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  1. Chroma Doll

    Experiences How old were you when you first started roleplaying?

    I think I was 11 or 12 when I first started. And I found myself roped into a roleplaying community on facebook. I ended up making multiple accounts for roleplaying, and those accounts varied from fandoms; from Vocaloid to Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. I had no idea what I was doing, I was mainly...
  2. Chroma Doll

    Advice/Help What do you do to get your roleplay muse back after losing it?

    Don't force it. Creativity, especially if it's supposed to be fun, should not be forced to be present constantly. Otherwise it will actually get exhausting, frustrating, and feel less like a hobby. I usually just step back for a little while, maybe take a break, or look up potential headcanons...
  3. Chroma Doll

    Experiences what's the most difficult fandom for you to find roleplay partners with?

    Mine was usually Final Fantasy, because I tend to like the games others don't like. For example: Final Fantasy 13, or Final Fantasy 15. Now I'm struggling with Deadly Class 😭😭
  4. Chroma Doll

    Experiences Do I even bother pitching roleplays on this site anymore?

    Well, see it like this; if you don't try, you won't know and won't even get the chance to find someone. I get that it's frustrating to get no responses, or only ever get people who ghost, but if you enjoy roleplaying enough to want to put an effort in, then you might as well continue to put an...
  5. Chroma Doll

    Advice/Help What causes ghosting in roleplays and how to prevent it from happening?

    I don't believe you can prevent it from happening. As someone who hates ghosting, it's something I have to accept as fact too. Whatever causes ghosting can be a variety of reasons, but there's one that just seems to be the most common (at least in my experience) : people lose interest. And...
  6. Chroma Doll

    Experiences GMs of RPN, what are some things that bug you about running a Group RP?

    Bless you. I'm offending some people somewhere no matter what I'll say anyway, so might as well just say whatever LOL
  7. Chroma Doll

    Experiences GMs of RPN, what are some things that bug you about running a Group RP?

    HOO BOY, this is gonna be a loooooooooooong rant. And I apologize in advance. I have ran a couple of groups myself, and helped run my husband's groups a couple of times too. And the same things just seem to happen over and over again... 1. People don't read. 2. People don't cooperate. 3...
  8. Chroma Doll

    Experiences What's making you EXCITED to RP today?

    Setting up a new group! I'm excited to try something new, with a niche tv series/comic series as a base. I'm eager to get things going. <3
  9. Chroma Doll

    Advice/Help What is a good response time for RPs?

    Whenever you damn well feel like it. I'm one of those people who can wait for weeks and months if my rp partner does not have the time, energy, or inspiration to reply. Roleplaying, to me, is supposed to be a laid-back and fun hobby, not a chore. I personally hate it when people demand me to be...
  10. Chroma Doll

    Viewpoint Public or private 1x1s?

    I prefer PM when it comes to 1v1 sessions. I am incredibly self-conscious of my writing, but I also hate the prospect of someone messaging me to criticize my writing when it's not for them. In group rps it's fairly different since everyone is writing in a (semi-)public setting.
  11. Chroma Doll

    Experiences Does writing calm you or stress you out?

    Both, and it really depends what I'm trying to achieve or what the topic of the rp is. Writing has been one of my main hobbies, something I have loved to do for YEARS. But there have always been walls I run into repeatedly. For example; not knowing where to take the rp next. This may not...