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  1. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Other Which kind of Rps are underrated and why?

    Ooooh, Lovecraftian horror. That's a new one i haven't heard for a good while. I think it's something that should get a lot more attention than it usualy gets
  2. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Other Which kind of Rps are underrated and why?

    Kinda fucked up on that one did i?
  3. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Other Which kind of Rps are underrated and why?

    See here is the thing. If A high school Rp Brings a New And fresh idea into the table and community isn't very interested in it that makes it underrated since most of the people think that it's another shitty up copycat idea where barely much is different from the other ones. It would be...
  4. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Other Which kind of Rps are underrated and why?

    Something like that. You have a fair point. Plot sure is needed to start but on its own as the story goes the Rpers make up the plot. It all comes down to creativity really. Though as always everyone has their preferences. "I want more realism" "I want more this and that" Yadda yadda. You get...
  5. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Other Which kind of Rps are underrated and why?

    Hey, My dudes. I wanted to know the answer from the community about underrated Rps they have partaken, thought about or seen working out but being mostly missed by this or different Rp communities.
  6. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Experiences God save the fantasy section.

    I will always say this. Highschool are overrated. Compared to other Rp types. They are Very repetetive, bringing not much new to the table. Where are the days of Kingdom Rps or something Actualy orginal and not a Repost of the same thing with a slight change of theme?
  7. MarinesThePsychoticReaper

    Advice/Help Futuristic Plot Discussion

    It still feels like a Dark Cyberpunk Theme despite there are no Mega Cities. I think you could give another reason for the Theta facilities to Exist. Preserving humanity is a good thing but them focusing on harvesting Data that can be used for further research from old facilities can be also an...