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  1. Iowa

    Music Which artists do you listen to the most?

    Red Army Choir, Erich-Weinert ensemble, MYTH & ROID, Voltaire and some other unnamed artists
  2. Iowa

    Music Favorite album from one of your fav bands?

    Voltaire- Riding a Black Unicorn Down the Side of an Erupting Volcano While Drinking from a Chalice Filled with the Laughter of Small Children (Yes this is the name of the album) Aurelio Voltaire - Riding a Black Unicorn WHOLE ALBUM - OFFICIAL - YouTube
  3. Iowa

    Anime & Manga Fav Anime?

    Monogatari, all the long dialogues filled with some clever little references, great art style, even fight scenes were god damn beautiful, especially in Kizu
  4. Iowa

    Anime & Manga Your first EVER anime! ^^

    Veeeery first anime was Pokemon But if that doesn't count... Sword Art Online back when it first came out
  5. Iowa

    Anime & Manga Do you like subbed or dubbed better?

    Subbed, but the only anime I find tolerable with dubs is Hellsing.
  6. Iowa

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    Fortnite: See Fortnite youtubers and their fanbase. PUBG: They think they stand on this "pedestal of truth" for playing the "better battle royale" , but don't you dare say there are better BR games than PUBG otherwise you WILL be insulted... a lot.. and probably be called a fornite player.
  7. Iowa

    Video Games Fortnite

    ARMA 2 battle royale was better. But seriously, why is this game so popular with youtubers? It feels boring and really lacking, yet it still has this massive popularity (Then again the massive popularity could be BECAUSE of the youtubers).
  8. Iowa

    Video Games Any games that you think are Overrated?

    Fortnite AND PUBG, would rather be playing ARMA King of the Hill
  9. Iowa

    Anime & Manga Favorite Anime this fall season?

    Only watching Shitara Slime atm. Didn't really like GS since it's "too realistic" (in my opinion gory anime are better with supernatural stuff, basically like Hellsing or Elfenlied)