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  1. Emberskull

    Fantasy The First Thought CS

    @Squad141 Name: Genevieve Thwarts Age: 29 Appearance: short curly red hair, a pert, upturned nose, and round face. Thin lips and freckles across her nose.    Species: human Weaponry: ironwood bow, as well as hidden blades (  ) Abilities: Swiftness and extreme...
  2. Emberskull

    Fantasy Find me. CS

    @Dessertid Picture / description     Full Name: Santiago SnarkNickname or alias: San or Frederick DenaliGender: Male Age: 32 Occupation: Leader, Station 3 and Banker  Features: jet black hair, always sleeked back with excessive amounts of gel. Very curved eyebrows, high cheek...
  3. Emberskull

    Fantasy Survival Academy! ~ Characters

    Appearance: Name: Jazmine Wilkins Age: 22 Power (One per character): Telepathy Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Straight Personality (Optional): Jazmine is a girl who possesses a quieted rage. She lovable when you get to know her and will sacrifice anything for her friends...
  4. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Songbird500 Hmmmmm... Right now, there are some people fighting outside in a blizzard, and lotsa dead people in the resistance base. I don't know anywhere specific that you could jump in, but your character cold stumble upon the massacre
  5. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Songbird500 Accepted!
  6. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Songbird500 Yep!
  7. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Mage Alahe Accepted!
  8. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Fallenwhisper Accepted!
  9. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Obsidian Accepted!
  10. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @Jzork Oh gosh, sorry. Doing two things at once X)
  11. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

     Holy guacamole that thing's creepy... Accepted!
  12. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @TheCountryWarrior Accepted!
  13. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @DeathValley105 okay then, Accepted!
  14. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @DeathValley105  As @Wick has just stated, it would be strange to have someone more powerful than time and space, but I'm fine with him being the same age/strength as Death, since war does harness death. Apart from that, he's a great character that gives us a lot to work with!
  15. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- OOC Chat

    NP :)
  16. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @HumansArentReal Thanks for understanding! I don't see any more problems, so you're free to RP with him :P
  17. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- OOC Chat

    @MatTamMax The Gods are currently in their land, beyond human reach. There are two gods in the library, Farazia (The leader) is in her work room and Coactus is with her. There are also two gods in The Forest of Innocence and one outside of the Assassin's base. All the Assassins are inside the...
  18. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @HumansArentReal XP Okay... Well, you don't have to change anything if we make the two gods that are related to the forest kin, if you're up for that. 
  19. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @HumansArentReal I'm not quite sure about the part with him being the ruler of the forest, mainly because we already have a deity of forestry, but otherwise, he's accepted! @Syra the opportunity has passed, sorry. *-* 
  20. Emberskull

    Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

    @MatTamMax I don't see any problems with him! Accepted!