• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ☼Summer Vacation-CS☼


From Dusk till Dawn



  • Roles
    The Actress (F)

    Taken by Daisy Adley Daisy Adley
    For a druggy she has some skills in the acting. She grew up around wealth and powerful in her family. How she has bad history with her father due to her smoking problem an being called "The Lesbo Fuck Up" for her family. She doesn't care what her father thinks of her and what she is at the end of the day. She takes her acting career very seriously an her secrets can't come out she has to hide about it, So she started dating The Musician to hide that she is really attracted to girl while she is crushing on The Dancer. She really not a fan of The Singer because that is her sister and her boyfriend The Star Quarter back is her best friend.

    The Musician (M)

    Taken: Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
    He is the type of guy where you can easily talk with. His always there for you when needed or when you need a hand or with anything. But his not the prefect guy everyone think he is. He might be good with his hands on the piano but he has some dark secrets of his. The Musician had a drinking problem and went to rehab for 1 year. The told all his friends and his girlfriend The Actress, that she only went to stay with family for a bit which was a lie. His parents told him that he should dump The Actress because she was a bad influence for him because she smoked and all. And he doesn't want to until he met her, The Singer. To him she is the girl of his dreams and who he really wants to have but he can't hurt his own girlfriend over his sister and the sad part is she is dating the one enemy he hates the most an that's The Quarter back . His closest friend and younger sister is The Volleyball girl.

    The Singer (F)

    Taken: apolla apolla
    Everyone calls her perfect and that she has everything she could ask for. She was daddy's little girl with the perfect boyfriend and so called "Perfect Family". But that is all a lie, her own sister The Actress is a smoker and she is messing up the family's last name for us. She hates her for being best friends with her boyfriend because she knows she is only his and no one else. The Quarter back and her been together for a very long time an she wants him to finally purpose to her but the problem is he doesn't want to take the next step with her an that annoys her knowing that she can't claim him. She had no one to talk to about her problems until she met The Musician, he was very kind and understanding to her in any different way that she started to like him more and more every time. She is best friends with The Dancer and enemies with The Producer.

    The Quarter Back (M)

    Taken Lurker Lurker
    The Quarter Back was always the popular guy in the college, had all the girls and all the friend he could have. He had a perfect girlfriend that he loves some much and cares for a lot. But there was that one problem, and that was The Singer wanting to marry him. He is not well with commitment with another girl he never experience something like that. Since then he most talks to his best girl friend which is The Actress, about the problem but he still makes drunk decisions. He ends up having a one night stand with The Artist at one of The Music Producer's party. He hates The Musician and brothers with The Drop Out.

    The Dancer (F)

    Taken by: Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
    She is a wonderful dancer for her talent, she made it her job to become the best of the best just to get on top and she will do anything even if she has to hide her deepest secret of all time. Her sexuality will change everything for her, I mean yea it is the 21 century but for career's you always have to pretend to like the opposite sex to everyone even family. She has a crush with The Actress but she knows that she is completely with another guy so to keep her distracted she dating the Music Producer. Her best friend is the Singer and her is not a fan of The Business Man

    The Music Producer (M)

    Taken Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
    If you need a beat or any recording he is your guy. His been a good friend to all well expect for one, and that would be The Singer. She is the biggest bitch in the world, and he just hates her. He ruined a relationship with his ex girlfriend The Volleyball girl. She was his everything and it kept him away from selling drugs and smoking everything and made her more worried about his music and his life. After the break up between them The Artist been around helping him get back to his feet and became good friends with each other but their is a huge rumor about them dating. However sadly, started dating The Dancer but all he wants is the Volleyball girl.

    The Volleyball Girl (F)

    Taken by: Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio
    She is one of the best volleyball player in the school. And yet she is the youngest out of the 9 others of her friends. She is the captain of the volleyball team and she enjoy the leadership the couch have gave her and it kept her distracted from what her ex The Music Producer have done to her. From one of her friends The Singer, she learned that her boyfriend was "sleeping" around with the Artist and hell everyone did believe that and so they broke up because of the cause and it did change her and she started to drink after he found out that her was dating The Dancer. Her older brother is The Musician and her best friend and she hates the Dancer.

    The Business Person (M)

    Taken davian davian
    He was that boy they use to call in high school "The Prince", but hell he did have a lot of money handed down to his trust fund. His father wants him to expand the family company so he went to school for business. Even though he was named top 10 of the hottest guys on the internet and he did attract a ton of women. But sorry ladies but this guy in mostly interested into well guys. Even though that is not his secret to his friend he is dating The Drop Out. Which is to his father, the dumbest thing he ever done in his life. But he doesn't understand why he dropped out of school but he doesn't care. He is good friends with the Artist and The Quarter Back, however he hates the Dancer.

    The Artist (F)

    Taken ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
    She is an lovely artist and she is very realist with her work and she just loves to draw. She really didn't know what to become in life but however she did want to do something with her art but she didn't know what. Her mother was a tattoo artist so she was going to follow into her foot steps however since her father put her mother into a mental asylum when she was 13 she always said that she was crazy and she doesn't know what she was talking about. She ignored her father an that's what she is slowly wanting to become. Even though her family is very poor she still was able to go to get help by The Drop Out and The Business Man to make her dreams.

    The Drop Out (M)

    Taken by: HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl
    Even though he did drop out of college, but he only did it so he can do his dreams and become a Dj. He wasn't really into doing computers for the rest of his life but making people have fun and party all night was something he can do. Even though he did have girls who crushed over him all the time, he did have someone waiting for him on the other side and that was his boyfriend The Business Man. Only the people at school knows about him dropping out but not his parents or that he was gay would turn everything upside down. His brother was the Quarter back of the school and his friends were the Artist and he hates the Singer.


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Bianca Grace

basic data
full name: Bianca Grace
age: 19
nicknames: Bia, B
gender: Female
sexuality: She's in denial about her sexuality, but she's come to terms with the fact that she's completely and totally gay for the dancer.
eye color: Blue
hair color: Blonde
role: The Actress
height: 5'6



Bianca lives to stand out, and become someone who deviates along the lines of who she is and who people want her to be. She loves sticking her nose in business that isn't hers, and sometimes she bites off more than she could chew, but what more could you expect from a jaded girl? She absolutely loved watching reality TV, and dreamed of being a star herself. Her liking towards becoming an icon one day ruled her mind. She auditions for everything, and makes it because of her perfect image, that would soon be altered by the reality of her bad choices and morality. Her favorite foods consist of watermelon sour patch, and french fries. For beverages, nothing satisfies her more than a Dr. Pepper. These are only in moderation- of course, gotta keep that figure tight and toned.


As a typical teenage girl with a (sometimes) stuck up attitude, she has a general dislike towards pessimists. She always sees the light in any situation and can brighten a room with her smile and words. She has an irrational fear of tearing her Achilles tendon, then the stereotypical fear of spiders, and snakes. Bianca Grace also hates button pushers and people who live to antagonize. Being a sweetheart herself, she is easily intimidated. She isn't that bad even though she was considered a "druggie." She still has a cheery vibe to her deep down. Her family was what brought out the worst in her.



Her sister is the singer, who she doesn't bond with too much. They were never close, and often compete for attention from their friends and lovers. She's somewhat close to the musician, but it was only a method of hiding her crush on the dancer. She was in denial, and kept the relationship going, but surely, things would unravel. Bianca is best friends with the quarter back. It started with them both joining drama club when they were younger. Even when he dropped out, they still remained friends and he attended all her productions.


Bianca couldn't complain about anything, until the days after she fell into an intense smoking problem. She had a nice upbringing, a suburban, sheltered family. One sister, what more could she ask for? Maybe a family that wasn't so concerned about their wealth and power. While growing up, her parents seemed to be lovely, they gave each and every one of their children the adoration and parenting they deserved. Maybe it was a bit over-bearing, since the most neatly trimmed lives seem to be the ones with the more damaged and yearning souls begging for artistic freedom. Which was exactly what was going on with Bianca Grace. Her life consisted of acting, dreaming of her breakout role, and then finding ways to exert her pent up emotions, which happened to be smoking, the occasional drinking, and sometimes pop a certain pill or two with castmates. It was a secret to those who knew and participated. Her image couldn't be ruined. She built a reputation so good for her portfolio that it would kill her if her little habits ruined it.

Her family, a picture perfect family. They were upper class and still had their troubles, and usually families have their own little secrets and lies. Bianca was one of them, with her smoking habits and liking towards girls. Her father wasn't having it, and gave her all the shit in the world. She often ignored it, but it soon became a reason to drench her emotions in a pack of Newports. This year, Bia hoped that summer would shed some light on her situation. She just needed to find a place in her luggage to hide a couple of packs.


Bianca Grace. A pretty name for a pretty girl. She's definitely a pacifist. A lover, not a fighter. She'll defend the ones she loves and any other person who couldn't do it for themselves. Her attitude is always optimistic and hopeful on the outside, but she'd a bit more intense once you get to know her. She's got a dark side, like everyone else. The blonde never really shows it unless it's brought out of her, and her family were experts at doing that. Especially her father and sister.

When she's sad, she prefers not to speak to anyone, but she is a huge crybaby. She cant stand getting hurt, and fears being not good enough. Bianca doesn't always get angry, and it takes a lot to get her this way, but she'll yell, irrationally and rudely. This is only if someone were to mess around with her too much and push her around on a sensitive topic. Otherwise, she's level headed.

She's likable, for sure, but her habits get in the way of her personality. Bianca Grace is charming and has a way with words, even if it's clouded by smoke.


Writing Sample (From a separate RP):

As if by fate, Beatrice Joseph was somehow reconnected with her parents. Not by meeting them, no, not by conversation. There was no reuniting or heartwarming exchanges. Matter of fact, she was only tracked down by a family friend who did extensive digging in order to find the lavender haired woman. This was a matter of a year ago, and in hindsight, she wished she hadn't inherited the motel. It was a lovely establishment, to be fair, but the underlying stories and reasons that it became hers was beyond her imagination.

Her parents died in a suicide pact, dark, but according to those who knew them, nothing out of the ordinary. They were so young, too, but the duo had committed some horrendous crimes that Bea still had yet to learn about. Over time, she did receive a warning from staff that waited upon her appearance. Room 13, the woman was told to never interfere with the place, and if someone were to be assigned to the specific suite, they must never be informed of the happenings. This motel sucked up her social life, her friends were the small staff and the guests, who came and went. She was lonely, and hated living within the realms of a motel in the middle of God knows where. Although, her "friendly" staff had all conspired about the lavender haired woman, thinking that she had a few screws loose like her parents.

It was a heavily snowy winter, not unusual for the state. They were expecting a blizzard over the weekend, and the motel was sure to bring in some stray travelers. She was partially excited, not exactly for the cold nights, but the mixers and new faces. This meant that redecorating was a big deal for her, dressing the rooms up in nice lights and lovely smelling candles, along with new curtains and bedsheets. It was well cleaned and maintained. There were a couple regulars in attendance, ones that have lived there for a while, and a business man who got stuck in the middle of the storm.

Beatrice's hazel eyes followed the ticking clock on the opposite side of the lobby, her elbows propped up against the desktop as she awaited for something to happen. She knew dinner would be soon, since there was a small mixer being hosted in the breakfast lounge. The staff would be preparing a selection of pasta with the option of bacon carbonara, or fettucine Alfredo, garlic bread as a side, along with a selection of drinks. She was quite excited, hoping something would turn up.

Her wishes came true, as the bell above the frosted glass door made a sweet little, ding!

A man waltzed in, seemingly unsure of his whereabouts. His head was down and held a more shy demeanor. Beatrice straightened up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey there, welcome!" She smiled, trying not to seem too enthusiastic, but failed. "Beatrice Joseph, how may I help you, dear?"
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Bianca Grace

basic data
full name: Bianca Grace
age: 17
nicknames: Bia, B
gender: Female
sexuality: She's in denial about her sexuality, but she's come to terms with the fact that she's completely and totally gay for the dancer.
eye color: Blue
hair color: Blonde
role: The Actress
height: 5'6



Bianca lives to stand out, and become someone who deviates along the lines of who she is and who people want her to be. She loves sticking her nose in business that isn't hers, and sometimes she bites off more than she could chew, but what more could you expect from a jaded girl? She absolutely loved watching reality TV, and dreamed of being a star herself. Her liking towards becoming an icon one day ruled her mind. She auditions for everything, and makes it because of her perfect image, that would soon be altered by the reality of her bad choices and morality. Her favorite foods consist of watermelon sour patch, and french fries. For beverages, nothing satisfies her more than a Dr. Pepper. These are only in moderation- of course, gotta keep that figure tight and toned.


As a typical teenage girl with a (sometimes) stuck up attitude, she has a general dislike towards pessimists. She always sees the light in any situation and can brighten a room with her smile and words. She has an irrational fear of tearing her Achilles tendon, then the stereotypical fear of spiders, and snakes. Bianca Grace also hates button pushers and people who live to antagonize. Being a sweetheart herself, she is easily intimidated. She isn't that bad even though she was considered a "druggie." She still has a cheery vibe to her deep down. Her family was what brought out the worst in her.



Her sister is the singer, who she doesn't bond with too much. They were never close, and often compete for attention from their friends and lovers. She's somewhat close to the musician, but it was only a method of hiding her crush on the dancer. She was in denial, and kept the relationship going, but surely, things would unravel. Bianca is best friends with the quarter back. It started with them both joining drama club when they were younger. Even when he dropped out, they still remained friends and he attended all her productions.


Bianca couldn't complain about anything, until the days after she fell into an intense smoking problem. She had a nice upbringing, a suburban, sheltered family. One sister, what more could she ask for? Maybe a family that wasn't so concerned about their wealth and power. While growing up, her parents seemed to be lovely, they gave each and every one of their children the adoration and parenting they deserved. Maybe it was a bit over-bearing, since the most neatly trimmed lives seem to be the ones with the more damaged and yearning souls begging for artistic freedom. Which was exactly what was going on with Bianca Grace. Her life consisted of acting, dreaming of her breakout role, and then finding ways to exert her pent up emotions, which happened to be smoking, the occasional drinking, and sometimes pop a certain pill or two with castmates. It was a secret to those who knew and participated. Her image couldn't be ruined. She built a reputation so good for her portfolio that it would kill her if her little habits ruined it.

Her family, a picture perfect family. They were upper class and still had their troubles, and usually families have their own little secrets and lies. Bianca was one of them, with her smoking habits and liking towards girls. Her father wasn't having it, and gave her all the shit in the world. She often ignored it, but it soon became a reason to drench her emotions in a pack of Newports. This year, Bia hoped that summer would shed some light on her situation. She just needed to find a place in her luggage to hide a couple of packs.


Bianca Grace. A pretty name for a pretty girl. She's definitely a pacifist. A lover, not a fighter. She'll defend the ones she loves and any other person who couldn't do it for themselves. Her attitude is always optimistic and hopeful on the outside, but she'd a bit more intense once you get to know her. She's got a dark side, like everyone else. The blonde never really shows it unless it's brought out of her, and her family were experts at doing that. Especially her father and sister.

When she's sad, she prefers not to speak to anyone, but she is a huge crybaby. She cant stand getting hurt, and fears being not good enough. Bianca doesn't always get angry, and it takes a lot to get her this way, but she'll yell, irrationally and rudely. This is only if someone were to mess around with her too much and push her around on a sensitive topic. Otherwise, she's level headed.

She's likable, for sure, but her habits get in the way of her personality. Bianca Grace is charming and has a way with words, even if it's clouded by smoke.


Writing Sample (From a separate RP):

As if by fate, Beatrice Joseph was somehow reconnected with her parents. Not by meeting them, no, not by conversation. There was no reuniting or heartwarming exchanges. Matter of fact, she was only tracked down by a family friend who did extensive digging in order to find the lavender haired woman. This was a matter of a year ago, and in hindsight, she wished she hadn't inherited the motel. It was a lovely establishment, to be fair, but the underlying stories and reasons that it became hers was beyond her imagination.

Her parents died in a suicide pact, dark, but according to those who knew them, nothing out of the ordinary. They were so young, too, but the duo had committed some horrendous crimes that Bea still had yet to learn about. Over time, she did receive a warning from staff that waited upon her appearance. Room 13, the woman was told to never interfere with the place, and if someone were to be assigned to the specific suite, they must never be informed of the happenings. This motel sucked up her social life, her friends were the small staff and the guests, who came and went. She was lonely, and hated living within the realms of a motel in the middle of God knows where. Although, her "friendly" staff had all conspired about the lavender haired woman, thinking that she had a few screws loose like her parents.

It was a heavily snowy winter, not unusual for the state. They were expecting a blizzard over the weekend, and the motel was sure to bring in some stray travelers. She was partially excited, not exactly for the cold nights, but the mixers and new faces. This meant that redecorating was a big deal for her, dressing the rooms up in nice lights and lovely smelling candles, along with new curtains and bedsheets. It was well cleaned and maintained. There were a couple regulars in attendance, ones that have lived there for a while, and a business man who got stuck in the middle of the storm.

Beatrice's hazel eyes followed the ticking clock on the opposite side of the lobby, her elbows propped up against the desktop as she awaited for something to happen. She knew dinner would be soon, since there was a small mixer being hosted in the breakfast lounge. The staff would be preparing a selection of pasta with the option of bacon carbonara, or fettucine Alfredo, garlic bread as a side, along with a selection of drinks. She was quite excited, hoping something would turn up.

Her wishes came true, as the bell above the frosted glass door made a sweet little, ding!

A man waltzed in, seemingly unsure of his whereabouts. His head was down and held a more shy demeanor. Beatrice straightened up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey there, welcome!" She smiled, trying not to seem too enthusiastic, but failed. "Beatrice Joseph, how may I help you, dear?"
She is accepted :D



| Breana - Marie - Thomas |

| B - Bree |

| 18 |

| Female |

| Heterosexual |

| The Volleyball Girl |

| December 20th |

| 5'3" |

| 112 lbs |

Hair Color
| Brunette |

Eye Colour
| Brown |

| Volleyball - Drinking - Hanging out with her brother - Horror Movies - Working out - Sports - Listening to Music - Her Family and Friends |

| THE DANCER - Her Ex - Cheaters - Liars - Losing - Being Lazy - Snakes - The Cold - Fighting |

Breana has always been a competitive person, she likes to win and has no problem stepping over people to get what she wants. She is the type that once she has something set in her mind to do something, she gets it done no if's, and's or but's about it. She cares about those around her, the type to drop what she's doing to help a friend with their problems. She tries her best not to show any negative emotions, like crying or being upset by something, she likes people thinking that she doesn't get upset by anything. One an everyday basis when you see her, she has an upbeat persona, generally nice to everyone, unless she doesn't like you. She can be a very forgiving person, but even she knows her boundaries and if you hurt her, well you better watch out.

Breana, when she is upset will mainly just take it out on the court, most of her best played games were because she was upset or angry at someone. After becoming the captain of the volleyball team she became more of a leader, it helped her to make decisions quickly and the ability to make those choices under pressure. She sees herself as a hard working person, basically dedicating her life to volleyball and spending hours in the gym trying to keep in shape. Although she can mainly be seen in shorts and a sports bra most of the day, she does like to take the time to dress like a girl, she enjoys doing her makeup and putting on a pair of heels.

Overall Breana is a crazy workaholic who knows what she wants and has no problem getting what she wants, competitive bitch who ain't afraid to work her ass off to win :)

Breanna Marie was born on a cold December night at only 6 lbs 4 oz, she was the second child and first daughter of Mark and Leanne Thomas. Well as best as she could remember, her and her older brother had a pretty good childhood. Her father worked as a history teacher at the local college and her mother worked as a hairstylist. As far back as she could remember her parents were split on how they wanted their family to be, her father was a big advocate for music, he wanted his kids to take up playing instruments or singing because thats what he enjoyed. While her mother was a huge sports junkie, going to every high school and college game she could, she played multiple sports while in school and wanted that for her kids.
Once Breana started school, she thrived, she loved talking to her classmates and making friends, she just liked being around people. She did well in school, she was one of those kids who would get their homework done with out having to be asked. Once she was old enough, her mother tried to put her into a number of sport teams, she tried soccer and failed miserably. The next year tried hockey and basketball, and once again that didn't end to well. A few weeks before she started 7th grade her mother got a letter in the mail, talking about how the school was starting a girls volleyball team both modified, junior varsity and varsity levels. At first Breana really wasn't feeling it, she had trouble with being able to hit the ball over the net instead of into it. During her first game she won the game with her final serve, and after that she fell more and more in love with it.
When Breana began freshman year she was already accepted onto the varsity team, she practically dedicated most of her time out of school working out and practicing. Things changed a bit once she met her boyfriend (The Music Producer) she fell in love with him pretty quickly, and she did dedicate her time helping him stay focused on his music and staying away from selling drugs and smoking. They seemed like a power house couple in her mind, but things seemed to change when the Dancer got to close to him and he broke up with Breana. Oh lets just say things didn't end to well, she really had never been the drinking type but after the break up she started drinking. She still works her butt of with volleyball but has started slacking a bit, but she tries to help her brother with his issues as well as juggling her own, but right now he is the only person she really trusts.

| The Musician - "Awwwww big brother !!!!! we have been best friends since well I was born. He has always been there when I need him and vice versa, Although he's older than me I feel like I'm the one watching out and taking care of him!!" |
| The Singer - "Shout out to you girl for letting me know my boyfriend was cheating on me, but I hate your best friend" |
| The Actress - "well I don't really know her all that well..... She was a lot closer to my brother, I don't like that she was smoking and drinking around him after he got out of rehab" |
| The Quarterback - "I really only talk about sports with him, thats basically it" |
| The Dancer - "ohhhh......... words can not describe how much hatred I have towards her" |
| The Music Producer - "Have you ever had someone just rip out your heart and throw it into the ocean to be eaten by a shark? well I have and its all because of him" |
| The Business Person - "Once again I talk to him, we aren't supper close but he's fun to talk to once in a while " |
| The Artist - "She's nice, I think she is an amazing artist and I consider her a close friend" |
| The Drop Out - "He's pretty cool, he's a great DJ" |

| Nothing I can think of ATM |

Last edited:



| Breana - Marie - Thomas |

| B - Bree |

| 17 |

| Female |

| The Volleyball Girl |

| December 10th |

| 5'3" |

| 112 lbs |

Hair Color
| Brunette |

Eye Colour
| Brown |

| Volleyball - Drinking - Hanging out with her brother - Horror Movies - Working out - Sports - Listening to Music - Her Family and Friends |

| THE DANCER - Her Ex - Cheaters - Liars - Losing - Being Lazy - Snakes - The Cold - Fighting |

Breana has always been a competitive person, she likes to win and has no problem stepping over people to get what she wants. She is the type that once she has something set in her mind to do something, she gets it done no if's, and's or but's about it. She cares about those around her, the type to drop what she's doing to help a friend with their problems. She tries her best not to show any negative emotions, like crying or being upset by something, she likes people thinking that she doesn't get upset by anything. One an everyday basis when you see her, she has an upbeat persona, generally nice to everyone, unless she doesn't like you. She can be a very forgiving person, but even she knows her boundaries and if you hurt her, well you better watch out.

Breana, when she is upset will mainly just take it out on the court, most of her best played games were because she was upset or angry at someone. After becoming the captain of the volleyball team she became more of a leader, it helped her to make decisions quickly and the ability to make those choices under pressure. She sees herself as a hard working person, basically dedicating her life to volleyball and spending hours in the gym trying to keep in shape. Although she can mainly be seen in shorts and a sports bra most of the day, she does like to take the time to dress like a girl, she enjoys doing her makeup and putting on a pair of heels.

Overall Breana is a crazy workaholic who knows what she wants and has no problem getting what she wants, competitive bitch who ain't afraid to work her ass of to win :)

Breanna Marie was born on a cold December night at only 6 lbs 4 oz, she was the second child and first daughter of Mark and Leanne Thomas. Well as best as she could remember, her and her older brother had a pretty good childhood. Her father worked as a history teacher at the local college and her mother worked as a hairstylist. As far back as she could remember her parents were split on how they wanted their family to be, her father was a big advocate for music, he wanted his kids to take up playing instruments or singing because thats what he enjoyed. While her mother was a huge sports junkie, going to every high school and college game she could, she played multiple sports while in school and wanted that for her kids.
Once Breana started school, she thrived, she loved talking to her classmates and making friends, she just liked being around people. She did well in school, she was one of those kids who would get their homework done with out having to be asked. Once she was old enough, her mother tried to put her into a number of sport teams, she tried soccer and failed miserably. The next year tried hockey and basketball, and once again that didn't end to well. A few weeks before she started 7th grade her mother got a letter in the mail, talking about how the school was starting a girls volleyball team both modified, junior varsity and varsity levels. At first Breana really wasn't feeling it, she had trouble with being able to hit the ball over the net instead of into it. During her first game she won the game with her final serve, and after that she fell more and more in love with it.
When Breana began freshman year she was already accepted onto the varsity team, she practically dedicated most of her time out of school working out and practicing. Things changed a bit once she met her boyfriend (The Music Producer) she fell in love with him pretty quickly, and she did dedicate her time helping him stay focused on his music and staying away from selling drugs and smoking. They seemed like a power house couple in her mind, but things seemed to change when the Dancer got to close to him and he broke up with Breana. Oh lets just say things didn't end to well, she really had never been the drinking type but after the break up she started drinking. She still works her butt of with volleyball but has started slacking a bit, but she tries to help her brother with his issues as well as juggling her own, but right now he is the only person she really trusts.

| The Musician - "Awwwww big brother !!!!! we have been best friends since well I was born. He has always been there when I need him and vice versa, Although he's older than me I feel like I'm the one watching out and taking care of him!!" |
| The Singer - "Shout out to you girl for letting me know my boyfriend was cheating on me, but I hate your best friend" |
| The Actress - "well I don't really know her all that well..... She was a lot closer to my brother, I don't like that she was smoking and drinking around him after he got out of rehab" |
| The Quarterback - "I really only talk about sports with him, thats basically it" |
| The Dancer - "ohhhh......... words can not describe how much hatred I have towards her" |
| The Music Producer - "Have you ever had someone just rip out your heart and throw it into the ocean to be eaten by a shark? well I have and its all because of him" |
| The Business Person - "Once again I talk to him, we aren't supper close but he's fun to talk to once in a while " |
| The Artist - "She's nice, I think she is an amazing artist and I consider her a close friend" |
| The Drop Out - "He's pretty cool, he's a great DJ" |

| Nothing I can think of ATM |

You already know, your so accepted love the coding and everything

basic data

full name: Arianna Jamison
nick name: Ari
age: 19
gender: female
sexuality: straight
role: The Singer
eye color: Hazel
height: 5'0


long earrings, karaoke, writing song lyrics

bees, loud obnoxious people, drugs


sister - The Actress
boyfriend - The Quarterback
crush - The Musician
best friends - The Dancer

enemy - The Producer

Arianna is a pretty shy girl-- that is, until she gets on stage and behind a microphone. She's got a voice that will blow you away, and it's surprising that something so strong can come from someone so small. Her favorite place to sing is the car, and she will car karaoke with anyone, anytime. She hates hurting peoples feelings, and will go out of her way to try and avoid doing so. But that doesn't mean she's a liar. She will tell you the truth, even if it hurts her. She is always there for those she loves. One downfall to Arianna is that she is very prideful-- she strives to be independent, and refuses to ask for help unless she absolutely has to. It almost physically hurts her to ask for help.

Arianna grew up with her younger sister, The Actress, and a loving but busy father and mother. She and her sister had everything they needed growing up, yet for some reason, could never bond with each other. It seemed that though they were happy kids, they weren't happy with each other, and that feeling only escalated as the two grew older. They would either fight or ignore each other. It led to a lot of quiet times, since their parents were so busy. Arianna grew to hate the quiet, which is probably one reason she started singing. Perhaps she started young, by just humming to herself. Then it turned into all out singing, and eventually, singing lessons. Just another way to pass the time. Though they had pretty much the same upbringing, she and her sister could not be more different.

She met her boyfriend, The Quarterback, in middle school. He teased her relentlessly, but Freshman year things changed and they fell in love. Things just got more serious from there, even though they're still young. Her mother warns Arianna to not get too close, that she still has college to think about, and who knows where she'll end up and with who. Arianna usually rolls her eyes when she goes off on that tangent, knowing that she loves him with all her heart. She wants to marry The Quarterback, but for some reason, even though they've been together forever, he won't propose. She thought he was getting a ring for her last Christmas, but it turned out to be just a set of earrings. Beautiful earrings, sure, but not the ring she wanted. It was starting to annoy her, having to drop hint after hint to him. But he wasn't getting the picture.


Arianna stared up at the lights as Echo maneuvered through the hallways. She'd started singing to herself, trying to keep herself awake. She would drift off and stop singing every few minutes, but it would be about that time that Echo would have to readjust her, so his moving her around would jerk her awake and she'd start again. The lights were becoming a big blur, and she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to keep this up. Her singing turned to humming as she grew more tired, and she curled up closer to Echo, wanting to be warm.

It was awfully cold in here.

She was almost out again when Echo slammed to a stop, and she heard voices. A voice, actually, that struck a chord of familiarity inside her. She'd turned her head inward, resting her forehead against Echo's chest, but upon hearing this voice she forced herself to turn her head. A blonde came into view, but her features were swimming around in Ari's vision. She couldn't focus, no matter how many times she blinked. It was obvious this person knew her, and though Arianna knew she'd heard the voice before, she couldn't put a face to it.

"Echo..." Arianna lost her own words before she even spoke them, and instead, she sighed and curled back up to his chest. The quartet started moving again, but Arianna's hums were much quieter, and she stopped more frequently. She could hear the voices around her, and could feel Echo's strength beneath her, but couldn't focus on any of it.

Fresh air.


Forcing her eyes open, Arianna groaned into Echo's chest and gripped him tighter, but she turned her head and inhaled and smelled-- trees? Grass? Is that what they smelled like? Looking up, she smiled a little when she saw what she thought was the moon, though possibly could have been a streetlight, or a light from the side of the building.

The vehicle that pulled up next to them was a heavy duty four door truck. Adam rolled down his window, ushering them into the vehicle. He looked at Arianna, and his eyes seemed to linger for a moment longer than necessary before he was putting the truck in drive again and speeding off. It wasn't long before they were on a road of sorts. Adam expertly maneuvered through the trees, hitting only stray branches. "It'll be a while before we're out of the woods. I mean that literally and figuratively." He spoke, his voice low. He, too, wore a hunters uniform, and there was a gun resting on his lap. "How bad is she?" He looked at Echo, his lips parting when he realized the vampire had only one eye. He spoke before he thought better of it.

"You're missing an eye."
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basic data

full name: Arianna Jamison
nick name: Ari
age: 18
gender: female
sexuality: straight
role: The Singer
eye color: Hazel
height: 5'0


long earrings, karaoke, writing song lyrics

bees, loud obnoxious people, drugs


sister - The Actress
boyfriend - The Quarterback
crush - The Musician
best friends - The Dancer

enemy - The Producer

Arianna is a pretty shy girl-- that is, until she gets on stage and behind a microphone. She's got a voice that will blow you away, and it's surprising that something so strong can come from someone so small. Her favorite place to sing is the car, and she will car karaoke with anyone, anytime. She hates hurting peoples feelings, and will go out of her way to try and avoid doing so. But that doesn't mean she's a liar. She will tell you the truth, even if it hurts her. She is always there for those she loves. One downfall to Arianna is that she is very prideful-- she strives to be independent, and refuses to ask for help unless she absolutely has to. It almost physically hurts her to ask for help.

Arianna grew up with her younger sister, The Actress, and a loving but busy father and mother. She and her sister had everything they needed growing up, yet for some reason, could never bond with each other. It seemed that though they were happy kids, they weren't happy with each other, and that feeling only escalated as the two grew older. They would either fight or ignore each other. It led to a lot of quiet times, since their parents were so busy. Arianna grew to hate the quiet, which is probably one reason she started singing. Perhaps she started young, by just humming to herself. Then it turned into all out singing, and eventually, singing lessons. Just another way to pass the time. Though they had pretty much the same upbringing, she and her sister could not be more different.

She met her boyfriend, The Quarterback, in middle school. He teased her relentlessly, but Freshman year things changed and they fell in love. Things just got more serious from there, even though they're still young. Her mother warns Arianna to not get too close, that she still has college to think about, and who knows where she'll end up and with who. Arianna usually rolls her eyes when she goes off on that tangent, knowing that she loves him with all her heart. She wants to marry The Quarterback, but for some reason, even though they've been together forever, he won't propose. She thought he was getting a ring for her last Christmas, but it turned out to be just a set of earrings. Beautiful earrings, sure, but not the ring she wanted. It was starting to annoy her, having to drop hint after hint to him. But he wasn't getting the picture.


Arianna stared up at the lights as Echo maneuvered through the hallways. She'd started singing to herself, trying to keep herself awake. She would drift off and stop singing every few minutes, but it would be about that time that Echo would have to readjust her, so his moving her around would jerk her awake and she'd start again. The lights were becoming a big blur, and she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to keep this up. Her singing turned to humming as she grew more tired, and she curled up closer to Echo, wanting to be warm.

It was awfully cold in here.

She was almost out again when Echo slammed to a stop, and she heard voices. A voice, actually, that struck a chord of familiarity inside her. She'd turned her head inward, resting her forehead against Echo's chest, but upon hearing this voice she forced herself to turn her head. A blonde came into view, but her features were swimming around in Ari's vision. She couldn't focus, no matter how many times she blinked. It was obvious this person knew her, and though Arianna knew she'd heard the voice before, she couldn't put a face to it.

"Echo..." Arianna lost her own words before she even spoke them, and instead, she sighed and curled back up to his chest. The quartet started moving again, but Arianna's hums were much quieter, and she stopped more frequently. She could hear the voices around her, and could feel Echo's strength beneath her, but couldn't focus on any of it.

Fresh air.


Forcing her eyes open, Arianna groaned into Echo's chest and gripped him tighter, but she turned her head and inhaled and smelled-- trees? Grass? Is that what they smelled like? Looking up, she smiled a little when she saw what she thought was the moon, though possibly could have been a streetlight, or a light from the side of the building.

The vehicle that pulled up next to them was a heavy duty four door truck. Adam rolled down his window, ushering them into the vehicle. He looked at Arianna, and his eyes seemed to linger for a moment longer than necessary before he was putting the truck in drive again and speeding off. It wasn't long before they were on a road of sorts. Adam expertly maneuvered through the trees, hitting only stray branches. "It'll be a while before we're out of the woods. I mean that literally and figuratively." He spoke, his voice low. He, too, wore a hunters uniform, and there was a gun resting on his lap. "How bad is she?" He looked at Echo, his lips parting when he realized the vampire had only one eye. He spoke before he thought better of it.

"You're missing an eye."

  • 58acb2a807bf93747f5efbb5c48bb94a.png



    name: Daniella Jennifer Mendez

    nickname: Dani or Jenny

    age: Twenty

    gender: female

    orientation: Bi-sexual

    role: The Dancer


    hair: light brown

    eyes: light brown

    height: 5'6

    weight: 196 lb


    body mods: slim

    scars/birthmarks : has a tattoo of butterfly on her wrist and an red rose on the back of her neck


    likes: dancing, partying, hanging out with friends, surfing

    dislikes: fake people, annoying people, dishonestly, her sister

    personality: Dani have grew up in a hard rich life with an abusive and powerful father who runs an million dollar company she realized that she has to be very protective over herself and insecure about her body because of the scars on her back. Due to the acts that happen at home she became a trouble marker at school to embarrasses her father for what type of daughter he had. Deep down in her heart, even though she has a whole brunch of anger problems and daddy issues she still is very loving and kind to her friends and understanding of what other people problems are instead of not only hers. She is a risk taker when she is making hard decisions for herself no matter what the causes are. She can be irresponsible for her actions when getting hung over on her couch. She sometimes likes to keep thing to herself when it comes around her sexuality and who she really wants to be in life.

    The Actress: "She is my little crush, the one I'm trying to forget about because she's dating the Musician"
    The Musician: "We talk every now and than, but I sometimes needs to watch is distance because of his younger sister"
    The Singer: "She is one of my childhood friends but it's hard when she started to distance our friendship"
    The Quarterback: "He is still my friend, not very close but we still talk from time to time, even when his girlfriend is my bestie"
    The Music Producer: "He is not only my best friend, but also my boyfriend and he helps to keep me distracted"
    The Volleyball Girl: "She just hates me because her ex boyfriend is now my boyfriend, I can tell I see jealous"
    The Businessman: "As kids, always likes to bully me and always like to annoying me, his just annoying and I can't take his shit"
    The Artist: "We talk you know but not close"
    The Dropout: "Same with him, we talk when he hosts a party or what not but we are still friends"



    family: her sister is her only family she can think of

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Darren James Alexander

Likes: Water boarding, snow boarding, music/making music, singing, laughter,
summer, the artist, and the volleyball girl.

Dislikes: Candy, shopping, football, the singer, and being annoyed.

Vices: Stubborn, secretive, overly independent, irresponsible, and pessimistic.

Virtues: Intelligent, thoughtful, romantic/sweet (when he wants to be), loyal, passionate, and dedicated.

- The Volleyball Girl: Before Darren first met her, he was lost in a haze of drugs and alcohol. He was in a really bad place and close to losing sight of everything that was important to him. After they met, she became the light in the darkness. It was his love for her and her love for him that pulled him out of the hole he'd fallen into and got him back on his feet. She meant everything to him, and she kept him sane. She made him want to be a better person. But like he always did, he had to ruin it and he lost her. And despite the fact that he has a new girlfriend, all he wants is to fix things with her and win her back.

- The Artist: Darren has been a friend to everyone except the Singer, but the Artist is the only one who he considers a best friend. She's always been someone for him to talk to and lean on. He counts on her to help him when he's in trouble, and be there to listen when he needs her to be. They were always close, but it wasn't until after his break up with the Volleyball Girl that they became as close as they are now. After he lost the Volleyball Girl, he went back into the hole she'd pulled him out of. It was the Artist who pulled him back out and got him back on his own two feet and back into his music.

-The Dancer: After everything that happened with the Volleyball Girl, Darren was lost. The Artist helped him get better and got him standing on his own two feet again, but he was still lonely. Still alone. He was full of self-loathing and sadness over what happened with his ex-girlfriend and he needed a distraction. That is what the Dancer became. After they shared a drunken kiss at one of his many parties, he started dating her. He remains dating her in hopes that being with her will keep him distracted and occupied so he doesn't do something stupid concerning the Volleyball Girl.

-The Singer: Darren doesn't remember how it started, or why, but he and the Singer have been enemies for as long as he can remember. He sees her as being a spoiled, stuck-up, conceited, selfish little bitch who's never known a hard day in her life. She wouldn't know what real pain was if it jumped up and bit her in the ass. He loathes her with a burning passion, and takes any chance he gets to make sure she knows it.


Name: Darren James Alexander
Nickname: Ren
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Role: The Music Producer


code by pasta
Biography: Darren wasn't always the closed-off, guarded druggie that he is now. But with a past like his, can you blame him?

Darren was born to an abusive, alcoholic father and a strung-out, drug addict mother. When his mother, Joanna Bryant, was pregnant with him, she was on crack. Smoked it every chance she got. So Darren was born addicted to it. He was a crack baby. His parents didn't care. One was always so drunk he could barely walk, and the other was so drugged up on whatever she could could get her hands on that she could barely remember her own name, much less the fact that she had a son to care for. It wasn't until his father's brother found out Darren existed that he was taken from his parents and placed into the foster care system.

From six months old, to six years old, Darren lived with a nice young couple who were unable to conceive a child of their own. He was safe and happy with them. His body was weened from its genetic addiction, and he was loved. His foster parents, Elena and Nathaniel Meyers, had just decided to adopt him when they received a phone call from their lawyer. Darren's father had just been released from a rehab center and had filed for custody of his son. Darren was swept until into a brutal custody battle that lasted until he was ten years old, at which time his father was awarded full custody of his son. Jeffrey Alexander moved his son into his apartment and for a year, things were okay.

Until his father turned back into the man he was when Darren was born. He started drinking again, only now everything he came home, he would be drunk and angry and he would take out that anger on his eleven year old son. It started with verbal abuse. He would throw insults at Darren, blaming for all that was wrong with his father's life. After two years, it became physical. Once a month, his father would beat him within an inch of his life. He would slap or punch him daily. And the verbal abuse continued. After another two years, when Darren was fifteen, it became sexual. His father used him to provide him with pleasure just because he knew he could. All of this continued for another two years before a friend from Darren's school finally got convinced his friend to tell him the truth about the bruises and the scars and injuries.

The state immediately revoked custody from his father and awarded it to a local deputy for the next eight months until Darren turned eighteen. Jeffrey was sentenced to sixteen years in prison for child abuse and domestic violence. But the damage was already done. Starting when he was thirteen, Darren had turned to drugs and alcohol to escape from the daily hell he lived in. To forget about the pain and torture. By the time the state got him out, he was already drinking a bottle of bourbon and smoking several blunts every day. He managed to hide it until he turned eighteen and went off to college. Throughout his life, he had also found solace in making music, and was very good at it. He had dreams of making it big, but they were becoming clouded by the haze of drugs and alcohol. It was his first girlfriend, Breana Thomas, who saved his life before he spiral too far down.

He loved Breana. She was absolutely everything to him. But the scars of his past warned him not too get too close and he made the biggest mistake of his life and lost her. He swears he will do anything to get her back, and continues to struggle with staying away from the escape that he knows drugs, alcohol. and smoking can provide.

- Though he focuses on producing music, he can sing and is a talented formal dancer.
- Darren uses drugs, drinking, and smoking to hide from what he's feeling.
- He pushes people away when they get too close, even if the last thing he wanted was to hurt them, or worse, lose them.
- Darren's entire back is covered in a tattoo of a little boy swinging from a tree. On the bottom right corner is a quote that reads "It is the scars of our pasts that reveal our greatest strengths..." -DJM.

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Jace Hawthorne
ROLE: Drop Out.
AGE: Twenty.
DOB: Dec. 1st.
SIGN: Sagittarius.

Jason Orion Hawthorne.



In a relationship.

The Business Person.

The Quarter Back.

The Artist.

The Singer.

Daniel Sharman.

Jace is often described attractive, mysterious, and cordial. He's tall, standing at six feet with a slim, athletic stature; similar to a swimmer's build. His honey blonde locks are naturally fluffy, curly, and unruly. Despite stylizing his hair, Jace developed the habit carding fingers through his locks, mussing his handiwork. His pale complexion contrasts with his golden blonde hair, accenting his blueish-green eyes.

Jace's clothing style is a combination of hipster, rock, and casual. Truthfully, it depends on his mood.

| Down his spine. |
| On his left shoulder blade. |
(Design mimicking Orion's style.)
| On his right shoulder blade. |
| On his left inner wrist. |

Jace is often described passionate, determined, and unyielding. Since high school, Jace expressed an intense love for music. His passion stemmed from his mother, who taught him everything about dancing. Despite dropping out of college, Jace, by no means, was stupid. Due to his father’s strict expectations, Jace maintained a 4.0 average in high school, landing him a full-ride scholarship. While he wasn’t fond of computers, Jace was adept at programming, coding, and hacking. Underneath his charismatic charm, Jace is kindhearted, attentive, and loyal. He’s willing to protect his loved ones, to the point skirting his own safety.

After graduating high school, Jace made the biggest mistake of his life; giving up on his dream. At the time, his father’s disapproval discouraged him, influencing him to select a practical route; college. For two years, Jace became his father’s obedient son, excelling in his classes. During his junior year, Jace rediscovered his passion for mixing. Halfway through the second semester, Jace dropped out. While he finally pursued his love for music, his parents remain unaware of his decision. Other traits include innovative, cordial, acerbic, secretive, and vindictive.

| Starbucks. |
| Sweets. |
| Parties. |
| Dancing. |
| The Business Person. |

| Expectations. |
| Homophobes. |
| Superficial People. |
| Hangovers. |
| Infidelity. |

| Mixing. |
| Clubbing. |
| Dancing. |
| Painting. |
| Baking. |

| Coming out to his parents. |
| Failing his dream. |
| Large quantities of water. |

Jason, or Jace, was born and raised in the hustling and bustling of city life. His father, a successful businessman, owned a renowned technology company. The Hawthorne patriarch hailed from a prominent family with old money, expectations, and influence. Due to his aristocratic upbringing, Adrian Hawthorne had great expectations for his sons, especially his youngest, Jace. At an early age, Jace expressed nearly-prodigal adeptness with computers. During his childhood, he learned programming, coding, and hacking. Despite his abilities, Jace had zero interest following in his father’s footsteps. Similar to his mother, a professional dancer, he fell in love with the world of music.

At thirteen, Jace discovered his sexuality; he liked boys, not girls. While he wasn’t ashamed of his sexuality, Jace refrained exposing it to his parents, especially his father. By the time he enrolled in high school, Jace experimented with his passion for music. In spite of his father’s disapproval, his mother encouraged it. There, he learned to play the guitar, piano, and drums. Playing the instruments was fun, but Jace uncovered his ultimate passion; DJing. Something about blending songs together to create the perfect beat memorized him. Utilizing his technological background, Jace honed his skills. Unfortunately, once he graduated from high school, Jace was forced to give up his dream.

For two years, Jace attended college, majoring in computer engineering. Due to his father’s ridiculous expectations, Jace maintained a 4.0 average in high school, landing him a full-ride scholarship. Through his older brother, Jace met the Business Person. Despite his background, they became friends. A few months later, they started dating. In high school, Jace met the Artist. Besides his mother, she encouraged his love for music. Regardless of her financial status, Jace helped his friend, determined to make her dreams come true.

During the second semester of junior year, Jace grew tired of pretending. He hated his father’s expectations, regulations, and standards. For the first time in years, Jace gathered the courage to pursue his dreams, dropping out of college. While quitting college appeared reckless, irresponsible, and foolhardy, Jace welcomed the freedom focusing on his preferred career; DJing. Regardless of his bold decision, Jace refrained exposing the truth to his parents. How will his father react?

Daniel Sharman.

DJ Thorne.

| Carry On My Wayward Son |
| Radioactive |
| Shake It Off |

| Jace is fluent in English,
French, and Spanish. |

| He can play the guitar,
piano, and drums. |

| Despite focusing on DJing,
Jace can sing and dance. |

| The Artist inspired his
love for tattoos. |

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Jace Hawthorne
ROLE: Drop Out.
AGE: Twenty.
DOB: Dec. 1st.
SIGN: Sagittarius.

Jason Orion Hawthorne.



In a relationship.

The Business Person.

The Quarter Back.

The Artist.

The Singer.

Daniel Sharman.

Jace is often described attractive, mysterious, and cordial. He's tall, standing at six feet with a slim, athletic stature; similar to a swimmer's build. His honey blonde locks are naturally fluffy, curly, and unruly. Despite stylizing his hair, Jace developed the habit carding fingers through his locks, mussing his handiwork. His pale complexion contrasts with his golden blonde hair, accenting his blueish-green eyes.

Jace's clothing style is a combination of hipster, rock, and casual. Truthfully, it depends on his mood.

| Down his spine. |
| On his left shoulder blade. |
(Design mimicking Orion's style.)
| On his right shoulder blade. |
| On his left inner wrist. |

Jace is often described passionate, determined, and unyielding. Since high school, Jace expressed an intense love for music. His passion stemmed from his mother, who taught him everything about dancing. Despite dropping out of college, Jace, by no means, was stupid. Due to his father’s strict expectations, Jace maintained a 4.0 average in high school, landing him a full-ride scholarship. While he wasn’t fond of computers, Jace was adept at programming, coding, and hacking. Underneath his charismatic charm, Jace is kindhearted, attentive, and loyal. He’s willing to protect his loved ones, to the point skirting his own safety.

After graduating high school, Jace made the biggest mistake of his life; giving up on his dream. At the time, his father’s disapproval discouraged him, influencing him to select a practical route; college. For two years, Jace became his father’s obedient son, excelling in his classes. During his junior year, Jace rediscovered his passion for mixing. Halfway through the first semester, Jace dropped out. While he finally pursued his love for music, his parents remain unaware of his decision. Other traits include innovative, cordial, acerbic, secretive, and vindictive.

| Starbucks. |
| Sweets. |
| Parties. |
| Dancing. |
| The Business Person. |

| Expectations. |
| Homophobes. |
| Superficial People. |
| Hangovers. |
| Infidelity. |

| Mixing. |
| Clubbing. |
| Dancing. |
| Painting. |
| Baking. |

| Coming out to his parents. |
| Failing his dream. |
| Large quantities of water. |

Jason, or Jace, was born and raised in the hustling and bustling of city life. His father, a successful businessman, owned a renowned technology company. The Hawthorne patriarch hailed from a prominent family with old money, expectations, and influence. Due to his aristocratic upbringing, Adrian Hawthorne had great expectations for his sons, especially his youngest, Jace. At an early age, Jace expressed nearly-prodigal adeptness with computers. During his childhood, he learned programming, coding, and hacking. Despite his abilities, Jace had zero interest following in his father’s footsteps. Similar to his mother, a professional dancer, he fell in love with the world of music.

At thirteen, Jace discovered his sexuality; he liked boys, not girls. While he wasn’t ashamed of his sexuality, Jace refrained exposing it to his parents, especially his father. By the time he enrolled in high school, Jace experimented with his passion for music. In spite of his father’s disapproval, his mother encouraged it. There, he learned to play the guitar, piano, and drums. Playing the instruments was fun, but Jace uncovered his ultimate passion; DJing. Something about blending songs together to create the perfect beat memorized him. Utilizing his technological background, Jace honed his skills. Unfortunately, once he graduated from high school, Jace was forced to give up his dream.

For two years, Jace attended college, majoring in computer engineering. Due to his father’s ridiculous expectations, Jace maintained a 4.0 average in high school, landing him a full-ride scholarship. Through his older brother, Jace met the Business Person. Despite his background, they became friends. A few months later, they started dating. In high school, Jace met the Artist. Besides his mother, she encouraged his love for music. Regardless of her financial status, Jace helped his friend, determined to make her dreams come true.

During the first semester of junior year, Jace grew tired of pretending. He hated his father’s expectations, regulations, and standards. For the first time in years, Jace gathered the courage to pursue his dreams, dropping out of college. While quitting college appeared reckless, irresponsible, and foolhardy, Jace welcomed the freedom focusing on his preferred career; DJing. Regardless of his bold decision, Jace refrained exposing the truth to his parents. How will his father react?

Daniel Sharman.

DJ Thorne.

| Carry On My Wayward Son |
| Radioactive |
| Shake It Off |

| Jace is fluent in English,
French, and Spanish. |

| He can play the guitar,
piano, and drums. |

| Despite focusing on DJing,
Jace can sing and dance. |

| The Artist inspired his
love for tattoos. |


Darren James Alexander

Likes: Water boarding, snow boarding, music/making music, singing, laughter,
summer, the artist, and the volleyball girl.

Dislikes: Candy, shopping, football, the singer, and being annoyed.

Vices: Stubborn, secretive, overly independent, irresponsible, and pessimistic.

Virtues: Intelligent, thoughtful, romantic/sweet (when he wants to be), loyal, passionate, and dedicated.

- The Volleyball Girl: Before Darren first met her, he was lost in a haze of drugs and alcohol. He was in a really bad place and close to losing sight of everything that was important to him. After they met, she became the light in the darkness. It was his love for her and her love for him that pulled him out of the hole he'd fallen into and got him back on his feet. She meant everything to him, and she kept him sane. She made him want to be a better person. But like he always did, he had to ruin it and he lost her. And despite the fact that he has a new girlfriend, all he wants is to fix things with her and win her back.

- The Artist: Darren has been a friend to everyone except the Singer, but the Artist is the only one who he considers a best friend. She's always been someone for him to talk to and lean on. He counts on her to help him when he's in trouble, and be there to listen when he needs her to be. They were always close, but it wasn't until after his break up with the Volleyball Girl that they became as close as they are now. After he lost the Volleyball Girl, he went back into the hole she'd pulled him out of. It was the Artist who pulled him back out and got him back on his own two feet and back into his music.

-The Dancer: After everything that happened with the Volleyball Girl, Darren was lost. The Artist helped him get better and got him standing on his own two feet again, but he was still lonely. Still alone. He was full of self-loathing and sadness over what happened with his ex-girlfriend and he needed a distraction. That is what the Dancer became. After they shared a drunken kiss at one of his many parties, he started dating her. He remains dating her in hopes that being with her will keep him distracted and occupied so he doesn't do something stupid concerning the Volleyball Girl.

-The Singer: Darren doesn't remember how it started, or why, but he and the Singer have been enemies for as long as he can remember. He sees her as being a spoiled, stuck-up, conceited, selfish little bitch who's never known a hard day in her life. She wouldn't know what real pain was if it jumped up and bit her in the ass. He loathes her with a burning passion, and takes any chance he gets to make sure she knows it.


Name: Darren James Alexander
Nickname: Ren
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Role: The Music Producer


code by pasta

- Though he focuses on producing music, he can sing and is a talented formal dancer.
- Darren uses drugs, drinking, and smoking to hide from what he's feeling.
- He pushes people away when they get too close, even if the last thing he wanted was to hurt them, or worse, lose them.
- Darren's entire back is covered in a tattoo of a little boy swinging from a tree. On the bottom right corner is a quote that reads "It is the scars of our pasts that reveal our greatest strengths..." -DJM.

(I don't like messing with BBcode. If it's a big deal I can go grab one from somewhere.)


Andrew Valentine Hawthorne

| Andy, Val |

| 22 |

| Male |

| Heterosexual |

| The Quarterback |


| Sports, Girls, Action Movies, Parties, His Brother |

| Commitment, The Musician, Horror Movies, Heights, Romance |

| On the outside Andrew is a pretty typical jock. He gets grades that are good enough just to get by. He worries more about football than school. He's even a party animal and when he's at one he's always found trying to be the life of the party. He can be a bit of a bully to the people that he doesn't know, especially those he considers to be nerds. He hangs out with the popular kids and does everything that a normal quarterback could be found doing. Andy doesn't shy away from drugs and alcohol, keeping up with the best of them when it comes to indulging himself. He's the leader of his fraternity and it shows, always doing something to start a party.

On the inside however, Andy is an extremely different person. Very few ever actually see this side. His father puts incredible pressure on him and he sometimes cracks under it. While he doesn't make the same impressive grades his brother does, it's almost an unspoken rule that Andrew has to try his hardest at everything. He's not allowed to miss practice, he has to keep the illusion up that his fraternity is good willing. Anything that would look good on a resume. Andrew often tries to play off his bad grades, claiming that he doesn't care enough but the truth is he's just genuinely not smart. However, due to his upbringing he's far too proud to ask for help so he just keeps soldiering on.

The problem with being told what you're supposed to do with your whole life is that you stop being able to think for yourself. Andy has no clue what he wants to do once he graduates college and that thought terrifies him. He's always looked up to his brother who seems so driven and smart. Val, like the rest of his family, had no idea that his Brother had already dropped out of college. He doesn't just look up to his brother though, Andy is a family man. He would drop anything to help them out, even though his father is often cold to both his sons. |


Bio (Most of this is going to be similar to Jace, obviously.)
| Andrew was the first born to a wealthy business owner. From the start Andrew and his brother were raised to eventually take over the company their father ran. However it became extremely apparent at a young age that the younger sibling was more inclined to inherit the company. This led to their father spending more time with Jace, tutoring him. Andrew eventually distanced himself away from the company and picked up football. Though it was apparent their father cared much more for Jace, there was no bad blood between the brothers. Andrew has happy for his little brother and wished him the best of luck.

But just as Jace was born for computers, it seemed that his brother was born for football. He took to it like a fish to water much to the surprise of everyone and earned a full ride to college. The school he got into was much too prestigious for Andy's awful grades, but thanks to a sizable donation from his father he made it in. Andy hadn't wanted to go to the school his father chose but his father had insisted. He'd gotten full scholarship offers from schools that had an extremely good football team and wanted to go there. The school he ended up going to barely even had a football team and Andrew had to carry them through two rough seasons at the start. Eventually the team got better and they became an actual contender for the national title.

Val loved the college life. Everything about it suited him. The parties, the no strings attached sex, it was great. Andy's grades continued to be sub par, especially considering the school he was going to but he was carrying his school to the national finals so no one batted an eye. Outside of his own frat, Andy didn't really have many friends at school. This led to him hanging out with his brother and his friends more often than not. This snowballed into him eventually dating The Singer. Their relationship was fine at first and Andy had no complaints at first but then marriage came into the picture. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to do as a career but he was supposed to marry someone? Yeah right. With those thoughts in mind, one drunken night he just needed to get away from it all. He'd been with the same girl for far too long and he ended up sleeping with The Artist. |

Vera Vembo

basic data
full name: Sophia Vera Ioannou
age: 20
nicknames: V, Fify, Sophie
gender: Female
sexuality: Homosexual
eye color: Green
hair color: Red
role: The Artist
height: 5'8


  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Tattoos
  • Action and Fantasy Movies
  • Video games


  • Being interrupted when drawing
  • Her father
  • People who don't get her art
  • Stuck up people
  • Fast food


  • Father: Strained to say the least, not taking her mother being committed by him well which compound that with her want to be an artist against her fathers wishes and her taking her mother. She is I open rebellion against him, taking her middle name (maternal grandmothers name) and her mother's maidens name, getting tattoos and so on.
  • Mother: idiolises as she was the one who encouraged Vera artistry and showed her true affection unlike Vera's father. Despite her father's wishes, she visits her mother whenever she can.
  • Younger Sister: have always been close but the field between Vera and her father hands it difficult for them to meet.
  • Quarterback: Always been friendly until their one night stand which made things awkward. She considered it as a drunken mistake and teases him by claiming he took advantage of he but feels bad about ruining his relationship and determined to bring them back together

Vera hadn't had the easiest childhood, her family was not well of but she couldn't complain that she was lacking in terms of physical needs. However her home life was a different story, at first her parents were loving and happy gaining her love of art from her tattoo artist mother and love of cooking from her father. Yet something changed, her parents began to argue about one thing after the other, how Vera was raised, what her mother did for a living, and her father turned to a controlling and obsessive. At that time Vera took solace in her art as a way of escape blocking other things around her, something her mother encouraged while her father tried to push her into other things. In the end at the age of 13 she returned from school early at shocking news, her mother was committed by her father. She began to hate her father going in open rebellion against him and trying her hardest to detach herself from him.

School wise she was a fair student, said o be really intelligent and capable if he applied herself to more than just art. Her home life didn't help matters with her grades dropping steeply after her mother getting committed and often being truant. Not to mention she had been so distracted with her home life she had never truly though of her future so by the end was unsure about what to do with herself. She tries not to think about it spending her time in her art and friends until finally came graduation and she had to think quickly about what to do. Likely her friendship might the solution she needs.

Vera is a firecracker to say the least. She is definitely a difficult person to be with a snarky mouth which speaks her mind without filter or tact. She can be aggressive with a quick argumentative nature and with a love of taking risks without care of the consequences. Finally she can be obseessive and focused especially when it comes with her art, spending hours and hours on her with no sleep or food seemingly going to a trance. To interrupt her in that state will lead go trouble.

However have patience with her and she pays back for it back big time. She is fun, humorous and gregarious enjoying nothing more that to spend time with her friends. She is loyal and supportive, pushing people to do what the dream and take risks. She is very protective of friends too,stemmed by the loss of her mother, stepping in for anyone in need without care for herself.
Last edited:

Full Name: Dominic Sanford
Nick Name: Nick, Dom
Age: 21
DOB: June 18th
Sign: Gemini
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
The Businessman
Significant Other: Jace Hawthorne
Friends: Andrew, Vera

cc.jpg c2.jpg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Style: Sometimes Business/Business Casual, otherwise nicely dressed with a hint of flair- a unique tie or a cool pair of shoes. Although he's got style down, he's working to branch out of his black-white-navy blue attire into something cooler and more refreshing.​

Likes: Reading, Socializing, Travel, Jace, Vacations
Dislikes: Loneliness, being bored, clutter, being rushed

Personality: Dominic is a fast learner and enjoys exchanging his ideas with others. He enjoys learning and is quite a curious person. If there is one thing Dominic is good at, it is adapting to something new. He fares well in group projects, and generally gets along well with most people. Among friends and loved ones he is a gentle, affectionate person. Although he does enjoy socializing, he can become nervous around others or when important responsibilities are placed on him, and he has trouble with consistency in his academic life and career.​

In his younger years, Dominic was quite immature and a bit "too much" for the other kids. Since then he's grown into a mature, rational young man. He never had significant behavior problems- if he did, his father would have made sure to immediately have them erased off his record. His mother left the picture when he was three years old, and to this day his father still asserts that she was only with him for his money. While their family situation was complicated, Dominic (who is an only child) did receive as much attention as his father could give him and was quite spoiled, receiving private piano and acting lessons throughout middle and high school.
Between middle and high school, his appearance did a complete 180 and he showed up looking, in one word- hot (As the internet was to eventually officially decide). When he figured out he'd been rated on his appearance online, it came as quite a shock to him- he's never let his appearance get to his head and is quite a humble person despite of his family's wealth and his personal achievements.
During high school, Dominic spent most of his time hanging around with the popular crowd. One of his closest friends was Andrew. Despite him initially believing they wouldn't be able to get along due to their differences, they became good friends as they could relate to having their fathers put pressure on them to be successful. Andrew introduced him to his younger brother Jace. They soon became good friends, Dom fell for him rather quickly and they started going out. Through Jace, Dominic met Vera, whose art and skill he greatly admires. When he saw her work he convinced his father to offer her an internship to design marketing materials for the company and give her an opportunity to work with the other media professionals working for them.
Although he doesn't approve of his current relationship, Dominic's father has no issue with his orientation (or pretty much anything else he does) so long as he continues to fulfill his responsibility to the company and continues to bring home Honor's worthy grades. Acting is what Dominic enjoys, but because of his father's pressure, he enrolled in business school to carry on his legacy, with the expectation that he will one day set up new branches for the company (a fast-growing tech and entertainment firm) in other states, maybe even internationally.

Plays piano, is fluent in French.​
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(I don't like messing with BBcode. If it's a big deal I can go grab one from somewhere.)


Andrew Valentine Hawthorne

| Andy, Val |

| 22 |

| Male |

| Heterosexual |

| The Quarterback |


| Sports, Girls, Action Movies, Parties, His Brother |

| Commitment, The Musician, Horror Movies, Heights, Romance |

| On the outside Andrew is a pretty typical jock. He gets grades that are good enough just to get by. He worries more about football than school. He's even a party animal and when he's at one he's always found trying to be the life of the party. He can be a bit of a bully to the people that he doesn't know, especially those he considers to be nerds. He hangs out with the popular kids and does everything that a normal quarterback could be found doing. Andy doesn't shy away from drugs and alcohol, keeping up with the best of them when it comes to indulging himself. He's the leader of his fraternity and it shows, always doing something to start a party.

On the inside however, Andy is an extremely different person. Very few ever actually see this side. His father puts incredible pressure on him and he sometimes cracks under it. While he doesn't make the same impressive grades his brother does, it's almost an unspoken rule that Andrew has to try his hardest at everything. He's not allowed to miss practice, he has to keep the illusion up that his fraternity is good willing. Anything that would look good on a resume. Andrew often tries to play off his bad grades, claiming that he doesn't care enough but the truth is he's just genuinely not smart. However, due to his upbringing he's far too proud to ask for help so he just keeps soldiering on.

The problem with being told what you're supposed to do with your whole life is that you stop being able to think for yourself. Andy has no clue what he wants to do once he graduates college and that thought terrifies him. He's always looked up to his brother who seems so driven and smart. Val, like the rest of his family, had no idea that his Brother had already dropped out of college. He doesn't just look up to his brother though, Andy is a family man. He would drop anything to help them out, even though his father is often cold to both his sons. |


Bio (Most of this is going to be similar to Jace, obviously.)
| Andrew was the first born to a wealthy business owner. From the start Andrew and his brother were raised to eventually take over the company their father ran. However it became extremely apparent at a young age that the younger sibling was more inclined to inherit the company. This led to their father spending more time with Jace, tutoring him. Andrew eventually distanced himself away from the company and picked up football. Though it was apparent their father cared much more for Jace, there was no bad blood between the brothers. Andrew has happy for his little brother and wished him the best of luck.

But just as Jace was born for computers, it seemed that his brother was born for football. He took to it like a fish to water much to the surprise of everyone and earned a full ride to college. The school he got into was much too prestigious for Andy's awful grades, but thanks to a sizable donation from his father he made it in. Andy hadn't wanted to go to the school his father chose but his father had insisted. He'd gotten full scholarship offers from schools that had an extremely good football team and wanted to go there. The school he ended up going to barely even had a football team and Andrew had to carry them through two rough seasons at the start. Eventually the team got better and they became an actual contender for the national title.

Val loved the college life. Everything about it suited him. The parties, the no strings attached sex, it was great. Andy's grades continued to be sub par, especially considering the school he was going to but he was carrying his school to the national finals so no one batted an eye. Outside of his own frat, Andy didn't really have many friends at school. This led to him hanging out with his brother and his friends more often than not. This snowballed into him eventually dating The Singer. Their relationship was fine at first and Andy had no complaints at first but then marriage came into the picture. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to do as a career but he was supposed to marry someone? Yeah right. With those thoughts in mind, one drunken night he just needed to get away from it all. He'd been with the same girl for far too long and he ended up sleeping with The Artist. |


Full Name: Dominic Sanford
Nick Name: Nick, Dom
Age: 21
DOB: June 18th
Sign: Gemini
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
The Businessman
Significant Other: Jace Hawthorne

View attachment 326845 View attachment 326847
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Style: Sometimes Business/Business Casual, otherwise nicely dressed with a hint of flair- a unique tie or a cool pair of shoes. Although he's got style down, he's working to branch out of his black-white-navy blue attire into something cooler and more refreshing.​

Likes: Reading, Socializing, Travel, Jace, Vacations
Dislikes: Loneliness, being bored, clutter, being rushed
Personality: Dominic is a fast learner and enjoys exchanging his ideas with others. He enjoys learning and is quite a curious person. If there is one thing Dominic is good at, it is adapting to something new. He fares well in group projects, and generally gets along well with most people. Among friends and loved ones he is a gentle, affectionate person. Although he does enjoy socializing, he can become nervous around others or when important responsibilities are placed on him, and he has trouble with consistency in his academic life and career.​

In his younger years, Dominic was quite immature and a bit "too much" for the other kids. He never had significant behavior problems- if he did, his father would have made sure to immediately have them erased off his record.
His mother left the picture when he was three years old, and to this day his father still asserts that she was only with him for his money. While their family situation was complicated, Dominic (who is an only child) did receive as much attention as his father could give him and was quite spoiled, receiving private piano and acting lessons throughout middle and high school.
Between middle and high school, his appearance did a complete 180 and he showed up looking, in one word- hot (As the internet was to eventually officially decide). When he figured out he'd been rated on his appearance online, it came as quite a shock to him- he's never let his appearance get to his head and is quite a humble person despite of his family's wealth and his personal achievements.

During high school, Dominic spent most of his time hanging around with the popular crowd. One of his closest friends was Andrew. Despite him initially believing they wouldn't be able to get along, they became good friends as they could relate to having their fathers put pressure on them to be successful. Andrew introduced him to his younger brother Jace. They soon became good friends, Dom fell for him rather quickly and they started going out. Through Jace, Dominic met Vera, whose art and skill he greatly admires. When he saw her work he convinced his father to offer her an internship to design marketing materials for the company and give her an opportunity to work with the other media professionals working for them.

Although he doesn't approve of his current relationship, Dominic's father has no issue with his orientation, so long as he continues to fulfill his responsibility to the company and continues to bring home Honor's worthy grades. Acting is what Dominic enjoys, but because of his father's pressure, he enrolled in business school to carry on his legacy, with the expectation that he will one day set up new branches for the company (a fast-growing tech and entertainment firm) in other states, maybe even internationally.​
Vera Vembo

basic data
full name: Sophia Vera Ioannou
age: 18
nicknames: V, Fify, Sophie
gender: Female
sexuality: Homosexual
eye color: Green
hair color: Red
role: The Artist
height: 5'8


  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Tattoos
  • Action and Fantasy Movies
  • Video games


  • Being interrupted when drawing
  • Her father
  • People who don't get her art
  • Stuck up people
  • Fast food


  • Father: Strained to say the least, not taking her mother being committed by him well which compound that with her want to be an artist against her fathers wishes and her taking her mother. She is I open rebellion against him, taking her middle name (maternal grandmothers name) and her mother's maidens name, getting tattoos and so on.
  • Mother: idiolises as she was the one who encouraged Vera artistry and showed her true affection unlike Vera's father. Despite her father's wishes, she visits her mother whenever she can.
  • Younger Sister: have always been close but the field between Vera and her father hands it difficult for them to meet.
  • Quarterback: Always been friendly until their one night stand which made things awkward. She considered it as a drunken mistake and teases him by claiming he took advantage of he but feels bad about ruining his relationship and determined to bring them back together

Vera hadn't had the easiest childhood, her family was not well of but she couldn't complain that she was lacking in terms of physical needs. However her home life was a different story, at first her parents were loving and happy gaining her love of art from her tattoo artist mother and love of cooking from her father. Yet something changed, her parents began to argue about one thing after the other, how Vera was raised, what her mother did for a living, and her father turned to a controlling and obsessive. At that time Vera took solace in her art as a way of escape blocking other things around her, something her mother encouraged while her father tried to push her into other things. In the end at the age of 13 she returned from school early at shocking news, her mother was committed by her father. She began to hate her father going in open rebellion against him and trying her hardest to detach herself from him.

School wise she was a fair student, said o be really intelligent and capable if he applied herself to more than just art. Her home life didn't help matters with her grades dropping steeply after her mother getting committed and often being truant. Not to mention she had been so distracted with her home life she had never truly though of her future so by the end was unsure about what to do with herself. She tries not to think about it spending her time in her art and friends until finally came graduation and she had to think quickly about what to do. Likely her friendship might the solution she needs.

Vera is a firecracker to say the least. She is definitely a difficult person to be with a snarky mouth which speaks her mind without filter or tact. She can be aggressive with a quick argumentative nature and with a love of taking risks without care of the consequences. Finally she can be obseessive and focused especially when it comes with her art, spending hours and hours on her with no sleep or food seemingly going to a trance. To interrupt her in that state will lead go trouble.

However have patience with her and she pays back for it back big time. She is fun, humorous and gregarious enjoying nothing more that to spend time with her friends. She is loyal and supportive, pushing people to do what the dream and take risks. She is very protective of friends too,stemmed by the loss of her mother, stepping in for anyone in need without care for herself.
The age just has to be changed to around 19-22
Vera Vembo

basic data
full name: Sophia Vera Ioannou
age: 20
nicknames: V, Fify, Sophie
gender: Female
sexuality: Homosexual
eye color: Green
hair color: Red
role: The Artist
height: 5'8


  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Tattoos
  • Action and Fantasy Movies
  • Video games


  • Being interrupted when drawing
  • Her father
  • People who don't get her art
  • Stuck up people
  • Fast food


  • Father: Strained to say the least, not taking her mother being committed by him well which compound that with her want to be an artist against her fathers wishes and her taking her mother. She is I open rebellion against him, taking her middle name (maternal grandmothers name) and her mother's maidens name, getting tattoos and so on.
  • Mother: idiolises as she was the one who encouraged Vera artistry and showed her true affection unlike Vera's father. Despite her father's wishes, she visits her mother whenever she can.
  • Younger Sister: have always been close but the field between Vera and her father hands it difficult for them to meet.
  • Quarterback: Always been friendly until their one night stand which made things awkward. She considered it as a drunken mistake and teases him by claiming he took advantage of he but feels bad about ruining his relationship and determined to bring them back together

Vera hadn't had the easiest childhood, her family was not well of but she couldn't complain that she was lacking in terms of physical needs. However her home life was a different story, at first her parents were loving and happy gaining her love of art from her tattoo artist mother and love of cooking from her father. Yet something changed, her parents began to argue about one thing after the other, how Vera was raised, what her mother did for a living, and her father turned to a controlling and obsessive. At that time Vera took solace in her art as a way of escape blocking other things around her, something her mother encouraged while her father tried to push her into other things. In the end at the age of 13 she returned from school early at shocking news, her mother was committed by her father. She began to hate her father going in open rebellion against him and trying her hardest to detach herself from him.

School wise she was a fair student, said o be really intelligent and capable if he applied herself to more than just art. Her home life didn't help matters with her grades dropping steeply after her mother getting committed and often being truant. Not to mention she had been so distracted with her home life she had never truly though of her future so by the end was unsure about what to do with herself. She tries not to think about it spending her time in her art and friends until finally came graduation and she had to think quickly about what to do. Likely her friendship might the solution she needs.

Vera is a firecracker to say the least. She is definitely a difficult person to be with a snarky mouth which speaks her mind without filter or tact. She can be aggressive with a quick argumentative nature and with a love of taking risks without care of the consequences. Finally she can be obseessive and focused especially when it comes with her art, spending hours and hours on her with no sleep or food seemingly going to a trance. To interrupt her in that state will lead go trouble.

However have patience with her and she pays back for it back big time. She is fun, humorous and gregarious enjoying nothing more that to spend time with her friends. She is loyal and supportive, pushing people to do what the dream and take risks. She is very protective of friends too,stemmed by the loss of her mother, stepping in for anyone in need without care for herself.
Yep than your all good

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