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  1. myvalentina

    Plus-size characters in roleplays

    I think it's also not a lot of exposure to different body types out there to normalize fat bodies. While I don't disagree with the whole escapism argument I think it's mostly because they're just not presented enough in positive ways for people to latch onto bigger bodies as sources of...
  2. myvalentina

    What RP Are You Itching For?

    Horror! Ever since PT came out (RIP Silent Hills) I want to work with it as a jumping off point for something surreal and horrific.  Or a Fantasy/Futuristic rp that revolves around spies who must make sure a marriage between two warring space kingdoms goes off without a hitch. But it would...
  3. myvalentina

    I remember my first start on rping.

    I started RPing in the AOL chat rooms (A/S/L anyone?) like over ten years ago when I was a middle schooler. I think the chat room dynamic would be kinda equivalent to script RPing. But it was super quick and adrenaline fueled lol cause you were always trying to type your responses quickly...
  4. myvalentina

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    I was introduced to RPing through the AOL chatrooms. Those were wild! I loved them but I was also like 13 and probably giving out too much information to strangers lol. AOL chatrooms -> AIM -> Long stretch of nothing but fan fiction writing -> Tumblr -> RPnation!
  5. myvalentina

    What is the most looked over thing you find in fiction?

    This is something that I've been trying to work on, but like characters talking over each other. In roleplays characters tend to react to every thing that the other character says (I fall victim to this too). And in the real world conversations are way more messy. You might say something that...
  6. myvalentina

    Do you rp thoughts?

    You know what I actually think I agree more then I disagree with that. Like I've had problems with Rp-ing too many thoughts before like not remembering what had been said in an aside vs. what had been said verbally and yeah that would be remedied by keeping a lot of the thoughts out of the Rp...
  7. myvalentina

    Character Pictures?

    I've seem some pretty strict rules detailed in a lot of role-plays and really if it's all laid out early on then I see no elitism in wanting one thing over another (be it the FC pictures or be it rp format or strictly wanting to role-play one gender or sexuality). It's all preference and I mean...
  8. myvalentina

    Do you rp thoughts?

    I think it's important to write out thoughts. I agree that it can possibly change other players reactions to your character but I think that's putting such little faith in your fellow role players. Maybe it's because my writing style is flowery and descriptive so it's more a problem with me and...
  9. myvalentina

    Dialogue Decorations

    I've clashed like that before when rp-ing in a group (though it wasn't forum based so it might not match up with your experiences). Because there were different people with different styles it was sometimes frustrating especially because it felt, to me, like I was the one adapting my style to...
  10. myvalentina

    Just a little curious

    I think I want to expand on this. Someone else also talked about the idea of just the popularity of the brooding character right now, and it has become a staple of many movies and tv shows recently so if you're in any way tuned in to popular culture it's going to be at the forefront of your...
  11. myvalentina

    I have to ask, what's up with all the romance?

    Yeah I feel like it's a sampling bias. There's just more young girls around to pin it on them that they're hormone riddled and romance obsessed. Personally, I tend to shy away from romances in rps because I yeah they can be limiting especially early on when you haven't established how the...
  12. myvalentina

    Conclusion on What Interests Roleplayers

    Bringing out the salt shakers, eh. I've been out of the loop for a long while, but when I jumped back into rp on another site I saw a lot of celebrity rp groups like out the wazzu. Maybe they've always been around I just never noticed (didn't want to notice). Are they big around here?