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  1. Skari-dono

    New Camelot [M&M setting - WIP]

    I've been wanting to get this setting idea of mine down in writing for some time now and I figured that I could easily use this forum as both a tool and a medium. So here it is. First a little bit about the setting. It is, as the name suggests, inspired and influenced by the Arthurian Legends...
  2. Skari-dono

    Initiative in a PbP Savage Worlds game

    The problem is that doing so would require the ability that each player would draw cards from the same stack, which I imagine is not at all easy. I believe they have a card-deck system on Roll20, but that is based on everyone being online at the same time I think.
  3. Skari-dono

    Initiative in a PbP Savage Worlds game

    Particularly, if I were to run a game of Savage Worlds (Deluxe Edition) on this or any forum, how should I handle the game's initiative mechanics which is based on cards and not dice rolling? I like the mechanics, but this is a hindrance I don't really know how to handle. Thoughts or insight?
  4. Skari-dono

    Intensity Escalation as a game mechanic

    I actually have a thread here if you want to take a look. I like your ideas and specifically that the game is more focused on the narrative than the numbers; you should definitely keep focusing on that.
  5. Skari-dono

    Intensity Escalation as a game mechanic

    I'm working on my own little game right now and I approve of this mechanic as written. I don't particularly like the idea of the GM "spending" ES against the PCs. If the situation is tense, it should not get less tense because the GM used a point to make the PC fall into a trap. The ES could...
  6. Skari-dono

    Cartography in RPGs

    That's my point. I tend to overdo it. I still have the PS file so I can redo it when I am motivated enough. I did make a clean version (easier to print and stuff) that I started using for a campaign, but we haven't played in a long time. It was a cooperative world building for the most part.
  7. Skari-dono

    Things RpN Members are not allowed to do in tabletop games

    I am no longer allowed to play a perverted gnome, using my perverted gnome voice. I'm not even allowed to use the voice. Ever.
  8. Skari-dono

    Cartography in RPGs

    Here is one map with mountains, for comparison. Thank you for your positive comments, it is really appreciated :)
  9. Skari-dono

    Cartography in RPGs

    I say "not that good" when I try to add mountains. I tend to include too many mountains in illogical places. I'll show you an example when I get home from work.
  10. Skari-dono

    Cartography in RPGs

    I enjoy making maps from time to time, which is why I hate to admit I'm not really that good at it.
  11. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    Haven't read through B&S but I would like to see that :)
  12. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    Two more ideas I remembered today, neither one with clear plots in mind. Monstrous The PCs are monsters. This game would use Hunter: the Vigil for base, but the players would create their characters using Dread Powers and be on the other side of the Vigil. Any monster would be accepted, but...
  13. Skari-dono

    What's your favorite character sheet tool?

    I usually do all this stuff by my lonesome. Occasionally I like to use an interactive PDF sheet since I don't have much free space in front of my computer, and many of my books are in digital form, otherwise I prefer printing. If I'm running a game, I like to make the character sheets myself...
  14. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    Let me know if you ever decide to run it here :)
  15. Skari-dono

    You Rolled a One!

    A player in my first Vampire game (and one of my first games ever) decided it was a good idea for her character to do cartwheels down a set of risky looking stairs. The character broke the stairs, fell through the equally risky stairs below and hit the floor on her back. I never kill a character...
  16. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    At first I thought you were talking about the Wild West, as in Eastwood-style :P Then I thought "Exalted in a Western could be awesome!" I'll let someone else brainstorm about that one...
  17. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    Depends on the players. In one of my Scion games, the PCs are overpowered battle-machines that can kill anything and avoid any damage while doing so. (I'll admit that my houserules opened up the possibility of being overpowered battle-machines.)
  18. Skari-dono

    Exalted 3e Playtest Leaks - Discussion

    I'll admit, when I read that you could combine two or more languages into one superlanguage, I geeked out a bit :P Looking forward to the 3rd edition :D
  19. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    I can't remember if there was any ship creation rule in IM, but I would have wanted to use something similar in my pirate game. I'd probably be able to use some modifier Krewe or Haunt Merits. I agree that many players resort to violence, especially when threatened, rather than run away...
  20. Skari-dono

    Too many ideas!

    I really need to get my hands on that book :D I've been toying with this since I heard about the Dark Eras book for WoD, and I still hope that they do pirates for Geist (don't know if they've announced what era they're actually going for though). Too bad I missed your pitch :( I'd probably...