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  1. Whisker

    Experiences Your least liked and favourite part of a Character Sheet to do?

    All of it. It's good for putting down notes and organizing, but it kills the mystique of many of the characters. I prefer to introduce them the old fashioned way.
  2. Whisker

    Experiences Roleplaying with ADHD

    I have ADHD and in my experience, this can be a symptom, but its also fairly normal in the world of roleplaying. People ghost or lose interest all the time for every reason under the sun. There's really no telling. For me, I can hyperfocus on a rp (or other hobby) to the exclusion of most...
  3. Whisker

    Advice/Help Difference between Lazy-Lit and just plain lazy?

    Objectively none, imo. Lazy-lit falls in that category of could drop a thousand word plus bomb or a couple hundred depending on what they feel like doing at that time. I personally don't ascribe it to 'Casual' or 'Semi-lit' because the way those terms have been used historically in the rp...
  4. Whisker

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    I forgot this earlier in my pet peeves but when you're in a group RP and the GM has more than two active interest checks out for other group rps at once. When I see that, I pretty much immediately lower my expectations that the RP at hand will ever be finished. I understand that some people can...
  5. Whisker

    Experiences Does writing calm you or stress you out?

    Stressed. Im a type-A, perfectionist personality with severe ADHD. In addition, I think predominantly in pictures than words. As a result, I can get stuck for hours in wordsmithing a single sentence to describe what Im picturing in my head, which almost never delivers my scenes ( at least in my...
  6. Whisker

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Metric tons of dialogue. I love dialogue. It's cool and fun to write, but sometimes, particularly in 1x1 RPs, characters go on rambling tangents that other characters would probably realistically interrupt long before they get going. Bonus points if at the end of said dialogue that their...
  7. Whisker

    Experiences what's the most difficult fandom for you to find roleplay partners with?

    Dragon's Dogma is niche? I thought it was super popular just a few years ago. I'mma say Berserk, Metro series, the Belgariad by David Eddings, Castlevania (both show and games), Kenshi, and something like the Stalker series. PS: Add The Black Company by Glenn Cook.
  8. Whisker

    Advice/Help Character Troubles: How can I make plots work with a very indifferent, shy, and then also neurotic, odd sort of oc?

    Piggybacking off some things others have said, I think you described your main problem fairly well: What matters at the end of the day is that roleplaying is a two person or more endeavor and, therefore, you need to write, create characters, and choose stories with this in mind. To that end...
  9. Whisker

    Advice/Help Is it weird or frustrating of me to only roleplay one character regardless of the genre?

    I can see why some people might not like the idea of reusing a character over and over for different rps, but to say they're not real writers or roleplayers because of it is just bunk in my opinion. There's no rule that says the wheel must be reinvented with every new roleplay. I personally...
  10. Whisker

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    I dont know if this is the right place for this, but I would love to do a comedic roleplay featured around the town guards or local PD of any number of video game or tv fandoms. They're not the heroes, they're not special - but you know they've seen and put up with some shit. It's probably an...
  11. Whisker

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    If RPN had the functionality to give more than a heart, I would drop it for this.
  12. Whisker

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    Oh yeah, that's completely fine. It's one thing if it's planned and everyone's cool with it. It's quite another thing if the GM is just a complete doormat and refuses to do any kind of Q&A in regards to the roleplay.
  13. Whisker

    Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

    I don't know if it's a trope as much as it is annoying, but I will generally nope out if another person's character is beyond ridiculous for the setting. Some GM's will crack down on stuff like that, but others let every Tom, Dick, and Harry character skate by and join even if said character is...
  14. Whisker

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    I've never really been a fan of mecha. I like having the fighter jets fighting these crazy megaweapons of destruction. Project Wingman is REALLY up there as well if you haven't had a chance to check that one out yet.
  15. Whisker

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    I second for Ace Combat if you're ever interested @Rusty of Shackleford I've been dying for one forever. Same for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.
  16. Whisker

    Viewpoint Why do you RP?

    I started roleplaying because of video games. Games like Dragon Age: Origins, The Elder Scrolls, RDR2, etc left me imagining what my character must be thinking or feeling. I also imagined what their bonds might be like with their companions beyond what is seen on the screen. It drove me towards...
  17. Whisker

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    A pretty good answer! Thanks for that. Most of the stories I encounter can and do weave both of these styles together which is why it was confusing me that they were being treated as two entirely separate entities -- particularly with one style apparently being associated with one-liners.
  18. Whisker

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    I'm a bit lost in the dark here. What does "character-driven" or "plot-driven" even mean in regards to roleplaying, or any kind of storytelling for that matter? It's kind of like talking about cake and asking if you're egg-driven or flour-driven; they're both essential for achieving the end...
  19. Whisker

    Experiences Parlaying RP into Co-Authored Novel?

    I am in the process of doing so with a partner of mine. I don't think it will ever be released since it's a fandom, but the process for us has been fairly straightforward. Its divided into PoV chapters with one player being the main and one player being the side (we've a fairly large cast of...