Search results for query: *

  1. peritwinkle

    Experiences Barely do any RPing on this site

    Well, I gave your search thread a read and I can say this: advertising yourself negatively doesn’t help. You shouldn’t mention you were dropped in the past for whatever reason. It just doesn’t reflect good on you and makes you sound bitter, from an objective point of view. Applies to the “please...
  2. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint FCs and character appearances

    I think the most fun is implementing small information about your character throughout the story. “Joan’s pale fingers trailed over the spine of the tome.” “His muscles rippled beneath his shirt.” “Her hair looked like honey in the sun.” To me this is so much more interesting than face...
  3. peritwinkle

    Experiences Barely do any RPing on this site

    Do you have any actually thorough search treads up? If people are unsafisfied with your post length (for example) it could mean: 1. Either you did not specify your usual post length in your search thread or when you messaged a potential partner 2. You did specify it but did not actually stick...
  4. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint Is RP an adult-friendly hobby?

    You always have to make some sort of compromise for things you love. I’ve been roleplaying since I was 11 years old but now I’m in dental med school and it’s very difficult to find the time to write, and even when there IS time, I rarely have enough energy to sit down and write something good...
  5. peritwinkle

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    You missed my point, I think
  6. peritwinkle

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    I think it’d be good to specify you heavily code your posts when making or replying to a search thread. I personally not only dislike mismatched aesthetics in roleplay threads (the usual “oh, but you don’t have to code YOUR posts!”) but also get easily distracted by bright colors/images, small...
  7. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint What do your rp partners do that you love?

    Occasionally compliment my writing. It feels so nice to know that my artistic efforts are appreciated.
  8. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    As a novella writer, I don’t mind shorter replies during intense/dialogue scenes that require a lot of back and forth between characters. I would rather they give me something good to work with and cut unnecessary filler.
  9. peritwinkle

    Experiences Have you ever felt so badly about your writing that you weren't able to post?

    I’m very sorry this happened to you. We all have bad days. On some days I could feel like writing but nothing comes out right. On other days inspiration just strikes out of nowhere and I find myself writing notes at 4AM on my phone. My point is, don’t force yourself to write if you aren’t...
  10. peritwinkle

    What are awesome names to name your OC’s?

    Try to add your own twist to names you already like, such as Leyla (Leia) or Bastian (Sebastian). If you don’t like to look through countless of names on baby name sites, Pinterest has tons of great ideas, too. Ultimately, you could play with random words in google translate. My favourite...
  11. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint Tired of these RP topics

    That’s why it’s always a good idea to make your own thread when you don’t see something you like among the already posted ones
  12. peritwinkle

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    @Folly-Derrezzed I chewed and spit the facts too
  13. peritwinkle

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    More things I stay quiet about: - Posting threads about being unable to find partners and blaming it on the site algorithm is counterproductive - Creating characters with mental disorders as someone who has not experienced them is acceptable so long as their traits are rooted in reality...
  14. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    @gheist I agree with you on the advanced literate thing. I use it because they’re keywords for people who write stuffy, vocabulary-rich posts on this site :/
  15. peritwinkle

    Experiences You know an RP is great when ...

    - When you’re constantly brainstorming about it even when going about your day - When 2 replies in you and your partner are already making memes about it Also, this:
  16. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint "This story/character is a lot like..."

    This reminds me of a time when I made an OC in the Harry Potter universe who had a hare as a patronus and someone told me I "flat out copied Luna Lovegood" as if every single wizard in the world has a different patronus???
  17. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint How do you feel about people that break your RP rules?

    I’m a 1x1 roleplayer, but I do get quite annoyed when someone replies to my search thread and I quickly learn that they didn’t read my rules/requirements well enough. I’m lucky enough to have only experienced this at the beginning of roleplays and not in the middle of it. However if they broke...
  18. peritwinkle

    Advice/Help What things should be included in a(n) role-play request thread?

    Here are my tips on a search thread that will look good and please your love for "aesthetics": 1. Introduction - write about yourself, what tense and person you reply in (ex: third person, past tense), what your schedule looks like (ex: "I usually reply twice a week"), where you like to roleplay...
  19. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint How do you feel about people that ignore you OOC once the RP starts?

    I don’t know if adding to this thread is overkill at this point, but firstly I wouldn’t call it a trend, but more of a reoccurring experience, if you’ve had it happen more than once. While there are people who aren’t particularly interested in friendly chit-chat on the site, roleplaying is...
  20. peritwinkle

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    I thought the whole point of roleplaying was being able to build your own stories from scratch and giving life to your own characters. Playing entirely by someone else's set of morals and traits sounds absurd to me.