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Kaz Can be portrayed as any of those wraiths in the video but this is at his most powerful and armored state.)

View attachment 363813 View attachment 363814 name: Kaz

Age: 23 around ( appeareance) 367 ( actual)
Gender: male
Role: Patient
Ward: sector B
Height: 6"4'
Weight: 3 lbs
Species: Humanoid Wraith
Powers: teleportation( quick movements that is faster than super speed but only short distances and cannot go through walls), ability to move inside objects such as a statue . sword wielding ( note: only available if he receives a medium to small amount of energy manifested )

Weapons: none except only in the low to medium energy he takes In that he can form a wraith sword .the sword has a specific poison in it that would slowly and painfully turn the victim into a feral wraith within time but the time varies as the maximum time would be a week and minimum as a day. The poison has a cure but is experimental as it has a 60% success rate

Weakness: completely reliant on energy/ electricity to become powerful otherwise is in weakened state. Physical appeareance is visible when not hiding to other guards and humans. Being overcharged can cause dizziness for a few minutes. His speed is reflected off of his power energy, the lower it is the slower he will go.

Personality: Kaz is a smart and clever wraith that will do anything to his advantage to get what he wants to survive but will not betray his friends. He mainly is an ambush type of wraith that would normally hide in a statue and wait for an unsuspecting guard to come along for him to strike.

Bio: Kaz never started out as a wraith but was rather a ex- Templar captured by the teutons for deserting a lost battle of 10 to 1 by foolish commanders , he died in that prison but his wraith like spirit never rested but now throughout the world he lingers and wanders around forever watching until the asylum came. Keeping him in a container is easy but trying to find where he is is a whole new challenge .

Other: he does not speak but if you remain close to him you will hear whispers inside your head either unknown language or in an understandable language meaning he is talking specifically to you. If he is ever equipped with armor it would be nearly impossible to tell the difference between him and a statue due to a still like nature .Lastly if Kaz stabs anyone with his sword and it is left untreated he does have the ability to go Inside the victims body and control them around until either the person is treated or the week expires and he/she turns fully into a feral wild wraith.

(This shows Kaz at his weaker slower state as you can see his ability to hide Inside statues )

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