Search results for query: *

  1. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource SYSTEM_ERROR

    Hi! Your codes are badass. I'm not actually planning on using any of them, but I see Xiao, I love Xiao. Now I'll be on my way, have a great day!
  2. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    width:80%;height:auto;min-height:200px;border:5px dotted transparent;position:relative;margin:auto;margin-top:150px;padding:5px;border-top-right-radius:200px;border-top-left-radius:200px; width:210px;height:250px;border:5px dotted...
  3. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    width:85%;height:auto;min-height:200px;border:1px solid transparent;margin:auto;padding:1px;position:relative; display:inline-block;min-width:98%;border:1px solid transparent; display:inline-block;min-width:98%;padding:5px;margin-top:40px...
  4. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    width:80%;min-height:305px;margin:auto;border:3px double;padding:5px;position:relative; width:50%;height:32px;margin-top:-6px;text-align:center;border-bottom:solid 1px #ffffff;margin:auto;margin-left:50px; width:215px;height:300px;float:right;overflow:hidden;border:3px...
  5. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    width:75%;height:auto;min-height:250px;border: 5px solid #ffffff;margin:auto;margin-top:80px;position:relative;padding:5px;padding-top:25px;padding-bottom:10px; width:0;height:0;border-style:solid;border-width: 0 0 255px...
  6. IdyllicDreamer

    Suggestion BB+

    Having no idea how the BB+ code is formatted, or how it is built to handle each input as it does, I can only speculate on if this is possible, but from my perspective it does not... seem that difficult to implement. The setup already includes hover, I was wondering if ::first-line and...
  7. IdyllicDreamer

    Suggestion BB with Backgrounds

    I am the Preacher, spreading the word of the colors.
  8. IdyllicDreamer

    Suggestion BB with Backgrounds

    No, no, see I'm the announcement. The lone freedom fighter with a very vague cause. Maybe Suggestion was the wrong prefix to use?
  9. IdyllicDreamer

    Suggestion BB with Backgrounds

    Of course, no one could just force them to add it in, that would be silly. I just wanted to try and raise 'awareness' so to speak. I probably wouldn't have thought of it myself if not for the mention in the rules about coloring font in posts as potentially making it harder for some people to read.
  10. IdyllicDreamer

    Suggestion BB with Backgrounds

    Oh, no I didn't mean for the website to do that, I was just saying I think individual BBcoders, when making what they share, could consider the idea of adding in a specified color if they chose to specify a background.
  11. IdyllicDreamer

    Suggestion BB with Backgrounds

    I have noticed that a number of the codes I have seen, which either have backgrounds or specify what color the background should be at all times, neglect to actually add in a specified color for the font. My own codes tend to be dark, as the darker color theme feels easier on my eyes, which is...
  12. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    width:75%;height:auto;min-height:250px;border: 5px solid #ffffff;margin:auto;margin-top:50px;position:relative;padding:5px; width:200px;height:270px;padding:5px;float:Left;border-radius:10%;margin-top:-50px;margin-left:-100px;margin-right:10px...
  13. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    width:80%;height:auto;min-height:350px;padding:10px;border:3px double #ffffff;margin:auto;border-radius:10px;position:relative; height:26px;border-bottom:double 4px...
  14. IdyllicDreamer

    Resource Dreamt up Codes.

    I like coding, I like the way strings of words, letters, and characters can work together to make something visually appear on a screen, something which is either aesthetically pleasing, or functional. I like trying to combined it all to create things, and I love building little work spaces. I...