Search results for query: *

  1. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    six: canyon moon - each tab has a scroll background-color: #954105 ; color: #e4eeff; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; margin: auto; min-width: 350px; text-align: center; width: 10px...
  2. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    five: my entire universe - scrolls under quote/header character namecode by summerwine you deserve the entire universe, but i'm just a star...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae varius nisi, sit amet egestas magna. Donec semper cursus magna. Mauris quis...
  3. summerwine

    Help questions about box shadow and transition duration :)

    @fated ahhh thank you so much! Its perfect! <3 @Alteras and thank you for the help with the box shadow! <3
  4. summerwine

    Help questions about box shadow and transition duration :)

    Thank you! the margin-bottom worked :) So, my original question was if there was a way to have a transition back to the original image once you remove your mouse from it. Is that possible?
  5. summerwine

    Help questions about box shadow and transition duration :)

    Can you show me an example of the margin? Also, I tried doing what you said and it doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong?
  6. summerwine

    Help questions about box shadow and transition duration :)

    Hello! I'm currently working on a bbcode and I need some guidance <3 This is what I have as of right now (just started): background: url(''); background-size: cover; width: 300px; height: 500px...
  7. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    four: dreaming - hover over image - includes scroll when hovered max-width:400px; margin:auto; width:90%; height:590px; background:url(''); border-radius: 20px; display: flex; align-items...
  8. summerwine

    Help hover code confusion ):

    @Fyuri @crucialstar - Thank you both so much! I think I was able to successfully do what I wanted. <3 max-width:400px; margin:auto; width:90%; height:590px; background:url(''); border-radius...
  9. summerwine

    Help hover code confusion ):

    hi hi! I'm hovering the entire code. When you'd hover over it the code would have more writing, pictures and a different background. Links would be super helpful. (:
  10. summerwine

    Help hover code confusion ):

    How would one code a hover over this current code? I'm super duper confused. Natalia Dyer
  11. summerwine

    Resource ✧ — with great power comes great responsibility | freebies

    [code i used] I changed up the colors, pictures and font in the little white box. Beautiful code. 💖
  12. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    three: very lazy - tabs - no scroll in tabs background:url(''); height: 240px; width: 405px; border-radius: 90px; border: 8px; border-style: double; border-color: #FFC9C9; margin: auto; code by summerwine [div...
  13. summerwine

    Help accordion probs );

    Thank you for the help!
  14. summerwine

    Help accordion probs );

    Hey there! If you click on the tabs, there is a white space between what's inside the tab and the header. Not sure how to fix it. Help would be great, thank you. <3 background:url(''); height: 240px; width: 405px...
  15. summerwine

    Help centering code

    @Fyuri thank youu! I’ll try that later today.
  16. summerwine

    Help centering code

    Hey there! How would I center this code (in the spoiler above)
  17. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    two: elegance - hover over left picture - gray text box scrolls background:url(''); width: 590px; height: 110px; margin-left: 361px; background...
  18. summerwine

    Help cs help

    Hey there! I'm trying to add an invisible scroll box on the right side of the image with a hover. I'm having trouble coding that, though. Help would be appreciated. (:
  19. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    one: my girl - there are scrolls in each tab cuz you're my girl {slide= fa-diamond fa-spin fa-gratipay fa-diamond fa-spin fa-gratipay fa-diamond fa-spin}type stuff here{/slide} {slide= whenever you're around I hate everything less}type stuff here{/slide} {slide= fa-diamond fa-spin...
  20. summerwine

    Resource summerwine's coding junkyard

    margin: auto; background: url(''); height: 280px; width: 500px; [div class=image] summerwine's coding junkyard Hey there kiddos! So this is my junkyard of all different kinda codes...