear, a pizza slice and an apple.​

[div class=tag]ethnicity[/div] she's got a mix of italian, spanish and french blood.

[div class=tag]accent[/div] she's got a thick australian accent.

[div class=tag]ailments[/div] a very mild case of ocd.

[div class=tag]face claim[/div] amelia zadro. [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"]
[div class=header3][div class=title3]
[/div] [div class=tag]positive traits[/div]
[ friendly ] bianca is a very friendly and outgoing person. she was always the first one to talk up someone new in class or the office, and she enjoys making people feel welcome, and making them feel like they belong, and she'll never rebuff a person for trying to talk to her.​
[ caring ] always the first one to step in and help if someone's feeling down or has been hurt, bianca has proven on multiple occasions that she's a caring person โ€” and perhaps cares too much. she just can't stand around and watch people suffer, no matter how small the issue is.​
[ enthusiastic ] it isn't very hard for bianca to be entertained, since she finds amusement in most things, and she takes on each task and challenge with equal enthusiasm unless she knows for sure that she won't enjoy it. she's open to trying everything though, so if she knows she won't enjoy it, it's because she's already dabbled in it before and discovered her feelings on the matter through that experience.​

[div class=tag]neutral traits[/div]
[ distractible ] creative souls are often easily distractable, and bianca is no different. her head can sometimes be in the clouds, and she drifts off, thinking about inspiration for her art, or simply just thinking about something else because her mind took her there.​
[ competitive ] bianca was always very involved with sports as a child, and she had a tendency to be very competitive. this perhaps stems from the fact that her father was the same, in his youth, and this has travelled down to not just bianca, but her brother as well. as a youngster, she certainly proved to be a bit of a sore loser, and has since improved, but that competitive side of her definitely comes out when she's rooting for her favourite sports teams or playing a sport herself. it's the one time you'll see a very foul mouthed bianca.​
[ impulsive ] bianca isn't a huge fan of planning, whether it be for where she's going for dinner or what she's going to be doing in the next three years. she likes to take things as they come and decide things when she needs to instead of fretting about things and unnecessarily making her blood pressure go up. of course, an impulsive nature also means that she tends to make a few reckless decisions, but it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.​

[div class=tag]negative traits[/div]
[ emotional ] bianca tends to base most of her decisions on her emotions โ€” and this isn't always a good thing. she is heavily guided by emotion rather than logic or morals, which means she would forego making a smart, or even morally right decision if it meant that nobody got hurt, whether physically or emotionally, and her emotions often tend to blind her when she's needed to make a decision.​
[ gullible ] while she won't fall for phone scams, bianca does have a tendency to believe most things people tell her, primarily because she's always been a very honest person herself and doesn't believe that people need to lie. she likes to see the good in people, so she usually gives them the benefit of the doubt.​
[ stubborn ] usually, when bianca sets her mind to something, there's no changing it. of course, this doesn't apply to simple things, like where she wants to eat lunch or dinner, but rather to things that are more impactful, like what she wants to do with her life. since she's also a very curious person, if someone tells her not to touch a hot plate because it's hot, she likely will touch the hot plate just to see for herself.​

[div class=tag]likes[/div] the beach , swimming , collecting seashells , art , painting , admiring architecture , traveling , exploring new places , animals , plants , meeting new people , music , playing the piano , horror movies , halloween.

[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] cold coffee , her day job , heavy metal , excessive violence , social media and people addicted to it , lizards , liars , green tea , mushy romantic movies or songs , people that come on too strong , condescending tones. [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents04"]
[div class=header4][div class=title4]
[/div] [div class=tag]dominique esposito โ€” mother[/div]
dominique was always very affectionate with her husband and her children, and both bianca and antonio always returned her affection. she was the only one who could break up the sibling fights, and she was the only one who could console them, and because they heavily relied on her for such things, they never noticed that something was wrong with her. her death certainly had a big impact on the family, and bianca had only been thirteen at the time, but the visual of her mother's lifeless body will forever be etched into her mind bianca misses her tremendously, and often goes to visit her grave, but she started to cope, with time.
[div class=tag]hector esposito โ€” father[/div]
hector has a good relationship with both of his children, though for a while, it wasn't like that. initially, when both children were born, hector was a loving and devoted father, always ensuring they were fed and taken care of, and above all, spoiled. however, as he moved higher in the business world and started to earn more money, he was thrust with more responsibilities and for a brief period, he neglected his family, because he was too busy with work. after dominique's passing, and the subsequent guilt that he felt for not paying as much attention as he should have, he decided to change his act. he could focus on business and his family at the same time, and since he was pretty reputed by then, he was in the position to make demands, so he managed to make the necessary changes that would allow him to look after his kids more.
[div class=tag]antonio esposito โ€” younger brother[/div]
antonio, or tony, as he prefers to be called, is a little bit of a dick now that he's a hormonal seventeen-year-old, and while the sibling rivalry is very much present, they still care about each other at the end of the day. the two of them have their fair share of fights, but will back each other up for any and every situation if the other finds themselves in trouble. occasionally, they have some heart-to-hearts, which usually end with the both of them playing video games or sharing a tub of ice cream, but at the same time, they insult each other to no end.
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[/div] [div class=tag]background[/div] bianca's mother, dominique, came from a family of riches, and back when she was a teen, hector was a simple man with big dreams. they were high school sweethearts, because hector was the only one willing to keep up with her and stand by her after she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. he was patient, and loving, and she was grateful. the two of them started a life together as soon as high school got over, mainly because dominique got pregnant. her parents didn't approve, but one quickie wedding and nine months later, bianca was born.

she was the light of their life, for a long time, often giving them hope during the hardest of times when they struggled for money, but hector soon started to do better at work, and was going up in the ranks. by the time bianca was three, dominique discovered that she was pregnant once again, and shortly after bianca's fourth birthday, antonio was born. a second child certainly added some strain to the family, since they'd already been struggling with money, but they managed.

hector eventually began to become more involved with his work than his home life, which was around the time bianca was eight years old, and so her and antonio usually spent time with their mother, who liked to stay at home and care for them. however, as time passed by, dominique found that her anchor wasn't around to support her, because he was busy with work. this took a toll on her mental health, and she started to become worse, complaining about things and voices that weren't there, but her children were too young to understand or take it seriously.

bianca was thirteen when her mother decided that the voices were too much and she took her own life by jumping from the balcony of their penthouse apartment. they were on the twenty-first floor. she didn't make it.

bianca had been coming home from school with antonio when she noticed the crowd around the building. she pushed through to see the blood first, and she followed the trail to see her mother's lifeless and mangled body. her first instinct was to shield antonio, so he wouldn't see, and bianca only turned away when the police threw a sheet over the body and her dad had arrived on the scene.

the days after that were a blur. bianca remembers the funeral. she remembers antonio's confusion and her father's grief. she remembers being angry that her father never explained what her mother was diagnosed with, and further that he got so busy that he couldn't be around to take care of her, but through the frustration and the grief, the family also somehow got closer. hector vowed to be around more, and he stuck by his promise.

time passed by, bianca continued school and got decent enough grades. instead of going to college, she wanted to work more on her art, but her father didn't believe that it was an appropriate career choice. they made a deal though โ€” she would work for him in his office (because his intention was to recruit her into turning the business into a family one) and if she stuck by the work for four years, and still didn't want to join him, he would pay for her to go to art school โ€” provided, in those four years, she made some money off of her art to prove to him that she could sustain herself with it.

at present, the family has moved out of their old home, because there were too many memories of dominique. they now live in a loft a few blocks away, but still in the heart of the city since hector can't live too far away from the office.

[div class=tag]misc[/div] bianca is fluent in spanish and italian. with her father and brother, she often converses in italian. [/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div][/div]
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bite the bullet
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the basics
name. matthieu alexander cessna.
nicknames. people generally just refer to him as matthieu, but mattie and matt have both been used before.
age. twenty-two years old.
gender. cisgender male.
sexuality. demiromantic heterosexual.
occupation. he can't exactly say that he's an assassin, so if someone asks, he just answers vaguely that he works freelance, which isn't a lie. if pushed, he'll say he works in transcription/translation, which is a lie. thankfully, he has the linguistic skills to back it up.
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the looks
height. at 6'3" (191 cm), it's likely that he's the tallest one in a room, and the confident way he carries himself goes a long way towards making him seem even taller.
build. athletic and well-muscled, he has particularly broad shoulders and strong limbs.
hair. a deep russet brown, it can often be lightened by the sun. he leaves it long enough to be combed over to one side, or otherwise left tousled.
eyes. dark enough to be mistaken for almost black in some lightings, his eyes are piercing but usually unreadable.
dist. features. you can usually pick him out from his height alone, but otherwise? his jawline is sharp enough to cut glass, he's usually dressed to the nines, and he has dimples when he smiles.
ethnicity. french and spanish.
accent. none. as of now, he speaks six languages fluently, and he doesn't have an accent in any of them.
faceclaim. corentin huard.
ailments. not applicable, although he does struggle with insomnia and nightmares.
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the persona
positive traits.
charismatic. charming and magnetic, he seems to have an instinct for how to interact with people to set them most at ease. at risk of sounding cocky (which isn't wholly inaccurate, to be fair), it's hard for people to keep from liking him, harder still for them to dislike him. he's the kind of man who owns the room at any given time.​
self-possessed. it's next to impossible to shake his coolโ€”he tends towards calm, confidence, and utter control of his faculties. his composure is one that allows him to remain level-headed and assured even in stressful situations like assassinations. in arguments, he remains unbothered no matter how venomous or furious the other party is. if anything, his anger only ever makes him colder and sharper.​
adaptable. new circumstances don't throw him off in the least, be it a new city, a new conversation partner, or a new mark. he's flexible and more than ready to think on his feet, and it shows in how seamlessly he can adjust to being thrust into a new situation.​
neutral traits.
reticent. for all his smooth-tongued nature, you'll notice that he either deflects or misdirects rather than answer anything personal about himself. sure, he'll readily offer up his favorite color (orange, but a calmer, sunset orange as opposed to the tacky color of construction cones), but you're going to have hard time getting more out of him than that. even if you're extremely close to him, he keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself, and good luck getting him to admit when he's struggling.​
ambitious. not a man content with just getting by, matthieu always has some bigger goal in mind; he's determined to not just meet expectations but shatter them completely. although admirable in some aspects, he's willing to sacrifice a lot in order to achieve what he wants, including his own health and happiness.​
skeptical. naturally wary, and now even more so as an assassin, he's dubious at best when confronted with the world around him. he rarely, if ever, takes something at face value, which means that he's a hard person to dupe with a lie, but he's an equally hard person to convince with a truth.​
negative traits.
arrogant. his assurance in his own capabilities runs the risk of being excessive, to where he may have an exaggerated view of what he can achieve. although he'll never admit it, he tends to underestimate the prowess of his opponents, beginning every confrontation believing he'll come out on top.​
distrustful. it's different than just having reservations. if you're asking him to believe a story, he needs evidence and proof, which may be hard to come by but not impossible. if you're asking him to trust you, that's a different matter altogether. he keeps himself safe through trusting himself and only himself. the day he so much as turns his back to you? well, let's hope we're not all eighty by then.​
uncompromising. while flexible in situations, he's resolute in many of his goals, beliefs, and thought processes. to put it mildly, he can be stubborn as all hell. did he just get shot through the shoulder? well, good luck convincing him to stay in bed and recuperate like he should be, because he's fine.
likes. people-watching, natural light, old books, wearing long sleeves but rolling them up to his elbows, the smell of a new car, early morning runs, cities he's never been to before, friendly animals, learning languages, mythology.
dislikes. waiting for things to happen, bad traffic, crowded rooms, airplanes, being too hot at night, seagulls, leaky roofs, feeling too controlled, people who can't take a hint, warm alcohol.
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the extras
relationships. alexandre louis cessna (father) & lucia maria abril lรณpez (mother).
his parents blur into one unit for him. when he thinks of his father, he thinks of his mother as well. say what you will about them, but they worked together seamlessly, both on the field and in the home. although he's aware that they were far from conventionalโ€”and regrets the fact that they were never really mom and dad for him, the way the emotional connotation of those words implyโ€”he also recognizes that they loved him in the best and only way they knew how. in his more sentimental moments, however, matthieu does find himself wishing he was born into a home that left him more of a choice as to what his future could be, a home where his fondest memory of his mother was of her rocking him to sleep rather than her teaching him the right way to hold a knife.​
biography. it wouldn't be a lie to say that matthieu fell into the family business. he was born to two assassins who were some of the best in the game, if not the best. it puzzled him when he was younger, how he seemed like a piece that didn't quite fit into the jigsaw puzzle of his parents' lives, but he realizes now that his birth wasn't a planned one. all things considered, his parents raised him better than he thought they were obligated to.
but as it followed, his parents were better at being teachers than they were at being parents. the story of how they met was a pretty accurate indicator of their lives to come, and it was actually romantic in its own way. they had the same target and planned their respective hits at almost the exact same timeโ€”the rest, as they say, was history.
far from giving up their professions to have a normal life with each other, they became a duo from then on, still as deadly individually but twice as deadly in a team. that would have been how the rest of their lives went, target after target measured in stabs and bullets, until one or both of them died on the job. even matthieu (or the child who they would later name matthieu, after they came to terms with it and decided to keep it) didn't throw a wrench in their plans for long: lucia went off the grid for only as long as she absolutely needed to, alexandre following not long after, but they were back in the game before matthieu could so much as pronounce their names.
to their credit, they did take more time in between. for him, in their own way. every milestone that normal parents would take at face value always meant something else for his parents. after his first words, his father started to show him how to throw his voice, what it meant to confuse your enemies with nothing more than what you have in your throat. after his first steps, his mother began to teach him where to put the weight on his feet to make the least amount of sound. all these tricks took him a couple years to catch on, but his parents started early, and so he picked up early. it was smart, really it wasโ€”because then whenever they had to go take someone out, he could at least keep himself safe. he supposed being raised as a weapon instead of a boy was a small price to pay.
matthieu's first mission came when he was thirteen. his parents were with him somewhere, even if he couldn't see them, and it was easy, almost indirect. no gun, no knife, just some poison into a drink. it's almost as if he didn't kill this faceless, suited man at all, but he did, and this mark was only the first of many.
he was good, too. there's no point in modesty when it comes to the truth, and he was good, a murderous prodigy. but a triad of skilled assassins, mother and father and teenage son, was something of a threat, so a mission that his parents went on went horribly wrong when he was seventeen. they died like they always thought they wouldโ€”fighting.
but they didn't raise him to be helpless. he had marketable skills, after all, and after several months of grieving, he carried on as he'd been carrying on for most of his life. he floats from place to place, never staying too long in any one city no matter how charming it is, taking on jobs to be paid in blood money. he's long given up the hope of finding anything more fulfilling.
polyglot. he's had to pick up multiple languages due to his profession, since his targets aren't always in countries where english is the primary language. right now, he's fluent in english, french, spanish, italian, portuguese, and russian, and he's passable in mandarin, arabic, and malay.​
remembrance. although he wouldn't call himself sentimental, he still makes sure to visit his parents' graves on the anniversary of their deaths.​
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