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  1. Malkav

    Experiences Characters vs Players

    This is a whole thing here. Have you even found yourself in a situation when you start attributing some qualities or actions of the character to the player? Yes, but mostly because they are bad RPers. Everyone leaves parts of themselves and signatures in their writing. We write what we know...
  2. Malkav

    Advice/Help Mentor

    Oh yeah dude. I've been RPing a bit over a decade now, majoring in English at college at aced English, English II Hon, Creative Writing I & II, and Journalisn, just to suck my self off for a sec. Anyways, you can throw some writing my way to critique, or we can do a beginner-type RP where I...
  3. Malkav

    Advice/Help Mentor

    Oh my dude, I can do this.
  4. Malkav

    Other Just a roleplay rant

    The issue is that people feel like they don't have enough to go on when you make short replies. Then it feels like extra work on their end to compensate, which makes you thrn think "why bother?" Then they leave. You don't need a wall of text, but I for one get frustrated when I go into...
  5. Malkav

    Idea What pushes you AWAY from superhero/villain roleplays?

    I love superhero/suoervillian stuff, which is why I'm playing one in an Infinite Crisis RP. I judt avoid actual super RPs because I'm afraid of dealing edgelord brooding antiheroes with dead parents and a tragic past and uber Mary Sues where all we do is fight and they insist that their super...
  6. Malkav

    Experiences Confessions as a FXF Roleplayer

    I'm the exact opposite of you. I avoid romantic and 1x1 RPs like thr plague. Group fun with pew pew lasers and jokes are a lot more fun to me.
  7. Malkav

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    There are these people called actors that portray differemt kinds of characters frequently. It's their job. There are also people called models who are paid to portray a brand or image. It's not creepy any more than it's creepy to see Christian Bale portray Batman.
  8. Malkav

    Why do you like to role-play? What does it do for you?

    I like exploring character ideas and conflicts and developing plot ideas. It's like freeform acting but, you know, the screen play version.
  9. Malkav

    Experiences Guilty Pleasures

    I like pretending to be an anime waifu and catch Pokemans. Don't hate.
  10. Malkav

    Advice/Help What's the Best Way to Break Up Soap Opera Drama in an RP

    Okay, so I'm a participant in all of this. I'm in a fandom RP and suddenly a guy who was gone comes up with god knows how many characters (I can't make it out and the flow and structure is too piss-poor for me to get it,) and suddenly there's some cliche evil judge in-law of one of his bajillion...
  11. Malkav

    Advice/Help What's the Best Way to Break Up Soap Opera Drama in an RP

    Doesn't matter the genre or theme, there's always someone whongeta pregnant out of nowhere, has an evil in-law, or decides that they have two super special Mary Sue boyfriends to choose from. So I ask the community: whqt is the best way to take the piss out of these situations?
  12. Malkav

    Idea Nothing

    Just seconding @geeking out's post.
  13. Malkav

    Experiences The big list of overdone RP cliches.

    If you're referring to real life, then yes, I agree that the "me too" narrative is overdone, but RPs really do not reflect the demographics a lot of the time.
  14. Malkav

    Character Theory Who Are Some of Your Favourite Characters? Do You Roleplay As Them?

    I think that I just think of an idea or belief or a fascination I have, then extrapolate from there. They will usually like some sort of genre of music I might like because I can't be fucked to look into music that I don't like, but otherwise I try to impact what they're like just by the nature...
  15. Malkav

    Character Theory Who Are Some of Your Favourite Characters? Do You Roleplay As Them?

    Most Mary Sues are. It's a sad wish fulfillment instead of wanting to craft a story with others. And this becomes more apparent when it's a teenager who's really into Harry Potter and muh Japanese animes.
  16. Malkav

    Advice/Help What are some good sites for realistic face claims?

    For real life face claims I go the hipster route and use obscure-ish musicians.
  17. Malkav

    Advice/Help Neon Valkyrie: Wholistic Consultant

    Hello Neon Valkyrie, first time caller here. I'm having a problem dealing with Mary Sues. I don't know if I should give up on the players or try to provide constructive criticism.
  18. Malkav

    Experiences What made you last longest running RP so good?

    My longest was on a now defunct board for the tabletop/live action roleplay Vampire: the Masquerade. It's incredibly well-written and has enough rules to prevent people from playing stupid bullshit and being a Mary Sue, and there was a staff that thoroughly reviewed character bios to make sure...